Avatar of Sheepy
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    1. Sheepy 5 yrs ago
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~Art by the lovely penmu~

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Name: Machi Elro
Weapon: Spear
Items: a numerous amount of sacks, pouches, and bags of varying sizes for the different kinds of items that can be found while out in the forest
More info?: Machi is an "avid collector" (as she likes to refer to herself; however, a better word would be a compulsive hoarder) of sorts. She enjoys foraging and exploring the forest, pocketing any and every little plant, bone, trinket, etc. that she stumbles upon. She keeps the "unnecessary" items for herself and either turns them into personal accessories or throws them into a growing pile in one of the corners of her house.


Darkness consumed her field vision, which was strange… The only times that Mari ever experienced such an unusual lack of light were those rare times that she actually fell asleep. But that couldn’t possibly be the case, right? Mari? Sleeping? Ha. As if she would be caught doing such an appalling act when she still had umpteen course assignments and projects due. However, a voice resounded throughout her mind, startling the poor girl. Mari’s eyes snapped open immediately as she sat straight up. Dazed and confused, Mari brought her right hand to her head and closed her eyes. She felt as if she was spinning. What was going on? Since when did she fall asleep? Why couldn’t she remember falling asleep? Her mind was racing at a mile per minute. Panicking a bit internally, Mari took a deep breath and released it slowly in hopes of calming her rattled nerves. Wiggling her fingers and toes, she first tested to see if any part of her body was injured. Luckily, she seemed to be functioning fine; nothing seemed to be broken or aching. The only real problem at the moment was the notable gap in her memories. Frustrated, Mari balled her hands into fists. Only then did she take notice of the cool earth beneath her left hand. Even more perplexed now, Mari slowly removed her right hand from her face and opened her eyes. Lying in a spot of barren earth, Mari cautiously lifted her gaze to take in the rest of her surroundings.

Mari caught her breath as she analyzed her new setting. Everything seemed so foreign yet familiar. After a few moments though, Mari was able to place the odd feeling with its source. mountain plateau oddly resembled the exact same one from her recurring dreams. Did this mean that this was all just another dream? A really realistic dream? The girl readjusted her glasses and turned her head both to her left and her right. The only difference between this dream and her previous ones was that all of the people for the all-nighter get-together happened to be here too. This was a totally possible occurrence, though. It was a known fact that the mind incorporates objects, people, and ideals from your memories into your dreams; especially when you are sleep-deprived.

The glasses wearing girl only had a few minutes to contemplate such theories in her head, as suddenly one of the skulls began to speak. The skull commanded the attention of everyone in the group and introduced itself. One by one, the skulls that had been lying conspicuously around the edges of the plateau followed suit until finally the largest spoke. Its voice radiated with power and literally shook the world, causing Mari to clutch the ground as if her life depended on it. The poor girl was completely scarred. How could a dream be so real? Halfway listening to the remaining message spoken by the dragon spirits, Mari managed to pick up only the key details and instructions as she tried to organize her rampant thoughts.

As if she were in a trance, Mari rose from her spot moments after the conclusion of the skulls’ instructions and made her way over to the rack of eggs and weapons. Finding herself standing in front of a translucent egg with churning purple wisps, she subconsciously started to reach out to touch the egg. However, just before touching the egg’s cool surface, she caught herself. Mari hesitated for a moment. What was she doing? The girl stared at the egg intently for a few moments. There was something intriguing about it that the girl could not quite place. It was as if the egg was calling out to her, but that was impossible, right? Even if this was all just a dream. Still, Mari decided to reach out and graciously pick up the egg as she had no justifying reason not to. Clutching the egg gingerly in her hand, Mari moved to select her weapon. Searching for something simple and easy to wield, the girl’s eyes fell upon a sheen sword with its black sheath lain pristinely on the rack. Choosing the katana as her weapon, she made her way back to the center of the plateau as she looked around for familiar faces of close friends.
Mari would probably be in a state of shock, disbelief, and denial, presuming it all to be some huge convoluted dream that she would wake up from in moments, just like all of the previous times. She would probably go along with everything calmly in the beginning, despite the reactions expressed by those around her. Of course, once she realizes that they have stayed in the realm far longer than a normal dream, should would probably break down... However, her reaction and actions may vary depending on what will actually happen in the opening post and on what others post...
eddieddi said
@Sheep;What made you pick Egg Nine?Dragon Type;Chimera Dragon, These dragons are unusual at the best of times lacking their own defining breath attack they make do by Hijacking others, while only ever at half power of the original, the Chimeral dragon has the rare skill of using 2 different breaths one after another. Chimera dragons also have the strange ability to change their scale colour, Not like a chameleon, but more like a general tone change, Eg from red to blue.Katana;The blade of the Samurai, representing Honour and Integrity. Power; Bamboo blade, Mari can pick up any stick and for a while (5 minutes) it will become a normal weapon, LImitations; The stick must be dead, and she cannot break it off a plant. others can do that for her. Once the time is up, the weapon shatters, before turning in to sawdust.Cost; Each use Randomizes her ear piercings. Turning them in to random earrings/studs each use, The shift is non-painful, and they will never be bigger than the actual hole.@capt 1) Nope, your image is your image, change it for no one.2) Nope, our chimera dragon starts off with 1 fire breath, and 1 frost breath. so you can rely on your dragons. also, the size dosn't matter, if we're lucky we can pick up some matches!

Uh...(I thought it looked intriguing...) I thought that the egg color and moving patterned matched Mari's personality in a way. The egg's translucence and transparent edges gave off the aura of delicacy and fragility, which I felt matched how Mari was of fragile nature herself. Due to her late nights and poor eating habits, she is quite weak herself to the point that she is practically breakable physically. Also, the purple wisps moving around inside of the egg resembled her hidden inner desire for luxuries of others. She had dedicated herself to finding a way to help her family financially, and ultimately herself. She never showed this side though, she always moved around these thoughts and masked them, hence they twirl and writhe just below the surface.
Stage 1:
Name: Mari Arlene
Age: 17
History: 17 years, that was how long Mari had lived in the same small house at the back of her neighborhood. During the summers, the house was sweltering hot and the wooden boards seemed to turn more ashen gray with each year. During the winters, the cold seemed to radiating from every wall. Her family was too poor to afford the luxuries of an air conditioning and heating system, much less any other electronics or opulent items. Despite her obvious lack of lavish luxuries, Mari did not care much. Sure it felt a little bit disheartening when she compared her own clothing and items to others, but those thoughts had melted away years ago, as the pained expression of her saddened parents stabbed her even more. Mari was rarely teased for her lack of the latest and greatest fashion and technology, thank goodness, and was even able to make a couple of loyal friends.

With just these simple things, Mari lived comfortably. She studied hard both in and out of school with the goal of getting a full ride into a prestigious college. She had learned that the only way to escape her impoverished lifestyle was to make it big on her own. It was the only way she could help her family financially. Mari worked day in and out, often cutting short on sleep and meals, but her friends tried to keep her in line. They made sure she ate from time to time. However, it was all for not. Despite her grades, it was not enough to get Mari anywhere big. She lacked extracurricular activities and community service. Those two key factors crushed her. Picking up her broken pieces, she settled for a local college that had offer to give her scholarship, landing her back in the same small house with her closest friends and setting her up for the unimaginable.

Personality; Mari is reserved, to say in the least. She prefers to avoid social interaction if possible and usually dismisses it when she deems topics uninteresting or irrelevant. It is amazing that she even has friends. However, once passed her icy exterior, it is evident that she is in fact quite a caring and loyal person who only wishes the best for others and especially her family. Mari is a very studious girl who exudes perseverance and determination to the point that it is probably unhealthy. She has given up many a nights sleep to accomplish assignments for classes and often forks over her mealtimes in exchange for working. Although, her teachers and peers often admit that her work and work ethic is flawless. Her projects and products are always pristine and close to perfect, if not.

What they were doing when they passed out: Homework, homework, and did I forget to mention homework? Mari had no intention of joining in with the obscene festivities of staying up late at night with peers from her school, but she had to admit that she was indeed curious about the strange recurring dream. She was going to stay up late anyway, finishing her countless mounds of course assignments, so she reluctantly allowed her best friend to drag her to this silly get-together. She was sitting at the kitchen table with all of her books and homework sprawled everywhere when they passed out.

Stage 2:
Dragon Egg:
Dragon Type: Chimera Dragon - These dragons are unusual at the best of times lacking their own defining breath attack they make do by Hijacking others, while only ever at half power of the original, the Chimeral dragon has the rare skill of using 2 different breaths one after another. Chimera dragons also have the strange ability to change their scale colour, Not like a chameleon, but more like a general tone change, Eg. from red to blue. Starts off with 1 fire breath and 1 frost breath.
Dragon Appearance:
Dragon Name: Ji
Dragon Personality: Exceptionally capricious, Ji requires lots of patience and tolerance. He switches personality traits with each of his acquired skills. With fire, he acts passionately and violently, making each of his movements forceful yet often over exaggerated; this leaves him vulnerable in-between attacks. With ice, he acts cold and distant to his companion and other dragons; this makes him more stubborn and unwilling to attack and listen to reason.

Weapon Chosen: Katana, The blade of the Samurai, representing Honour and Integrity.
Weapon Image:
Power Granted: Bamboo blade, Mari can pick up any stick and for a while (5 minutes) it will become a normal weapon,
LImitations: The stick must be dead, and she cannot break it off a plant. others can do that for her. Once the time is up, the weapon shatters, before turning in to sawdust.
Power Cost/Requirement: Each use Randomizes her ear piercings. Turning them in to random earrings/studs each use. The shift is non-painful, and they will never be bigger than the actual hole.
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