Avatar of Sharyxe
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 729 (0.19 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Sharyxe 10 yrs ago


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You can call me any variation of Sharyxe or Shaf, the latter being part of my real name. Also, I'm a pretty friendly person, so feel free to just say hi or PM me :)

The lengthier bio that will waste your time:
I'm a fifteen year-old student whose hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, math and sports. Yes, weird combination, but it happens.

I mainly enjoy Fantasy RPs in the Casual section. However, if I see anything that piques me, then I'll be keeping an eye out for it. I'm a fan of anime and manga, by the way, and am in certain fandoms.

You might see me lurking around in forums but never comment, ayee that happens too. Which would probably explain why you're reading this line right now.(No?) I applaud you for reading till here. Have a nice day.

  • If I don't reply to you or an RP but you see me online, poke me.
    (I might have forgotten or I'm unsure what to reply with)
    (But the poke will force me to reply so ye just poke)
  • If I don't reply to you or an RP in more than two/three weeks, then I'm on an unspoken hiatus.
  • If I am on a hiatus, then I'm too busy with real life shit. Or I'm too lazy.
  • My hiatus periods vary in length. The longest so far has been 5 months.

This P.S section is also in my sig by the way.

Most Recent Posts


"Hey Rhys, do you happen to know the way outta this forest?"

Said man narrowed his draconic eyes. "By instinct, yes." was his curt reply. Now that he thought of it, an aerial view would let him pinpoint the exit better. But now, his hackles rose further as the male noted his companion's uneasiness.

Fortunately, he still sensed danger. Unfortunately, inferior reflexes due to a slower-processing brain--because hey, humans are all about mind power--lead to a slow reaction time. By the time his unaltered sharp eyes detected the subtle movements hinting at the impending prospective advances of the python and jaguars, they had already made their moves. The red-haired male only had time to register what was happening and stumble back a step in response. By the lords, he swore he was all about instincts when it comes to situations like these. They told him to be on the offensive, but the former dragon's brain had stopped his fragile body from pouncing at the leaping jaguars, much to his relief--at least that was some improvement. En's inadvertent fall didn't help either, only proving to agitate him further.

Rhys mentally cursed himself for his prior ignorance; the male was no dragon at the present moment. Flashing a bit of fire here and there in his original form would have been more than enough for the job, but alas, the sight of a petty little human seemingly flaunting tiny embers definitely did not amuse the jaguars. The ferocious cats' aggravated body language roughly translated to something along the lines of: 'I dare you, herbivore. Try me.' In fact, the line seemed to apply to all the wild animals present in the forest. Obviously, it was a no man's land--hence, the presence of unfamiliar creatures that didn't belong would surely rile them up. Sigh, the territorial instincts of animals. He would miss it.

"So, got a plan?"

Kill or be killed. Only the strongest will survive. That was the rule, and it was certainly being displayed in their current state of affairs. The sheer quantity of the hostile animals in the forest would outnumber them greatly, hence allocating them on the losing end by default. It was hard for them to run on unfamiliar legs. Magic wouldn't last. A forest fire would reveal the dragon nest. And to top it all off; it was a long way out of the forest. What other option was there?

Rhys glared sharply at their predators, challenging them in the eye as they hissed and growled. The tension in the air was sensed, and he swore a muscle was coiling somewhere. Ah, in the end, desperate times call for desperate measures.

"En. Hold on tight." His deep voice held a commanding tone, eyes narrowing as the flames licking one of his arms were extinguished. The same limb snaked around the waist of the girl beside him and secured it in a firm, reassuring grip before he jumped, aided by the other free alight extremity shooting a path of fire towards the ground; finally getting them out of the stuffy forest. Momentarily stopping in the air from the short burst, another burst of hot fire came, this time from the male's feet, that propelled the two forward to the direction of the assumed exit of the place--well, his sharp eyes had caught sight of some small town in the distance.

They zoomed through the air, making their presence known.The former Royal Crimson didn't care how much magic it would take. He ignored his rapidly depleting stock of energy from the strong streams of scorching fire his feet emitted; to defy the force of gravity; leaving a path of smoke in its wake. So what if he'd be drained? If he could get his friend to safety, he will gladly sacrifice.
And to BrobyDDark.

Although his other senses seemed to have downgraded,--and he felt rather deprived of his strong senses(that he had taken for granted)too,-- the male's sharp eyesight still remained. Or so he hoped, since the feeling hadn't a difference. Thus, he tried to remain as vigilant as possible with it--and also his other inferior-grown senses--, considering they were now human.

'You're not the predator now, you're the prey.' is what he reminded himself of.

Bright orange eyes narrowed as its owner's ears picked up the shrill squawk of a toucan, and the other wildlife sounds that followed it. Considering he was a fearsome, mighty Royal Crimson dragon before, Rhys wasn't used to the surplus of animals and critters that surrounded him now. He was more familiar to them aggressively attempting to hide from him--flying away, burrowing into the ground, running away, and the like.

"That is what's wrong," he answered En, head tilting to gesture to the animals.

Turning his head again to glance at her, Rhys noticed En's brown dragon ears flick, and that she started to be circumspect. And once again, his instincts notified him to be wary, but this time by letting loose goosebumps on his skin. Which was when he noticed that from his right, the amount of critters seemed to lessen, and within seconds the absence grew.

He could've sworn he heard a growl. Probably. Yes, the male definitely detested his inferior hearing. Danger was approaching fast, and somehow, they had to get out of there. But how? Something, anything, that could either get them out of the place quick, scare the thing away, or make them invisible to it. And a forest fire definitely isn't good.

...Wait, fire?

Without another second thought, the male brought his arms up nearer to him. Recalling the feeling, it led to both his arms being lit aflame. The scorching-hot fire did not hurt him at all; but instead gave him a soothing, familiar, warm feeling--although that wouldn't be the case for anything else. Flames surrounding his arms danced around, the heat rising to the air in waves, disappearing to the atmosphere. He felt a little ecstasy knowing he could use his Fire Magic, at the least. And no, he didn't think about his clothes at all, though he was rather surprised that they proved to be fire-proof. That was to be expected though, since they were formerly his hide, after all.

Well then, that should scare the carnivore off...right?

Merely disregarding the troubled girl (and the fatigue), Rhys began distancing himself from the tree in slow, meticulous steps. He stopped, taking a glance at his fully outstretched right hand, middle finger barely touching the umber-brown tree bark of the stationary living being that was keeping him from not toppling over. Unwavering, he stepped away, the ephemeral moment fleeting by.

Thus commenced his ironically irresolute footfalls as he plastered on a serious face, observing his feet. He kept track of where he was going from his peripheral vision. The scene was rather zany, actually. A grown man--though young--aggressively trying to master the art of walking--or, in general, using legs. The newly turned human male sought to conquer whatever weakness his new unfamiliar body provided. A small feeling of triumph harbored itself within him as his aimless steps grew more undaunted, and his expression grew lighter. However, it would soon turn to regret later on for not being cognizant of his companion's unmindful actions.

Abruptly, he sensed the steady stream of magic energy that surrounded the little area they were in weaken and soon utterly diminish, sucked back into its source. Once again, his brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed as he ceased in his tracks, glancing at where he sensed the source was. Rhys noticed that En had sealed the scroll.

His gut feeling told him something was wrong. But what? That is, until he realized of the approaching danger, also known as wild animals.
that liked to...
...when there was...

The male shook his head at the fatuous spectacle. "Clumsy idiot," he huffed. En's vivacity and injudiciousness was almost comical. It would be an impossible feat for them to proceed into the human world discreetly, he realized. Any hortatory speech from him would also still prove its futility. The girl seemed almost indefatigable, even.

Speaking of fatigue, it seems his had persisted. A frown made its way onto his face as he tried moving his leg muscles. Though it grew a little subtler, it still hindered his will to learn this 'walking'. Per contra to that, Rhys persevered in his attempts. Some pandiculation would assist the blood flow, but that wasn't the time for it, he figured.

"Hey Rhys." In reflex, he turned his head to the source that called his name in response. And again, in reflex, he turned it away as fast after a glimpse, blunting a reply, "I certainly do not have such things. You flashing that disgusts me somehow." And he scrunched up his nose a little. "They're also supposed to be kept hidden, have you no shame?"
...any ending, so...

He let out a small groan, sighing after it. He knew she would say that. Then again, what about human civilisation? How does it work? What do they eat? What are their needs? ...Perhaps he could try a hand at it, maybe find other chosen ones. What else was there to do, anyway? In retrospect, the Choosing Ceremony was in a few months. Nope, not close at all. Nobody will come find them. Well, there was nothing else he could do, anyway.

"...Fine," Rhys huffed reluctantly, "But no stirring up trouble, and choose your words VERY wisely. Also, think before acting." Be that as it may, it goes without saying that En would definitely pump her fist in the air or such and not heed his words. Stubborn like a mule. And also be very chirpy during their journey. His eyebrows twitched at the thought. What was he to do with her?

It seems the Whip--err, female human was studying her new mysterious physique too, although she retained her dragon ears and tail. The newly-turned human Rhys grunted, facing his friend, "Are you happy? What do you suggest doing now?" He huffed. What a situation they were in, and to think it was all because of that careless idiot's senseless actions. Now, their entire physiology was changed. He clicked his tongue at the thought, shifting his center of balance. The barrier would only let in the DNA and magical frequency of dragons, so returning was not possible.

En couldn't possibly know the reversing spell either. In the first place, this spell was only available to the Elders anyway, and the chosen ones--those who were deemed capable for the task. But why leave it with En's father putting it in some place she could find, knowing her? It could be bait too. Was this occurrence supposed? Rhys tried to sense the area for any dragons nearby, but failed to do so, realizing he was no longer a dragon. Ah, the unfortunate beings that are humans, he conceived.

The spell was supposed to transform them perfectly however, but it seems that it wasn't the case for them. Perhaps boring holes into the scroll before the spell was fully completed gave rise to that defect. Now then, what were they to do? Whatever was possible was probable, he deemed. Unless... no, what would his parents' reaction be if he were to venture out without a word? He was an adult, but still...
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