I'm hoping to make a post concerning both the Congo and Brazil soon. I may see about doing a three-way collaborative in Brazil. Malagasy, after all, wants to "cooperate" with the other "liberators" in this war.
Checking in to see if I can recap how we're going to go about things this turn:
Everyone thus far seems to agree "reward him, then test him to see if he'd be useful to us." One person, @Jangel13's character, has offered to be the emissary to the orc.
Eliz wants folks to focus on quickly overwhelming the Greenfeathers because they're less experienced at fighting than the Nightfell, hopefully routing them before the fighting gets too dirty. Meanwhile, she'll be distracting the Nightfell Clan. Serheim is being a bard. Dunlad is helping fortify the village. Seoran is leading some spear-equipped troops against the Greenfeathers. Titania's force will assist Eliz with her task. Maire is cooking up poison in her methlab. Ardghal is gonna whoop some Greenfeathers butt good.
Did I miss anyone's actions?
To do: @Lauder You'll have to decide exactly what goods are sent to the orc, if any. Foodstuffs? Cattle? Goods? A fancy weapon? A poem? etc. You have a pretty overwhelming majority of people interested in dealing with the orc amiably.
I think Tracyarmav still needs a chance to post. Eliz hasn't spoken concering the orc yet, either.
Right?! I really like the Samurai Beef burger from McD but since it's not a classic nor do they slap ads about it throughout the realm of our existence anymore, the employees think I'm a troublemaker and the other customers think I'm an "insider".
(Although I still get giddy and surprised when a senior employee goes, "Yes, we have that!")
Holy crap.
I'm gonna ask for a samurai beef burger the next time I go to my favorite McDonald's.
I had this idea for a machine that could be installed in men's restrooms. See, imagine your standard urinal, but turn it into a video game: you've got the bad guys running around on the screen, and when you pee on them you're killing them dead. It'd be like an arcade shooter, but you'd have to drink lots and lots of water while playing.
I'd called it "Pissed Off 2: The Peevenge"
So, if THAT was installed, I'd be pissing on a lot of very upset digital bad guys.
By the way, here's what we've got so far. Note: IT'S INCOMPLETE. But I figure it's best to let everyone know that we are, in fact, making some progress.
Anything in this sheet may change before it gets finalized.
The Kingdom of Ardonia
The Heartvale
#23 on map
White Square = Halfling Settlement
Barrows, Eagle's Rest, Lowbank, Mardon, North Cambria, Oldbrook, Portsworth
Yellow Square = Human Settlement
Drakeshore, Scalecove, South Cambria, Trebeun
White Diamond = Halfling Fort
Seawatch, Sweetwater Port
Yellow Diamond = Human Fort
Castle Everguard, Fort Valor, Highwatch Keep, Honour Hold
White Hexagon = Halfling Capital (Heartwood)
Yellow Hexagon = Human Capital (Charity Keep)
Blue Square = Monastic Settlement
Aldin, Redemption
Province List
Terrain Features
Ardonian Sea
Dagger Mountains
Shining Shores
Ardonia is a small but fertile land of gently rolling hills and bubbling brooks. Though not heavily forested, it has an abundance of small glades and woods, and the rivers which help form the nation's borders are bursting with life. The nation has a large coastline for its size, and along the whole of it are small fishing villages and port towns.
The Dagger Mountains are tall and sharp, but also very beautiful. To travel across them is arduous and costly at best and impossible in the winter season, though the dragon-blessed monks of the Order of Dragonkin are uniquely gifted to traverse those peaks. The Heartwood is a favorite hunting ground for nobles and wealthy halflings alike, and the two seas which flank the nation - the Ardonian Sea and the Shining Shores - are known to be stormy in the summer and winter.
General Introduction
Knights of Ardonia
Sober warriors of steel breast plates, glistening lances and heavy destriers, the Knights of Ardonia are the end result of a history wrapped in the blood of the innocent, and the hubris of Man.
Honour guides their actions; compassion, their hearts. They are a fearless brotherhood and sisterhood of warriors, sworn to the protection of the weak, the innocent and the down trodden. Their ancient castles of white stone dot the landscape, and it is in these mighty dwellings that the humans of Ardonia are conceived, born, raised and trained to serve the Ordo Draconis.
Formed in the immediate fall of the Ardonian Empire, the Ordo Draconis is the given name to Ardonia's knights. The King sits at the Order's head, and it is he alone who holds complete power over the running of the state. Every native born human citizen of Ardonia is automatically enlisted into the Order from the moment they first draw breath, although the option is open to non-human parents to enlist their children in the Order also. From that point on, they are expected to serve both God Almighty, his majestic dragon servants and the Lord of the Realm - in that sequence.
Thus, the Knights of Ardonia can be considered indoctrinated zealots at worst, and titans of moral righteousness at their best; indeed, few tragedies, treacheries or scandals blight their histories, and their good deeds greatly overshadow all past transgressions.
Halflings of Heartvale
A friendly and jovial people, the small but stout halflings are steadfast subjects of the Knights of Ardonia. Though far from being mighty warriors, the kindness, generosity, and peace-loving nature of the little people belies a lion-like courage and optimism. Many a song has been sung of the heroism and loyalty of the halflings, yet these goodly folk remain one of the most humble peoples in the world.
The halfling people have called Heartvale home for as long as they can remember. Indeed, the name for Heartvale in the ancient halfling tongue is Breost. It means "Land of Heart," which carries connotations of eternity and home. Their people's name in the same language, Breostlings, means "People of the Land of Heart." The Heartvale is theirs and theirs alone, and proudly do they fly the symbols of their land: the dove of peace, the olive branch of wisdom, the sickle of labor, and the circle of community.
Farmers and woodsmen, the gentle halflings have ever favored the plow over the sword. They are the backbone of Ardonia, working as tillers and tailors, trappers and traders. A few claim noble titles, and some live outside of the Heartvale, but the vast majority are content to be called "Mister" or "Miss" by their neighbors in their traditional homeland.
Monks of the Order of Dragonkin
The Order of Dragonkin draws its members from several races, each member an ardent worshiper of the <INCOMPLETE>. They alone are allowed to walk upon the Sapphire Isles. They alone may speak the Draconic tongue. They alone represent the magnificent blue dragons and serve as their emissaries to the people of Ardonia and the world beyond.
It is a difficult task, joining the Order of Dragonkin. Most who take the initiation rites fail. The test takes place on the Sapphire Isles, and would-be monks are given an enchantment that marks them as one who is taking the test. The details are unknown to the world at large. What is known is that most who attempt the test fail and are sent back to the mainland. Some succeed. A rare few simply never return.
The monks of the Order of Dragonkin are utter pacifists. They are blessed with supernatural fortitude, longevity, and even the ability to breathe underwater, but they will not use these abilities in self-defense. Those who do are banished from the Order.
In ancient times, when barbarian Men first settled in what would later become Ardonia, the halfling people suffered at the hands of their new neighbors. But diplomacy bought them peace and protection against other outside forces, and the halflings lived a relatively undisturbed life. They paid tribute to their martial masters, but were left unmolested and allowed to continue life as they ever did: enjoying the simple comforts of the world. Sure, they had to deal with the occasional orcish warband and were occasionally beset by wandering trolls or raiding human tribes, but with the help of their neighbors their lives were relatively secure.
But their world changed yet again as strangers came to settle the continent. From far to the west came the Arcturian Empire, led by those fierce lion-men, and the elves of Aeloria made themselves known to the world as well. A great horde of orcs coalesced to the southwest as well, and the world was poised for calamity. Yet there was some good in this: the peoples near the Shining Shores, including the humble halflings, were greatly affected by the technology and societies of the empires in the southwest. They came to embrace many of their ways, and created a unique culture. They unified behind this common thread between them, creating the Kingdom of Ardonia.
The halflings remain loyal to Ardonia, even though the realm is now so diminished and the halflings must lend their own special strength to the armies of the Kingdom. Along the walls of Sweetwater, in the fields of the Heartvale, and on the docks of Seawatch, these unlikely heroes stand vigilant, ready to face the challenges of the Kingdom as equals to their human counterparts. They have cast their die on the side of the Knights, and their fates are irrevocably intertwined.
Government & Society
Knights of Ardonia
Halflings of Heartvale
While the halflings have sworn fealty to the King of Ardonia, they are relatively autonomous and have a representative style of government. They follow the High Sheriff, an office of both domestic and military weight, who is elected by the common people. The High Sheriff is served by a collection of Sheriffs, some elected and others appointed, who serve as peacekeepers and representatives of the people. Then there is the Grand Moot. The Grand Moot is essentially a senate in which the whole of the Heartvale is represented, and laws are passed and changed. It has a more local equivalent, the Moot, which creates laws for specific townships just as the Sheriff operates on a more local level than the High Sheriff.
The Grand Moot answers to the High Sheriff (though it has some power over him), and the High Sheriff answers to the King of Ardonia, also serving on the King's council of advisors and representing the interests of the halfling people.
The Sheriffs are the heart of the halfling government. They both act as the keepers of law and oversee court proceedings as the judge. Though the final decision rests with the jurors, and thus the community, the local Sheriff is nevertheless an integral part of the process of law in the Heartvale.
Halflings are a cheerful lot, as has been made clear, and they love their creature comforts. A happy halfling is one who has finished the day's labor and can relax on his porch with a pipe in his hand and good conversation with a friend. Some might prefer to read books, or write them, or to go for a walk out in the fields or the woods, but they all agree on one thing: being able to relax and approach life at a leisurely place is the mark of happiness.
Though industrious enough, halflings do not throw themselves into their work as other races might. Indeed, halflings are expected to spend a few days or weeks every now and then to put down their tools and relax their muscles. Others might call this foolish or lazy, but halflings understand very well the importance of a little time off in producing a healthy psyche. Besides, nature is too beautiful to spend all your hours distracted from it, so says accepted halfling wisdom.
While many halflings worship dragons like the rest of Ardonia, many are still adherents to the old halfling faith, an animist religion with roots in the forest and the fields. They worship such figures as Old Father Oak, the Plowsong, and the Sweet Maple, and sincerely believe the fox is a creature of intelligence in its own right. Indeed, many halfling foresters keep pet foxes around, and they swear the beasts possess half the brains between them. Some halflings - perhaps twenty percent of the population - worship both the dragons and these old spirits of the earth. The rest favor one faith or the other.
A small people that stand between two and four feet tall, halflings are often regarded as fat and scrawny. Though they certainly have a propensity to be rotund and are not known for their titanic strength, the little folk are surprisingly agile and are stronger than they may at first appear (though not as strong as a human, true). They are also incredibly stealthy when they wish to be, perhaps even being the most adept at hiding among the races of the known world. Those who have fought against or alongside these small ones agree they possess a surprising amount of bravery as well, and while they can't march as quick as a man or carry as long a sword, they nevertheless can be turned into capable fighters in their own right.
Halflings are famous for their very curly hair, and their feet seem to sprout a fair bit of it as well. Some halflings prefer to travel barefoot as their feet are rather durable and flexible, but others - especially soldiers - would rather have a good pair of boots just in case.
Economy & Industry
Foreign Relations
Military Overview
When it comes to matters of war, it is the Arm of Regret that forms the bulk of the Kingdom's regular military.
Taught from childhood to wield mace, lance and sword from the back of a heavy destrier, the Knights of Regret are experts in the employment of heavy cavalry. Typically, the military doctrine of the Arm of Regret anchors itself around the use of a single, all-or-nothing charge against an opponent's centre mass; though simple and brutal, there are few conventional forces the world over that can resist the unrelenting tenacity of an Ardonian assault from horseback.
This is not to say that the Arm of Regret is unimaginative or overly careless in its approaches to breaking an enemy line however. Indeed, no Knight-Commander of Regret would ever risk his brothers and sisters in a headlong attack against an entrenched and well armed opponent unless all other tactical options have been explored. Instead, a Knight-Commander makes excellent use of his Halfling skirmishers in weakening and degrading an enemy's resolve long before he even ponders the employment of his heavy horse.
The Arm of Regret does not believe in running down a beaten adversary; therefore, it employs only a marginal force of light horse, which are used as a mobile contingency in the event than an enemy army manages to flank the Kingdom's army. Should an adversary be broken on the field, it is common practice for the Knight-Commander to order a halt to the attack, thus allowing his enemy the opportunity to make an orderly retreat.
Though some would criticise such leniency, it is commongly understood amongst the Knights of Regret that to kill a defeated man is no different from murder; furthermore, continuing the bloodshed beyond the point of need denies casualties the urgent aid they so desperately require.
Knight of Regret: Mounted on a heavy destrier, laden with chainmail, a Knight of Regret is a steel plated tower of military prowess. A steel lance forms their primary weapon, with a mace or a sword in reserve. They typically do not use shields, as their heavy armour is protection enough to ward off most conventional projectiles (barring lucky or close ranged hits).
They are slow however, by cavalry standards, and tire easily; two charges in a single battle are rarely attempted, owing to this fact. Furthermore, they are vulnerable to mobile skirmishing troops, such as horse archers, who can outrun them and pick them off piece meal.
In defence, or when the situation calls for it, the Knights of Regret will dismount and fight as heavy infantry. In this instance, provisions are normally made for the deployment of tower-shields; however, if caught out in the open road, or cut off from the baggage train, they will fight without.
As for morale, most Knights of Regret see battle as a matter of "Death or Glory", and will only break when a situation has gone beyond the point of hopeless, or if they are given the order to withdraw.
Sword Corps: Formed mostly by women who are too short to handle a destrier, and Halflings, the Sword Corps represents the Arm of Regret's light cavalry force. The riders wear chainmail, and the horses (coursers) enjoy protection from leather aprons, but they are otherwise quite vulnerable to both missiles and heavier adversaries. However, what they lack in punch they make up for in speed.
Typically, they are armed with long swords and kite shields, and are employed to guard the flanks of a heavy cavalry charge, or to chase away enemy skirmishers. Outside of these essential duties, they will rest upon the army's periphery, acting as a fast response force to a sudden crisis, such as an unexpected assault on the army's flank or skirmishing lines.
Members of the Sword Corps are technically Knights of Regret, though they are distinguished by the title of "Sword Sister" or "Sword Brother" when in combat situations.
Order Militia: When a threat to the Kingdom is deemed sufficient, then the Arm of Redemption mobilises its Knights into the Order Militia.
The Order Militia can best be described as a second-rate force of soldiers, cobbled together with whatever arms and armour could be provided at the time of their muster; this typically boils down to scraps of leather, and hastily prepared spears. From a glance, the Order Militia can best be described as light spear infantry, and they are perhaps the Kingdom's one and only answer when dealing with an enemy who specialises in mounted warfare.
Knights of Redemption are failed men and women; convicts, really, nothing more than thieves, murderers and rapists. Their courage and honour are both in question, but whilst the swords of their officers are firmly at their backs, then they can be counted on to at least present themselves before an enemy charge. However, one can never place much stock in their ability to stand and fight in a situation that is beyond their skill or valour.
Led by the High Sheriff, the Army of the Little Folk serves Ardonia as the bulk of its forces. They both have their own armies and supply troops to serve under the Commanders of the Ardonian Knights.
While traditionally the halfling people have depended on their allies for protection - and this is still, in a way, the case - they now fight alongside Men in battle, often serving as skirmishers, light infantry, scouts, and slingers. Halflings are a brave lot - braver than most tall folk, at least - and more than one opponent has underestimated the loyalty of one of the little people to his commander and his nation. When faced with overwhelming odds, halflings will stubbornly continue to fight, though they may do so by retreating onto safer ground and harrying their enemies with missiles.
All halflings are naturally stealthy, at least to some degree, and most of them have a good aim. Their specialty is in throwing weapons and slings.
Halfling Skirmishers are the backbone of any halfling force, agile fighters capable of fighting both at range and in melee. They typically wear padded cloth armor, such as a gambeson, and carry a buckler for defense in melee. They wield slings for harassing the enemy - typically having one wrapped about their forehead like a headband and the other bouncing at their belt, just in case - and bring short swords or hand axes for close-quarters encounters. Their job is to whittle away at the enemy force and to serve as infantry in a pinch. Their lightweight equipment makes it easy for them to lurk through tall grass and woods without being noticed. Skirmishers make up the majority of the halfling army.
Halfling Infantry (known to their people as the Valeguard) are the chief light infantry of Ardonia. They serve as lawkeepers in peace times; the majority of them are guardsmen in Heartwood and the other settlements and forts near Ardonia's southwestern border. They, too, carry short swords and bucklers and slings, but they tend to wear brigandines or jacks of plate over their chest. The Valeguard also wear helmets, especially kettle hats which protect them very well against strikes from above. They specialize in parrying, blocking, and dodging, and they're quite brave. This makes them surprisingly capable defenders, but they're not to be expected to cut a swathe through any army. The officers in a troop of Valeguards are typically Sheriffs.
Warslingers are dedicated missile fighters who use staff slings, long staves with slings attached at the end, creating a powerful lever effect that increases their range and their capacity to cause lethal harm. Though the weapons of these halflings aren't quite as accurate as normal slingers, the deadliness of their weapons makes them useful in mass combat. Their staves are usable as melee weapons in a pinch. They often wear simple cloth armor of some sort for protection.
Woodfolk are a militia formed of halflings that dwell in Heartwood Forest. They make useful scouts and can help keep an army fed while on the march. They use slings, shortbows, and usually either spears or axes. Their knowledge of woodland terrain and their ability to create traps and the like makes them handy additions to Ardonia's forces. They can set up cunning ambushes in the woods, but they're no good at keeping any semblance of a formation.
Underfoot Rogues are the elite of Ardonia's little folk. Though few in number, they are masters of reconnaissance, stealth, trickery. Though they usually operate as individuals, they will form small groups on the battlefield. They are trained trackers and ambushers, capable of of seemingly vanishing in thin air. They use daggers, slings and short swords, but trade their bucklers for enchanted cloaks which provide them with magical camouflage. These cloaks are halfling sized and so cannot be used by larger races. Overall, the Underfoot Rogues are more useful as infiltrators than as warriors, but a well placed sneak attack from a group of these rogues can give Ardonian troops just the advantage they need to secure victory. These rogues carry small smoke-producing bombs which can cause their enemies to cough and gag.
The majestic blue dragons are both beautiful and terrifying, beasts whose minds are far more canny than those of mere mortals. They are huge, easy the size of a large whale, and have massive wingspans. They fly overhead of the populace of Ardonia on occasion, but they are most commonly found dwelling on the Sapphire Isles. Like whales, the main diet of blue dragons is fish, though they do not shy from hunting mammals.
In times of war, these powerful creatures will lend their strength to the Ardonian armies. They are capable both of flight and of swimming underwater, making them useful in land wars and at sea. They breathe lightning, and likewise are immune to its effects, making them deadly adversaries. A breath of lightning looks and acts like a terrible bolt of lightning, making a thunderous clap wheresoever it lands.
These dragons also have rather sturdy scales, and indeed the collection of scales that molt off these wondrous beings produces high-quality armor in Ardonia. For the dragons, though, these scales serve as a steely defense against attacks by lesser beings. Their wings, however, are rather vulnerable, and a dragon can be permanently crippled if its wings are harmed and it does not receive speedy aid from a healer.
@ShorticusThat's something I'm working as we speak, rewriting some sections of my NS, Hallows included.
As of now, the most set in stone method is when a necromancer gets lucky and instead of just filling a body with souls and spirits until it comes to life, they some how manage to obtain the full, undamaged soul of the original soul of the body. Of course, this is the rarest way.
As of right now, I'm debating if I should have it be like:
1) Dark Souls where there is an Undeath Plague that kills people with only some returning as living Hallows instead of Feral Hallows who are basically zombies.
2) Its most likely going to be those who have a very strong or a very weak attachment to life and desire to live to the point of extremes which would force their souls back into their bodies and follow the beckoning bell of Myrstrost. There are more details to this of course but I'm cutting it down for the sake of time and reading (I think its also the one listed in my NS).
At any rate, Hallowing works something like a Magical Disease, a mix of an illness and a curse which those affected are almost always treated the same as undead since they are basically undead, with scorn and disgust. I'm also only Hallowing races which their creators/owners have given me permissions to do so outside the common fantasy races; basically only "mortal races", I classify Dragons as something above being mere simple mortal beings so they can't be Hallowed at least by nature.
Thorough explanation of what you're considering, thanks!
@ClocktowerEchos Speaking of Hallows, I don't see a mention in your nation about HOW that undeath spreads. How DOES it spread?
Also, one thing I'm gonna say is the dragons of Ardonia specifically can't be Hallowed, but our knights and halflings definitely can. These dragons CAN be zombified or skelified, though.
Ok so far I am allied to @Lauder, I know of @Sigma since my people live next to him and traveled through his lands to settle in Thangoradrim, I am often raided by @GreivousKhan, and am currently looking to find @ClocktowerEchos northern land. If anyone else wants to make plans, feel free to tell me. My guys have been sailing around for decades so they had to have met someone :D. Unless they've just been fighting sea monsters.
P.S. Sorry if you guys are tired of me tagging or asking. Just making sure I got it all before I finish up later tonight^^
You'd probably know about @ClocktowerEchos's land through Ardonia at least. Ardonia has been trading with that land for some time.