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I'm here, going to start working on a post now, also I love the implications that have propped up at Adam's new found "sight".
I'm still here, and as mentioned I'm waiting reply's so I can reply, but I'm doing my best to check in often
Greetings new person.

Glad to see your still alive Excidius.

I have posted.
Adam suppressed a hiss as they entered direct sunlight, it was bright enough shining directly in his face, but with his migraine, the light seemed to gain a few magnitudes brighter. Closing his eyes as tightly as he could to block out the light, he slowly opened his magical awareness again, just enough that he could get an idea of what was within a foot or two of him.

"Hadn't Mr. Arazm and I both told...” Adam heard her start knowing full well what she was likely to say next “Rather... Admonished you to keep the envelope pushing to a controllable level?” Aofie stated more then asked, her tone conveying her glare clearly despite his vision impairment.

“Yeah… I know” He muttered disdainfully in response, though the rasp from his injuries covered it well. It wasn’t that he despised their concern; it was just that he felt it would have been better spent elsewhere. He knew his limits well enough and had yet to have a truly life threating accident, and least that was his perspective anyway. Besides he often learned more about his limits and what he needed to learn from pushing himself as far as he could get away with, it was how he got to this far, he saw no reason to change now.

That same willingness to define his limits only by what would backfire or on him had ostracized him from most of the academy community. He could count on one hand the amount of people that were willing to have a conversation with him outside of a class discussion, this wasn’t to say he was lonely, not truly, just that his choice of how to define his limits had a farther reach then just his magical skill. It labeled him as someone to be careful of, for his hubris could take them down as well.

That was the reason he put up with Aofie and Auguste’s concern, because they cared enough to actually have some concern for him, as misplaced as he saw it. Well there was also the fact they were both exceptionally skill in their own rights and he could always appeal to their worries in exchange for information on their methods.

"I bet you forgot to do proper spell stretches first, too" Adam just rolled his eyes; he could never understand the stretches. They were taught as way to help protect young mages from backlash by helping them feel their limits, But Adam, being who he was, often disregarded them when he was younger to the point that the stretches just seemed like a waste of time now.
“Define proper” Adam quipped, his thoughts on the matter well known. He just pulled in energy until he felt he was walking a knife’s edge at the start of his day as his stretches, another way he stood apart from normal mages.
“There is a process, you know” Aofie said seemingly in response, but the softer tone made Adam crack one eye to take a look at her, she was still blinding to his senses but he got the gist of what she was doing. Taking a look himself he once again was made aware of the flow of energy around him, but even more interesting was how he looked to himself. He could see the Xi and Sakra flowing within him, their brightness dulled due to the recent backlash, but their pathways clear as day.

It was an odd thing to see, every mage had at least some idea of what the energies felt like, some were better at sensing them then others, but he couldn’t recall anything about actually seeing the energy. Nor could he understand why he was so sure that what he was seeing was in fact the magical energies, it was just a feeling he got and couldn’t bring himself to doubt.

Adam was busy trying to puzzle out this oddity when suddenly he felt himself being gracefully swept away from where he had been standing. Eyes opening in confusion he tried to piece together what had happened, not taking too long to realize someone had almost knocked into him again. Thankfully the woman supporting him was both more attentive to their surroundings and much more physically capable then he was, thus she saved him another trip to the pave road.

Not caring much about the how’s and why’s, partially because he was sure he wouldn’t be able to piece anything together when he had trouble seeing more than a few feet at the moment, Adam quickly put the incident out of his mind and went back to thinking over his newfound senses.

Only when they reached the Hall of healers did he put the thoughts aside for later, as for now he had to deal with the Healers. Most of which he knew quite well due to his frequent visits to the Hall. In fact a sigh was heard shortly after he had been helped in, as the healer walking to greet them recognized Adam “What did you do this time?” They asked with annoyed exhaustion, it was only the second day and yet Adam was already in need of healing. That didn’t bode well for some of the older healers.
I've been stuck in the same situation as Excidius before. On another note I'm working on a post hopefully I'll have it done before too long
I'll give Misa some time to deiced if she wants to put her post up now or not and get a possible post written up in the mean time, hopefully it won't be too long until we are there
Well Good Morning to everyone who is awake at the moment.

Post is up, and I would like to say I enjoy Rping with people that make me want to expand my skills, both fun to read their posts and fun to try and match them
Ever since standing up again Adam was cursing himself out mentally. His reaction had been rash and idiotic and now his head was even worse. He should be better than this, more controlled, more aware, more something that doesn't fly off the handle like that. All of this mental ranting was in the back of his mind however, as really it was almost too painful to try and form thoughts at the moment.

He was used to spell’s backfiring on him, his body was littered with the scars of times he had had it happen, some were even there from times he had done it intentionally to try and learn from them, but six spells backfiring as one? That was a whole new world of pain, that fact he was standing was a testament to his hard earned endurance.

Another thing that spoke of the drive that was the other core facet of Adam’s character was the fact that there was a part of him seeing if this had brought about any interesting results. Examining himself as thoroughly as he could fighting through the pain to try and gleam if anything useful had been earned from this accident. Unfortunately something had been noticed.

Part of the backlash had off set Adam’s ability to distinguish what it was he was touching, because of this he was starting to notice a rather odd and profound thing. The air was alive with Karma as was the ground underneath his feet, the loss of one sense had allowed another to grow and adapt. He was still trying to make sense of this when someone had stepped in front of him, and for a moment they blinded him as he noticed the Xi and Sakra flowing through them. Reflexively he closed off his magical awareness; it was too bright for him to deal with at the moment.

“‘Adam? Hey, what happened back there?’”

Adam blinked rapidly trying to focus on the person in front of him; his vision swam as he did. Once again he cursed at himself for his recklessness. He knew he was suffering from multiple backlashes but he had went and fired off another spell and made it all worse. Blinking once more he willed his vision to still long enough to see who had talked to him.

“Aoife?” He asked more to himself as he finally placed his fellow students face “I could use the help” he added through grit teeth, talking hurt, seems his throat had partially dehydrated it’s self as well. Taking another deep breath he leaned on Aofie for support suddenly realizing just how much his body was despising him at the moment.

“I've got a new record I think though, six spells at once, can’t wait for the rumor mill to get ahold of that” He said with a humorless chuckle well aware of what the both the students and the teachers would think of him after learning that he had both allowed six spells to fail and that he survived the six spells failing. If he wasn't already known for stuff like this no one would believe it.
Good Morning in the afternoon to all.
I agree general layout would be much appreciated.
Well seems I missed all of the conversation only thing I can add to the end is Adam is walking to his destination because his injuries are not enough to warrant any immediacy from him at the moment.

EDIT: Also he is either just inside or just outside of the dormitory in my mind.

A map would would be very useful
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