Avatar of Shifter_Master


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Slade would nod in Jinny’s direction “I’ll see you at lunch at the latest.” He would say before giving Mikron a quick look. The short look would be all that was needed to memorize the boy, in case he needed to track him down for any reason.

Mikron was still oblivious to what happened, too busy finishing packing away his harness and tools. When he was done, he would slip on the harness before pulling on his school jacket hiding the gear from view rather effectively, and would hop down from the stool he was on. At this point it was easy to see that he was very short, topping out at just over three feet tall. Not that his height slowed him down all that much as he jogged over to one of the far corners of the room, one that was out of sight of the main door.

He would have to jump up to hit a blank part of the wall, but a card reader would slide out of a hidden panel shortly afterwards. Another jump to run his ID through the reader, and one more to punch in a short code and the card reader would slide back into the wall before the wall it’s self would open up to reveal a small elevator. One that was colored a honey yellow.

When they stepped into the elevator a digitized voice would chime out “Welcome, Gizmo. Please state your destination.”

“Gymnasium, Level two” The short boy would say with a smirk. Only for said smirk to turn into a scowl as the digital voice would chime back.

“Can not comply. You’re access is still restri-“

“Overide: MP dash THG. 41 18.” Micron would bark out in annoyance.

There would be a moment of somewhat glitched static, before Mikron’s voice would emit from the speakers, thought it was still notably glitchy sounding. “Getting on with it” and then the doors would close and the elevator would start to descend. “I swear they can’t take a frackin joke.” He would grumble to himself.

It was hard to tell how fast they were moving with the elevator, a dull hum in the background the only real indication as there wasn’t any windows or displays that Jinny could see, but regardless the ride was a short one over all.

When the doors opened again, they opened into a massive room. Easily forty feet high, two hundred wide and at least three hundred long. Just beyond the elevator doors was the only part of the floor that Jinny could see that wasn’t coated in a crash mat to at least some degree. The level of padding seemed to depend on the area, as there was areas for what looked to be everything from simple gymnastics all the way up to trapeze swings.

There was at least a dozen other students in here as well. Some seemed to be simply stretching and warming up, but others had already commandeered some areas and were practicing either aerial maneuvers or other higher altitude things. With at least one person running an obstacle course set up thirty feet high, with the fall into a large pit of foam squares. The obstacle course was notable as well for it seemed to be floating somehow, proving the tech that they had hidden away down here was much more advance than the public had.

The last notable thing seemed to be the color scheme, lots of honey yellow, with accentuating black. Someone seemed to have a sense of humor since the school was called HIVE after all.

Mikron would just start walking over to an unclaimed area, only getting a cursory glance from one of the closer students. “Locker rooms are over there” He would say gesturing towards a set of double door on one side of the room. “Those doors lead into the hallways” He would say pointing at a few sets of double doors on the opposite wall to the locker rooms. “And there are the elevators” He would add gesturing back from where they came where there were four other elevator doors that could be seen.

“Not that we need any of those, but your new here.” Mikron would go on to say as he took of his jacket and threw it off to the side. Once more revealing his harness. “You said you wanted a jetpack right? Want to see if mine works?” He would ask smirking once more.
“If you can get your motosweep brought in they will let you in easy.” Mikron would say with an eye roll “The assistant teach is the one in charge of vetting students and he’s got no idea what is actually impressive or not.” He would get back to his work soldering as he kept talking. His attitude was notably more relaxed as well as he wasn’t watching Jinny’s hands as closely as he had been.

“The actual teacher is fantastic though. He actually knows his stuff.” As Mikron finished up his work he would start packing it away as well. Displaying that some parts of it were somehow able to fold into themselves allowing him to stack an incredible amount of stuff into the same space. “Though my favorite had to be when Luthor dropped in as a surprise lecturer. Some of the stuff he was talking about in regards to zero space fields or friction space generators almost went over my head.” He would state with a surprising amount of enthusiasm. “Granted it is mostly theory at this point, but the math all checks out as far as I can tell. It’s just the energy requirements are a freaking nightmare.”

“You get your student pass yet?” He would suddenly ask turning to look at Jinny as he asked.

“No” Slade would interject. “Our paper work is still being processed”

“Well, if one-eye is fine with it I could show you some of the actual school” Mikron would go on to say still hardly paying Slade much mind. Something that was actually starting to annoy the mercenary, though he would refrain from making his displeasure known here and now. There would be plenty of time to do that during class.

“The surface level stuff does get a fair amount of use for the ‘traditional schooling’” the last part was placed in air quotes “But the best stuff is hidden blow.”

“Up to you Jinny.” Slade would say “I’ll come find you when our passes are squared away.” Which was true one way or another really. But it would giver her the chance to go exploring without Slade’s presence looming over her.
The kid? His height made one assume so at least, as did his temperament, even if his sharp tongue would leave one to assume older. Regardless he didn’t look up from his work though Jinny could tell that he was very closely monitoring her. But her restraint at not touching his stuff, and her open praise of it seemed to have paid off. As when he next spoke it was much less harsh than it had been.

“Mikron” Would come the tiny person’s off hand reply, revealing that he did have manners even if they were begrudgingly used. “And It all fits because I’ve got a micro space array set into the core regulator.” He would reply with a half hearted gesture towards a central part of his rig. One that didn’t really help narrow down what it was he was gesturing at all. “Weight is taken care of due to the gravitational diffuser” Another gesture though this time it was easier to tell he was motioning towards the jetpack. “Not sure if I got the polarity matrix for the refocusing foil set up properly since they won’t let me into the proper workshop until classes start. So not sure if it works as a jet pack yet. But that is the goal.” He would gripe sneering at the machines in the rest of the room as if they personally were responsible.

“And of course I made this myself.” He would go on, almost insulted that he wouldn’t have made it. “Have you met any of the other blockheads here? None of them can even tell the difference between an ion dispersal engine or a proton wave generator.” He would roll his eyes at the apparent stupidity of the rest of his classmates, but it would either seem like he didn’t know that Jinny was also in that group now or thought her outside of that prior categorization.

Before Jinny and Mikron could keep talking Slade would slip into the conversation. “You built a gravitational diffuser?” He would ask, sounding almost impressed. “How many years into your study here did you accomplish that?”

Mikron’s reaction to that question was more caustic than the seemingly innocent question deserved. As he spun around in the chair to level a glare at Slade. “Please, I built a low grade diffuser in my basement long before I got a scholarship here.” He would spin back around before he could take in Slade’s darkly amused look. It was one Jinny was more accustomed to, as it was one that often came before some of the more brutal days of training.

Still it was notable beyond that as it seemed that for whatever reason Mikron either didn’t recognize or didn’t care about Slade. Which was a refreshing change of pace.

Dismissing Slade the boy would go back to his work. “Why do you want a jetpack by the way?” he would ask Jinny. “Your metagene not give you a way to get airborne?”
Slade would give a sharp nod as he once again fell in step with Jinny. This time he was focusing his attention more on the school around him. As his niece had a point, it all did seem like a normal school so far. If it wasn’t for meeting the headmistress and that unnamed student from earlier, he would be hard pressed to say it was anything other than a simple school.

But since he was more focused on it now, he could see the subtle hints that it wasn’t the case. The Olympic pool for example had a hidden hatch at the bottom of it that he could see. The gun range was another hint as it wasn’t exactly the most normal, but it could also likely double as an archery range so most people wouldn’t think twice most likely.

Other things were smaller, there was far more security then normal for one, dozens of cameras all expertly hidden. For two there was a few hidden passages, at least that was what Slade assumed them to be. He only noticed one get used, and even that was only barely. A pair of students walked into a small wooded copse for a moment and next chance that Slade could see the area they were gone.

Where these passage lead, he didn’t know, but he was curious.

Finally, they would arrive at the workshop, and it was an impressive looking room. At least at first glance. It was a very well supplied and stocked workshop, that wasn’t in question. It was more that it was all so... pedestrian in Slade’s opinion. Everything here was commercially available. While Slade was pondering that, Jinny would go on to talk to the only other person in the room.

The boy in question was quick to respond “What do you want?” He would ask, with an irritated growl not even looking up from what it was he was working on. “I’m a little bit busy if you couldn’t tell. And if you can’t tell, maybe you want to go get your eyes examined” He was quick to tack on. Even as he remained focused on his work.

The work in question seemed simple enough to gather at a glance. He had a rather sophisticated looking harness spread out in the workshop bench in front of him. It was the fact that the components for the harness took up the entirety of the table that would be the first sticking point. To make things worse, the parts that were open, which was most of them at this point, revealed a vast interconnected network of wires and circuit boards that the boy was currently in to process of either replacing some of the wires, with seemingly identical ones. Or he was resoldering some of the connection points, firming up some connections or simply rerouting them. That he was doing so by hand was a feat on to its own, but none of this stuff looked in any way familiar.

Parts of it could be gathered through context, actuators for what looked to be robotic limbs, ports for power cells and the like. But there was also what looked to be a jet pack, as well as some type of energy cannon laid out as well, but the inner workings of those portions just didn't seem to make sense. Like how all of this was supposed to fit on one harness, for one, especially one sized for the smaller than normal kid as well.

The upside to being so close to the stadium when the message went out was that Penny was still able to get into the place and move around a bit before everyone else showed up. It wasn't hard to slip into the AV room while no one was around and plug herself into the system in charge of the Cameras. A few moments later on and Penny would just as quietly slip out her work done. Her original plan with her clones was to have a few of the min the audience to give her an all around view of the arenas and let her stay with her girlfriend. But now she had access to the cameras in the stadium so now she wasn't up her Copycat, but was missing out on time with her girlfriend, but only during her matches.

It was needed though since her clones running around had actually drained her of more mana then she had realized. Her task done she would give out a relieved sigh before moving into the seating area of the stadium and sitting down next to another Penny. A moment later a third Penny would appear carrying a large tray of assorted metal bits and bobs. This Penny would set it down on the arm of the seat of the first Penny, before sitting down on the other open seat.

There would be a few moments of silence between the three Penny's before the last Penny arrived. This Penny would reach out and touch all of the other Penny's and the sitting Penny's would all vanish in a flash of static. The sole remaining Penny, the Prime, would then sit down in the now open seats and start snacking on the tray of metal.

"Now then, lets see what there is too see before my match shall we?" Her eyes would flash as she accessed the camera systems. There was never a bad time to gather intel on future opposition after all.

.:⋮Prematch: Newcomers⋮:.

Soon after he talked with Betty, Finn decided to find Samantha later and just regroup with Oliver. Though now it didn't feel right for him to be near Justine, if his ghostly companion and Maura were still around her group. Was it fear? Disgust? He didn't know. Even once he made it back to the tropical island, Oliver knew something was wrong.

"Finn? Hey, what happened?" The phantom hurried over to check up on him in concern. Not wanting anyone to overhear, Finn had to quietly explain what Betty told him, and what she compared her run-in with Justine to. That made Oliver's eyes widen.

"Shit. Shit, no wonder you're shaken up!" He pinched the bridge of his nose, then looked back to the other boy, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "She must've been overexaggerating things, was she? Could you tell??" Despite bombarding him with questions, the phantom knew to keep his voice low. Finn shook his head.

"I-I don't know. She seemed to be telling the truth, but it doesn't match up to this Justine! Either she'd deceiving us, or she was corrupted, but to think Maura could've taken in someone who'd possibly go as far as-!!"

"Hey hey hey- Finn, calm down, okay?" Oliver lightly shook him, holding both his shoulders this time. "We don't know the whole story yet, let's not jump to conclusions so quickly. But if you're not feeling well enough to prod further, we can go find somewhere to eat before the tournament starts. Is that okay with you?" He asked Finn.

"Not really that hungry but...sure, let's go."

As the two turned to leave in search of food they would see Penny a short distance out heading in their direction. Her gait was relaxed, as was her overall posture, but it was still easy to tell that she was walking towards them in particular.

"Hey Boy's" She would call out as she got closer. "Hope I'm not intruding" She had seen the distress on the walk up, but was too far away to hear why it was. "I've seen you all over the place, figured I'd introduce myself." And possibly find out why these two had approached so many of her acquaintances and friends.

The two looked over to the approaching Penny. At this rate it was expected someone would notice their running about and decide to say hello to them for once.

"Heh, blame this guy. Man's got a knack for getting to know people." Oliver chuckled, pointing a thumb at Finn who playfully swatted it away. The latter then addressed the cyborg.

"You must be Penny. Before you ask, we've only heard about you recently. More so about a queen and royal court being housed in Penrose. Did see a bunch of yous at the snowball war though, pretty clever use of duplication." Finn smiled, as usual he held a hand out for her to shake. "Finn Vanhorn, and this is Oliver Kyle."

"Penny Asimov" She would greet in return as she shook Finn's hand and nodded to Oliver. She would register the Power of Friendship coming from Finn but not comment on it. "There are still a handful of mes wondering around. Duplication is a fun power so I'm seeing how long I can stretch it out before I lose it completely." She would add with a smirk. "Already lost the ability to make more, now I'm curious to see if there is a time limit on the copies themselves."

"Also, kind of curious what the latest gossip about me is though. Never got used to my reputation proceeding me and picking up the title of Queen has just made it all the worse." She would give a shrug. "Guess it helps promote the Sanctuary though."

"Makes for good multitasking too!" Oliver would point out. "I can be everywhere at once and not have to leave my post! Oh, and it can be great in battle too!" He grinned.

"Ah, no gossip from what we gathered. Just info about what's been going on. We did plan on heading to this Sanctuary sometime after this to help. That is, if you don't mind, Your Highness." Finn explained. Though how Penny described her duplication ability made him curious. "Though, a time limit? Your power is temporary?"

Penny would roll her eyes "That is gossip" She would say with an amused look but she wouldn't push. "And trust me I'm taking full advantage of the multitasking benefit. But yeah, Duplication isn't a native Power of mine. I'm a Copycat though, so If I see someone use their power, I can mimic it. At least for a while." It was a fun way to preview other Powers. Some she would like to have full time, like Duplication, other she was fine only picking up when the opportunity arose, like Third eye.

"And you are always welcome at the Sanctuary. Though I'll warn you that it's going to be moving soon. Where it is now isn't as secure now that so many people know of it. Next location in mind will be safer, even if it is harder to hide."

"That's...actually interesting." Finn said, brows risen. "Kinda like copying the attributes of animals, but with magicals. He'd note, trailing off into thought. At least until Penny explained that the Sanctuary had to be moved. He nodded in understanding.

"Considering who's here against everyone's displeasure, I get it. Maybe you can contact us after that then, if not to help transfer everyone."

"Sure, pretty sure him coming along will makes things much easier as well" She would point at Oliver, since it sounded like he was in possession of natural Duplication. "To say nothing of more PoF's" She would gesture back at Finn.

"I'm going to guess you two are new to Penrose though. Since you mentioned only just hearing about me. What brings you too our corner of insanity?"

"Oh you know, party."

"Patron adopted a faction."

"Ascendancy's causing trouble again."

"Didn't get the memo."

The two would alternate between each other, not bothering to explain further.

"Hmm" Penny would give the two of them a searching look for a moment before she would point at Oliver "Please don't go attacking Beacon, I'd very much not want to fight you." She would shift her finger over to Oliver. "I'm guessing Maura, since she's been in Penrose for a bit, but only recently got the Cradle." She had been keeping an eye on the Cradle's website for a while now. The post about the change in leadership was interesting as well as curious.

"You two with her before she took the up the position of Cradle Matron?"

Oliver comically blinked, mouth agape in a dumb smile. "Hah????"

For a split second, Finn's brows furrowed at the reaction. She was Beacon?? He knew better than to provoke, especially in their current location, and especially when it can erupt into chaos, too much unnecessary casualties. Though she seemed much different than someone like Rachel. This may prove interesting. His expression changed quickly when Penny turned her attention to him. Somehow, she knew who he was referring to.

"Uhm, yes actually! Like I keep having to mention, I was her first magical, and he got resurrected a few years later. But we ourselves knew each other long before all this." Finn explained. It was getting kinda tiring.

Penny would chuckle at the reaction that they both had to her rather blunt declaration of allegiance. "I am a member of local branch of Beacon, and while I've got no love for the Ascendency, I don't think too many people are going to consider the differences when the fighting starts." She was never going to be ashamed of being a member of Beacon. "And yes, I've got the Spark to prove it, even with being a Monstergirl."

"As for Maura, I've never met her" Penny would explain "Only heard of her from Eliza and the Coven that recently arrived. Played a small part in helping lift the curse she had on her though. I knew Veronica, as much as one can say that, from before the Cradle started up. So, I've always kept an eye on the Cradle."

Finn frowned. "That's...to be expected. People tend to generalize who they're against." Though his eyes quickly lit up when Penny mentioned having the spark as a monster girl. "Curious...I know the spark is supposed to be a resistance to corruption. So, you somehow managed to retain your form while being purified, I suspect?" He asked, genuinely intrigued.

Neither of them knew who Eliza was, and the mention of a coven did cause Finn to shiver. It couldn't be Maura's sisters, could it? Though when Veronica was brought up, his expression turned comical next. "You mean the old boss that Betty and the other girl are so enamored with?"

"That's a question everyone is wondering" Penny would reply. "I don't have any real answers just a lot of speculation." She would shrug as it was possible that there would never be a clean answer about how she was able to do the seemingly impossible. "Was a Monstergirl first, but I've never exactly been a normal Monstergirl so that's likely something to do with it."

"Possibly, I've not talked with many of the cradle agents and there is only so much one can learn from lurking on their website." She would say "I was invited to join by Veronica, which I think was a vote of confidence, but there are aspects of the contract I wasn't wanting to deal with. Haven't had a chance to talk to anyone I knew in the cradle since the changeover. Been too busy."

"Interesting..." Finn would utter. Though hearing that Veronica tried to recruit Penny admittedly didn't interest him much. "A shame I couldn't meet this lady before she left though." He shrugged.

"Eh, she kind stuck me as a control freak" Penny would admit, though a lot of that had to do with the stipulations of the Cradle contract. "Doubt you're missing much."

"So, who all have you met so far?" Penny would ask, she had seen them talking with some people, but doubted she had seen everyone. "And are you hungry? I know where the food stall is, assuming Dan hasn't changed the island too much."

"Betty, got introduced to Hilaria and blue Justine, Dina and Sanngridr, Lily, Alex, purple Justine..." Finn would list off.

Though at the mention of a food stall, Oliver spoke up. "We were just going to go look for one! Lead the way then!"

"Dina and Sann are likely where you heard the most about me" Penny would state as she turned to lead the way to the food hut. "Never been properly introduced to Hilaria, and her friend is new. So, I'm guessing she's likely a result of the game the Horror was playing earlier."

"Lily and Alex are good people, and I'm always disappointed I've not been able to spend more time with them." She would admit pondering if she should send a counterfeit their way while she still had the chance. "Also never had a chance to talk with Justine, but she's a very different person from the last time I saw her. I've got part of an idea about how that happened but not sure she'd be happy to talk to me in the first place."

The food hut wasn't a far walk, as it was in plaza square. It was, unsurprisingly, offering a host of summer and beach themed food.

Oliver looked around. "Hmm...don't think we can get like, steak or something... Hey Finn, what are you in the mood for?" He turned to ask the other boy.

"Well, we could go for popsicles. Is that okay, Penn?"

"Hmm, I'll just order some kabab skewers." Penny would say turning to watch the reactions. "Not much else on the menu that I'd prefer to eat."

"'Aight then, I'll go get our popsicles!" Oliver smiled, stepping away to get the duo their snacks.

Shrugging off the nonreaction, figuring that they hadn't quite realized what it was that Penny had meant. She would turn towards Finn "So what can you tell me about Maura? If you don't mind the asking"

"Oh. Well, Maura's a witch, that used to be part of a coven that helped with...basically preventing a power vacuum. Preserving the balance, at least the important ones I think, of the world. Their world? Dunno where they came from to be honest. But Maura's role was the Witch of Death, essentially what most people see as the grim reaper among other representations." Finn began to explain.

"Witches in general are, as far as I know, ancestors of magical girls. Masters of all magic specializations, yet they limit themselves to the usual three to preserve mana. Stuff like the Salem Witch Trials caused them to go into hiding, and go through great lengths to achieve immortality. Anyways, I used to be a researcher, an investigator who already had an eye for the paranormal. But I never expected to meet someone like her, near my own death no less." He crossed his arms. "She didn't want me to die. So, she used a bit of her magic to turn me into, well, you get the idea."

"Sounds like you've been around for a long time then" Penny would say as she moved over to one of the nearby tables. "I'm barely past a year myself, but Penrose walks to its own time scale so I'm not sure how valid that is as a measurement."

"Still with four witches landing in Penrose can't help but get the feeling that something is brewing on the horizon." She'd let out a sigh before shrugging it off. She was pretty sure that that Maura was the missing sister that the Coven was looking for, but she didn't know either group well enough to want to approach them about that at the moment.

"So that tells me a bit about you, your patron, and while it can be rude what would you be willing to tell me about Oliver?"

He sat down by Penny. "Oliver's my best friend, long before we became magical boys. We worked together once, but he died some years ago before I met Maura. At some point, an arachnid Monster King got whipped into a violent frenzy and tried to destroy everyone and everything in the area. When we were having trouble putting him down, Maura and I went to resurrect Oliver. It was successful, but not only did the effort to do so make him a monster boy, she had to be out of commission to regain her strength. The two of us stuck by each other since."

"Sounds like quite the event" She would say, having fought a Monster King on her own she understood the difficulty that could be involved with one. "Glad to know that you've both got someone to watch your back though."

"Got any question for me?" She would rest her elbows on the table as she asked "I've been in Penrose since just before everything started going crazy."

Finn shrugged. "Not exactly. Any questions I have about your ability to defy the impossible can be saved for another time. ...Though, I do have to ask one thing." His brows then furrowed, him looking Penny dead in the eye.

"How bad is it, out there?"

"Depends on how you define bad" Penny would answer "It's getting better, people are moving back to the city and life is returning. The problem is that everything is still on edge. The Ascendency is actively looking for a reason to purge the place, The Mint keeps trying to stir up trouble and neither the Cradle nor the Sanctuary are old enough to have any real weight in keeping things calm. And none of that is taking into consideration the fact that Horrors like to use Penrose as their playground."

"So, it could easily settle down but it could also just as easily become all-out war."

"...Hm." In that moment, Finn's demeanor changed. He crossed his arms in irritance. His indifference, one stemmed from anger. "So in a way, all this was the result of incompetence? A ticking time bomb, before someone like the fucking Mint bring about another cheap trick in their sleeve to, what, destroy the place?" Despite his annoyance, he remained calm.

Though his eye did appear to be a shade of red for a split second.

"Actually, it's mostly Dan's fault" Penny would point out unconcerned by the shift in Finn's demeanor. "He hijacked a Wish and kidnapped seventy percent of the magicals from Penrose for about three months."

"Don't you think I already know that?" Finn would point out tiredly.

"I've no idea what it is you do or don't know." She would continue on easily "And no one that I've talked to have much of an idea what the Mint is up too. Self-sabotage has been just as common as actual debilitations towards others."

"Could be they are just using this place as an excuse to draw Beacon attention away from something else. Could be they actually have a plan, could be that the guy in charge is in fact incompetent." She would state "Whatever the case is, it wasn't incompetence that brought Penrose to this state. It was a chaotic helping of bad luck. Something that is in large supply in Penrose."

"Just try and keep that in mind while working towards anything in the City, chaos is king."

Finn allowed his arms to rest on the table. After Penny said her piece, he'd sit there for a moment, before gracefully faceplanting against the surface. One could hear him mumbling several profanities to himself. What has he got himself into?

It wasn't until Oliver returned and poked him with the popsicle the phantom got for him that he lifted his head up again. "Thanks." He nodded to him, grabbing the snack.

Penny was unmerciful in her chuckling at him. "Welcome to Penrose." She would say before leaving him to his grumblings.

She'd stand up when Oliver returned. "Back in a sec" She'd state before heading off to get her own snack.

"'Kaaay." Oliver replied, sitting down next to Finn. "...Wait, does she even need food?"

"NOW YOU SAY SOMETHING???" Finn would ask back, raising his voice just a tiny bit.

"I thought she might've been able to turn food into energy or something! I don't know! I'm dead!!" Oliver bickered back, earning a raspberry from Finn in response. "Whatever, how's it going with you and Penny?"

"We really do need to step in with this place. Any attempts to better things can be hijacked back into a vicious cycle."

"Right. Say, you didn't tell her about...?"

Finn quickly shook his head. "Oh, god no. I know better than to disclose that."

Oliver faintly smiled. "Gotta keep both of us alive. I'm surprised you almost got angry for a moment."

"It's the cycle, I tell you! We've gotta do something before it spreads out of the city like Armageddon!" Finn huffed. "Anyways, I'm surprised they haven't caught onto us yet..."

True to her statement Penny returned rather quickly carrying a plate of metal kabab skewers devoid of kabab. And if she heard anything she wasn't showing it. "So" She would start picking up one of the skewers and biting it in half. "What's your take on the tourney that sprung up?" she would ask even as she didn't open her mouth or stop from chewing.

"Again, all that for a cursed house decoration?" Finn would be the only one to speak up. Oliver simply took a bite of his frozen treat.

"And possibly the Beach" She'd gesture around them to indicate the dimension. "I wouldn't mind winning the Mirror, depriving a Horror of its artifacts is never a bad outcome. But mainly I'm wanting to keep the Beach from being demolished. Dan helped me out in a similar situation after all."

"I still don't think that woman could destroy a whole dimension by herself. Unless Dan just gives her all his powers for some reason." Finn shook his head.

"Not alone" Penny would agree "But Dan's not exactly the brightest bulb, and rumor has it that the Ascendency has some potent tools stashed away." She would explain. "That and Rachel is driven enough to do it by hand if she needs to."

"Even if she wins, I won't let her."

Penny would huff a laugh and would raise a skewer in toast. "Glad to hear I won't be alone in that"

.:⋮Prematch: Scouting⋮:.

“Damn it all” Penny would curse as she watched the reactions of the tourney announcement. It was a far cry from what she was hoping for, but it also wasn’t fair to call it a complete failure. She hadn’t expected Rachel to backdown, but it seemed that the inquisitor wasn’t as blindly driven as she seemed.

She needed to get ahead of this now that it had veered off course a hell of a lot faster than expected. She would take a moment to start getting her counterfeits moving. She still had seven in total. She would need to cut that down to three by the time the tourney started proper, possibly tow depending on the rules and who she was matched up against.

She rerouted one of them off back to Dan, another one was going to try and reenter Nykannis’s room. She already had a decent surveillance set up; Penny would see if she could co opt the location for a bit. That left her with five. Four to scope out the various extra rings set up over at the stadium with luck she would be able to watch others preparing for this tournament, forewarned was forearmed in some cases, now was the best chance she got to try and gather some information about that.

That left one counterfeit floating about. Which was alright for now, gave Penny options incase she needed them.

Another moment and she would set up a new parameter set for later when the tourney was running. She wasn’t going to bother processing ‘shame’ and she needed to rebalance her hostility index and appropriate force settings. Most of her armaments wouldn’t help either so shutting them down would help free some mana for self enhancement.

‘This was a mistake’ she would grumble internally. But knew it was to late to change it.

“Whelp, seems like Penrose normality has reasserted itself.” She would say to Magical Dream Princess. “Want to go see the Beach Island he’s got set up for all of this?” She would ask standing from her seat. Picking up FanFan’s cake as she did.

She needed to have a conversation with Rachel as well. Scope out potential side options, if Rachel was more interested in the Mirror Penny might be able to get her to ease off on destroying the Beach. Because she didn’t really want the Mirror to fall back into Asengav’s tendrils either. Plus, she might be able to make use of the damned thing when it came to talking with her father.

Why couldn’t a vacation simply stay a vacation?
In the moment after Jinny made her declaration, but before she stood up to leave. There would be a flash of relief on the other girl’s face. But it would be gone quickly, as she readily complied at last with Jinayah’s desire to be left alone, yet not before getting in one last word. “I’ll be sure to catch you around then”

She would be gone before Jinny could say anything else though, turning and walking away quickly. Not worried if it looked like she was fleeing or not.

Slade would acquiesce to Jinny’s demand, mainly because he still found everything going on far too humorous, but could tell that it was weighing on Jinny. The trip outside was a simple one, mainly because people actually got out of Jinny’s way. It was likely more to do with Slade’s reputation, but he him self wasn’t doing much to assist in getting people to scram. Save for an extra glare at the more stubborn gawkers.

He was content to let Jinny to set the pace and destination and wasn’t surprised that they were going away from where the people were. Up till now people were normally keeping their distance from Jinny, not nearly crowding her like they were here.

“Manners aren’t exactly high on the priority list of most people here” Slade would point out in response to her rhetorical question. “And you are going to have to deal with it for a while. Getting used to it however, that’s up to you. So long as you don’t get caught breaking the school rules feel free to make your displeasure known.” That’s not to say Slade didn’t have a preference, self-control being his highest preferred response to this.

“And yes, they are all expecting impressive things of you, and yes, it is my fault. That doesn’t mean you aren’t going to surprise them.” He would go on to say as he took in the surrounding greenery. “You’ve been training for most of your life, if not the entirety of it. And I am not a kind taskmaster.”

“And you have no need to worry about disappointing me. You’ve already shown commendable mettle today in deal with the rabble. As well as good situational awareness to get yourself out of a place that was unsettling you. My lessons are sticking and it shows to me, for now at least. First class with others is going to show everyone.”

“Keep that up and we will have no problems”


.:⋮Merry Meetings & Festive Fallouts⋮:.

Dancing across the Ice alongside MDP was a wonderful experience. Given their innate skill and the magic inherent to the ice skates it was easy to get lost in the playful atmosphere that grew between the two of them as they glided alongside each other, or pulled off unnecessary yet flashy techniques and tricks.

Or at least Penny thought so, it was enough of a good time that Penny ended up losing track of Amanda and Maribel. Of which she was slightly abashed about. She had wanted to spend some of the time at the rink getting to know at least Amanda better, but she would shrug it off without much difficulty. The time spent with her girlfriend was worth it.

“I think we lost Amanda and Maribel” Penny would point out as she came to a slow stop looking around to see if she could see where the wayward friends had ventured off to. “Oh! But I see Alicia and Kimble.” She would exclaim with a note of joy.

“Want to go meet my best friend?” She would ask looking back at MDP with a smile.

MDP was also having the time of her life as she and Penny glided around the ice rink, which, as it happened, was far larger than they had initially thought. The lake upon which the rink was formed had a meandering shape, which created small alcoves in the surrounding, snow-covered forest, and the pair soon discovered that that had not only escaped Oros, but Amanda and Maribel as well. This didn’t bother MDP all that much, as she was confident that her best friend would be fine. If anyone needed to worry, it was Oros…

“Like, Magical Dream Princess feels just like one of those snow fairy wairies from Fantasia Wasia~!” MDP told Penny with a happy giggle. “She always wuved that part the mosty wostiest~! But Daddy Waddy said she wasn’t allowed to watch it,” the whimsical girl explained. “So she had to be super duper sneaky weaky about it~! It was, like, her super duper special wecial secret wecret~! (giggle!)”

MDP’s eyes glittered when Penny pointed out two of her other friends, and asked if she wanted to meet them. “Like, totally wotally~! (giggle!)” the bubbly girl chirped. “Magical Dream Princess just wuvs making new friendy wendies~!”

Up in the distance, Kimble was about to head back to the lodge with Alicia when she noticed MDP waving to them, and waved back.
"Heeey! Penny! So good to see you!" She ran back to the fence surrounding the lake.
"I'm Kimble! Nice to meet you!"

Standing next to Kimble, Alicia turned as Kimble spotted the approaching duo and made her way over. Registering the situation, a couple emotions made their way across Alicia’s face. First, a smile. Then a wince as she realized who it was that Penny was with.

Well, no one had ever claimed that Penny couldn’t pick them. At least it wasn’t another psycho murderer like Chloe. Maybe a bit crazy, but not actively malicious. She wasn’t even sure how this team up had happened. Well, she’d just have to bear with it like the last time.

"Speak of the devil and she will appear. We were just talking about you,” she noted with a grin as she joined Kimble, Penny, and MDP. "It’s nice to see you again as well,” she said to Magical Dream Princess with an offered hand, though that might not be entirely sincere. But who was keeping track?

“Ha! Surprised then it was the real me you ran into then” Penny would reply with a grin. “There’s a half dozen of me wandering around at the moment, nicked cloning from someone during the snowball fight.” She would explain.

Alicia’s greeting, and it’s lack of sincerity hadn’t gone unnoticed by Penny, but she didn’t want to make it into a big thing, so simply raised a discreet eyebrow at Alicia. Though it would smooth away with understanding as she went on to say “I wasn’t aware you already met each other.” She could guess when they had met, and if she was correct she could understand the hesitancy.

“Regardless, formal introductions. Alicia, Kimble, this is my girlfriend Magical Dream Princess. Princess, these are Paladin Seraph Alicia Hayden and her girlfriend Kimble. Alicia was the first friend I made here in Penrose.” She would gesture between everyone as she spoke.

“Like, it’s super duper nicey wicey to meet you too, Kimble Wimble~! (giggle!)” MDP told the former catgirl, while smiling with innocent joy. “And, like, Magical Dream Princess thinky winkies your namey wamey is, like, sooo super duper cute~! (giggle!)” Turning to Alicia, she tilted her head, looking slightly puzzled. “Againsie~? Like, you do look kinda winda familiar wiliar, Alicia Wicia… Has Magical Dream Princess met you beforsie~?” the whimsical girl asked as she took Alicia’s offered hand, completely oblivious to any insincerity on the Paladin Seraph’s part.

“Thank you!” Kimble responded to the compliment with a bright smile.
“Can I call you MDP for short? I have a bit of trouble remembering the names of new friends, tee hee~”

Well, Magical Dream Princess was exactly as Alicia remembered her. She probably should have been annoyed that she had been forgotten, but there was plenty to be annoyed by already. It was probably for the best that it was the case.

For now she turned back to Penny. "Actually, I hadn’t really noticed that,” Alicia admitted with some chagrin. "We were just discussing the possibility of getting some pictures while we were here. But I suppose there’s no rush, unless the Patron blows up the dinner hall.” To Princess she merely offered a simple "It wasn’t very long.” The girl had just kind of vanished during the raid, so there was no reason making a fuss over it.

“No worries” Penny would brush off the fact that the rest of her clones hadn’t been noticed. “Most of the counterfeits are away from the lodge, and I’m hardly the only one with clones wandering around. Anyway, I’d be more than willing to take a couple pictures for you if you wanted.” She would offer up. “Any one of me or Snoopy can handle that, just let me know what or where.”

“Wonder if it was before we met for the first time.” She would go on to muse, looking at MDP as she spoke. “We first ran into each other when my home got caught up in a Mint thing,” Penny would explain with a shrug. Knowing that the various people here would all take different bits of importance out of that statement.

“It wasn’t until later on that we got to know each other better though. The bounty with the haunted school.”

“Like, of coursey worsey you can~! (giggle!)” MDP told Kimble. “And, like, Magical Dream Princess has a super duper terrible werrible memory wemory, too~!” she added, happy that they had something in common. “Like, that’s totally wotally right~! (giggle!)” the bubbly girl exclaimed with a big smile after Penny mentioned the circumstances of their first meeting. “Magical Dream Princess remembers nowie~! She met Alicia Wicia when she went to Mariettey Wettey’s placey wacey with Samurai-chan~! And then Magical Dream Princess helped save Penny Wenny’s placey wacey from those meanie weanie Minty Winty people weople~! And, like, when Magical Dream Princess saw Penny Wenny for the first timey wimey, she thought she was sooo super duper pretty witty, but, like, she wasn’t able wable to talk to Penny Wenny for very longy wongy, but, like, then she got to go on a date with Penny Wenny, and it was, like, sooo super duper romantic wantic, and Penny Wenny and Magical Dream Princess talked about all sorts of stuffy wuffy, and then Penny Wenny said she’d be Magical Dream Princess’s girlfriend wirlfriend, and that made Magical Dream Princess sooo super duper happy wappy~! (giggle!)” Having concluded her hyperactive ramblings, the whimsical girl gave Penny a big hug. “Like, how did you meet Alicia Wicia, Kimble Wimble~?” MDP asked after she’d finished snuggling up to her girlfriend.

“Great~” Kimble wrapped her arms around Alicia’s arm, giddy about Penny agreeing to take pictures. When MDP asked her about her first meeting with Alicia, she blushed, averting her eyes.
“Oh, our first meeting...We were fighting each other,” she admitted, sounding embarrassed.
“It’s a long story, but in the end Alicia saved my life. Ever since then, I knew it was true love~!”

Alicia nodded, surprised that Magical Dream Princess had had her memory jogged. "That's right. I'd have gone but I was dealing with some broken ribs at the time." It was unfortunate, but everything had worked out regardless. So she didn't feel too bad.

Looking to Penny, she followed that with a shrug. "One now might not be a bad idea."

She listened as everyone recounted how they had met, her memory straining a little to pull up the details. "It feels like it's been a really long time," she agreed with Kimble, doing little to remove that presence around her arm. "She was being mind controlled by a bad guy when we met. In the course of that she was freed, and things kind of progressed from there." Still, she was leery of the term 'true love' with this. That was why things had taken so long.

Penny accepted the hug with a smile. She was never one to turn down physical affection after all. She was some degree of touch starved, a remnant of Jason, but thankfully didn’t have the phobia anymore. Silently she agreed with Alicia, though it was mostly unknowingly, ‘True love’ was a lofty term to apply to either of their relationships. Penny was willing to put in the effort with her own relationship to try and reach that goal however.

“Penrose is like that, months ago feels like years and years feel like lifetimes.” Penny would also agree with Kimble. She always felt that it was because there was so little true calm in Penrose. If it wasn’t one disaster it was the recovery, and before one could start to relax after that the next problem was already on deck. It was draining.

“Pictures though” She would go one to say as Snoopy would pop up “They do make it easier to keep things in line” She would add as the drone would float about waiting for them to pose for pictures, both as couples and as a group.

After a few pictures had been taken, each with a happy beep boop from Snoopy, she would speak up. “Guess we should head inside and see what all the fuss is about?” She’d ask as she drew MDP close and rested her chin on MDP’s head.

“Yaaay~! Picture wicture time~! (giggle!)” MDP cheered, bouncing up and down with childish glee. After striking a series of cute poses with Penny, as well as taking part in a few group shots, the whimsical girl heard Dan’s voice call out over the wintery landscape, announcing that Christmas dinner would soon be served in the lodge’s feast hall. “Goodie woodie~! (giggle!) Like, Magical Dream Princess can’t wait to try all the yummy wummy food Danny Wanny made for us~!”

The whimsical girl gave voice to yet another stream of sweet giggles when Penny pulled her close and rested her chin atop her head. “Like, totally wotally~!” MDP replied, looking up at her girlfriend with a big smile.

Kimble happily posed and gave out peace signs as pictures were taken, oblivious to the somewhat strange mood that her words had caused.
"Not to mention the gifts!" Kimble added.
"I really hope Alicia got my gift!"

Alicia did not dwell in the past for too long, not with the painful regrets that lurked there. Instead she rejoined the others in the present as Penny released her drone to get some photos. Pictures would be taken, with all sorts of poses and all sorts of combinations of individuals. Admittedly being serious was difficult, but an attempt was made at least.

"That sounds good to me,” she agreed as they wrapped up that particular activity and Penny suggested heading inside. "It’ll probably be super long tables, but we can probably sit together.” That was what she’d expect from a place whose name ended in ‘hall’ anyways. But there was no reason they had to part so soon after meeting up.

Penny, for her part, just gave Alicia an amused look as the girl tried to maintain her serious demeanor. Making sure to give the girl a raised eyebrow look when she could get away with it.

Regardless, the four of them would venture into the hall together. Penny would let out a low whistle at the whole set up. It was an impressive display to be sure. Whatever she was planning on saying was interrupted by Goblina’s arrival however. “No worries. I’ve only just started being more social myself.” She would say looking a bit bemused at the glass of ale in her hand.

She would look up in time to see the goblin wander away downing yet more alcohol and simply shake her head. Placing the ale down she would cast one more look around the hall, looking for food that was more to her odd pallet, instead she would catch sight of Rachel and let out a sigh. “Looks like the Inquisitor got an invite as well” There went her hopes of keeping her status as queen from the Ascendency quiet, at least that was her assumption at this point.

Once again she was cut off from further expounding as Ruby would pop up and deliver gifts to all members of their little band. Though Penny was able to get a quick “Thanks Ruby” Before the girl vanished again.

Looking at her gift with more than a fair amount of curiosity she’d speak up, asking “So who wants to go first?” Turning in time to see Kimble tearing into her own gift. “I suppose that answers that” She’d add with a chuckle.

“Interesting gift for sure” Penny would comment once Kimble was done opening her challenge poster. “Who's next?”

“Like, Magical Dream Princess wants to see what she got~!” MDP exclaimed, bouncing up and down with barely contained excitement. Opening her present, she found a slip of paper within.

Magical Dream Princess’s gift is to have more wisdom, she read aloud, after which, the paper transformed into a fairly sizable tome.

Not wasting any time, the whimsical girl quickly paged through the book, a look of wonder on her face. “Wowie zowie~ This thingie wingie looks super duper interesting winteresting~! It’s, like, supposed to make you more insightful wightful, and, like, that’s something womething Magical Dream Princess really, really needs~! (giggle!) But she should probably wobably read it later water when she’s her normal wormal selfy welfy,” she added, knowing full well how hard it was to concentrate on anything for very long while transformed. Or at least anything that wasn’t Penny.

“Like, what did you get, Penny Wenny~?!” the bubbly girl asked her girlfriend. “Magical Dream Princess can’t wait to see~!”

“Let’s find out” Without further prompting Penny would open her own gift noting the slip of paper within much like everyone else's. Your gift is an ornate gem with the power of healing. She would read aloud while holding the slip of paper up.

A moment later the paper would transform into a teardrop dragon fire opal pendant. The gem was just the right size to comfortably sit in Penny’s palm and the red within it was glowing and would swirl about the gem in a slow rhythmic beat.

“Oh.” Penny would be a bit mesmerized at her gifts appearance. “This will be very useful.” She would say after a moment. It was a better healing aid then what she could cobble together with her nanites after all.

So they retired to the dining hall. Good food was had, many laughs were made, and the quartet enjoyed each other's company in simply hanging out. Alicia even got a bit more comfortable with Magical Dream Princess and her mannerisms, though not completely.

Eventually the big event arrived in the form of the White Elephant. Alicia nodded as her gift was handed out, and she watched with a smile as the others unwrapped their gifts. The biggest surprise was probably Kimble’s present, though she was likely biased. But with the others done, she turned to her own gift.

Unwrapping it, her gaze narrowed as she examined the item inside. "It’s Sailor Moon. Everything that ever came out in an animated format at the very least.” A hum escaped as she turned the DVD over. Admittedly she had not been the biggest fan before, but it seemed she was to become one now. Or at the very least someone at Beacon could use this.

Placing the gift down, she nodded to Kimble. "I guess we know what the next few community nights are going to be at least.”

“A bit on the nose I’d think, but I’ve never actually seen the show,” Penny would say peering into the box at the DVD case. “Anyone see anyone opening their gifts out there?” She’d go on to ask, turning her attention to the rest of the hall.

Kimble giggled at Alicia’s remark.
“I’m sure the girls will like it,” she added, leaning her head on Alicia’s shoulder.
“Ah, it’s so romantic here...” She mused, and watched as Dan continued with the show program.

“Oooohh~ Soooo pretty witty~!” MDP gushed as Penny showed them her gift, the whimsical girl seeming transfixed by the shiny object. Alicia then opened her gift, and MDP’s eyes sparkled with glee when she saw what it was. “Like, Magical Dream Princess totally wotally wuvs that show~! (giggle!)” she announced excitedly. “Like, would it be okie dokie if she comes over to watch it~?! Would it~?! Would it~?! Would it~?!”

Suddenly finding herself subjected to the full force of Princess’ pleading efforts, there was little Alicia could do to resist as she inwardly sighed. "I guess,” she agreed. At least she knew Princess wouldn’t do anything malicious deliberately.

Once that issue was resolved, the quartet looked around to see if anyone else had opened their presents, and in the process, MDP caught sight of someone familiar.

“Wowie zowie~!” she exclaimed, her eyes going wide. “It’s FanFany WanWany~! (giggle!)” Bouncing over to the elegant Ascendancy girl, MDP gave her a big hug. “Like, Merry Werry Christmas Wistmas, FanFany WanWany~!” she told the girl amidst a stream of happy giggles. “Like, that cakey wakey looks super duper yummy wummy~! (giggle!)”

FanFan was pleasantly surprised by MDP, and giggled at her cheerfulness.
“Merry Christmas to you too, Magical Dream Princess~” When MDP pointed out the cake she had, she nodded with a smile. “Indeed. It was the gift I received in the gift exchange. I was really fortunate to have this. Shall we give it a taste?”

Penny was surprised to learn that MDP knew FanFan and was curious if they met the same way that Alicia had met her. Upon learning that the Ascendency girl had gotten cake Penny wasn’t able to help the chuckle that she gave out. “All sorts of interesting gifts today. And that’s twice you’ve received a wish cake if I remember right.”

Glancing over to FanFan and her gift, Alicia nodded in approval. It seemed to have lightened FanFan’s day,and that was good. "You can save my portion for Leena. Or yourself. There’s plenty to eat here as it is,” she demurred from the offer of a taste of this magical cake.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess would wuv to~! (giggle!)” MDP replied when FanFan offered to share her cake with them. “Having cakey wakey with friendy wendies is, like, the super duper besty westiest~!”

FanFan courteously nodded to Penny’s remark, having retained her positive demeanour, though there was an underlying tension beneath her smile.

“I’m glad to hear that,” FanFan answered, and smiled gently as MDP agreed to her offer. “Now, let’s open this box-Ah!” She heard Rachel yelling down the hall, and stood up from her seat.
“Please excuse me,” she abruptly stated, and joined the Inquisitor as she made her declaration, leaving the cake box on the table.

To say Penny was surprised at FanFan’s reception of her presence would be a lie. She was able to keep from rolling her eyes though, since FanFan was apparently a friend of MDP’s.

Those thoughts were rendered irrelevant however once Rachel started shouting, and Penny would let out an aggrieved sigh. She didn’t need to get closer to hear what was going on over there. Her ears were sharp enough to cut though the rest of the din in the area, plus a few of her counterfeits had arrived for various reasons. She could hear the yelling in surround sound if she wanted.

“Whelp there goes the cheer,” Penny would deadpan, though there was notable annoyance in her eyes. “What do you think the Odds that Rachel has any idea what it is she just agreed to is?” She would ask as she locked her eyes on Lily, worried for the girl. Though Dina stepping forward tore her attention away from the jovial girl. The slap that followed had only a sole thought stealing through Penny’s mind. ‘Gods damn it all’

“This is turning into a mess.”

Kimble nodded, looking disappointed in the way things had turned out. “Oh, you have no idea.”

Glancing over at the commotion, Alicia held back a sigh. "Well, I hate to concede that she has a point, but giving the mirror back sounds like a really bad idea, regardless of whether she’s purified or not.” After all, she certainly didn’t trust Mariette’s patron with that thing either. Of course demanding the dimension be destroyed was excessive, but it seemed like everyone else was overlooking the other thing.

“Honestly I agree as well” Penny would remark “But destroying the place is excessive”

After a moment Alica rose to her feet. "I’ll be right back,” she told the others before heading off. She should probably warn Rachel, before things went even more badly.

MDP gasped in horror as Rachel stated her intention to erase Dan’s dimension, and quickly ran over to FanFan. “Like, please don’t let her destroy Danny Wanny’s placey wacey, FanFany WanWany!” the whimsical girl pleaded, clasping her hands together as tears began to roll down her cheeks. “Like, even if that mirror wirror thingie wingie is totally wotally evil wevil, Danny Wanny’s placey wacey is super duper nicey wicey! So, pretty pretty please don’t let her destroy it!”

FanFan turned her eyes back to MDP as she was stopped by her, a look of regret twisting her mouth into a frown.
"Magical Dream Princess..." she spoke back quietly, and looked back to see Rachel receive the slap from Dina.
"I...I'll talk to the Inquisitor. She'll understand." With that said, she turned away, her hands balled tightly as she restrained her shaking.

Silently Penny wished FanFan luck, before sitting down at the table that FanFan just left. Penny’s plans were already in motion, to what end it was too early to tell. But she could protect FanFan's present in the meantime. And hope that everything turns out for the best.

“Damn it all” Penny would mutter to herself as she surveyed the situation in front of her. She wasn’t surprised that Rachel had flipped out at the Black Mirror being given back to Mariette. If Penny hadn’t talked to Ronin and Miko, or even Mariette herself, she would have been right there with the Inquisitor. Not on the whole destroying the plane bit, but the outrage bit.

But as it stood, this was rapidly turning into a mess.

Glancing about she would take note of Dan a bit of a distance back from the main squabble, looking worried and as soon as she saw him an idea came to her. One she didn’t like, but it was better than doing nothing.

Carefully she would sneak her way over to Dan, making sure to stay out of Rachel’s line of sight. A task made simpler by Penny Prime also being in the hall. To say nothing of the other distractions. “Dan” She would say softly once she got close enough to the Patron to talk.

Dan nearly squeaked from surprise, only to quickly muffle his voice by attaching and detaching a tactical silencer to his nose like how one would to a gun. He stealthily created a field around the two of them that dampened their voices to outside listeners.
"Penny? Am I glad to see you," he whispered to her. "I'm in a bind. Rachel's going to destroy my home!" He looked afraid. "What do I do?"

“That’s why I came over actually. I have an idea to keep Rachel from winning if you are up to it”

"Really? I'm up to it a 100%! What's the idea?"

“Lean into the challenge and make it a tournament with the Mirror as the grand prize.” Penny would say, internally boggling at the silencer on his nose. “That will let a lot of people defend your realm, me included. And if you aren’t opposed to it make sure that me and her are in the same bracket”

“A tournament?” Dan rubbed his brow with his fin as he thought hard about Penny’s suggestion. “Hmm...It would mean Rachel would need to get through more opponents...It might just work.”
He nodded, having gained confidence in the idea. “Alright, let’s go with that!”

“Glad to help” Penny would say with a nod “As much as I might have issues with you, you don’t deserve to lose your home, and you did help those at mine.” With that the counterfeit would slip away leaving Dan to make his announcement. Afterall it wouldn’t do for her to be standing nearby when he did make the announcement since she was trying to keep her involvement in this away from Rachel.

The unknown girl would grimace at the rather blunt assessment of her skills, but if it was because Jinny was correct or simply the way she put it was hard to tell. She stayed there for the moment though her attention still focused on Jinny, and it wouldn’t be hard to notice that this girl was sizing Jinny up herself. She also showed no discomfort at the fact that Jinny had already done the same.

The new girl would spare a glance at Slade, but what she saw, if anything, was impossible to know. Instead she would refocus on Jinny and start talking again. “What about a trade?” She would ask, obviously not taking the hint to leave. “Or a favor?” Because money wasn’t the only thing of value.

Still, regardless of her front and refusal to leave the girl would turn slightly away, preparing to leave, in a hurry if needed. She didn’t break eye contact with Jinny however.

Slade for his part kept his musing to himself, as he did with his chuckles as well. Jinny had nailed it with her final statement. Whoever this young meta was, he could tell she didn’t have the martial training to really keep up. He had to give her props when it came to her courage however. She either didn’t realize who he was, or didn’t care, and still came up to ask a stranger for more training. And even with the hard shut down she was trying another angle.

With one last signature he was done with his paperwork and would lean back into the chair as he watched on. His added attention caused the meta to start fidgeting. Her hands curling up and splaying out slowly with nerves.

He’d catch sight of the barest flicker of pink sparks dancing across her fingertips, and was mostly sure it was being done on accident on the girls part.

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