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Alex knew Riley was a good kid, it was just things got a little hazardous when he started beating himself up over not living up to personal expectations. That didn't stop Alex from becoming much more relaxed, however, when the swordsman nearly started bouncing in his seat. Alex was about to laugh at the kids request to teach him how to fist fight, not to be cruel but more because it seemed that Riley had a knack for asking people to teach some of the skills that they were best at. The mirth died in his throat when frigid air knifed in to the carriage.

Taking a moment to center himself, he closed his eyes a reached out with his other senses. One of the perks of spending years trying to master the skill of molding raw magic was the fact that Alex's skill at detecting magic was practically unparalleled; he could find the residual magic in anything if giving just a moment or two. Drawing on that skill he reached in to the blizzard and was unsurprised to find excess magic in the wind and ice. “You’re most likely correct.” He said as he opened his eyes looking in to the wind, a sense of foreboding slowly growing as he did “Keep your eyes peeled, I got a feeling that this whole mess has gotten a lot more complicated” he added as he stepped out in to the frigid air. Out of the carriage he felt the cold whip through him ‘Not good, the cold will sap strength from us before we can find what or who is doing this’ Alex realized grimly ‘Seems another thing that Force-make won’t ever deal with’ sighing at yet another thing his own magic will never be able to deal with he started digging in to his vast repertoire of minor magic he chanted a small spell under his breath before touching both Riley and himself on the shoulder. Instantly warmth flooded in fighting off the cold, the surge soon died off, but enough heat stayed behind leaving them both feeling neutral to the cold weather “Let’s go”
Exactly! that was annoying as hell. can't wait for the guild to be up to snuff again though they had some useful features
Geez the guild is all sorts of broken this weekend. Greeting all
@Rune:Delayed Goodnight, stupid internet loading this page for an half hour
@Rune: that it has, in some ways that are not fun, such as slow internet
I hate it when a plan falls apart, I meant to have the post I just posted up in a fraction of the time it took for me to actually get it up. Bleagh anyway it's up now and greeting to you both as I have not had the chance to say it to either of you as of yet
It's interesting to note that when someone has achieved a certain level mastery of a martial art, they can seem completely relaxed while in fact they are poised to strike. Once again Alex was glad his skill was enough to let him both be diplomatic in appearance and poised to defend himself. 'Whew, past the hard part' He thought to himself as he waved away Riley's apology "Don't worry about it" Turning to more fully face his guild mate as they expound about their teacher, tossing in small comments every now and then such as "None taken, sounds like the stories didn’t due her credit" or the surprised "She was blind?!" Followed by the muttered "I'd love to tell my brother that." Before Alex had been disowned his brother and father had become wrapped up in the rumors of Yukiko, his brother was a fan, and his father was convinced she was a fraud. Banishing thoughts of his family from his mind he let a smile form as Riley beamed as he talked about her.

"Sounds like a blade from the same forge. I was trained in swords first and learned magic second as well" Alex stated after Riley finished "But to be able to do that blind? That is something else, I would have enjoyed being able to talk with her. I know that I would be able to learn something" He continued his mind exploring the "what if's" and "Could have been" of meeting Yukiko "As I said I've only heard stories, never had the chance to meet her, but I can get a glimpse of how it must have been to see her fight, because of after talking with all the people I have talked with and seen all the skills, both martial and magical, that I have I have a rather good eye for how people can grow if they apply themselves, and you have the drive needed to be great. Yukiko laid a hell of a foundation down, you won't be able to take me on for a while yet in an all-out fight, but I can foresee you becoming a force to be reckoned with all your own not too far off as long as you keep at it" Alex Explained, he knew Riley got a lot of flak for misplaced expectations, he knew he was partly to blame for that as well, but at the moment he couldn’t help but see himself in the young swordsman. Always trying to live up to someone else’s expectations, to try and live in someone's shadow. At least Riley was happy with the shadow he was in, for now anyway. He knew however that One day people would compare the teacher and student and finds one of them wanting, so without really thinking Alex found himself giving advice for when that day finally came. "No two people can walk the exact same path to the exact same goal" Words my archery teacher told me once. That's the only advice I can really give at the moment. It boils down to don't try to become a copy of Yukiko; you'll never reach her level if you're always mimicking her. You can take her teaching and make it your own by adding what you need and removing what you don't" Softly he made a small bit of raw magic and let it just flow aimlessly in his hand "Never be afraid to be who you are rather then who you think you should be" He finished quietly slightly lost in thought, before shaking his head "I'll take you on whenever you want, where ever you want" stated a smirking Alex as he closed his hand with a snap, the raw magic winking out as he did "But that doesn't mean I'm going to be slacking off in my own training. You're going to have to work for every inch to catch up, because you and I are aiming for the same spot, after all there is no place like the top" he added, a glint in his eye as he did.
'I would rather help pull them up, then tear them down... dad'
That figures, right as I'm about to leave the guild comes back to life. I'll get my reply up as soon as I get back.

EDIT: my lead is reclaimed once again
@Spartan: One thing to mention is the fact that out side of combat or critical plot moments, the Guild master is free reign for anyone
since it seems to be the topic at hand, I am surfing the net while my SO uses my lap as a pillow
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