Name: Godra Shimura, or G.D.R.A
Gender: Male.
Age: 0?
Affiliation: Hidden Leaf.
Physical Description:
Adult Form:

Personality: A duality of kindness and ruthlessness, Godra is willing to both risk it all for a friend, and if he must, strike down all those who's foolishness would cause untold suffering. He sits firmly flipping between a chaotic good, and lawful evil mindset as the situation requires. But beyond all else, he seeks improvement of himself to not fall victim to the same mediocrity that plauged him in his first life.
Short Biography: A good man, with a failed life, G.D.R.A tried his hardest to be a good person. He donated his money to charity, his time to others, his blood, sweat, and tears to those who only had to ask. However, despite how much he chased being good, he found no peace, his mind constantly telling him he wasn't good enough. As he grew, he let this voice flow from him in the form of stories, and scenes, created for others, a play of misery and pain. While his primary job was as a gas station manager, he moonlit has a professional game master for table top rpgs, using them to vent his darker urges. His end came when he noticed a small child having fallen down in the parking lot of the gas station where he worked. He raced to help, but as he got close he saw a fuel truck pulling in threatening to flatten the child. With all of his strength he picked them up and threw them, before he was crushed by the truck, his last sight? The child landing in the grass, unharmed.
As he spoke to the lady of life, he asked for a die to determin his reincarnation. He rolled, and chuckled to himself before declaring the blood line he'd like to be a part of. "Shimura. Like Danzo. A lynch pin of the chaos of this world. If he is infected with this malign force, the world will be in shambles. I shall be the shadow's shadow, correcting the world."
"However I must."
Inventory: None. Babu has nothing.
Acting Chops: Due to his time dming, he has a moderate skill at acting, putting on different voices, and saying things that aren't true without normal people being able to tell.
Administrative Capabilities: Due to his previous job being a manager, he is moderately skilled in being an administrator of a business.
Customer Service with a smile: Godra is able to grin and bear it when people blow up in his face, unaffected by anger, or rage.
Tropes: None, for now.
Meta-Knowledge: G.D.R.A researched Naruto to run a campaign in the setting, but didn't bother learning much more past the og series, expecting his players to deviate the timeline pretty heavily. He has surface level knowledge of shipuden, and none of Buroto.
Chakra Affinity: Lightning
Bloodline Limit: None
Jutsu: None
Current Goals
Long Term
Favorite Flavors: Spicy, sweet.
Likes: Acting, soda, feeling smart.
Dislikes: Bullies, bitter taste, Gary Stus
Phobias: Dying in obscurity, lobomies, crazy chicks.
Gender: Male.
Age: 0?
Affiliation: Hidden Leaf.
Physical Description:
Adult Form:

Personality: A duality of kindness and ruthlessness, Godra is willing to both risk it all for a friend, and if he must, strike down all those who's foolishness would cause untold suffering. He sits firmly flipping between a chaotic good, and lawful evil mindset as the situation requires. But beyond all else, he seeks improvement of himself to not fall victim to the same mediocrity that plauged him in his first life.
Short Biography: A good man, with a failed life, G.D.R.A tried his hardest to be a good person. He donated his money to charity, his time to others, his blood, sweat, and tears to those who only had to ask. However, despite how much he chased being good, he found no peace, his mind constantly telling him he wasn't good enough. As he grew, he let this voice flow from him in the form of stories, and scenes, created for others, a play of misery and pain. While his primary job was as a gas station manager, he moonlit has a professional game master for table top rpgs, using them to vent his darker urges. His end came when he noticed a small child having fallen down in the parking lot of the gas station where he worked. He raced to help, but as he got close he saw a fuel truck pulling in threatening to flatten the child. With all of his strength he picked them up and threw them, before he was crushed by the truck, his last sight? The child landing in the grass, unharmed.
As he spoke to the lady of life, he asked for a die to determin his reincarnation. He rolled, and chuckled to himself before declaring the blood line he'd like to be a part of. "Shimura. Like Danzo. A lynch pin of the chaos of this world. If he is infected with this malign force, the world will be in shambles. I shall be the shadow's shadow, correcting the world."
"However I must."
Inventory: None. Babu has nothing.
Acting Chops: Due to his time dming, he has a moderate skill at acting, putting on different voices, and saying things that aren't true without normal people being able to tell.
Administrative Capabilities: Due to his previous job being a manager, he is moderately skilled in being an administrator of a business.
Customer Service with a smile: Godra is able to grin and bear it when people blow up in his face, unaffected by anger, or rage.
Tropes: None, for now.
Meta-Knowledge: G.D.R.A researched Naruto to run a campaign in the setting, but didn't bother learning much more past the og series, expecting his players to deviate the timeline pretty heavily. He has surface level knowledge of shipuden, and none of Buroto.
Chakra Affinity: Lightning
Bloodline Limit: None
Jutsu: None
Current Goals
Befriend Naruto
Get a hold of a Land of Iron Samurai training manuel.
Prepare for the chaos to come.
Get a hold of a Land of Iron Samurai training manuel.
Prepare for the chaos to come.
Long Term
Become Danzo's successor to his goal of protecting Konoha.
Learn the way of the Samruai
Get a Sharingan, and a Byakugan at some point
Live a successful life
Learn the way of the Samruai
Get a Sharingan, and a Byakugan at some point
Live a successful life
Favorite Flavors: Spicy, sweet.
Likes: Acting, soda, feeling smart.
Dislikes: Bullies, bitter taste, Gary Stus
Phobias: Dying in obscurity, lobomies, crazy chicks.