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“I have no doubt that is at least part of the reason; I did raise him after all” Kakashi replied with a nod as he sat down at the table to watch Airi work “And both you and him know me too well” he admitted with a soft sigh. For as much as he didn’t keep track of how often it had crossed his mind, Airi was still spot on with her guess of how he had been dealing with the situation. Hence why Akino was forcing the issue, the dog knew that when it came to normal Kakashi’s trained instincts would hinder rather than help, for Kakashi was bad at prioritizing his own happiness.

It was part of the reason why Kakashi was speechless at Airi’s offer of help; it was proof that there was once again someone else that cared for him beyond just as a comrade in arms. It was comforting, and the cynical part of Kakashi finally relented. The other reason he was struck speechless was out of a shocked amusement, as he had offered her the same help only a few weeks ago, for nearly the same issue. ‘We are hopless’ he mused silently at the turn of events.

Turning his attention back to Airi he let out a light chuckle at her appearance, it was adorable, and went a long way to explaining why her scent was always tinged with flour. “As a matter of fact, I don’t have any powdered sugar” Kakashi would state with a hit of disappointment, knowing full well that he had some with his tools, it made for a better blinding powder “But if crushed sugar works just as well” he would continue on as he walked in to the kitchen to get the needed things to try and powder sugar, it wasn’t something he had done before, and he fully expected to somehow end up covered in sugar in his attempt. But that wasn’t going to stop him; in fact he might make sure it happened just to see if he could get a laugh out of Airi.

With a short sigh Sarutobi watched Guy take off in search of his fiancée, leaving behind his students in his panic. He was glad that he had chosen to inform the man of that event at the end of the debriefing as he was worried something like this would happen. As Guy was a very passionate person. He waved the genin out of his office in silent dismissal, as he turned back to the paper work he was finishing up; it was the summons for Kakashi.

He waited until the genin had left before rolling it up he passed it off to one of the Anbu stationed in the room “Please make sure that this gets to Kakashi before Gai does.” The Hokage requested as he had a feeling that Kakashi and Guy would soon be on uneasy terms with each other, if he was correct in his belief of why Kakashi has stormed off after Miss Mae last night.

–Piece by piece-

Penny was grateful to see another friendly face, or at least someone who wasn’t going to attack her, as she wasn’t sure if she could consider Shannon a friend but knew she wasn’t an enemy. Being lifted slightly Penny had a better look across the lake to the castle ”You talking about the fight or the fact I survived?” She would ask as she watched the castle with curiosity, mainly due to the ringing that could be heard coming from the tallest tower.

That curiosity was quickly forgotten as a pillar of light was shown forth from near Alicia, and normally that wouldn’t be anything impressive, but Penny couldn’t help the shiver that ran down what was left of her spine as the monster inside of her could tell that was Beacon magic. Penny didn’t have any issues with that from a logical perspective, but the Beckoners always put the cyborg on edge due to her blighted heritage. Still she wasn’t going to voice her discomfort to them, or anyone really, not a good idea to tell people just how close the monster was to the surface most of the time.

It did mean that she saw her mechanic coming however; though with Sylvia calling out her approach it wouldn’t have been much of a surprise anyway, and Penny did try and hold still but the first aid felt so weird and nearly ticklish, not that she said that ”I’m trying, but it’s kinda hard when you get poked in places that are normally inside of you” she quipped in return even as she keep a steady lock on her mechanic.

”Most likely and the Earth Bastion got caught up in the same blast that did this to me, one of the crazies that was guarding this place went nuclear, and I say that quite literally.” Still despite her prickly demeanor at the moment, Penny was always a bit weary around member of Beacon she didn’t know, she could tell that the first aid was working, but even better was the radiation was fading away.

Closing her eyes Penny shut out everything she could, and focused on the feeling of her regeneration at work. She had always known that she had some operative control over it, but she wasn’t aware of everything she could do with her own systems, not like her monstrous half was. Thus every time it rose to the surface she learned something new about herself, as much as she wished that wasn’t the case. This time she had learned about the power rerouting trick, and she knew herself well enough that if she could shunt power away from the regeneration she could also redirect power too it.

Outside the sound of machinery would grow, as Penny poured as much power to her regeneration as she felt comfortable in doing. The sight that Shannon and Slyvia would be witnessed to would be rather bizarre as the missing endoskeleton would rapidly start rebuilding itself from jagged spikes of steel that would seamlessly emerge from the melted wounds.

After a few minutes the sounds coming from Penny would return to their normal quiet murmur and her eyes would open moments later letting her see that which she already knew, she was now mostly functional. She was missing a few of the outer layers of her platting, and her blade ports were still out of commission so she would have to be cautious if another fight broke out soon, but she was self-mobile again even if she looked half built.

”Thanks for the pick-me-up” Penny said to Slyvia as she checked herself over once more, mainly to take note of her standard regeneration speed, before nodding to herself. She looked worse for the wear but that would be taken care of in a few minutes, which wasn’t surprising considering the density of her outer platting. Plus she looked a hell of a lot better then she had been a short bit ago.

Without waiting or prompting Penny started back towards the lake shore, she wanted to check up on Alicia, and be near someone that she didn’t feel the need to be on guard with. She wanted to trust all the beacon members on sight, but it was hard not to see to distrust and disgust in most of their eyes.

The sight she encountered when she did make it back to Alicia was rather confusing to the mechanical mahou, and she stood there for a few moments with her confusion plain on her face at the sight of first aid being given to an enemy who by all rights should have been dead. Her right hand flexed a few times as Penny fought against the urge to simply break Kimble. With a force of will she shoved that desire away, back in the dark parts of her mind.

”Careful with the tail, they tend to be really sensitive” Penny was confused, but she could tell what Alicia was doing even if she couldn’t figure out why. So she sat nearby, and offered what little help she could as she started and pulling back the pieces of the Earth Bastion, as well as her old parts, with her feeble magic using the same connection that had been used earlier. Only this time she was just pilling up the wreckage off to the side rather than merging with it, not that Penny could merge due to the radiation, and her inability while not under metamorphosis.

All the while small part of her couldn’t help but feel dread at her confusion, she was missing something she could tell.

“Same thing as last night really” Kakashi explained as he also helped get set up for baking breakfast. “Akino’s just forcing the issue, mainly because he finds it fun that he can, but partially because he thinks it’ll end in a good idea.” Kakashi wasn’t as hopeful as his dog, or at least was more realistic about the obstacles that existed. There was Gai and Airi’s family as the biggest issues, assuming that she said yes to begin with, not that he doubted the information he had gain from Ana, especially considering the sight he woke up too, it’s just once can never be sure till the words were said on some topics.

Still he was thankful in a small way, despite his intentions when he was exhausted last night, without with his dog he might have put off the issue until some nebulous later date. For such a simple reason as well, fear of losing a friend. Kakashi could count on one hand the amount of friends he had that were still alive, and add in any prior relationships he had were manufactured things for missions and it became easy to see how his first thought would be how this would all end badly.

Putting those thoughts aside, Kakashi graciously stepped aside leaving his kitchen to Airi. If there was more being made he would have assisted, but since it was only cinnamon rolls attempting to help would likely only end up a hindrance.

Elsewhere in the village, various things were arraying to disrupt the peaceful morning the two were enjoying. The Hokage was preparing to send a summons notice to Kakashi, as had been assumed. Team Gai had recently returned as was undergoing their debriefing; it wouldn’t be long before they learned of what happened last night. And Team Seven could feel how something was about to change, as the rumor mill had been in full swing last night and odd whisperings could be heard following after them.


When Curie turned her blade on herself, it was the only moment in the fight that the Engine stalled as it had no information about what a tactic could mean. The lull lasted only until it was full body tackled in to the lake at which point it threw everything it had at the atomic powered girl. It quickly noticed that something was wrong however, as Curie had been run through several times by all manner of blades and spikes but was refusing to change her tactics.

As fast as it was capable the Engine started to reshape its body, it was placing as much metal as it could between this last desperate attack and its core as it could, having to way to tell just how powerful this suicidal attack was going to be, it could only be as cautious as possible. When the nuke finally did erupt it could tell that it lived by luck, luck that the metal it had used was blessed for durability.

Slamming on to one of the remaining ice flows that were scattered across the lake, the Engine was still attempting to complete its primary goal. Even though it knew it was at critical levels of damage, as it only barely had thirty percent of its core mass remaining, and the wounds were all bathed in radiation causing regeneration to be stymied.

Relentless in the truest sense of the word.

Somehow it managed to orient its self so that it caught sight of Alicia and Doris, another gauss round visible through the cracked line that was its mouth a moment away from being launched at the ice user. Then the ice golem shattered into soft snow and Alicia lowered Doris to the ground. From this distance the only thing it could tell was that the ice witch was dead. It gave one last scan of the area, to confirm there were no more visible threats.

“Rebooting Humanity.exe”

The first thing Penny felt as she resurfaced was relief and satisfaction, Alicia was okay and the enemies were dead. Then the pain came, as every wound she suffered let her know of their presence all at once. She tried to grit her teeth and endure it but could help the yelp of pain that slipped out. She could also feel a phantom sensation from the Earth Bastion, but as it was currently scattered across the lake bed, along with the rest of her body, all that really did was disorient her making it hard to shut out the pain.

She sat on her little block of ice floating for some time as she fought to get her pain under control, thankful for the refreshing coldness of the ice. She wasn’t too worried, as she wasn’t completely helpless despite being little more than half a torso and head covered in irradiated burns. She still had a gauss round chambered, and allies weren’t too far away.

Eventually, once she could clearly think through the pain she would call out tiredly ”I could use some help over here” hoping that her allies could hear her, If not she would just fire off her gauss round at the castle to get their attention. After all she could still see the top of the tower from her postion.

Kakashi couldn’t help but chuckle at Airi “I wasn’t meaning talk about what happened, got a pretty good idea from your store front for that” Not to mention that it wasn’t a topic he wanted to revisit anytime soon, which was a shame as he was sure that he was going to be getting a messenger bird at some point today so that he could go get debriefed and then get chewed out for his actions.

Breakfast, however, sounded fantastic “That being said, if the offer of baking is available who am I to refuse?” He asked before moving to sit up. As much as he enjoyed lying about, he knew it was time to get up and stay up this time. The only thing he grabbed before leading the way to the kitchen was his headband and that was more due to habit than anything.

“I’m sure that I have everything for the dough, but can’t say I have everything for the glaze” Kakashi would explain as they rounded the last corner to the kitchen, only for them to come to face Akino who was sitting innocently near the back door, and if one was particularly capable of reading a dog’s expression it would seem as if he was smirking.

Kakashi just blinked at his oldest dog for a moment before sighing “After breakfast”

“I’ll be holding you to that” was the dog’s reply before he slipped out through the doggy door silently to find a nice spot to wait.

“So cinnamon rolls?” Kakashi asked knowing full well that Airi would have questions, but hoping to avoid them till food was ready.

The Engine was relentless, even as it was forming its construct body it continued the assault. As it grew larger it started to incorporate more and more avenues of attack, stray limbs built of roughly hewn scrap would reach out from the major limbs or even the main torso to rip out chunks of earth to throw at Curie, some would even lash out in an attempt to harm the opposing magical girl and more still would fling sand in a small attempt to blind her.

The main limbs were always edged in the lethal blood red glow of its energy blades, but as before those were used for distraction as much as attack as it would try and crush the hulked out magical in front of it just as often as it attempted to bisect her, and it was difficult to tell what was a feint and what wasn’t. Each attack that it launched would shake the earth with their impact, and were surprisingly fast considering its titanic size.

To make matters even worse, its form was not as consistent as one would expect from a metallic being. It arms and legs would twist and reshape with nearly every attack, both to increase its own lethality and to avoid or parry incoming attacks. The various eyes it now held were constantly shifting around always keeping track of the Engine’s smaller and more maneuverable target, making it impossible to strike from a blind spot.

It felt less like fighting a person and more like fighting a living storm of metal, one that was learning from every clash, which constantly adapted to counter its opponent, one that was always and forever seeking to destroy.

Even during this titanic duel, The Engine kept silent, save for the ever growing sound of machinery that come from within it. It gave noting away of its thoughts, of what it might be feeling. For in truth it held no emotion, and its mind was one that was utterly incomprehensible to a human. For it was a machine, that sought only to fulfill its purpose.

But its purpose was not as straight forward as it appeared; For Penny lost herself to her monstrous side not out of rage against Curie, but from the shock of what happened to Alicia. Logic just dictated that Curie was the greater threat. Thus when Doris threatened Alicia, The Engine reacted.

It didn’t disengage from its fight, to do so would be detrimental, but that didn’t mean it couldn't lash out at the Ice wielder. The back of its head would crack open revealing one of the cannon barrels from the Earth bastion. And with a roar it would discharge a gauss round aimed at the arm seeking to crush Alicia, but this round would carry none of the electricity that was normally stored in them. As the same time it launched the metal slug, it rerouted the lightning bolt that would accompany it to fire from the its mouth in an attempt to fry Curie.

Shortly after the sound of another gauss round being charged up would be heard once, as The Engine had realized it was getting no use from its regeneration, thus had shunted that energy over to the gauss system so it could rain down artillery fire on those that would oppose it.

Kakashi just smiled at Airi’s embarrassment, he knew he shouldn’t, but with what he knew it was hard not to find it adorable. Still, he made a note not to chuckle too loudly for future reference, at least not until they had a chance to talk about the elephant in the room anyway. That would come soon enough at any rate.

When the soft peace in the room was disrupted, Kakashi was not in the least surprised that it was Naruto that caused it. Nor was he particularly surprised at Airi’s panic at remembering that the rest of Team seven were in the house. Thus he was just smilingly innocently when she turned to regard him after she heard his voice from outside and just nodded in reply to her question.

His arm once again wrapped around Airi as she laid back down, this time right on top of him, and he too let out a contented sigh. Last night was one for the books, but it was over now. His smile grew a little at her words of thanks, and he couldn’t help but note that he had been doing a lot of that this morning. “You’re welcome. As I said, you’re too important to me. And I had one of the better nights of sleep that I can recall having” He answered honestly.

“And there they go” he said turning to the door as outside the bedroom, down in the living room, Team seven gathered up their supplies and set out to their training ground for some light exercise, and discussion about their most recent mission. The soft click of the front door had been caught by Kakashi as they did, let him know that they no longer needed to remain as quiet. “Breakfast is now available, if you want, as is a shower” he said as he returned his attention to Airi “Or we can just stay here and talk I’m fine with any of the options” he added with a smile.

-In to the abyss-

Penny was angry and was well on her way to becoming truly enraged. She had been so close to staking the overgrown ice cube and possibly breaking the ice witch within when she was diverted by Curie. Then shortly after landing she was wounded by the red headed stripper as well. The pain was aggravating, the fact she had been denied her attack was irritating and the fact that she had yet to be of any major help in this assault was infuriating.

It was with that mindset that Penny started her retaliation, snarling as she did, she wanted little more than to turn the swordswoman in front of her to a smear on the ground. She relied on her inhuman strength and incredible speed to try and over whelm her opponent with a flurry of punches, kicks and spider limb strikes. Many were tipped by her energy blades while just as many were thrown without, leaving her attacks dangerously unpredictable.

That being said her assault was not blind aggression. She would only block or parry her opponent’s great sword with her energy blades, and would use her spider limbs spiked tips to retaliate as she did, or use them to perform dodges impossible with a normal human physique. Her great reflexes and intimate knowledge of combat being used to limit the amount of harm she took.

So absorbed in her drive to dismantle her opponent she didn’t notice the rest of her allies being washed ashore, nor did she realize that Doris was not content to just watch from a far. It wasn’t till she felt the remnant of the icy breath of the now mobile golem that Penny disengaged from her enemy and even then it was done to ensure she wouldn’t suddenly be fighting both of them at once.

Then she saw Alicia frozen in ice.

All color vanished from Penny in a heartbeat, leaving her with only a few shades of gray, as her blades turned a harsh, bloody red. When she turned back to curie one could see that Penny’s face had lost nearly all of its detail, resembling a blank mask that was only passably feminine with two glowing pools of baleful red light where her eyes once were. Her body seemed to disconnect from itself as her limbs became floating segments of metal connected by only arcs of red electricity.

The same cheery voice from earlier echoed out from somewhere within her.“Humanity.exe has encountered a critical error and has shut down.” It was to be the last sound Penny would make for some time.

Without any more delay Penny once again began trying to eradicate Curie, only the assault was now not only stronger and faster, but had the inhuman timing and precision of a machine backing it up.

In the lake, the Earth Bastion would groan as metal would call to metal. Penny had spent long hours working on refitting the ship, every scrap of metal she worked with held the echo of her touch, and the Engine was calling it back for use. Uncaring that it would scuttle the ship, as destruction was its goal.

Somewhere within the crackling of electricity and the scraping of steel there would be an electric whine, signaling that the Gauss system was active once again.

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