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I'm in the mid west of the united states, that give us a 5 hour time discrepancy. *sigh* I don't want to wait that long to see if my Cs is accepted T^T
Done! Unless you need me to tweak it here or there. Also I get the feeling like I live on the other half of the frigging planet as the last post before me was posted at 4:30 Am for me
Edited my first post with what I have worked out so far as i needed a break from thinking, have any Comments/questions/thoughts so far?
Linked Character Roster

Fairy Tail Mages

Alex Greywind <-- Just below this list

Aura Kalstov

James Feryana

Klisa Bay

Verin Wandera

Damon Grant

Aero Hale

Mary Phillips

Riley Kaname

Rurik Vexor


Allies of Fairy tail
Zephyr Buford

Charlotte Legion



Acacia Cornet

Aedius Darkwater
Seeing as it's late and I work in the morning, I'll use this post to reserve a S class mage spot if possible. I'll get my CS up Asap, Night all.

EDIT: Disregard my reservation, just noticed the S-rank stipulation.

Name: Alex Greywind
Nickname/Alias: Archon
Age: 38
DOB: July 13th

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Alex
Other Details: Guild mark is white and is on his Left wrist covered by his leather bracer.

Personality: Alex is as diverse a person as is his skill set, he has the wisdom that come with age but the exuberance and wonder of a man half his age. He is outgoing and light hearted in peace but unforgiving and cold hearted to those he deems enemies. He tries to forgo having a routine and can be found nearly anywhere in the guild, from the library to the pool. Talking about magic or martial skills is a surefire way to have him find you however as he loves nothing more than to learn and expand his understanding in both catagories.

Arsenal: Pair of leather bracers, and a Wilderness pack stocked with enough supplies to make and hold a camp for a week or two, and a field first aid kit.

A metal staff, two long swords, a few pairs of daggers and a Bow with arrows are stored in his Requip pocket; they are standard weapons with nothing special about them.

Magic Type: Caster/Holder
Mage Rank: S Class
Notable Magic:

Force-Make - Force-Make is a variant of Maker magic; it allows the mage to mold and shape magic. The thing that separates Force-Make from other types of maker magic is that it doesn't change magic in to any element but rather molds magic's raw form. With this he can conjure explosive bolts of energy, scything blade, liquefying rays, unerring bullets or simple geometric shapes out of raw magic. It is both versatile and dangerous. However as it expends magical energy at an astounding rate, making careless use of it a hazard to the caster as the user will quickly find they have burned through all the energy that have If not careful. Nothing that is made with force make lasts for long as forcing Raw magic to hold any shape for longer than a few moments places a great strain on any mage who tries.

Another thing that places Force-Make apart is the fact it is a new magic as Alex is the creator of the style. It took him years of practice and research to be able to mold raw magic to any degree, but it is his pride and joy to be able to. Seeing as it is a new magic with only one user there is still a lot that Alex is unsure of when it comes to Force-Make there for he uses a variety of other magic to help supplement his lack of mastery. He one day hopes to be able to rely solely on his own created magic for all his casting needs.

Raw magic is best described as opaque white light that stands out just enough to seen unnatural

Requip - This Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle.
While Alex has shown the capability to use Requip he mainly uses it to hold on to basic gear, as such he has an extremely limited arsenal of requipable weapons. He follows the Knight's path when it comes to Requip

Dispelling Magic - is a Caster Magic that causes the annulment of a spell.
Alex learned this magic early in his career, but as of late he uses it more often than not to dispel his own Force-Make spells that have slipped his control or veered off target. It makes up the defensive focus of his magic as you can’t be hit by an annulled spell. Due to becoming extremely familiar at dispelling Force-Make spells his skill at dispelling more run of the mill magics has slipped by a considerable margin, in the heat of battle he can only dampen incoming magic unless it is of rather low rank, outside of combat he can dispel as normal but it does take him a bit longer to do as he has to actively remember how to cast general dispelling magic.

Spells: Due to the particular styles of magic that Alex most often employs, he doesn't truly have a set spell list, as his most common magic is limited only by his own creativity, that being said there is a particularity with Force-Make that will be addressed here.

Force-Make doesn't make any lasting material therefor the caster must add more intent to his creations to be able to get similar results as other Maker mages. This is best done by adding an adjective to the creation that is about to be made.
A collection of adjectives, their effects and potency will be added below.


Alex is an odd Mage; the reason for this is he didn't learn he could use magic until he was nearly 18 years old. He was the second born son of the Southern Wolves mercenary guild, Raised as a scout and swordsman he was taught how to fight and counter mages. He was a quick study but needed nearly twice the training of his older brother for similar results, thus he was often overlooked by his father who show obvious favoritism towards the older brother for his martial skill. The neglect by his father caused him to often spend time with his mother, a retired mercenary herself she was a strong woman and helped Alex when his father would not, form her he learned archery and how to survive in the woods. She also cultivated a lover for learning that would lead him to discover his latent magical potential.

The discovery of magic in his blood caused the schism between him and his father and brother to worsen slowly until days after his 20th birthday it finally erupted. It started as an argument but quickly turned in to a full out brawl, when the dust settled everyone in his family was hurt, bones were cracked and feeling were torn. His father disowned him a week later, to which Alex replied “Good riddance” Alex started wandering after that, He wandered the world as a mage/mercenary learning what he could of both martial skill and magical know how.

By the time he was 33 he had garnered quite a reputation as an independent problem solver for those that could track him down and hire him. He was an exceptionally talented Jack of all trades skilled in most form of combat and a skilled practitioner of a variety of common magic’s. For a few years by this point however he had been trying to create his own style of magic, something that would leave a lasting impression on the world of magic, but he ran into a glass ceiling. He lacked the insight of a master mage to truly start making his own magic, He needed a guild for the knowledge that he could gather at one. It didn’t take him long to find one that fit his needs perfectly, Fairy Tail!

Other: Due to years of wandering and learning he is skilled in most forms of Martial combat, with unarmed or knife combat being his forte. He is also skilled to some degree with all forms of common magic as he dabbled in everything he could when he was younger, as such he has very good understanding of magic and its various styles, and due to his lover of learning he has become one of the most knowledgeable mages in regards to what styles there are or once were.

All together he is an extremely powerful and skilled mage, even deprived of magic; some rank him as almost standing equal to the Ten Wizard Saints, but he has never gone under formal testing to verify those claims.

He has access to his Second Origin.
FIrst post on new mage score card:

BrassOtter: I
Kal-El: I
Killamrix88: I
KiltmanBagz: III
Marc: I
RowsOfDeath: IIIII
Rune_Alchemist: III
Shifter_Master: IIIIII
I'm tossing in my interest as well, always like the concept of fairy tail and would love to try a RP of it
Make that one more person, you have gained my attention. This reminds me of The Legend Of Grimrock if you have heard of it. A question I have is about the prevalence of magic with in this world
guess ill start working on my CS till they return then
is this full already?
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