Dear God why am I here? The thought flashed through Jojo's brain as it had thousands of times that day, no week, no...hell, ever since she had been accepted into the stupid games. What were they called again? She glanced behind the head of the dude she was supposed to be listening to at a banner on the back wall. The Echo Games. That's right.Why the heck would they call it that anyway... She surveyed the other participants. Only two guys, and one was a kid; the other was robed head to toe. She pouted a little. That's no fun.
"...any questions?" The final words broke her from her thoughts. I have a question- how do I get out of this crazy train? Jojo held her tongue, however, when she glanced at her little brother whose eyes shone with excitement. The Games were his obsession, as they were centered on strategy and intelligence. Jojo on the other hand couldn't care less, and applied to be in the Games as a joke. She had wanted to back out, but her brother had been so excited... He was the one person who could convince her to do anything.
And this is a big anything. Jojo had to admit that the facility was starting to creep her out. She had played it cool with her friends, saying how the simulation would be fun, that she'd just mess around. But really, there was nothing to tell her what she'd find in the Games, and it scared her.
Finally it was time for the helmets. Quelling her nerves, she dove in, giving her brother one last goodbye kiss. She had barely enough time to survey the simulation or even get her bearings inside it before people were pushing towards the backpacks, jostling one another. Hmmm... Already having made up her mind to play the game based on whims and to have as much fun as possible, Jojo made her choice based ascetic. Gold...obviously. She grabbed it, giving a wicked little grin.