Kyros, the Phoenix Dawn
SpeciesFire Genasi
Sexual OrientationStraight
JobHero for Hire/ Mercenary/ Gladiator
AppearanceKyros stands a towering 6'3" of rippling muscle. Kyros wears a selection of martial arts Gi's which he intentionally rips and tatters, very very old fashioned which makes him stand out in the crowd. It's kind of the point. He tries to look like a hero from a series of older tales named The Phoenix Dawn. Much like the character, Kyros has a habit of showing off his muscles. If he could find a decent red cape, he'd probably wear it to. He shuns the use of weapons, the closest he'd probably get is brass knuckles or gauntlets and weighted boots. He channels magic through martial arts forms, some even capable of turning his chi into a patch work of armor across his body. He wears the mark of a bird with outstretched wings on the inseam of his right forearm, a symbol of strength and freedom for him.
Likes- A good fight.
- Booze
- Stories, telling and hearing.
- Laughter
- Good food
- Kids
- Self expression, as in, people who show off their passions. To him its addictive. He can get excited over anything.
Dislikes- Bullies, or unnecessary cruelty.
- Senseless Bureaucracy, mainly cause most systems of laws and regulation confuse him.
- Villains, those that take advantage of others
- Wasted food
- Sitting still for too long. Seriously he has excess heat he needs to burn off.
PersonalityBombastic, larger than life, and fully believing he is doing the right thing. Kyros is stubborn, self-sure, and given to the idea of the legendary hero style and disposition. He is often times to loudest in the room, and fully taken to being in to spotlight and the attention he gets. In the field, he is direct, hard hitting, and prone to being the front line powerhouse. He will most assuredly go out of his way to protect others and bring swift justice to the villainous. He is a team player, but often views others as liabilities. They are not as strong, or as tough, but he doesn't openly complain, saving them brings him glory and reaffirms his already massive ego. He isn't a hero. He is THE HERO! The one that everyone should strive to be. His obnoxious, holier than though, goody goody boy scout antics no doubt gets on others nerves, but Kyros always means well. Outside of the front lines, Kyros is a gentle giant and a lovable idiot. He will attempt to always cheer up others and encourage them to always improve. He loves nothing more than a day well spent and then relaxing with his companions, swapping stories and talking about the grand epics they will achieve tomorrow.
On the flip side, He is naive, ignorant, and gullible, thus he can be manipulated easily. His wild passions can lead him to a burning furious anger, and for someone as strong as he is, that can lead to a lot of collateral damage. Still, quick to anger, quick to forgive. His personality is that of a roaring campfire, all or nothing. He needs others to reign in his wrath. When he finds friends or those willing to help him, he treats them like family, and when he has that, there is literally no limits to how far he would go for them.
Biggest FearA cage... Being bound and left in the dark... Alone. It was how he started in this world, a time where he was just a savage animal meant to fight for others amusement. In the sun, he feels like a man, he feels alive. In the dark, hes just an animal. A monster.
Greatest DreamHe wants more then anything to be like his hero The Pheonix Dawn, and have grand epics and stories written about him, that could be immortalized and retold through the ages. If he cant do it alone, then he'll form a company, the greatest adventurer's guild ever known. This way, he gets to live with his friends and companions like a real family.
BackgroundKyros was forged in battle, and tempered in blood. He doesn't remember his parents. Whether he was sold, or kidnapped, or just forgotten, it just never really mattered to him. All he remembers is the brutal world of the arena and the cages beneath. He and other children his age were only taught the barest of education before the rest of their day was intended for hellish combat exercises and bone breaking sparring drills. Kyros was a natural. He took to the adrenaline and the thirst for battle like it was his true calling. He would charge in, sometimes casting aside his blade and turn even a proper sparring duel into a bloody brawl, the fire in his eyes and hair igniting like a bonfire to enhance and entrance the experience. He did it for his sponsors and trainers, his fellow gladiators, all of whom he thought of as family. Mostly though, he did it for glory. For the fame and accolades of an appeased crowd. It was in their eyes that he felt alive, that he felt like something the world needed to acknowledge. Maybe it was a bit of defiance for his lot in life. He would always be thrown back into the cage every night to sleep. Always those damn iron bars.
By his teens, he was an arena name and would commonly be pitted against heroes seeking to get some of the prizes the arena offered. Sometimes he won, sometimes he lost, but whenever he was on a line up, it always drew a crowd. Kyros hated to lose, and would often go into dangerous sulks, destroying training equipment in the process. Despite the fortunes, his keepers always knew how to calm his sulks, keep him in the dark. It was great for them, a constant money maker that barely needed anything to keep him in line. Still, they made sure to keep the beast placated just in case. They offered him drink, drugs, women. One kind 'companion' offered to read stories to the fire demon of the pit, something he found he greatly enjoyed. She told the stories of the man who change his life.
Almost like he found a hero, a father figure, it was a character, Phoenix Dawn, a human who had unmatched strength and fighting spirit. He struck out and challenged monsters and villains and made the world a better place one punch at a time. Kyros was awe-inspired. It completely changed his goals, his personality, his outlook on life.
His hands, his weapons, they could make things better for people. The stories she read showed him a rather idealistic world outside the arena walls and also made him aware of how 'evil' his keepers were. Kyros began his training, using the stories as training aides in an attempt to develop himself into the Phoenix Dawn. It should have been impossible, but he was able to tap into his own chi and mold it in ways no one known has tried before, developing his own martial arts style. Upon learning to increase his power beyond his limits, he fought for his freedom and broke out, swearing to one day return and tear down the arena with his own hands after destroying the slave traders that filled it with young stolen warriors.
He's been a mercenary vigilante ever since. Hero for hire.
He has the occasional run in with crime bosses, corrupt officials, nihilistic mages, and other villains. There are alot of people going after his head, both lawful and unlawful elements but he seems to appreciate the notoriety and the challenge. He wants to be a symbol that there is no army big enough or door strong enough to keep him from dispensing justice.
The festival was just supposed to be a vacation of sorts.
Personality Questions1. What is their worst specific memory from childhood?
"I was a different person then. I try not to think about it. I'll tell you one thing. The bars.
Dark, cold. I get shivers just thinking about it."
2. What do they think of being Marked? Do they believe in it? Have they come to the festival in search of love, or for some other reason?
"The Phoenix on my arm is proof that I'm meant to follow in the footsteps of my Hero! Another feature to my legend! I'm here to enjoy the festival. If I find some pretty young thing to laugh with, all the better!
3. Spirit animal?
"I'd like to say a roaring lion! But maybe, I'm more like a dog. I love dogs!"
4. Thing they’re most proud of?
Kyros flexes his muscles. "Need I say more."
5. Thing they’re most ashamed of?
"That house had a bad foundation, it was coming down anyway."
6. What motivates them?
"There is always a person in need of saving! Always a villain or monster to thwart! There is no rest for the great, THE RIGHTEOUS! PHOENIX DAWN!"
7. What would they change about themselves if they could?
"Hmm... well, I kind of wish I could read."
8. What’s most important in a romantic partner?
"Passion. Life is about living."
ExtraColor Code: Gold
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