Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

Aww, I could go for this.

Yang @Restalaan; @PaulHaynek

Getting the look over, apparently it felt worse then it actually was. Ozzy's moment of self sacrifice was a premature. "It is?" He coughed out, his chest burning from the attempt as he forced the facade, his voice getting a little higher. "It is?" 'She' repeated.

He allowed himself to reach the healer, and when spoke about whether they fought before. Was it that obvious he's never been in a real battle. In fact, the moment of chaos really hadn't been put into perspective until he felt the pain. It was awful. Why would anyone want to do this? It was the foolishness of civilization. He thought of his parents work, seemingly in some kind of stunned state. A simple. "No." Escaping her lips. She hadn't really spoke even while getting treated, the pain of getting a shoulder popped back in, though Ozzy was very much against stripping down, afraid to give away her secret identity. The salves were great though, really dulled the pain.

Ozzy also made no arguments about leaving. He did want to leave as soon as possible. He said nothing to Felipe, only giving the man a nod, a little mystery harpy that only spoke when she needed. The Guild was never a part of it. Ozzy completely forgot about the money too until part way home. He felt no pride in helping people get hurt, even if it was a net positive on the world.

He didn't speak again until the village was far behind them. He threw off the pitch and timbre of his voice speaking normally."No reward. We'll say the job was taken before we got there. I got injured in sparing practice or something. Make it up to the guild tomorrow." Ozzy apparently had no problem lying. If anything fabricating stories seemed effortless to him. He knew flying was going to be hard for a bit, soreness really. Maybe Morgan could fix it. Still, he really did seem depressed about the whole state of affairs.

Was it the right thing, fighting against evil? Is it right to fight at all? "Why do people fight?" He whispered. It seemed so... stupid. His parents were working with others, bringing a sense of enlightenment. Why are some people so stubborn to do harm to others?

The only thing he could come up with. Laziness. It's easy to take. Harder to build. His parents plan was an end to all of it he believed. That was the right thing to do. Make sure the plan, the embassy succeeds. Even as they walked, Ozzy winced before bringing out his journal and began writing. The event must be chronicled.
Same. Summer season is starting.

Yang @Restalaan; @PaulHaynek

There is something a good little harpy learns at a very young age before they learn to fly. How to fall. Its very possible that like a baby bird; they can't quite get the hang of it on their first go. Toddler harpies are taught what to do if they fall, you curl up at the last moment. You protect your head, and your wings. Its going to hurt, but you're less likely to break those hollow bones. If you do, you're in real trouble.

And so with a surprised squawk, Ozzy felt hands on his legs and with a flap, he couldn't dislodge himself, and so being swung like a ball in chain, he curled up, hitting the ground. Shoulder, back, feathers cushioned that one, ribs. Crack. He sucked in wind and felt blood pool in his mouth. Another shoulder against the ground, a rock happened to be there, dislocating it. That would keep him from flying too... he was in real trouble. The gods were with him though as in a moment where his world was blacking out he found himself free and crumpled in a heap nearby.

He lied motionless, unable to put thoughts to action.

Nothing happened for a little bit before a familiar voice shouted to him. What responded was a rather pitiful. "Oww..." He tried to move but when his muscles attempted to move his shoulder her suddenly cried out, unable to hold it in anymore. He wasn't a warrior, he was a scholar, and this was probably the worst he's ever been hurt. A tear did form in his eye unconsciously. Uncoiling he felt the burning pain in his stomach. He quieted himself. Making audible sucking sounds to keep himself quiet. "Sh-Shoulder... my side too." He told her, unsure of exactly what she could do.

He kind of remembered they were in a battle. "Go-, get out - of here." He was a goner, and she put herself in danger just focusing on him. He might have been over estimating the situation though. Pain could make things seem worse then they are.
The frequency of posts makes it difficult for me to be excited any longer. Take care all.
In it to win it.
Hey Rabbit. I remember you. Welcome back. ^^

Interactions with: @CelesteEste Sazel; @RoflsMazoy Clarence and Mort
Though anyone in the library could probably see this.

She swung her head from side to side with a slight bounce. An odd gesture, as if she wanted to show that she appreciated the compliment as the inflection in her voice made determining emotional states kind of difficult, so she used her body. "Have you tried putting alot of weight on your head? It might make you shorter." Sazel said, wanting to change herself. She knew that softbarks didn't like have their insides on their outsides, so they couldnt do what Nidhogen could. I mean small ones could come out of softbark females, but she atleast had the understanding that it wasn't the same being.

They walked to the library, the Nidhogen's new body still had that nasty habit of constantly shifting and moving even if she was trying to keep a form. Her fingers seemed to grow, wriggle, add in number until like leaves of her dress they were brushing on the ground by the time they got to the library. "Don't like the dirty flat wood room." She said. "This one doesn't know how you can write so much. Most of its probably silly."

Sazel managed to find a secret passage way causing the girl to tilt her head. "Hidey place." Sazel said something about breaking the rules. "Oh! The Nettle would want to know about this! The Caregiver can be inside too! Maybe thats why we cant find it. Need to commit more crimes." She reasoned.

Within Sazel asked for a boost. Nidhogen looked up and then back to Sazel then to Lawrie. The flowers on her head grew a little brighter. "This one is helping!" She said excitedly, or just more loudly. Tendrils of leafy vines twisted around Sazel's waist like rope, tight, but not painfully so, and then Nidhogen raised her arms, causing the girl to rise into the air, higher and higher, but with enough control that Sazel could guide them.

Another arm came out from the elementals form with branch like claws and writing vines. "Lawrie want up too?"


Interactions with: @Ithradine@HokumPocus

They were joined by another soft bark. Not so dog like as Arioa but she made a very admirable attempt. Could humans and dogs interbreed? Doesn't seem so.

Mirithal's head tilted ever so slightly as the new girl made her presence known and using word and look to get their attention. Mirithal herself unknowingly copied her, a spare leaf of her dress swayed as if she also had a tail to shake. Still regardless, Mirithal did her best to welcome her. "Green morning. My name is Mirithal. I'd like to be your friend." That was all that she wanted for the time being. Just break the ice and make nice with the residents. She then tried to get as much of what Vey was saying as she could. She nodded, nodded again then stared blankly.

"It would be nice if you could introduce us. He is looking for a spirit." She looked to Arioa to make sure this was the right course of action, he himself seemed a little puzzled by it.

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