Static mesh hitboxes.
Quit blocking my bullets with your air, god damn it.
This made me think of the Quake 3 days when I'd play the tiny eyeball dude just so nobody could hit me because TOO SHORT.
Static mesh hitboxes.
Quit blocking my bullets with your air, god damn it.
Side note short, have a mech in mind yet? :) (no rush, just small talk... subtle, right?)
<Snipped quote by Shorticus>In process of updating the map in the chars tab. BTW, who are 28 and 29 again?
Also I leave @Isotope and [@Dead Crusher]'s claims for now but if a new player wishes to claim them then it's going to be a different matter.
Is that alright with you two?
Tried to roleplay on a chatting site, and some girl didn't have standards scribbled on her profile - and a friend was daring me to make a starter with her.
I tried, and got shot down, hard. "You can obviously tell I write better than you so run along and play with people your level. You'll never be able to play with me because by the time you're my level? I'm still above you."
With the way it looks now we have 1.75 lances to work with - one more and we can have two lances of players. Or we can have 1 lance and some voulenteers to fill clan spots? There's two sides and bots make rather crappy NPC's..
Eta for roleplay start... mmm. I think I'll base going the next level on when Shorticus has a little more free time after exams. Should give us good time for prep, eh?
Hiello. Was wondering if I could fill out the blank spot north-northwest of my nation (Baile) all the way to the sea. Not because I really want it, but because it wouldn't make sense for it to be unclaimed with so many nations surrounding it. Thoughts?
<Snipped quote by Shorticus>
<Snipped quote by Jbcool>
No, no, I said I had another plan. Gobskag is now going to fall on all your heads.