Amongst the chattering fellows meeting near bon-fire, and one stranger trying to spy from afar, a great cry broke the sound of the pouring rain and thunder. Twas not a human cry, but one of a great bird screeching into the darkness, A big one most likely given the intensity of the sound... yet, for a time nothing further interrupted them...
A short distance away, high up that slope where a smoldering woman hid from the rain beneath a tree, something 'did' interfere, as a heavy object Thumped against the tree beneath which she hid, coupled with a strange voice shouting potentially angry gibberish that vanished into the sounds of the rain, only for a strange being to become visible once more smacking into the wet ground beyong and tumbling most expeditiously down the slope.
Moments later the sounds of said Tumble could be heard by the others who had been gathered, muddy splats and further high toned gibberish as the figure tumbled into the vicinity of the bon-fire, miraculously avoiding striking anyone, before tumbling further still and finally coming to a stop with a heavy WHUD! as it smacked into a nearby rock and then lay still... for a time...
Suddenly there was a cheer from the muddy mass as it leapt up and threw it's arms high "WOOO! You were dead on! Good eye!" Who it was talking to was a mystery, but the voice sounded a little echoey, as if from inside a helmet... It pulled something from amongst the muddy mess of it's outfit and suddenly made an exagerated throw up into the air-just as a massive Crow shot by and caught whatever it was. "I shall see you another day friend!" They even waved at it as it left the vicinity of the gathering of strangers... Then something else as tall as they were smacked them in the back and knocked them down once more.
They were up much faster this time though and collecting the object, which turned out to be an impressively large bow, and at last turned towards the bonfire and began jogging towards it while letting the rain wash off the muddy mess... singing, of all things "Ohhh, ~Your journey it began because, YOU DIED. Out of your cell you ran and then, YOU DIED. You pause to catch your breath, And die another gruesome death, So now you creep around each corner terrified."... Quite suddenly, at precisely the moment they crossed more clearly into the light of the bon-fire they made a visible jerk, as if only then recognizing that there had been other individuals there... "Nuṇḍi vandanālu mitrulu!" Was more gibberish that came as they suddenly waved to the group and continued close enough to tough the bon-fire... It was hard to tell if they were looking 'at' anyone specific with that strange helmet on "Greetings Stranger Friends! And thank you for the big shiny beacon, it improved my bird friend's aim quite a bit this time!"
A short distance away, high up that slope where a smoldering woman hid from the rain beneath a tree, something 'did' interfere, as a heavy object Thumped against the tree beneath which she hid, coupled with a strange voice shouting potentially angry gibberish that vanished into the sounds of the rain, only for a strange being to become visible once more smacking into the wet ground beyong and tumbling most expeditiously down the slope.
Moments later the sounds of said Tumble could be heard by the others who had been gathered, muddy splats and further high toned gibberish as the figure tumbled into the vicinity of the bon-fire, miraculously avoiding striking anyone, before tumbling further still and finally coming to a stop with a heavy WHUD! as it smacked into a nearby rock and then lay still... for a time...
Suddenly there was a cheer from the muddy mass as it leapt up and threw it's arms high "WOOO! You were dead on! Good eye!" Who it was talking to was a mystery, but the voice sounded a little echoey, as if from inside a helmet... It pulled something from amongst the muddy mess of it's outfit and suddenly made an exagerated throw up into the air-just as a massive Crow shot by and caught whatever it was. "I shall see you another day friend!" They even waved at it as it left the vicinity of the gathering of strangers... Then something else as tall as they were smacked them in the back and knocked them down once more.
They were up much faster this time though and collecting the object, which turned out to be an impressively large bow, and at last turned towards the bonfire and began jogging towards it while letting the rain wash off the muddy mess... singing, of all things "Ohhh, ~Your journey it began because, YOU DIED. Out of your cell you ran and then, YOU DIED. You pause to catch your breath, And die another gruesome death, So now you creep around each corner terrified."... Quite suddenly, at precisely the moment they crossed more clearly into the light of the bon-fire they made a visible jerk, as if only then recognizing that there had been other individuals there... "Nuṇḍi vandanālu mitrulu!" Was more gibberish that came as they suddenly waved to the group and continued close enough to tough the bon-fire... It was hard to tell if they were looking 'at' anyone specific with that strange helmet on "Greetings Stranger Friends! And thank you for the big shiny beacon, it improved my bird friend's aim quite a bit this time!"