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Kakashi face went blank for a moment when Airi so easily agreed to pay for the ability to watch him train some brats. He had been expecting more protests with her adorable faux anger, before he relented with suitably dramatic flair. He was ever so slightly disappointed about that for the second it took him to notice the smirk she had adorned.

‘Either they are going to hate me, or Airi is going to try and embarrass me over that offer’ Kakashi mused, before giving an internal shrug. Either way it ended up was fine by him; his team could learn a few lessons from this either way. Sakura would see that there are options outside of being a kunoichi, Naruto would learn not to try and prank him and Sasuke… Well he would worry about that him learning anything later.

“Let me know when you have it submitted it so I can request it, would be a shame if you went through all that just to end up with…” he paused for a moment taking on a slightly exaggerated thinking pose as a few more treats disappeared from the table “Say team 10” he finally offered, figuring that they would have the most difficulty getting the mission done due to having an Akimichi on their team.

“As for my plans for the day, I just stopped by to pick up a copy of the files on my new Genin before meeting up with them at ten to start our first day of training” Kakashi answered cheerily, while also pointedly not looking at the clock in the room. He knew perfectly well that it was 11:30 and that he was late. Despite that, or perhaps because of that, he made no effort to hurry with his snack or to go get the copies that he had mentioned.

*Chirp Chirp*
Kakashi just eye smiled at Airi as he took the plate “Don’t mind if I do” he said before placing some Taiyaki and Suama on his plate. They were the easiest things to eat alongside his habit of keeping his face hidden. The reason for the habit was much more out of amusement now then its original purpose, but that didn’t mean he was just going to drop it.

“Indeed I have, it was only a matter of time I suppose” He answered neutrally as he took a seat at the nearby table “But it seems that Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha were able to pass my little test.” He explained before rolling his eye at his friend’s antics.

“Oh yes I’m getting positively doughy” he replied dryly, one of the Suama vanishing from his plate mid-sentence “Next thing you know I’ll be rolling down the street looking like an Akimichi” he shook his head lightly as another treat disappeared from his plate. If there was anyone else in the staff room, they would have been slightly surprised to see Kakashi so jovial compared to his regular standoffish self. But that had more to do with the fact that he was talking with Airi.

“If you want to know how I am at teaching you could always go and request a D rank or two, after all they will have to get used to them soon” Kakashi offered. D ranks were the bane of all Jonin instructors, as they are insufferably boring to the veteran ninja. The fact that they were useful for teaching the basics of how the mission are taken and for the basics of filling out after mission reports was irrelevant.

Kakashi typically has a relaxed and almost bored attitude, not prone to getting too worked up about anything or by anyone. He is habitually tardy, showing up when it suits him, using excuses that convince nobody, and later leaving for equally poor reasons.

If someone proves they are a significant threat to his team, or to Konoha, he becomes a frighteningly cold individual. Singularly apathetic and incredibly blunt. Few outside the Anbu have seen this side of Kakashi, none that have been on the receiving end are still alive.

Kakashi was born the son of REDACTED and REDACTED. He was born September REDACTED and is currently REDACTED.
*further reading shows that most of Kakashi's history has either been redacted or expunged from public record*

Kakashi's jutsu:
Raikiri- Kakashi's only original technique. It is an S rank lightning style justsu that is capable of piercing nearly any target. Rumored to be able to split a lightning bolt in half.

Other then his original technique Kakashi has over a thousand different justus he has copied from various Ninja through out the world covering all the elements and all ranges. To list them all would take more effort then is worth.
First post is away and now I shall start on the CS for the Copy nin. expect it to be brief.
Somewhere in the vast sprawling metropolis that is Konoha village, sits a moderate and unassuming house. This house belongs to one of the most infamous ninja know to the shinobi world, Kakashi Hatake. The sun is still hours from rising, but this man’s day is just about to start.

No alarm goes off, but at 4:15 am Kakashi opens his eyes, a moment later he closes his left eye again and pulls himself out of bed. He quietly and quickly showers, shaves, and gets ready for his daily exercise. Ten minutes later he steps out from his house and starts his morning jog.

Over the next several hours Kakashi diligently and silently went through the motions required to maintain his physique. He spends this time reviewing his plans for the day, as the exercise routine is so deeply ingrained in to that he can do it nearly without thought.
4:15 wake up
4:25 -7:50 morning workout
8:00 freshen up from exercise
8:45 check in with the Hokage
9:45 grab first missi-
He pauses mid-way through a pushup as he realizes that his old schedule isn’t going to work anymore ‘You finally passed a team’ he reminds himself before continuing with his normal workout.


‘I’m supposed to meet up with Team seven at 10’ Kakashi muses as he takes a glance at the position of the sun ‘That’s in two hours, so I have four hours to spend’ he was tempted to spend the hours at the Memorial Stone as he usually would but seeing as that was where he told Team 7 to meet him today he would have to find a different way to kill the time.

With a mental shrug, he hopped to a nearby roof intending to actually make true one of his usually excuses and ‘Get lost on the road of life’ just to see what would come of it.


Three hours later found Kakashi at the Academy, with the intention of pulling his students records and tests. While he had been given a dossier on them all, he felt like going to the root of the information anyway as he he had already restocked his groceries, bought a few new books, ran in to a few of his old Anbu Kohai who were off duty, put in a requisition request for more basic field supplies and played a few games of rock paper scissors with Guy. He could have gone to meet up with his team, and was in fact originally planning on it, but when he spotted the Academy changes his plans seeing as he found another way to “productively” waste his time. Plus from the smells he could gather wafting from the school, they had recently got a delivery of baked goods and he could use a snack before he dealt with his brats.

Thus the copy ninja chose to follow his nose as it leads him to fresh treats.

He arrived at the door to the sensei’s lounge shortly after Airi had finished setting everything up, silently he stood in the door way leaning up against the frame as he watched his friend climb up to the high shelf using a chair, of all things.

She was Kakashi’s only ‘Civilian’ friend and he often forgot just how it was that civilians dealt with everyday issues, and how more often than not it was wildly different from how a highly trained Shinobi would deal with it.

Such as how he didn’t bother to lock his front door, but always made sure his windows were locked every time he went out.

He was just about to speak out when he noticed she was going to fall, and was moving before Airi had even made a noise. To the untrained Kakashi would look like a blur as he moved from one end of the room to the other in the span of a heartbeat.

To the experienced, his movements were the equivalent to a lazy stroll as he moved in to position to catch Airi with one arm before she fell too far. And in a playful bid he had pulled out his book as he did so, making it seem like he had caught her by pure happenstance.

“Ahh Airi” Kakashi said with obviously excesses cheer, not turning away from his book “How nice of you to drop by”

Oddly the mention didn't ping me, ah well. Also seeing as we have the Char tab do you want me to put something the for Kakashi just for the sake of simplicity?
@Ariamis Appreciate the Mention, Don't have Penny at the train station, and at this rate might have to wait for that scene to pass before I have her show up again. Still, things seems to be getting more interesting.
Destoroyah was amused by the rather simplistic carnage that Otachi was currently causing. The micro-oxygen kaiju herself was on a roof top a dozen or so building away from where the rift kaiju was, and while Des was rather tempted to reveal herself in all her unholy glory and answer the challenging call that Otachi had bellowed out. She had opted to wait for a bit first; after all she knew nothing about this interloper at the moment.

There was also the fact that she had seen the KGDF choppers in the area and was positive that they had sent someone to deal with the current threat. Depending on who that was would determine whether or not Des would intervene. She had been careful to not reveal herself too often to the KGDF, but if she was being honest she was starting to grow tired of the game of cat and mouse they had been playing for the past few decades.

The final thing that cemented the decision to stay hidden for the moment was the possibility of seeing her beloved, after all Godzilla was known to defend Japan more frequently than anywhere else and was even seen cooperating alongside the KGDF at times. The possibility of seeing Godzilla work up close was an exhilarating thought.

‘Still, it wouldn’t do to not be prepared in case things ended up turning boring’

With that thought in mind Destoroyah began to split in to a few dozen parts, a majority of them changed in to their juvenile forms and took off in to the city to start hunting down stray humans in the chaos by the kaiju attack.

The remaining three parts maintained their Gijinka forms but split up to watch Otachi level a few more buildings while the expected reinforcements arrived. It was while the larger pieces were moving in to place that one of them saw Gipsy Danger speeding through the streets.

‘Seems that you will be the deciding factor little Gipsy’ She mused as the piece that spotted her began to tail her instead. ‘Don’t disappoint me now’

@Lmpkio@Holy Grail
So far as I am aware it should be.
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