FoxFireOfDawn said
"I'd rather ship you with Shizuo-kun, to be honest." I reply, grinning sheepishly.
i type "no.... shinra" it reads
FoxFireOfDawn said
"I'd rather ship you with Shizuo-kun, to be honest." I reply, grinning sheepishly.
NoahFire said
Pet smiles and sticks her tongue out, like a dog.
FoxFireOfDawn said
Herro. :3
FoxFireOfDawn said
Shion is Celty.Fucking Celty.WHEN!? HOW!?D';All of da pairings....All of dem!
NoahFire said
"Weeeee!" Pet say happily, obiously enjoyin the rides
NoahFire said
Pet climbs on behind you "ride ride ride ride!" She says exitedly, only walking before.
NoahFire said
No tag. Pet walks around you, looking you up and down. "You look cool..." she says, curiously.
NoahFire said
You notice shes wearing a collar "Kinda..." she says
NoahFire said
"I am Pet." Pet says and smiles innocently.
NoahFire said
A furry worlf, cat, dog, thing falls out of a portal and lands behind you. all she wears is a black shirt with a white skull on it and a pair of jeans. "Hello." She says.