Good afternoon everyone!
I have to say, I like the arena that’s set up, though I've an itch to create my own. Just not sure what the general populaces feel is on tournaments and if the effort I put into it would be worth the return. So, I'd like to propose my setting for said tournament and if I feel confident enough about the response I'll go ahead and work away at it.
First, the setting would not be the multiverse that we all know and love. I would create a setting in a very sand-box like medieval fantasy world. Reason for that being; A) I want to rule out guns and advanced technology, B) I can create a universal system for magic/supernatural abilities that assures everyone is on even footing, and C) I find the tier sort of system that’s currently in place to be less than ideal, therefore everyone would be on the same 'tier' in this.
Second, putting aside the story for now and focusing on the mechanics of the tournament I believe that limiting the setting to the Fantasy/Medieval type but keeping it a sand-box will allow people to become creative with their characters origins. I don't want to say 'no you can't play this character', but rather 'I like what you did here, but let’s change X so it fits in with Y.'
Third, I won’t be taking part in the tournament directly. I'd control NPC's and if anyone wanted to have a 'thread' between a fight in the Advanced RP area I would down for that. There might be the occasional special match where one of the contestants in the tournament (or several), would fight some particularly nasty beast.
Fourth, magic and any other supernatural ability will have a drawback. I'm a big believer in the 'nothing is free' train of thought. There is no straight benefit/power without it costing something in return. The strength of said ability being directly proportionate to its drawback.
Anyways that’s just what I’ve been kicking around and wanted to garner interest before I put any more work into the story and specific rules.