Avatar of Shorticus
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    1. Shorticus 9 yrs ago
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We are set, then.

Shorticus, for brushup I'd say chose a mech that is valid for 3050ish (yes, ish, feel flexible). I think one of the main either issues or concessions would be taking some of the older, but valid mechs and rolling back the tech to fit 3050 as mektek is designed for a little ways after the initial invasion.

Sure thing. I'll find a suitable mech.

I reckon we'll start off, since we're playing as a Merc Academy (right? or just rookies?), with light and medium mechs?
This is a friendly start.

...I'll try and make it even more friendly.
I've been a self-proclaimed socialist for a decent amount of time now, and if you asked me a year ago if I thought someone of the same political persuasion had a chance in an American election, I would have laughed you back into your time machine.


This pretty much is how I would've reacted a year ago, and I'm of a similar political vein. I typically say "I have heavy socialist leanings," and I like to compare the U.S. to socialist nations in Europe (especially Scandinavia) when talking about what we could - and should - be more like.

Frankly, the politics surrounding the race - namely the psychological factor of the superdelegates' votes being known from the get-go - probably helped secure Sanders' loss. People don't want to vote for a "lost" cause, and the superdelegates ALL being in favor of Clinton made things look super grim.

Even though I'm not supportive of either Sanders, why the fuck didn't he get the black vote. For fuck's sake, Shillary Clinton and her husband, Bill Clinton, are one of the destructive reasons why the Prison Industrial Complex and War on Drugs are/were prominent in contemporary society. These things fucked up impoverished African-American citizens to the Nth degree.

Yeah... Didn't they also introduce the whole "three strikes and you're out" rule for criminals? Which, of course, most heavily affects the African American population? I mean, it's easy to get three strikes when very large percentages of black New York youths get arrested each year? I forget the exact number, but this topic was discussed in one of my psychology classes last year. I can probably find a TED Talk about this. I'll do some digging later. My gut says it was a huge percentage, and it was a matter of "when" you get arrested, not "if."

EDIT: There's an article I need to go find that my mom was telling me about just yesterday or the day before, actually. It concerned the "three strikes" rule. Long story short, a man who had a clean record for a LONG time (~20 years?) wound up getting thrown into prison for having a small amount of marijuana he was growing for himself. And IIRC that marijuana was only heavy enough to get him thrown in prison because they counted the weight of the stems, which you're not supposed to count, and the judge said "this is stupid but because of this law that's in place I have to throw you in jail."
Speaking of the homeless guy, I heard the words reptilian, halfing, and slaver all used in the same sentence and find myself curious.

It's a bit of a joke. We're working on a nation of dragon-worshiping human knights and their halfling allies, and we contemplated whether we should go all DRACOS VULT on some heathen ass dragon-people down in the mountains to the south.

Ultimately, Frengo decided that we'd stop being goodly knight folk if we did that.
halfling slavers are cool you dont even know
Once a lurker, always a lurker


<Snipped quote by Shorticus>

Well, you know, we could have, er, beta technology access or something ^.^

I don't suppose you could be open for an instructor slot, then?

I would be, I think. I'll brush up on MW4 mechanics and my lore before giving you a 100% "Yes" as an answer. For now, I'll summarize it as "Probably, but I'm not certain."
*Altrighthero makes a nation*
*Every other nation immediately attacks it*

Pff. It's the nation above him, not his nation.

But that's what I thought when I first read the post where Washington started a war.
I think you said my name wrong but yeah I'm leading some spear troops

I will retreat back into the darkness and hide my face in shame.
Okay, so I confirmed it: my last exam takes place roughly two weeks from now.

Once that's over I'll happily walk anyone through basic mechanics and lore rundowns, and I'll also be ready to start this.

EDIT: Clan invasion era works for me, yeah. It's the go-to era for Battletech.

EDIT 2: Also, I used to play a TON of Mechwarrior 4 LAN, but not so much online play. I also love MWO. I wouldn't call myself a veteran MW4 player, but I run a mean close-quarters Uziel.

...except Uziels aren't available in the Invasion Era. fml. Oh well.
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