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Current Bro, how does this site stay the same but change so much in just a few years. Damn
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Damn its been 4 years and it took a car crash, medical school and a pandemic to get me back here. Memories be crazy
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I'm gonna be away to the islands for three days so I'll be back Tuesday NZT <3 Will try and get online but I'm pretty sure there's no signal
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Got an 18 hour flight ahead of me today, wish me luck y'all :)
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Merry Christmas from NZ to RPG, have a fun one and hope you have prezzies <3


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*le gasp*

Character death?!

a criminal perspective

They say the Khan rules all. He's got apes in every city on his beck and call. He's got a ticket to heaven in one hand and a gun pointed to your head in the other. He can bring down nations, topple dictators, end wars. No one hides anything from him. He's got knives in the dark, snipers in the rooftops, legionnaires ready to kidnap your family. Secession is the ultimate sin, the greatest heresy. He is the be all, end all. The alpha. The ape we all look up to becuase might makes right. Fools think he keeps the peace, wise men think he's a necessary evil. To everyone, he is God and we're his followers. His rejects were left to pick up the scraps and earn their place. Too bad I worshipped a different God.

"I don't know Benny. Why would we take the risk? This the fuckin' Khan we're talkin' bout, not some bitch dictator or corrupt senator." Lamar Darwin, reject of his father Charles. Escaped those recycling plants to become the leader of the largest gene-trade gang in the Khanate. Stole it off that Columbus wannabe during a -gene-slave heist. Old chimp but a bit antsy with his new power.

A puff of yellow smoke spread through the air. Chem-trails, tobacco and Khan knows what else. "Yeah Benny, don't you worship that piece of shit? We do well running things low here, going up lands us nowhere but our faces in the dirt." Aria Nobunaga, young orangutan bitch. Inherited the Neo-Yakuza from Oda's bastard, pretty sure she was a bastard herself. Chem-headed monkey she may be but being head of the most organised drug trade in the Khanate brought her here.

I lit a fresh cigarette, normal unlike that dumb broad next to me. "We're not thriving. The Khan's giving us a challenge, to rise above our station. This news can give us big money as long as we think smart about it."

"And why should we give a shit? We're still rejects, no matter how much blood money we bring, how much order we give to this underworld of ours. Fuck, you have any idea how hard it is organising the chem-headed shitstains underneath me? Then with this shit-brained monkey idea of yours, I'd have to deal with fucked up gene-slaves, chimps faking Men in Black and Tim's weird ass face!" The chem-head paused. "No offence Tim."

A mouth full of canine teeth flashed in the darkness. "None taken sweetheart."

There seemed to be nods all around the table, from the biggest crime-lords in the Khanate, legitimate or underground. None seemed too receptive to his idea to collectivise. I sighed. How could no one realise how sweet a deal this could be? How much money it could bring? "If you bothered to take a look at what I sent you instead of snorting lines, you would see how virgin some of these places are. Take a look at these softies, the- the what do you call them? The Columbians?"

Hardcopies of a blue and white flag was passed around as well as a dossier. Some state representatives had severe debt and they owed me that intel. Either that or their daughters severed hands sent to their doorsteps. Funny how many monkeys talked when their family's lives were at risk, I never understood. My pa was a drunk and my ma was a right bitch.

"They've got Khan-damned aliens running around the place, faking this idea of cooperation. C'mon. We know history. We know what really happens to minorities, especially ones that were killing people before they got into the country. Big worm-man moves in next door, most people are gonna move away. Ghettos, segregation, humans aren't any better than us so they're definitely exploiting these displaced bastards somehow. Exploitation gives us business. Human supervisor giving you a hard time at work? Aria's super-molly is gonna give you the right kick. Sick of being beaten up by some human supremacists? Get juiced up by those gene-specific steroids Lamar has. These places got business for the likes of us."

I was winning them over, I could tell. They just needed a little more push. Needed to dangle the goods right in front of them. I pressed a button underneath the table as more dossiers were handed out across the room. A double-sides screen rose out of the table, depicting a message with the Khan’s banner seal in the corner. Signed by the state representative for the Theocracy.

How’d you get this, pumpkin? Didn’t know you had clergy in your pocket.

I rolled my eyes. “Your info-Empire isn’t as strong as it used to be, Timmy. And you know well enough that I’ve got that Descartes ambassador in my pocket, as does the rest of you. Did most of the dirty work for that with these mutated hands of mine.” Sporadic laughter as they read the message and the dossier. Descartes was a newbie and was low in the ladder so it took some happy accidents to get rid of his competition. Some of those were personally done and hilariously creative. I could allow myself a smile thinking about those particular jobs. The powdered chimp owed me for all that.

The smile seemed infectious as it spread around the room. Seems like some people were seeing what I was seeing. “Why do I fucking care about some pink-skinned civil war?”

Of course. She really needed to lower the stims. “Because, you little bastard,-” A scowl and a growl. I just smirked. “- war gives us opportunities. There’ll be people to be smuggled, people to give stims to, sides to arm. Intelligence we can gather to sell to the other side. This "Extra-Solar Mercenary Group" is going to be the biggest inter-state effort the Khanate has done and we cannot afford to not be a part of it. We have enough senators in our collective pockets to blackmail half the Khanate, we have the power to put apes on the ground. This is money straight to our pockets if we play this right.

The broad still didn’t look convinced and she narrowed her eyes. “What’s the deal Benny? The catch? You worship the Khan, you’re part of that weird fuckin’ cult of his. Why go behind your God’s back to do all this shit in foreign affairs? Who gave you the idea?”

I faked a grin and spread my arms. I felt enlightened and empowered. “Call it a message from the divine, Ms. Nobunaga.” I hated calling that upstart orange bonobo my God but needs must. Caesar was not a name to be spoken aloud, even by criminals.

a theological perspective

"Truly, the spirits are kind to have sacrificed so greatly, so magnanimous and unknown must be their power, to spare Humanity of its hubris. We have spirits who walk among us, brothers and sisters, who share the spirit's beauty and image. But this one fears they may not have their ideals. Do not be fooled by the false prophets, for many may come claiming the title of a Reclaimed Spirit! These men and women are just as guilty as we sinner apes are, make no mistake.

But we are better. We are Supreme, as willed by our creators. Crafted and shaped by their hands, we are their children. And is it not the duty of the children to be better than their fathers and mothers? I call ye to repent your sins, relieve your guilt. We have a duty as children to our progenitors and those who were lost from the Path. Fear not the coming darkness for our predecessors breathe once again!

War, civil war, is there among our creators and we must spill blood to end the bloodshed. I call the pilgrims, the guilty, the strong and able, to bear arms and forswear your oath to the Khan! Bear your willpower and might before the spirits and march to war! Crush the warmakers, the spirit-traitors, those who neglect the sacrifice of their own kin! Let them join those led astray from the Path, join the spirits they insult, drowning in their own blood."
Pastor Lee, Theocracy exile and founder of the Church of the Damned

a diplomatic perspective


آپ کی اگلی ادائیگی واجب الادا ہے۔ مدد کرنے کے لیے، ہم کچھ معلومات شامل کرتے ہیں۔ ایک چھوٹی جرمن لڑکی، جس کا نام K سے شروع ہوتا ہے۔ ایک امیر گھرانے سے تعلق رکھنے والی۔

آپ جانتے ہیں کہ اگر آپ ہماری ادائیگیوں میں ناکام رہتے ہیں تو کیا ہوتا ہے۔
A note with a complicated tiger seal, as above

The paper crumpled in his hand, after having read it a dozen times to commit the details to memory. This was his own doing, after all. He got himself into this mess, there was no point denying it. This school was to be Kalil and his father's freedom or they would be damned. Failure and hesitation could not take a place in his heart, guilt and concious needed to be thrown away into the wind. He took to cupping the paper between his palms, the formula around the paper revealing themselves to him. So many secrets lay within, so many more secrets he could learn. If only he could escape these bothersome people and be done with it all. Heat flowed into the paper, unnaturally hot in his hands. Embers grew into flames, dissolving the letter to little pieces of unrecognisable dust.

Kalil sighed and brought heat to his shisha, pulling vapour from the miniature pipe with detachment. The vapour already lay heavy in the air of the empty bathroom, much like the thoughts within his head. The room provided privacy from the world outside and he had purposefully smoked it out to make sure the gaseous contents of the room were known to him. Sound could come into the room but no such thing could come out, the vibrating particles he perceived dulling the sounds emitted from himself. Much study had been done to know what sound wave propagated with what energy through what gas. To nullify sound to a whisper, one needed to study the formulae of every factor within their surroundings. A process which he relished and one he wished was valuable enough to pay off his debts. He found himself talking to no one, letting the sounds of his native Urdu carry only to his own ears.

"If only I could do this all day, sit here and ignore the world around, smoking tobacco." Another detached inhalation, flavour bursting on his tongue. Kalil glanced at the miniature pipe clipped to his silk pants. "Hmm, blueberry mint. A favourite of my father. A joke from the Bengals or a message?"

The Golden Bengals had taken to sending the merchant heir differing flavours for the shisha every month. Some held hallucinogens while others merely had tobacco within. It was otherwise expected of him to finish the flavour by the end of the month or further interest would be put on his debt. A sort of cruel joke, tying him with addiction like that. Kalil liked to think that sometimes, his father would be able to choose what flavour he was given. Imagination at this point, since he had not seen the old man in what felt like years. Shying away from those thoughts, he took to pondering upon what he had seen of the school which would be his new home. Rich and extravagant, as befitting the sort of pomp he had expected of such a place. Not unlike his own old manor in wealth but much more artificial. He could sense the grand history behind his old home, passed on from merchant to merchant's son throughout many years. Dhaka was a grand city, though unknown to much outside the Orient, and it had close to a million people. He had felt the hustle and bustle, constant movements. Even the dust of formulae he had seen there seemed to be moving, the air was never the same from one place to another.

Here, it felt still. Maybe he had just been too used to large cities to be expected to like Bermuda. Academic City felt empty in comparison. And certain things rubbed him the wrong way. The segregation of the adult population from the students almost seemed unnecessary and reminded Kalil of some of the injustices from the Mughals themselves. The rulers of the Empire were different from their majority Hindu subjects and though integration had been progressing, the separation between the masses and state could still be seen in some cities. He had seen so in some cities, the Mughals separated from the Hindus. An air of superiority from the former to the latter. He was sure that if he spied any students emulating the same sort of thing to the "lessers" beyond those walls, he would take out his building frustration on them, consequences be damned.

Another puff and the broiling fury ebbed away from him, Kalil taking measured breaths. It was time for him to do what he needed to do. "Stop escaping duty, idiot."

Looping the hose around the shisha securely, the tan-skinned heir stood and opened the door. Extending his palms, he concentrated on the formula which lay within and the formula which lay outside, moving the vapour inside to dissipate outside. Satisfied with work done, he fished an artful sketch of a young girl from his pocket. Green eyes, light hair, a metal contraption around her. Cute, for a girl so young. He had seen her around the tour group but hesitated to approach, knowing that many Occidentals had a superiority complex when it came to someone like him. The hostile sounding last name did not help for a friendly image at all. Foreigners and their strange names, why couldn't they name their children something normal? There were so many symbols and syllables he felt himself tounge-tied saying it aloud.

Kalil brushed imaginary dust off his shoulders and adjusted his turban, ruby jewel and silver swaying. Heirlooms which he did not have the heart to sell but with his growing depseration, he may need to. Righting his ornamental robes, he set to walking around the Hall of Greats. Students mingled and littered around the hall, some indulging in the food, others in the alcohol. Some seemed to indulge in the latter a little too much and a little too often than what was appropriate. Not that he could say anything about people indulging in their vices.

Picking up a cool glass of sauvignon blanc from a servant, he set to searching, eyes scanning the room. He almost risked blowing his cool facade when the white wine hit his tongue. He nearly sputtered, shaking his head. "Why the fuck do Westerners like this shit?" he muttered in Urdu, setting the glass down. He'd rather have a farmer's distilled fire-drink than that bittersweet crap. He settled on taking a handful of more familiar Turkish Delights in his hand, munching on them to get rid of that foul taste.

His fortunes would rise, then unfortunately fall, once Kalil saw the Konigs- Konik- Korny- the German girl beelining it to an Occidental male. And he refused to interrupt that conversation with a handful of sweets, acting like a weird fellow to what amounted to a child. Instead, the merchant heir set to come near enough to the pair to hear them but far enough to hopefully not arouse suspicion.

Kalil munched on his turkish sweets, ears taut but eyes gazing down to his hands. Maybe these will help somehow? He made to grab a few more assortments of sweets from a passing waiter, just in case.
Aboard the Meeting Place
The songs of people past

A low thrumming sound echoed in the metal, followed by low throaty voices. A choir of apes of all different species sat together, holding guitar-looking instruments of a people long lost. To anyone with any spirit, the undulating voices told a story, from the past. Of a more primitive time, of history. For this was what the Supremus carried to the stars. A legacy, collections of stories past which were revered and emulated, unsurpassed by any in the galaxy. The high notes of the instrument carried the weight of sorrow, of loss, of people gone. The voices carried reverence, of greatness, of a history which should be remembered. It was to this anthem that the Supremus marched in step, letting their primal anthem resonate within their hearts. 1,738 flags carried by half that number of apes, simians of the different states chosen to represent just a few of those presented banners. At its head was the bannerman of the Khan, the great equine larger than all the others, its keen eye overseeing all. Holding it aloft was a large, scarred gorilla, wizened by age but seemingly unperturbed by the banner and the large barrelled gun which sat on his back.

Similar sights came after him, large apes carrying two flags also bearing the weapons of their respective city states. A Reformed American with a remade Thompson gun. A Republican with a gladius at its hip. An unknown soldier of a small state, conquistadore in look, with a slung musket-looking rifle on its shoulder. The sheer variety among them could almost boggle the mind, standing five abreast in this space emptied for the parade. Armour shined brightly under artificial lighting, weapons and uniforms of humanity's past laid on display. If a sight could produce sound, it was noisy. Many histories could be seen among this crowd, proudly beared by their inheritors.

As the soldiers marched into square formations around the musicians, a figure in the middle of the musicians stood. A young orangutan, facing the numerous delegates and diplomats before him. A column was left empty by the soldiers so the humans coulod see him, the many bright flags held aloft surrounding the orangutan. He bowed graciously as the music continued on in a lower volume.

"O I bid ye thanks, good progenitors, for letting us apes learn of your great civilisations. Truly, the histories we learned could not be compared to our breathing predecessors. Yet we can see that some of you have clung to those legend of old, giving them great respect that they deserve. While others have forged on, moving on to create their own path among the stars. Here, among the flags and soldiery of my peoples, you witness our own path. A mix of simian and human, carrying history while making history of our own. While I must depart to bring news of your civilisations to the Khan and the greater Khanate, we leave with good cheer that we are not alone in being descendants of Earth. To future friends, I bring gifts to the peoples I have met. Man's best friends, long lost, now brought back from the genetic legacy we contain."

Several puppies would be released from amidst the musicians, playfully tumbling and rolling with each other. Each had been trained to follow the particular scent of a diplomat. Genetically made smarter than their genetic predecessors, they are still familiar to those who know of them. The majority were Golden Retrievers, golden pups of friendly disposition and neutrality. To others, more specific breeds were chosen. To the Undefeated pounced a Belgian Malinois, keen and athletic even at this age, bounding with intelligence. To the Matuvistans, a Spanish Mastiff from their great forebearers, loyal and protective, large in its youth. It was a sight to soften tired eyes, the wagging tails almost distracting some to the political message sent across.

Simians could be just as scheming as their predecessors. "To those nations absent from today, we leave an ambassador in the form of Freeman Descartes and Priestess Joan." Temujin gestured for the others ot rise, the former a powdered chimpanzee with wig and cotton uniform, the latter a female with markings on her face and robes. "They will make the Meeting Place home while I bring news to the Khan, along with a detachment of guards. They will hold some of these puppies to be gifted to nations absent and hold further talks with the nations present. With this, I bid you all farewell and wish for prosperous times for you all."

With this, the music dulled and lowered as the ranks of soldiery, barring a select few, left towards the Terra Supremus. Interesting discussions would be made in the times ahead.
The Clergy's Guide to the Galaxy

The two diplomats had been given different jobs by the Herald. The Freeman Republican, a Reneé Descartes by his name, would set about organising the ambassadorial staff while she, Joan, would be set to establish further relations with nations of interest. Here, she would be messaging to the twoi nations, a task she set about completing with utmost care. Priests and Priestesses, no matter what age, had already been rendered pseudo diplomats with the amount of negotiations they partook in on New Gift. There was always a conflict somewhere between some two minor city-states, drowning in blood and bombardment. It was their duty to make sure such conflict could end peacefully but the coming news of the humans would spread. A destabilising sort of news, which needed to be pre-empted with plans and schemes. To save conflict from her home, she must learn the conflicts of others.

Rumours of the White Flower Revolution had been of hot discussion among the state representatives along with the war against the Zetans. A formation of power blocs could be seen and even she saw that sides needed to be chosen. For now, the Khanate was satisfied with ongoing neutrality but one needed to see where the strong lay. Joan set to finishing her messages. One of these were much more personal than the other, unbeknownst to others in the ambassadorial staff. She needed to get to the bottom of something.

A teeming mass of wretched scum hidden behind a thin veneer of civility. Haggling merchants, pompous guards, a mass of beings getting by without a care for their fellows. It was the same everywhere civilisation touched, permeated the air. Everyone one of these beings were alone in their shells. Ghorfa may be made up of solitary tribes but there was still community. The children would be taken care of, the elders willing to wander the dunes so that they saved their burdens from the young. The men had purpose in hunting and the women purpose in gathering. Urr'argh could admit that it was a harsh and frugal life that his people lived but there was a reason many of the kurantt did not leave. They knew what waited for them out there beyond the stars, heard stories of the chaos. And now, his people have been forced into this wretched galaxy without their free will.

The Tusken clenched his fist at the sight of a beggar child, some small human squatting next to a bar's entrance. None could see his frustration as he was wrapped under a thick black cloak. It was obvious he was sporting unique clothing and slugthrowers, as well as being a unique sight out of Tatooine. There was no need to attract attention. Since the walking Krayt dragon and his comrades had saved him, he had since gotten separated from them in the masses. He still held some grievances towards them for not saving every one of his people and mourned for those he lost.

Failure. His mind would whisper. Urr'argh simply shook his head and tried to walk with his shoulders straight. He would find a way to save his people. Breaker of Chains, they would call him. Ghorfa do not need civilisation to prove themselves superior.

He bent down as he came to the small human child, removing a black melon from inside his cloak. Urr'argh cracked it open in front of the child, the sweet smelling black smoke rising from within. The child seemed to crinkle its nose in a strange way. These barefaces have always had a strange reaction to the sweet Ghorfa fruit. The child squinted at him and he merely tilted his head. Desperation seemed to win over whatever emotion that was and the child started drinking the black melon's nectar. The leader of his people stood, ruffling the child's hair in a way he had seen the elders do with the Uli-ah.

Urr'argh's small moment of reminiscing was interrupted by the crackle of technology. He peered at the screen within the bar as civilisation seemed to come to a close above this ship. He hissed at the sight of the raider. Such disregard for order, for the "civility" that these spacefaring races seemed to hold over the primitives. The horrors of this galaxy only seemed to grow which only fuelled him his desire to remove his people from the hands of these wretched people.

The Wanderer shooed the human youngling away, scanning the crowds which surrounded him. Panic, chaos, fear. All of these pathetic things seemed to rise from their masks. Disgusting. He would not become bound to another because of these panicking, sorry excuses of sentient life. He needed off this ship before those raiders could fully consolidate their hold on it. Time to use his leadership to whip the rabble into shape.

Entering blank rounds into his shorter rifle discreetly, Urr'argh then fired into the air among the masses, now next to an old greying human merchant. Three sharp cracks were heard, smoke rising from the barrel of his slugthrower. People seemed to freeze around him and only inched away further when he let down his hood. An unknown mask holding an unknown face.

The primitive roared, slamming his rifle's butt on to the hard metal floor. He hated speaking to such beings but needs must. He transferred his frustration and hatred into his speech. "You wretched excuses of flesh, scurrying like scared womp rats. These raiders come to take your livelihoods and freedoms that you desire, the reason you dwell in this miserable shithole of a ship. They come to take your wealth, your belongings, your persons. And you run, like pathetic Jawas, mewling on your knees like babes." He whirled his attention to a nearby Twi'lek, unclipping his gaderffi and pointing it.

"Will you fight for your right to live as you wish?" Urr'argh moved to another, imagining the faces of his people rather than these aliens.

"Will you fight against the oppresive yoke of the outsider, coming to take your work away?" In his eyes, he saw a Tusken cheer, raising his cyclonic rifle in the air.

"Will you let these whoresons and waste of breath step over you like you're slaves? Let them take what they want, no regard for your being?!" The imaginary Ghorfa seemed to move now, more confidence in the air. There was fire in Urr'argh's movements as he cracked his neck with a viciousness that vanished his self-hatred.

"Fight for your lives, damn you, or let yourselves be taken to the wastes by those better than you!" There was more movement now, more rifles- no, blasters raised in the air. Others seemed to continue on, lowering their heads in submission. Warriors had raised their chins at his call. Urr'argh almost felt bad as he slinked next to a merchant's stall, letting the rage spread. A warrior's spirit, these beings seemed to possess. He would use it to escape and find his people, let it not go to waste.

Changed it:)

Within Abya Yala, Kalil encountered one of the great Edenic Beasts which roamed the continents, gaining its favour with charm and sharp, natural intellect. Charging his ability to perceive the formulae of the world. To create a greater understanding of the inner workings which fascinated him. To unlock the seemingly mystic arts of dynamicism. To Muhammad, upon learning of his son's feat, saw money rain down from the heavens. The opportunity and prestige this could gain him, the fostering of an upcoming polymath genius who could major in one of the rarer specialisations within the Empire! Celebrations were needed and the return to Dhaka was hastened to facilitate them quicker.
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