Avatar of RoflsMazoy
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2020 (0.53 / day)
  • VMs: 3
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    1. RoflsMazoy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Is there a way to clear all your statuses from 3 years ago :| I don't want this stuff on here
8 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
I just remembered that I once read a creepypasta about slenderman killing Hitler and it was actually pretty good. Grammar-wise and stuff I mean, but it was about still slenderman killing hitler :|
9 yrs ago
I wanted to find out how to communicate to wild Buns that I am their ally but it's a bit late because there's only one around our house now ;_;
1 like
9 yrs ago
"I'm pretty sure if a Panther could go golden after slitting the throat of an Antelope and watch it bleed to death, it would." - youtu.be/sD_92oGkDXI?t=54s


Something something it'll be years

Most Recent Posts

So here's the next upcoming arcs, everyone! I've hashed this out with STK before, so it should be alright on the official side of things. Once again, it's two from me and others from I don't know where... but at this point in the RP, if you have something you want your character to do, just ask us and we can help you do it!!

It's a bit of a free-form section in between our major story-arcs, and the previous RP worked something like this in the first place too... So if you don't like the current plots, don't mind them and just try to have fun!

Lord Kiburi's Wonderful Team Building Exercise!

Lord Kiburi has taken an interest in the powerful students who showed up to destroy the plans of Dr. Nightman. He has arranged some kind of formal training excursion for a select group of students. Invitations and enquiries have appeared through the proper channels, but this is Lord Kiburi after all. His definition of "formal" has always been... rather loose. Who knows what exactly is going to take place there...

[GM Notes] This arc is open to a few participants! While I won't want to spoil too much, the door is open for two 'sides' so to speak. A protagonist side and an antagonist side. One slot for the protagonists side is reserved for Chinami, the ghostly super-being currently being played by @Lewascan2! Because it is a continuation of the Therapy arc, I'd originally wanted Rev from @Dezuel and Ken from @Letter Bee as well, but Letter Bee has expressed he wants Ken doing something else in the meantime.

On the antagonist's side is going to be at least one slot filled out by me, but I will add a couple other characters there if need be! If you feel like your character is the best of the best, and is likely to have caught the eye of Lord Kiburi, feel free to volunteer them for this arc!

A normal day at St. Laurel's...

It's just an ordinary day at St. Laurel's. The classes have yet to begin. The sun is shining on the massive campus, with happy students milling about, attending to their morning club duties or simply hanging out with friends. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening. Nothing out of the ordinary at all. That being said, there is a small celebration that had decided to be enjoyed on this fateful day. Founder's Day, a celebration for the founder of St. Laurel's School of Divine Excellence. Not something to even skip classes over, a school assembly in the middle of the day and that would be all.

The more troublesome clubs are being kept under close scrutiny by the St. Laurel's Disciplinary Committee. Surely, nothing is going to happen under their stalwart supervision! And surely nothing that could end up rousing the entire school in the process...

[GM Notes] This is the designated arc for ALL St. Laurel's currently in play in the RP! But don't let the ominous description disturb you!! This is intended to just be a slice-of-life arc for the most part, to introduce your various characters in a more natural setting than the previous arcs might've had! You can have your characters talking to their friends, or going out and making them!!

Take the chance for some player interaction as well if you so desire!!
@KillamriX88 @supertinyking

Hey lads, mind giving these a formal approval? I know I'm a GM and all, but like still. I'm going to use them in the next arcs. Speaking of which... I should probably post what they're going to be...

"Well that's up to you, do you want a manslaughter charge on your record?!?!" The announcer shouted back. "The kid's gone nuts but he's still a fucking kid! We have LAWS you know?!?!"

@Letter Bee
Chaos. Rather inevitable, but a little bit better than having the rock be the one to trigger it. The announcer was desperately ushering evacuees towards designated fire exits. Tables were being knocked over in the rush, some students were flying and jumping to get away. Still, the announcer didn't miss the chance to comment on the 2nd biggest safety hazard in this room at the moment.

"You did NOT just fire that thing in this fucking establishment! Do you know how lucky you were that there were no kids back there?!"

The monster that stood in the middle of it all was watching the stump of what used to be its hand with an incomprehensible expression. It was on the ground as well on account of several high caliber rounds having pierced through its legs, but as it got up it seemed evident that though it had indeed been damaged, more muscle mass was swelling up to close the wounds. Slowly, it blinked, and then looked towards the source of the shooting.

Now this was a more recognizable expression; Anger. You could see the thing's muscles tense up all across its body. Veins bulging even further. Its legs were salvageable and the stump of its hand had even managed to staunch its own bleeding. But it seemed that hand would not be growing back.

It put its other hand on its thigh as it stomped the ground. As it crouched, bone pierced the skin where it was fractured, but muscle still held it all together. It built up power, and then it leapt.

"Oh no you don't!" The announcer shouted. He slammed his fist down on his announcer's table, and several thick walls of glass descended from the ceiling. Quick as a flash, ready for contingencies such as this it seemed. It didn't stop the giant completely, but the glass completely throttled its trajectory. It fell well short of its intended target/s, not only that but it fell relatively prone on the ground there.

But it would be rising soon.

@Spin the Wheel @Crowvette @Scarifar @KillamriX88 @Letter Bee @Dezuel
The Final Fight

The crowd was waiting with bated breath for the final fight to begin. A total farce of a night, but a farce with a structure. Whoever was winning tonight would be remembered one way or another. They might not be walking away in one piece, but they would be a champion.

The fight started predictably enough. Michael, the more agile fighter seemed to have formed an initial gameplan around that idea. Perhaps, getting in close with quick strikes before darting out of range before his opponent could counter attack. He maybe abandoned whatever idea that happened to be when the counter attack came anyway, and the shockwave of it hitting the ground managed to crack the arena itself.

Say whatever you wanted to about Michael Angie, but at least in this moment he didn't miss his chance to adapt to the opponent. He immediately shifted his tactics, making the most out of his powers to slow his opponent down. Debuffing sigils in really annoying places, painting constructs to tank hits and hold him back.

Despite everything that'd happened so far tonight, it looked like they were well on their way to a standard tournament finish. The underdog was now very much overwhelmed. A power mismatch leading to a clear, and easy victory. Just like you would see on any other night. Only, with the heated emotions and riled up crowd that made every night interesting beyond compare.

They were cheering for his defeat. They wanted him to lose. Rage welled up in him. Anger welled up in him. Was this... was this his limit?! NO!

It was hard to determine what happened next. One minute, the fighter was buried under Michael's painting constructs, and then the next minute, the constructs were gone. In their wake was something completely unrecognizable.

A mass of muscle and flesh. The fighter beneath could barely be seen. And he was growing.

Something was wrong. Its head darted around, seemingly suddenly unaware of where it truly was right now. The music was still blaring. The audience looked on in shocked wonder. Some of them, perhaps fear. Then he sighted him. The person he'd fought in the beginning of all this. Some flicker of recognition seemed to pass through him.

But something had broken. Its head twitched, twisted, and raised to the sky, howling in pain, before throwing a thunderous blow right into the arena, cracking it into several pieces. He hefted a large chunk of the floor below and aimed.

Warriors. If you have any perception of what is about to occur, now is the time to act.
@Spin the Wheel @Crowvette @Scarifar @KillamriX88 @Letter Bee @Dezuel
@Aqutanama Oop I messed up the tag I think.
[@Aquatanama] Woo yeah, sorry for taking so long to respond but you're good to go by my standards. I'm not technically the full GM, (bah, kind of only half a Co-GM at this point) but the lads do trust my judgement usually. If there's no vetoes, then by tomorrow I think you can go ahead and put him in the characters tab.
Despite the controversy of the surrounding events, it could not be said that the audience there at Midnight didn't appreciate the drama at hand. Nothing was more fun than seeing a plan go so awfully awry. Upset after upset, raised voices and friendships ended all around them. And now the fight of all fights.

To say that this looked even was an understatement. The new challenger was strong, yes, but this was Suzakura Plagerzes, 'The Degenerator'. Plenty of people entered the Midnight Tournament simply to have fun, and wouldn't mind losing if it meant a good fight. Suzakura was not one to entertain the idea of a "good fight". It was almost unfair how his gifts had been tuned for 1 on 1 combat. He could adapt to any fighter, and any fighting style, if he wanted to.

A regular, and a regular pain in the ass for the patrons of Midnight.

The match could not have seemed more lopsided. 'Seemed' being the noteworthy word here. It was just a moment later that the fan (dis)favored was flying through the air, 16 feet and straight through the announcer's table, which held upon it a nice glass of scotch he had planned to drink later.


He could barely be heard above the roar of the crowd. The winner of the match seemed rather obvious at this point. The challenger stood, seemingly none the worse for wear, but something was clearly wrong. He seemed to be moving sluggishly, and the audience couldn't be too sure but his muscle mass seemed like it had increased even more. He staggered away from the arena without so much as a glance at the carnage behind him.

One more match. And then it would be time for the finals.
Midnight - Escalation

The cheers went on for the last fight that had occurred long after the next two fighters had stepped onto the plate. It was always a spectacle to see a fight like that, not to mention the winner in question. The fight had long been over by the time the next two fighters stepped up to the stage. By comparison, they weren't anything to write home about. One was a regular who had always done semi-well, and in fact this was probably his best run yet. On the other side was a friend of his, who was also a regular, but had always seemingly struggled.

Their power sets were rather basic. And not too strong from what people remembered. Not exactly names to carry a title fight, so to speak. They exchanged some words, and it was on to the battle. And then it was over.

One moment there had been Gods knows how little people watching the fight, and then the favored combatant was sailing through the air, headed straight for, and going straight through a nearby table. Certainly a feet considering the tables were placed a little far away exactly for this kind of occurrence.

Drinks flew, outfits were ruined. Shouts, a little bit of panic, but not too much. But now, silence, and all eyes were on the stage. At least for the next few moments. The previously thought underdog was standing there with not even a scratch on him. Muscles bulging. His veins were visible. Something seemed off here.

But there was no time to really consider it, as the next fight was supposed to be underway soon. The victor of the bout stepped off the stage and seemed to vanish into the crowd as students parted for him. Well, as well as one could vanish on a night like this. He could be found and talked to if someone were to look, that was beyond doubt, but whether that would be wise would be a different question.

Amongst the many concerned faces in the crowd, surely there would be someone who knew either of the two combatants who could shed light on what exactly just occurred. But perhaps no one would really care either. This was Midnight after all, you asked questions with your fists and found answers with your own bodies. Surely this combatant wouldn't be that bad, right...?
Here's the map for incursion rendered in glorious MS Paint format

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