Avatar of Shiva


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Oh don't get me started on the whole Chris Pratt as Mario thing. I love him, but this is a blatant middle finger to the voice over community and it's definitely being felt. All my buddies are livid.
3 yrs ago
I finally made a new thread for my art stuff. I can't stand to look at the old one anymore lol roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
She was lookin kinda dumb
3 yrs ago
Roll a constitution save. On a fail you take 150....... Bludgeoning damage? Piercing damage?
1 like
3 yrs ago
As a GM I love when people get excited and do that (as long as they're not doing anything game breaking). Getting excited and passionate for characters and the story is what it's all about! I love it.


Ew I need to revamp this

Most Recent Posts

Can't I pick all of them???? Oh my gosh so many beautiful babies. This isn't fair

Category: Dog
1st Pick: Elin
2nd Pick: Bowie
3rd Pick: Gizmo

Category: Cat
1st Pick: Nymeria
2nd Pick: Suki
3rd Pick: Onyx

Category: MISC
1st Pick: Peep
2nd Pick: Danica
3rd Pick: Enigma
I'm still in!
Captain Maria Thorne

The rest of their time in transit to the Glao port was spent in a daze for Maria. She eventually went to the doc to let him check up on her once a majority of the others were cared for (albeit somewhat reluctantly), and thankfully the only injuries she'd sustained had been minor. A couple of cuts, some bruises, and one small area where an energy bolt had grazed her shoulder. All in all she'd gotten away pretty clean. Their cargo had been jumbled and scrambled to no end, but thankfully seemed undamaged except for the occasional scrape and one cracked piece of paneling. Nothing some well placed packaging couldn't hide. If the Glao gave them any trouble she'd just say it must have come like that. They couldn't afford to lose their commission on this job, especially since the attack had added yet more repairs to the list and her crew was in desperate need of a night at the local bar. She did try to be as honest as possible but... the gods would just have to forgive her for this one.

Whenever Maria was able to make the time she also made contact with Andrea's family to inform them of what had happened. She left out some of the more gruesome details, but made a point to make sure they knew she died saving someone. That did little to soften a mother's screams of anguish. Maria only hoped that when the initial grief had passed that knowledge might help to soothe their loss. When she was done with that call the captain then called the port and made arrangements to have Andrea's body transported to her family upon their arrival, and also made an announcement over ships' comms for anyone who wanted to pay their respects to do so relatively quickly.

It was directly after this task was done that a quiet 'mrrow' caught the captain's attention and a blob of fur landed in her lap. Cookie had decided to pay her a visit.

"Well hello there," she greeted, lifting a hand to pet the feline. "Where have you been hiding all this time?"

A gentle purring noise and headbutt was all she received in response. After she double checked to make sure the hatch to her quarters was shut Maria hugged the cat tightly and buried her face into his fur, shutting out whatever other responsibilities she might have for the next hour or so.


What. The. Hell.

Wires. Wires everywhere. Tangled mazes that wrapped and knotted and twisted into oblivion until they went so far into the guts of the ship that she couldn't see them anymore. All Perse had wanted was to take one of the spare power converters from a system that, according to the ship's computer, hadn't been used in over two years. Instead she was staring at the most screwed up tangle of circuits and wiring she'd ever seen in her entire life. What had that crazy mechanic done? Rearranged the entire nervous system of the ship? How did it function? How had nothing blown up of it's own accord? How did it stay together? Why in the name of the gods had he done this to begin with???????

Eventually she gave up in her efforts and just went back to check on their navigation status. She'd managed to get their auto-pilot working so that she could work on her own vessel on their way to port, but it had been several hours since she'd last checked their progress and they should be getting fairly close now. Thankfully nothing else had hindered their travel progress.

Perse had also been actively avoiding the doctor while she was on board. It was obvious they both made each other uncomfortable, so there was no point in forcing the issue. Soon they could split and go their separate ways, forgetting that the other existed, and continue on their own miserable lives. It'd be fine. This was fine. Speaking of that she deftly scooted past the medbay, sneaking past as quietly as she could on her way back to the pit from whence she came engine room.

Their engineer had proven to be quite an unsociable fellow, but she preferred him to the egotistical Ithlo. At least when he looked at her with contempt and arrogance it wasn't because of what she was- he just seemed to be that way towards everyone. Which was fine! Having contempt for everyone was much more preferable than being a prejudice bigot. At any rate, she did her best not to bother him as she checked their status. As expected they were nearing the port.

"Station A214 this is the cargo freighter Veritas Lux Mea requesting entry," She said, having opened a comm to the port. A moment later a voice crackled back over, requesting their ship ID (which she had acquired from the captain) and gave her docking instructions.

Perse opened a comm to the captain's quarters. "Hey cap! We'll be docking in about twenty minutes."

There was a pause, and then her voice crackled over the comms. "Thanks Persephone."

Captain Maria Thorne

Maria made an announcement telling the crew to get themselves together prepare for docking in fifteen minutes (she figured it'd take most of them about five minutes to get off their asses) and then got to work getting her own things together. Some clothes so she could stay at an inn, legal papers, proof of ownership, cargo receipts, and a beautiful assortment of other legal documents were the things that Maria decided to bring with her. Besides that she left most everything else (other than her weapons) in her room. She made a point to lock the hatch to her room before heading down to the cargo bay to wait for the others to join her.
Finally posted

"No, no. Nadia, the couch needs to be centered with the window and the holoscreen!"

"But- Obaasan, didn't you tell me you wanted it centered with the bar?"

The old woman in question, Mrs. Saito, put her hands on her hips, huffing as she stared incredulously at the young woman who was currently in the process of sliding a couch across her floor to the desired location. Or at least she would be if Mrs. Saito could decide on a location. They'd been at this for nearly an hour and the old woman kept changing her mind about where precisely she wanted the couch. 'Put it next to the window.' 'No, put it next to the bar!' 'Actually no I want it centered with the bar.' 'Why did you put it there??'

Nadia was beginning to get a little bit exacerbated with her neighbor but she was doing her best to hide it, lest she get another lecture about disrespecting her elders. Mrs. Saito was nice enough most of the time but lately had been getting a bit... touchy. Nadia wondered if maybe there was something going on with her personal life, or if maybe her mind was just getting worse. She hoped it wasn't dementia. Mrs. Saito was a good neighbor and Nadia would hate if anything happened to her. There were many advantages to having an old grandma live across the hall from you, some of which were the unending food, having someone to keep an eye on your place if you had to go somewhere, uninvited comments about your weight and/or hair, offers to set you up with their friend's grandson, unending food, occasionally actually good advice, hugs, food, you get the gist. They didn't exactly have the closest relationship but they were certainly on friendly terms. Nadia got her groceries, Mrs. Saito cooked her dinner. Nadia helped her move her furniture around, Mrs. Saito watered her plants while she was on a job. They helped each other out with the little domestic things and didn't get too involved with actual personal lives for the most part. Nadia was fine with that. She didn't really feel like explaining to the old woman that she spent most of her time as a hacker in the-

Oh no.

Nadia abruptly stopped pushing the couch brought up a clock in her eye display. 6:23PM. She was late.

"Sorry Obaasan, I have to go. I'll help you later!"

There were some sounds of protest that Nadia ignored as she dashed back to her side of the hall, grabbed a backpack with her gear in it, ran to the kitchen to stuff some chocolate and matcha cupcakes she'd made that morning into her preservative container, threw on her shoes, and ran outside the apartment building to start booking it towards Canton Canal. Thankfully she lived somewhat near Hibiscus Lane so it wouldn't take her too long to cut through that. Sure she'd be running straight through triad territory looking very suspicious with her panicked expression, but surely nothing bad would happen... right? There wasn't much time to worry about it anyway.

It wasn't until she was a good ten minutes from her apartment that Nadia realized it was raining and she probably should have at least grabbed an umbrella or something, but it was too late for that now. She'd just have to grin and deal with it. Thank goodness cybernetics were waterproof. Nadia remembered this one report she'd read about a new cybernetics company that tried to start up, but they forgot to make the components waterproof, so the first time one of their models took a shower it completely fried their nervous system and killed them. It was a stupid, horrible mistake that was a once in a lifetime level of stupidity. But that didn't stop Nadia from having this nagging worry that her cybernetics were going to fry her brain. What if there was a component in there jangling around that was just waiting to make everything go up in flames?

Nadia plotted a course to Suraiboshen as she ran through the crowded streets of New Malacca. There were shouts and curses as she bumped into a few people, tossing apologies over her shoulder before disappearing around corner and repeating the process as she weaved her way through Hibiscus Lane to Canton Canal. A few of the street merchants in their floating markets recognized her and waved, asking where she was headed off to. Nadia just waved back and kept going. Oh she was definitely not made for this. Sprinting was not her thing, much less running a friggin marathon across an entire keyzone. She was a hacker for the Deep's sake. She spent all day jacked into wires and screens, not running around of the streets doing backflips and parkour like some of these gang members she heard about. You could probably hear her huffing and puffing from five blocks away. Any other time she would have probably just said screw it and sat down for a minute, but the promise of 500,000 asyuan was too much. It was too much and could push her cause too far for her to just give up because she was tired and a little out of shape, so she pushed on despite the building ache in her legs and the burning in her lungs. This was going to hurt tomorrow, but it would be so worth it.

Hopefully anyway.

Eventually the restaurant in question came into view and Nadia slowed to a walk, taking the time to catch her breath, adjust her somewhat damp clothes and very damp hair, and check her time. 6:58 PM. She wasn't horrifically late. She took off the jacket she'd been wearing since it was pretty much soaked, though her shirt was still alright. Her pants felt just as soaked as her jacket but thankfully they were black and as long as no one looked too close she could play it off like they were dry.

"In a hurry. are we?" One of the guards asked with a raised eyebrow as she approached.

"Hah..." She was still panting and catching her breath. "Got a bit caught up. How are you guys this evening?"

They didn't respond to her small-talk. "We're going to have to search you. Any weapons we should know about?"

"Two pistols," she replied, reaching down to unclip them from the holsters on her calves, which fit underneath her baggy pants, and showed them to the two guards. They looked them over and one of them frowned.

"Are these semi-auto?"


The one looked her up and down with a raised eyebrow, and Nadia shrugged. "They're just for self defense, fellas. I don't intend on shooting anyone unless they shoot at me first."

They deliberated with each other for a moment, apparently trying to judge whether or not she'd be a massive threat, and then gave one of the pistols back to her with a chip. "You can keep one, get the other on your way out. Do not abuse the generosity of this establishment and be responsible with your weapon. Failure to do so will result in hostile retaliation on our part."

"Sounds good enough to me." They scanned her, checked her backpack, she clipped her pistol back in place, and then entered the restaurant to wait in the hall with the others as the guards instructed her in the midst of her scan.

Wait, others? That hadn't been a part of the deal.

As she entered the hallway, there were indeed several other people standing there. Some she recognized just from running in relatively similar circles, and while she'd never actually met them, she knew their faces. It was part of her job to know people's faces. There were others still that she didn't recognize in the slightest. Then one person in particular caught her eye, and Nadia's face immediately lit up.

"Scrapper!" Nadia exclaimed, flinging herself at the woman in question to give her a hug- damp clothes and all. "I haven't seen you in so long!"
I lied, but I'll definitely have one up today.
Same ^

"Thank you, Mister Starcaller," the captain replied to their medic.

The ship buzzed and got just a little more chaotic as her orders were carried out. Pixies flitted to and fro storing whatever last bits had been forgotten, the gravity anchor was being hoisted up, ropes were tied off and double-checked, the high pixie was shooed away from potential danger- and finally the sails were unfurled. It was a beautiful sort of music. Like the sound of a flock of birds ascending to the sky, their sails fluttered and and flapped as they opened and began to shimmer with solar energy. There was a brief and electric moment where everything fell silent. Dihala's grip on the helm tightened, the excitement threatening to make her squeal like a child opening a present.

Then the ship lurched forward.

She'd grown accustomed to their dryad's form of coordinates and quickly adjusted the helm as instructed. Seven acorns starboard, five windward. As the ship picked up speed the lights of Iyananor began to fade and dim, and eventually the planet itself faded as well. The sails were producing a low hum (as they should be), none of the ropes had come loose, and no one was tossed overboard, so all in all Dihala was calling it a successful departure. They were now on their way out of the solar system and in a month's time would be in unexplored territory, on their way to riches and glory. Everything was going according to plan. Yes, this was going to go well.

After all what could go wrong?

Oh a lot. A lot could go wrong. The sails could die, they could be attacked, arrested, crash, explode, suffocate. They could get stranded on a hostile planet with no hope of escape, or they could stumble across some hidden gang hideout and get murdered. Someone could get space madness and try to take over the ship, slitting Dihala's throat in her sleep in order to rise to the rank of captain. They could decide they hated her and start a mutiny. That damned crazy old dwarf could have a horrible experiment go wrong that leaves all of them horribly disfigured for the rest of their lives. A star could go supernova right as they pass it and decimate the ship. Oh there was a never ending list of things that could go wrong, but Dihala was going to try to focus on what was going right. Their ship had taken flight and they were well on their way to fulfilling her- uh, the crew's dreams, they weren't broke (yet), no one on the crew hated her (yet), no one seemed like a terrible person (yet), they had plenty of supplies (for now), and everything was going well (for now). With this thought in mind Dihala locked in their heading and left the helm for a brief moment to triple check that everything had been stowed correctly.

"Mister Clay, all of the cargo still secure and undamaged after take off? I know how pesky that atmospheric turbulence can be. Also," she raised her voice a little bit, "if the quartermaster, navigator, and of course our dear mister Clay could join me at the helm in about twenty minutes after we're very well on our way, I'd be very much obliged. I'd like to discuss our destination."

Very slight, pedantic nitpick but could you change your energy-based weapons to something more ballistic in mind? The majority of the population still wields ballistic weapons with direct energy weapons being in the prototypical stage.

Sure, no problem!
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