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Kakashi couldn’t help but chuckle at Airi “I wasn’t meaning talk about what happened, got a pretty good idea from your store front for that” Not to mention that it wasn’t a topic he wanted to revisit anytime soon, which was a shame as he was sure that he was going to be getting a messenger bird at some point today so that he could go get debriefed and then get chewed out for his actions.

Breakfast, however, sounded fantastic “That being said, if the offer of baking is available who am I to refuse?” He asked before moving to sit up. As much as he enjoyed lying about, he knew it was time to get up and stay up this time. The only thing he grabbed before leading the way to the kitchen was his headband and that was more due to habit than anything.

“I’m sure that I have everything for the dough, but can’t say I have everything for the glaze” Kakashi would explain as they rounded the last corner to the kitchen, only for them to come to face Akino who was sitting innocently near the back door, and if one was particularly capable of reading a dog’s expression it would seem as if he was smirking.

Kakashi just blinked at his oldest dog for a moment before sighing “After breakfast”

“I’ll be holding you to that” was the dog’s reply before he slipped out through the doggy door silently to find a nice spot to wait.

“So cinnamon rolls?” Kakashi asked knowing full well that Airi would have questions, but hoping to avoid them till food was ready.

The Engine was relentless, even as it was forming its construct body it continued the assault. As it grew larger it started to incorporate more and more avenues of attack, stray limbs built of roughly hewn scrap would reach out from the major limbs or even the main torso to rip out chunks of earth to throw at Curie, some would even lash out in an attempt to harm the opposing magical girl and more still would fling sand in a small attempt to blind her.

The main limbs were always edged in the lethal blood red glow of its energy blades, but as before those were used for distraction as much as attack as it would try and crush the hulked out magical in front of it just as often as it attempted to bisect her, and it was difficult to tell what was a feint and what wasn’t. Each attack that it launched would shake the earth with their impact, and were surprisingly fast considering its titanic size.

To make matters even worse, its form was not as consistent as one would expect from a metallic being. It arms and legs would twist and reshape with nearly every attack, both to increase its own lethality and to avoid or parry incoming attacks. The various eyes it now held were constantly shifting around always keeping track of the Engine’s smaller and more maneuverable target, making it impossible to strike from a blind spot.

It felt less like fighting a person and more like fighting a living storm of metal, one that was learning from every clash, which constantly adapted to counter its opponent, one that was always and forever seeking to destroy.

Even during this titanic duel, The Engine kept silent, save for the ever growing sound of machinery that come from within it. It gave noting away of its thoughts, of what it might be feeling. For in truth it held no emotion, and its mind was one that was utterly incomprehensible to a human. For it was a machine, that sought only to fulfill its purpose.

But its purpose was not as straight forward as it appeared; For Penny lost herself to her monstrous side not out of rage against Curie, but from the shock of what happened to Alicia. Logic just dictated that Curie was the greater threat. Thus when Doris threatened Alicia, The Engine reacted.

It didn’t disengage from its fight, to do so would be detrimental, but that didn’t mean it couldn't lash out at the Ice wielder. The back of its head would crack open revealing one of the cannon barrels from the Earth bastion. And with a roar it would discharge a gauss round aimed at the arm seeking to crush Alicia, but this round would carry none of the electricity that was normally stored in them. As the same time it launched the metal slug, it rerouted the lightning bolt that would accompany it to fire from the its mouth in an attempt to fry Curie.

Shortly after the sound of another gauss round being charged up would be heard once, as The Engine had realized it was getting no use from its regeneration, thus had shunted that energy over to the gauss system so it could rain down artillery fire on those that would oppose it.

Kakashi just smiled at Airi’s embarrassment, he knew he shouldn’t, but with what he knew it was hard not to find it adorable. Still, he made a note not to chuckle too loudly for future reference, at least not until they had a chance to talk about the elephant in the room anyway. That would come soon enough at any rate.

When the soft peace in the room was disrupted, Kakashi was not in the least surprised that it was Naruto that caused it. Nor was he particularly surprised at Airi’s panic at remembering that the rest of Team seven were in the house. Thus he was just smilingly innocently when she turned to regard him after she heard his voice from outside and just nodded in reply to her question.

His arm once again wrapped around Airi as she laid back down, this time right on top of him, and he too let out a contented sigh. Last night was one for the books, but it was over now. His smile grew a little at her words of thanks, and he couldn’t help but note that he had been doing a lot of that this morning. “You’re welcome. As I said, you’re too important to me. And I had one of the better nights of sleep that I can recall having” He answered honestly.

“And there they go” he said turning to the door as outside the bedroom, down in the living room, Team seven gathered up their supplies and set out to their training ground for some light exercise, and discussion about their most recent mission. The soft click of the front door had been caught by Kakashi as they did, let him know that they no longer needed to remain as quiet. “Breakfast is now available, if you want, as is a shower” he said as he returned his attention to Airi “Or we can just stay here and talk I’m fine with any of the options” he added with a smile.

-In to the abyss-

Penny was angry and was well on her way to becoming truly enraged. She had been so close to staking the overgrown ice cube and possibly breaking the ice witch within when she was diverted by Curie. Then shortly after landing she was wounded by the red headed stripper as well. The pain was aggravating, the fact she had been denied her attack was irritating and the fact that she had yet to be of any major help in this assault was infuriating.

It was with that mindset that Penny started her retaliation, snarling as she did, she wanted little more than to turn the swordswoman in front of her to a smear on the ground. She relied on her inhuman strength and incredible speed to try and over whelm her opponent with a flurry of punches, kicks and spider limb strikes. Many were tipped by her energy blades while just as many were thrown without, leaving her attacks dangerously unpredictable.

That being said her assault was not blind aggression. She would only block or parry her opponent’s great sword with her energy blades, and would use her spider limbs spiked tips to retaliate as she did, or use them to perform dodges impossible with a normal human physique. Her great reflexes and intimate knowledge of combat being used to limit the amount of harm she took.

So absorbed in her drive to dismantle her opponent she didn’t notice the rest of her allies being washed ashore, nor did she realize that Doris was not content to just watch from a far. It wasn’t till she felt the remnant of the icy breath of the now mobile golem that Penny disengaged from her enemy and even then it was done to ensure she wouldn’t suddenly be fighting both of them at once.

Then she saw Alicia frozen in ice.

All color vanished from Penny in a heartbeat, leaving her with only a few shades of gray, as her blades turned a harsh, bloody red. When she turned back to curie one could see that Penny’s face had lost nearly all of its detail, resembling a blank mask that was only passably feminine with two glowing pools of baleful red light where her eyes once were. Her body seemed to disconnect from itself as her limbs became floating segments of metal connected by only arcs of red electricity.

The same cheery voice from earlier echoed out from somewhere within her.“Humanity.exe has encountered a critical error and has shut down.” It was to be the last sound Penny would make for some time.

Without any more delay Penny once again began trying to eradicate Curie, only the assault was now not only stronger and faster, but had the inhuman timing and precision of a machine backing it up.

In the lake, the Earth Bastion would groan as metal would call to metal. Penny had spent long hours working on refitting the ship, every scrap of metal she worked with held the echo of her touch, and the Engine was calling it back for use. Uncaring that it would scuttle the ship, as destruction was its goal.

Somewhere within the crackling of electricity and the scraping of steel there would be an electric whine, signaling that the Gauss system was active once again.

Kakashi enjoyed the simple relaxation he was awarded with as he waited for Airi to wake up. Her soft breathing and steady heartbeat a soothing comfort to the man, they were simple proof that she was alive. He was tempted to doze off himself as he waited but didn’t want to miss seeing her wake up.

Instead he listened to the sounds of the rest of the house hold waking up. From the the soft complaints from his students, to his clone’s explanation about Airi still being asleep, and his dogs trotting inside for some breakfast and various amounts of small talk. It was a very different sound than normally heard in the house, as he was often up and gone long before now. He wondered absently if his father’s house ever sounded like this, before he pushed the thought away before it could pull him down.

Still the peaceful morning could only last so long, and Kakashi could tell that Airi was starting to wake up. He was forced to confront the fact he might have been a bit hasty in choosing how to go about it, but he didn’t regret his actions. He suppressed a chuckle as he felt her heart rate spike and knew that she was wide awake now.

“Good morning to you as well” he replied mirthfully “No need apologize, last night was rough on all of us” he added lifting his arm slightly to allow Airi to leave if she wanted, but otherwise making no move to get up himself.

“How was your sleep?”

-Code Yellow-

The massive clang of metal impacting the Ice Golem tore Penny’s attention away from watching to see if her impromptu projectile hit her target. As her gaze lifted to the top of the giant icy construct Penny could help but let out a sigh of disappointment. “Man, I still feel jipped that I can’t do anything like that.” She groaned quietly.

Her complaining was quickly discarded as she felt the Earth Bastion being lifted as she scrambled to grab hold of the railing so as not to tumble off the side in to the lake below. Not that the fall would be to terribly painful, which from this height it would hurt, but more for the fact that falling in to the lake would Take Penny out of the fight for at least some time as due to her body she would inevitably sink to the bottom and have to find a way back up.

Her mind was racing away trying to come up with a plan on how to deal with this new complication when the ship was flipped over. By virtue of her inhuman strength and constitution Penny was able to hold on to her spot at the railing. Said spot gave her the perfect view to witness Alicia fall in to the lake far below.

The cyborgs eyes turned nearly full red as she watched the splash below, with only small points of harsh yellow replacing where her pupils would normally be. A voice, recognizably not Penny’s, chimed from somewhere inside her metallic chassis “Yellow alert: D̷͞҉͏̡è̛͘҉̕s҉̶̛̛҉t́̀͘͢͜r̡ứ̧ć̸t̶̡̨͟į̛ơ̶͜͡͝n͏̡̛ ̴̵̛͞E͏̨ņ͏ģ́̕͠҉i̡͞͏̸͠n̴̢͠͝e͏̧̀ ̶̵̨̛ has reached 50%. Caution advised.”

Her attention snapped back to the Golem, as her additional spider limbs snapped out from their concealed state. Using her new limbs and her substantial strength Penny was able to climb up to the underside of the ship just in time to see Curie’s attack get redirected in to the frozen monolith. Locking her gaze on Doris, Penny snarled quietly before she began a flat out charge, trying to close the distance and exploit the compromised defenses around Doris, and hopefully tear her appart, before it was too late. Her blades snapped to life around her hands as she sprinted, and she held her mouth slightly open with her next gauss round so she could fire at a moment's notice.

Soft mumbling near Kakashi always served to pique his curiosity and grab his attention. That the voice was so close only served to make sure that the masked ninja would near instantly hone in on it. Once he did, he was left blinking in surprise as her wondered how it was he didn’t notice her there earlier. After a moment he decided that he didn’t really care, it was comfortable, and he was pretty sure he knew why he was waking up next to her.

The issue he was finding had much more to do with the fact that his students were still in the house. Mix in the fact that Naruto rarely seemed to be able to be quiet and Kakashi was faced with a minor dilemma. He could wake Airi up, and progress with his day as he had planned yesterday, or he could stay here and almost certainly have the rest of team seven walk in on them.

It takes him only a handful of seconds to decide his course of action. He was going to do both, stay in bed and go about his day as mostly planned, by making use of clones. His plan of action chosen he silently set about making it happen. Step one was making a single shadow clone without the normal poof of smoke and pop of sound.

Step two was switching places with it by use of the Substitution Jutsu, a technique he had long since mastered. The trick was making sure that Airi wasn’t woken up by the switch, so rather than remove her grip form his shirt he just left it behind while his clone kept his place.

Steps three and four involved Kakashi getting ready for the day as normal, albeit minus a shower and adding in fresh bandages. Then, after making another clone, which would also be ready for the day as his first was simply a clone of him from waking up, he would once again prepare for laying down, while the clone would get ready to wake up his students.

Step five was Kakashi would once again swap places with his first clone, using the Substitution Jutsu once again, before having that clone silently dispel itself. The feedback from the first clone dispelling was the sign for the second clone to set about with the original plans for the day. While the original just made himself comfortable, wrapping an arm around Airi as he did so.

All in all it took him at most five minutes to do this. And anyone who figured out would likely just stare in bafflement at the blatant misuse of a dangerous technique and deception of his team all for the sake of sleeping in and not getting caught with Airi in his bed.

Kakashi, on the other hand, would think it was a rather inspired plan. Besides it would keep him from having a clone shadow her all day, as well as make sure that they would be able to talk in private without the disruptions and distractions that the rest of team seven would cause.

Because they needed to have a private conversation, for a couple of reasons really.
Were it anyone else in the village Kakashi wouldn’t have gone along with the urging to get some rest, to finally get a full night’s sleep, but this was Airi and that made all the difference. So he didn’t stand firm against her push, instead he just fell back on to his bed, and stopped ignoring his body’s demands for rest. While Airi was grabbing his chair he just got comfortable, and was infact nearly asleep in the moment he cot under the covers.

It was Airi running a hand through his hair that kept him awake, because it was a foreign feeling for the masked ninja. He never had anyone in his life that would play with his hair, his mother passed shortly after his birth, his father was a ninja, and there had never been a person in the corp that Kakashi trusted or that trusted him for them to be close enough for such a simple act of affection and care to come about.

Kakashi decided he enjoyed the feeling.

“Wasn’t going to lose you” He mumbled as he was again on the verge of sleep “Too important” He cracked one of his eyes open as he smiled softly at her, before he finally relinquished his grip on the waking world, making her sincere and honest expression was the last this he saw before he slept and it was his gifted eye that he had unknowingly used. Thus her soft smile as he drifted off to sleep was forever etched in to his memory.

It would lead to one of the most peaceful and restful nights Kakashi had ever known.

~The next morning~

There is any number of things that could have led to Kakashi waking up when he did. The late night, the harsh week he had been subjected too, his injuries, the fact that his sleep had been so peaceful for once. All that and more, but in the end it was still a bit surprising to the silver haired Jonin that when he woke up it was 9:15, hours later then he would normally wake up. He gave a small shrug at that after a moment, after all it was a day off, more or less, so he was entitled to sleeping in.

‘Wonder if anyone else is awake?’ he wondered silently.
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