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“I’ve got it from here; it’ll give me something to work on in my down time.” Penny waived off the offer of further help with her augments “I’m looking forward to this flight mod though” she added before stepping back as Sylvia’s Beckoner popped up. Penny had gotten in the habit of taking a step back whenever a Beckoner showed up mostly to watch them, but partially because she felt that most of the Beckoners only tolerated her presence. The exception was Alicia’s angel, but she didn’t often see that one.

Penny opted to power up her legs and take a few laps around the hanger while she waited for whoever it was that was going to show up. She didn’t have to wait for too long, as part way through her second lap as a petite blunett walked in. Slyvia calling out a greeting to the girl informed Penny that she was a new member of Beacon, as did Alicia’s reaction.

Penny hadn’t encountered enough Beckoners to really note the odd appearance of this one, but seeing as it was a Beckoner she hadn’t seen before she did what she normally did, she took a picture of it. With her phone now more of a com-link/scouter it wasn’t that hard to do without people noticing just look and silently snap a picture. The mechanical girl wasn’t sure if her recording the various Beckoners she encountered was something that would come back to bite her, but she wasn’t planning on asking to find out.

Afterwards she waved to Summer as she was introduced by Alicia and she hovered over before turning off her thrusters. “Don’t worry too much about me and Kimble, the Beckoners have granted us exemption from the standard rules” The cyborg said with a soft smile.

Penny was rather curious as to what it was Alicia needed to go deal with, but figured that it wasn’t anything bad with the smile the light user was wearing. Gave Penny a good excuse to step away as well for a moment and check out if she was right when it came to the Key she was carrying “Does seem like you popped up an awkward time though, as I’ve got to step out for a bit as well. I should be back in an hour or so though so I’ll catch you later” She continued before heading out of the hanger as well.

As she left she immediately headed for the roof access, not that Penny was heading to the roof mind, but it would be the easiest to place to return to without raising too many eyebrows. Standing in front of the door leading to the roof Penny palmed the Key she had gotten months ago, closed her eyes and focused. After a few moments she could hear the clicking of a latch in her mind and without opening her eyes she stepped forward, opening the door as she went.

She didn’t have to open her eyes to know where she had ended up; the lack of wind told Penny what she needed to know. Still, Penny couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief when she opened her eyes to a familiar room. Her friend was back; a smile settled on her face but was almost wiped away as a dark thought wondered for how long until She lost this one as well.

Shaking the dark thoughts from her mind Penny stepped father in to the home calling out as she went “Chloe? You here?”


Kyle was sad. It seemed that this HQ had recently been betrayed and only just got finished with most of the repairs. That was not what had the rather plain looking kid down; no he was down because the cafeteria was still not fully repaired so it was currently closed. This meant there was no food for him to eat, thus he was still hungry.

His ‘Parents’ wouldn’t be in town for a few more days and his allowance wasn’t enough for him to be able to spend it frivolously. Thus he was left wandering around this new HQ hungry. It sucked. Still he had met a few new people as he walked around. Helped out here and there, but was mainly wondering around getting a feel for this place. He wanted to meet this Sylvia Starshine, as he heard she was the person in charge at the moment, but hadn’t made it a priority.

Eventually his wondering led him to the hanger, he missed most of the conversations that were happening, and was only peripherally aware of the two MonsterGirls in the room. His focus was fixed on what, to him, was the most important thing in the room, the plate of sandwiches. Moving to introduce himself, he was instead interrupted by Sally who kindly offered him one of the sandwiches. “You are a life saver!” He cried as he accepted the food and quickly took a bite and savored the delicious gift “A gift from a goddess. This is wonderful!” He said after a few moments before he devoured the rest of his meal. “Just what I needed, Thanks” he thanked Sally again before taking stock of the room finally. There was a Catgirl, a tiny blue hard girl, and his blond savior everyone else had left or was off working on the other end of the room.

He blinked in suprise at the sight of Kimble, but didn't react all that much to her presnece. He figured there was propably a good reason she was here. So he offering his hand to the small group that still remained with a bright smile “Hiya, names Kyle. Pleasure to meet you all”
‘Huh, those are good quality plates’ That was the understated thought that first came to the mind of Kakashi as he watched the impact of his words on Airi. Many would have sweat dropped at such a nonchalant internal reaction, as many would be panicking as they fretted over how their admittance would be received. Even if Kakshi hadn’t talked with Anna beforehand, he would still be as calm as he was now. There was no reason fretting over the reaction to an act of trust; it defeats the point of trust in the first place.

Still the masked ninja watched his guest closely as she turned around, and once again felt his lips quirking up in too a smile. It was the tiny things that always stuck out the most to him. The big gestures are the easiest to fake, the smallest happen unconsciously so most don’t even realize that they are happening.

“I. Am falling in love. With you.” He spoke slowly and cleanly, making sure not to take his eye off of Airi as he repeated himself. Which was slightly harder then it sounded as he could hear Akino quietly sniggering to himself from beyond the door, but he wanted to make sure there was no mistaking what he had said this time.

“I don’t know when it started, but last night reminded me that no one is promised tomorrow.” Kakashi explained plainly as he stayed seated. He was in uncharted territory for himself now and staying seated helped counter the want to pace around as he talked “Nothing like walking in to a nightmare for a bit of perspective” he chuckled lightly at the gallows humor, which as close to admitting he was nervous as he was going to come.

“As I said, not the best time to bring it up as ‘company’ is on the way” Kakashi said with a grimace “But that doesn’t mean it is any less true.” He shrugged afterwards but kept quiet so he didn't end up rambling on.
Well Kyle and Penny have been placed, but I think Janet has Penny's number if you want to go that route


In the garage of Beacon’s Penrose HQ sat something that a month ago would have been deemed impossible. A Monstergirl was currently laying down on one of the workbenches, her eyes closed as various members of Beacon milled around waiting to hear if their hard work had been successful or if there was still more to do. A large grin spread across the monsters face and rather than the fear and suspicion that would be normal her smile was met by grins and smirks of the various Beaconites around her. “All systems are green ladies” Penny called out letting everyone know that the work had been completed correctly.

"Phew! That was a doozy to install," Sylvia Starshine spoke as she wiped the sweat from her brow, and stood up to marvel at her work. "Why couldn't you ask for roller blades instead of hover boots, Penny? Aren't they still fashionable?"

“And let the salvage from a Sky Engine just go to waste? Not happening” Penny replied as she moved to sit up and get herself back to normal. The last few weeks had been a pleasant, if odd, time for the mechanical girl. She had spent a lot of her time helping Beacon build its HQ back up, and when not here fixing things she was off at her Lair cleaning out the memories of Thalia and the rest of the trash that build up from living in a scrap heap. Or retooling herself, which she had done a fair amount of as a way to work through the heart break she had gone through a month ago.

She had completed most of her upgrade herself and had laid the ground work for the latest installation when an offhand comment during the time she was helping Sylvia rearrange the garage had the mechanic offer her assistance. Still even with the help of the members of Beacon it had taken a good few hours to install everything correctly, and the truth about just how much of Penny was no longer flesh and blood was made much more apparent to everyone to helped or watched as Penny had been right alongside the people helping her out even though that meant she was completely separated from the lower half of her body for most of it.

Now though Penny was once again in whole and she felt all the better for it, there was something about being able to actively work on her body that was both relaxing and exhilarating in ways she couldn’t put in to words for people, likely because most people couldn’t take off a limb to poke around at its insides.

Moving off a distance Penny pulled her hair back in to a loose ponytail before triggered the thrusters that they had just installed and was instantly lifted off the ground a few inches. She could easily tell that these thrusters would never be strong enough to grant her flight, but that was never the goal. “They feel Just as I hopped” Penny answered Alicia as she slid around the room to get comfortable with the sensation before turning them off and walking over to grab a sandwich.

“Hard to put in to words though” She added after taking a large bite of the offered food, hardly noticing the taste as she had an incredibly skewed sense of taste due to her physiology “I can still feel the ground below me, I’m thinking it’s feedback from the geomagnetic field, which makes sense as that’s what I’m tapping for these to work in the first place.” She explained as she read through the diagnostics reports of her new parts that scrolled past her eyes. “Still wish I had more of that flight engine, I would love to start working on making Jetpack with it.”

As she was reading over her diagnostics, she noticed an errant magical surge had been recorded coming from one of the compartments in her legs and her left hand drifted towards the compartment before she remembered what was there. An ordinary looking key that had been gifted to Penny when she first arrived in Penrose, one that had been given to her by a friend she wasn’t sure if she would see again: Chloe.

‘Could she be back in town?’ Penny wondered for a moment before setting the thought aside. She doubted the rest of Beacon would be happy to hear about a dark magical girl showing up in town, plus she had no proof if that was the case or not. ‘I’ll try the key later and see if it works again’ she decided before finishing off her sandwich.

“So, what next on the agenda?” She would ask the group at large as she reached for another sandwich.


Off in another section of the renewed Beacon Headquarters there would be a soft alarm as a voice would call out from a PA system “Inbound teleportation. Please clear the landing area” a few members of Beacon would stop to witness the new arrival, but for the most part it was business as usual.

The landing area was a roped off platform that could hold a maximum of eight people comfortably, and in the center of the platform a small mote of light could be seen fading in to view. The tiny mote of light rapidly grew into the shape of a kid and with a flash and utterly unremarkable kid was standing in the center of the platform.

He quickly moved off the landing pad before taking a look around at the other people in the area. He was dressed in what looked to be a private school uniform, and had messy short brown hair and light brown eyes. He seemed to be the type of person, who would end up being lost in a sea of people purely due to lacking anything outstanding about him.

“Heyooo” He said in greeting “Names Kyle, anyone know where the cafeteria is? I had to skip breakfast to make it here on time” The boy asked as she scratched his cheek grinning sheepishly.
Kakashi was quietly focused on his dual tasks of crushing sugar and intentionally making a mess with said sugar while Airi watched him work. If he was honest it was surprisingly relaxing, perhaps it was the mundanity of his task or perhaps it was the fact it was something so far disconnected from his normal day to day. Once again if he was honest, he would know it was because of Airi. He was just able to relax around her, he trusted her and she in return trusted him. It wasn’t something he could say about a lot of people in the village, outside of missions that is. His reputation as a fantastic team worker only barely overshadowed his past reputation from killing an ally in the field.

But none of that mattered as much while she was around; the past was kept firmly in the past and he was able to simply enjoy the moments of the present that he had while not worrying about the future. It was why when she hugged him from behind he paused in his crushing and just enjoyed the moment, glancing back at her he could gather bits of what she might have been thinking, but focused only on the message she was trying to send him. The plain honesty in her frame was humbling, and his worries about speaking up about his feelings faded away. He wasn’t sure how everything was going to play out, but that wasn’t going to stop him from repaying her honesty with his own.

He chuckled along with Airi as he took in his successful mess making, and felt it was entirely worth it just to hear her laugh. “Indeed we are” Was Kakashi’s reply as he took the offered cinnamon roll and sat down at the kitchen table.

The Kakashi-clone resisted the urge to face palm at Naruto’s blunt statement and wondered for a moment if this was payback for staying silent, before dismissing that idea. None of the kids were aware of Gai’s and Airi’s current relationship as far as he knew.

The other Jonin was taken aback for a moment as he processed what Naruto told him, and couldn’t help but give Kakashi a look, still getting the answer that he was so desperately seeking had Gai rearing to go ”AND YOU LEFT HER THERE ALL ALONE!? MY RIVIAL YOUR YOUTHFUL FLAMES ARE DIMMING” He shouted before taking off towards Kakahi’s house another dust cloud being kicked up in his wake.

This time the clone did let out a sigh “Well that changes things”

“How so?” asked Sasuke as she stared at the retreating dust cloud.

“Because Gai isn’t known for his patience” replied the clone “I’m going to go and make sure I still have a house to return to we can pick up training tomorrow”

“Aww man, this sucks” Whined Naruto at the prospect of losing out at the chance to try and needle out information from Kakashi.

“I’ll make it up to you three by teaching you all more about clone techniques next time” He offered before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Both of the boys had perked up at that and didn’t think much of the disappearance of their sensei. Sakura on the other hand couldn’t help but think that the poof looked like Naruto’s clones when they were popped and resolved to ask about that later.

Kakashi had enjoyed breakfast quite a bit, good food and better company went a long way into making that true. “..So I ended up hiding out in the hay cart for the rest of the day all because of that one superstitious commander” The masked ninja finished explaining about one of his more humorous solo missions. It was a comedy of errors where things just kept going a little bit wrong in weird ways. It had been brought up by some of the banter the two always exchanged.

“What about you? Any-“ He stalled midway through his question and just blinked for a moment before letting out a small sigh. A little known truth about Shadow clones was that the clones returned all of their memories to the original upon the dispelling of them, it was one of the reasons it was a forbidden technique for the normal forces.

“Seems we will be having company in a bit” Kakashi said, his tone notably annoyed, “Seems someone told Gai about what happened last night and Naruto mentioned that you were here.” The silver haired Jonin was not looking forward to this confrontation but sometimes things just don’t go the way you want them too. “Which makes this perhaps the worst time to mention it but breakfast is done, and it’s now or never seemingly.” The buildup was mainly for Kakashi’s benefit as it gave him a second or two more to ready himself for what he was about to say.

“I am falling in love with you”
Also magical wolf pack sounds rather interesting.

-Crashing down-

Penny watched her Beacon allies leave with the same manic expression she had displayed at her first realization of what this room meant to her. All but one of the leaving girls had just shrugged and agreed with her plan and Alicia’s anger wasn’t hard to see. Underneath the mania Penny felt as she had messed up here somehow, but couldn’t place what it was.

Turning back to face the wall the mechanical girl hit the wall, softly this time, she would wait a moment before she hit it again slightly harder than before. Over and over, slowly building up the strength of her hits, till the walls were shaking with each blow, she rang out a warning to all who might be in the castle, using the walls themselves to deliver it.

As she waited for some unknowable signal she ran through her plan. This wall was the first, that was true, but a castle this size would be guaranteed to be toppled with only this wall being taken away, she need at least two more to be certain and at least one of those would have to be the mirror to this one. So after tearing this wall down, she would turn north and keep running through walls till she found another load bearing wall and quickly tear it down before venturing to east to find the load baring wall that was opposite the wall she was striking at.

The blades on her left arm flared to life, her spider limbs extended as well. She would be rushing around with the castle as it came tumbling down so every weapon she had would likely be needed, both to make sure she didn’t end up buried underneath tons of stone and to give her the tools to take out anything that might stop her, and if all else went poorly she knew this place had an underground complex as well that she would escape into so she could buy a bit more time to escape.

She pulled her fist back one more time and felt something click within her. It was time. The blades on her right arm lit up and she stopped holding back. She lashed out at the wall, letting out a roar as she did. The wall, having been weakened by her steady blows crumbled to dust in the face of Penny’s full strength as she fulfilled her Patrons mission. The cyborg didn’t spare the wall another glance as she turned towards her next objective and started blitzing through whatever happened to be in her way. Change and destruction had come to the castle, and nothing would stop it now.

Penny was a living wrecking ball within the castle, blowing through walls, furniture, doors, everything. A few times she would snap fire a gauss round at load bearing structures she could see off her determined path, or at something that looked like it might survive the castle coming down on top of it. Several times the force of her stride left holes in the floor over where she had ran but Penny refused to look back, for every moment she stayed still increased the likely hood she would find her end with this crumbling structure.

Her spider legs worked mainly at deflecting the debris coming down on the rampaging half monster, as did her blades on any slabs of stone that landed in front of her, but all of her limbs were used on the load bearing walls when she came to them. She wasted as little time as possible on completing her goal before racing off to the next one.

When she had finally taken down the third wall, she just kept pushing through and started forcing her way outside from there, she would have preferred to make it back to the entrance, but knew that to try that at this point would drastically shorten her current life expectancy. A cry of triumph was on her lips and would ring out the moment she was clear from the destroyed building. After taking a moment to survey her handy work, Penny would circle around to rejoin her allies so they could work on finding a way back home. All the way there was a spring in her step for a project accomplished.
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