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I'm not sure if Verin will be able to not go, considering Verin was the one who found the wyvern
So I'm closer to Co-gm status then a mcguffin, Cool. Fits the hazy image I have of Alex anyway, as he's kinda noesy, helped get jobs and know how while wondering
And now we have DISCOURSE!

Also @Brass: just because they are straight doesn't mean a dunk man won't hit on them, hell as laid back and secure as Alex is he would take it as a complement and then just mess with the man about it when sober
The warm sun, the cool breeze and the hustle and bustle of the of a town getting ready for a festival it was enough for anyone to get in to a good mood, and Alex is no exception. As he reached the town once again he slowed to allow himself to just marvel at the town. He had missed the the festival last year do to being out on a job, thus he was glad he was in town to be able to enjoy it this year, he had even mad sure to take a few high paying jobs in advance so he didn't have to worry about money for the foreseeable future.

As he walked through town he had to call or waved greetings to a fair amount of the town, his an old habit of keeping on good terms with his contacts from his wandering days spilling out of control, seeing as the whole town was a contact from his point of view. The fact that he was wearing only a tank top, his coat slung over his shoulder, made it hard to go unnoticed by a fair portion of the town anyway, but he wasn't complaining. When he finally reached the guild hall he was humming some random tune to himself, stepping through the door he heard before he saw the commotion over near the request board and it was his choice to go see what the commotion was all about that saved him from getting run over by Verin who came blasting through the doors the very second Alex had stepped free from them. Alex visibly winced when Verin ran face first in to the wall 'wonder what's got him in such a rush' Alex wondered to himself as he changed course to go talk to the younger mage, the request board commotion no longer seeming as interesting.
"It's true! There's a Wyvern in East Forest!!"
"Now, that is something" Alex said as he stepped out from the cover of the crowed guild hall, mulling the information over in his head. He had seen Wyverns before, fought them a time or two while wondering, but that was when he was younger. "I take it that's what had you hauling in here so quickly you needed the wall to help slow down" He continued jovially. Alex always enjoyed getting the more stoic or "cool" of his comrades to either blush or crack a smile, as long as it was when there wasn't any significant danger anyway. "Not that I blame ya' seen plenty a people do similar things on a first encounter with a Wyvern." He finished with a small smile. Inside he was running numbers, of a sort, trying to gauge the danger that Magnolia town faced. He figured they were safe for a while, as long as Verin hadn't done something to piss of the Wyvern and even then they had time before it would come looking for payback, they were smart creatures, unfortunately.
there is room as far as i am aware of, but for an antagonist you would have to ask Marc
neither can I, I'm waiting on one more person to post before I post again, I can see Alex and Rurik getting along great already as well.
As far as i can tell it's never too late to join, it is too late to get a lost magic art however.

in other news I have an intro post up, so yeah

EDIT: This is do I don't double post, yes I am that odd.
After thinking about Force-Make I decided that a way to identify the different spell effects that I'll be adding to each spell needed to be developed for the sake of everyone, I have crafted such a system and had added it to my CS under the Spells section
In the hour before dawn all was quiet in the guild, but that does not mean all was asleep. If anyone was awake Alex could be seen on one of the supporting rafters eating a ration bar as he stretched the grogginess out of his joints. Alex had always been an early riser, it helped that he only needed about six hours to feel fully rested, a skill he had learned during his time wandering.
"Note to self, rafters do not make comfortable beds" Alex grumbled as he grabbed his bag and quietly dropped down to the floor below. "Next time I choose to remind myself how to sleep in an odd place I'm going camping" he continued as he walked down to the main hall of the guild. Looking around he took note of the lack of other people in the area "And why do I have to be the only one who is at awake at this hour?" He whined before lightly shaking himself 'Geez' rafters are really not good beds' he mused while taking one last look at the guild hall before heading out to the guild training field 'Might as well get some training in.'

Time flowed by quietly for Alex as he went through his workout routine. Laps, both jogged and ran, crunches, one handed push-ups, equal reps for each arm, lunges, jumping jacks, wall sits using a tree, ending with a half hour shadow boxing session against himself. Then it was time for a rest and fifteen minuet bath in a nearby river, after that it was on to his magical workout/training. Quick requip through his daggers and swords slowly moving through a weapon drill or two to make sure they are still in good repair, then he requips he staff and moves through on more drill but doesn't put it away after. Sitting down he lays the staff in his lap, as he begins to take deep calming breaths, while reviewing the basics of raw magic. 'Raw magic is the pure energy of magic in an undiluted state' Breathe in 'That energy is constantly trying to change its self to reflect an element of nature' Breathe out 'One must be calm and determined to fight magic to keep its raw state' Breath in 'Gods I love doing this' A grin splits Alex's face as he slowly opens his eyes and stands, dismissing the staff as he does slowly he brings his hand together, one hand closed parallel to his chest, the other hand resting on top of it as if he is about to show respect to an opponent, one more breath he flips his hand so both of his palms are facing away from him "Force-Make: Piercing Ray!" Suddenly the air in front of him is filled with a thin stream of raw magic, looking like a white laser, flying away from Alex at an incredible speed before spearing itself through one of the target dummies that are dotted across the field. He holds his stance for a few moments longer willing the magic circle that comes with any spell cast to hold for as long as he can make it, it's not as taxing as holding on to raw magic but it is still like trying to hold on to the wind with your hands, so soon the circle vanishes.
"Alright I think it's time for lunch" he says after admiring the clean hole his spell punched through the dummy, Turning he starts his way back to the guild his mind working at way to improve his magic as well as what to eat.
On the topic of teams considering Alex is currently relegated to Mcguffin status I get the feeling I'll be a temp member on all the teams until we get another S-class mage, as for what team he would be a permanent member of that I have no idea
YAY! IC! it's always grand to wake up and being able to start an RP, I shall work on my intro post.

Also I agree with the morning rune placement
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