OK, I finally managed to have something ready for the go.

"The stars are my friends, my guardians, and my trustworthy allies. Now then, let's begin!"
Name: Lambda Astralis
Title: The Starry-Eyed Wizar/
Nickname: Lamb, Loony
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Great School: St. Laurel's School of Divine Excellence
Grade: 1st Year
Personality: Lambda is the description of a bubbly person. He's extremely energetic and positive, almost as if he was living in a world of his own, separated from the rest of the world. He's always trying to take some sort of good part out of every situation and does his best job to see that everyone around him is sharing the same happiness he has, whether little or big. In a sense, he almost feels like a mascot, with how eager and sometimes funny he can be.
Lambda sometimes gets really caught in his own vibes, however, and tends to overdo many things that would be simple for the sake of excitement and to make people positive. A simple cleaning task, for example, becomes some sort of game if left in Lambda's hands, which can become a problem since he doesn't know when to stop, or if he's being a complete and utter annoyance to the rest of the world. These are the main reasons why Lambda isn't taken as seriously as he should be, and that's mostly (if not entirely) thanks to his own ways of seeing the world.
But one of Lambda's biggest issues is the fact that he doesn't want to be left alone by people. The idea of loneliness is a nightmare to him since he was always surrounded by others and feels this as a necessity. So even if it's toxic and unhealthy to him, Lambda will keep whatever shard of relationship he has in order to avoid the thought of actually being alone.
Another quirk from Lambda is that he spends a lot of time talking alone. In reality, he isn't talking by himself, but because he's the only one who can see what he's actually conversating, people tend to call him a lunatic. It's one of the reasons why he's sometimes called "Loony".
Biography: Lambda's origins are not from Rhea, but from another town in Greece. He was an orphan child who was abandoned in the streets as a newborn, having no name whatsoever. He was found by the owners of an orphanage who brought him in and took care of him. However, he was pretty distant from other children initially, being very hesitant to draw himself toward others and establish social relationships. Thus, he lived without a name, and alone.
What he loved to do was look at the starry night sky. He often talked with the stars, playing around as if they could actually respond to him. He also stood late at night, searching for any shooting stars that came by. Whenever one passed by, he would make a wish. To him, to the owners, and to the other children as well. He may haven't been the most talkative ever, but he always wished for the well-being of everyone.
When he was 7 years old, a mysterious man came to the orphanage and looked at the kids. When he saw the young little kid in the corner, he was drawn to him. After completing the process, the mysterious man adopted the young boy and named him "Lambda".
Once he was settled in his new home, in Rhea, Lambda found out that the man who adopted him was Astraeus, the Greek titan god of the stars.
After introducing himself properly, Astraeus told Lambda that, despite having given birth to wonderful children in the past, he wanted to adopt a human who could carry his legacy of stardom in modern times. Lambda asked him why he was chosen, and Astraeus answered that the boy's faith in wishes and the intention of every single one of Lambda's wishes moved him a lot. In fact, being now the adoptive son of a god, Lambda saw that Astraeus was very human-like.
For the next years, Lambda went through a very pampered life, though he was still in training to actually be Astraeus' modern-time heir. While his new father constantly gave him gifts, he also trained Lambda to properly communicate with the stars. His life was now a balance of having something to enjoy every day while training hard enough to make his father proud.
Once Lambda completed 10 years old, he has shown signs of promise, by developing a magical aura around him. He was also fully able to converse with the stars that Astraeus assigned to watch over him. At this age, Lambda also granted his first wish to a small boy that only wanted to have some food to eat. While simple, Lambda was proud of himself and ecstatic to learn more about his powers. He dwelled alongside the stars and studied fervently, with even more vigorous training.
6 years pass in the blink of an eye. Lambda could no longer be called "human" and was now a demigod, albeit weak. Now that he approached the necessary age, Astraeus enrolled Lambda in one of Rhea's grand schools, choosing St. Laurel. Lambda now starts his first year in his new school, ready to train and become the heir Astraeus would be hugely proud.
Powers: Lambda's main power is called Wishes of the Stars, which is a power derived from the Greek titan god Astraeus, who rules over stars, planets, and astrology. His power is to generate and manipulate stars, as well as having a special ability to communicate directly with them. These stars are usually referred to Lambda as his "friends", but since he's the only one who has the ability to communicate with said celestial bodies, no one is able to hear their voices, so it makes it seem that he's a lunatic that mostly speaks with himself.
Sub-Power #1 - Wish Granting: Lambda's first sub-power with his ability is his special ability to grant wishes. Because of Lambda's own wish and the faith that people have in the idea that stars are able to grant wishes, he's able to grant wishes so long as the request contains "I wish...", being the primordial rule of the wishing basis.
However, Lambda can't outright grant every single wish because this demands a consensus between him and the stars. If the stars deny the wish, he cannot grant it and vice-versa. Both parties must be in full accordance, or else the wish won't be granted, so long as either the stars or Lambda refuse to do such a granting.
Also, Lambda cannot grant more than 3 wishes per day. This is a limit that Astraeus has placed upon him so that people won't abuse his ability to have everything in life.
Sub-Power #2 - Stardust Flight: Lambda's second sub-power with his ability is his special ability to fly, though it's more accurate to say that Lambda lost some of his own gravity. After being long exposed to stardust, his body started to lose some of the gravitational force that he used to have as a simple human being, meaning that he can now float around and even fly some distances he wishes to.
But it's not like Lambda can suddenly go to space or something. He didn't lose all of his gravitational force, so his height is still very restricted. Technically speaking, he can't go more than 500m from the ground. Once he reaches this limit, his body will stop ascending and will only be able to move horizontally.
Sub-Power #3 - Starlight Healing: Lambda's third sub-power with his ability is his special ability to heal injuries, both physical and spiritual. Because of Lambda's own benevolence and desire to see people happy, Astraeus granted him the ability to heal others, as a way of keeping his powers' usage towards the good of others, and not to drive him into becoming a battle maniac who uses his power to dominate people.
Still, Lambda's healing powers aren't supreme, so he cannot do miraculous feats like bringing the dead back. This is left to whoever possesses the power coming from Asclepius. He can only do so much with the power he has, such as healing a headache, or some scrapes, but not the power to cure everything.
Weapon: Knowing how the world works, despite not wanting him to ever join combat, Astraeus gifted Lambda with a special object called the Astral Bearer. This orb is filled with the energy coming from outer space, mainly stardust. The orb's purpose, other than Lambda's magical catalyst, is to allow him to communicate with the stars even during the daytime, which is the period when stars would be hidden.
Relationships: Right now, Lambda has no relationships within his school, whether friendly or inimical.
Main Theme: Lotus Love
Battle Theme: Forceful Step

"The stars are my friends, my guardians, and my trustworthy allies. Now then, let's begin!"
Name: Lambda Astralis
Title: The Starry-Eyed Wizar/
Nickname: Lamb, Loony
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Great School: St. Laurel's School of Divine Excellence
Grade: 1st Year
Personality: Lambda is the description of a bubbly person. He's extremely energetic and positive, almost as if he was living in a world of his own, separated from the rest of the world. He's always trying to take some sort of good part out of every situation and does his best job to see that everyone around him is sharing the same happiness he has, whether little or big. In a sense, he almost feels like a mascot, with how eager and sometimes funny he can be.
Lambda sometimes gets really caught in his own vibes, however, and tends to overdo many things that would be simple for the sake of excitement and to make people positive. A simple cleaning task, for example, becomes some sort of game if left in Lambda's hands, which can become a problem since he doesn't know when to stop, or if he's being a complete and utter annoyance to the rest of the world. These are the main reasons why Lambda isn't taken as seriously as he should be, and that's mostly (if not entirely) thanks to his own ways of seeing the world.
But one of Lambda's biggest issues is the fact that he doesn't want to be left alone by people. The idea of loneliness is a nightmare to him since he was always surrounded by others and feels this as a necessity. So even if it's toxic and unhealthy to him, Lambda will keep whatever shard of relationship he has in order to avoid the thought of actually being alone.
Another quirk from Lambda is that he spends a lot of time talking alone. In reality, he isn't talking by himself, but because he's the only one who can see what he's actually conversating, people tend to call him a lunatic. It's one of the reasons why he's sometimes called "Loony".
Biography: Lambda's origins are not from Rhea, but from another town in Greece. He was an orphan child who was abandoned in the streets as a newborn, having no name whatsoever. He was found by the owners of an orphanage who brought him in and took care of him. However, he was pretty distant from other children initially, being very hesitant to draw himself toward others and establish social relationships. Thus, he lived without a name, and alone.
What he loved to do was look at the starry night sky. He often talked with the stars, playing around as if they could actually respond to him. He also stood late at night, searching for any shooting stars that came by. Whenever one passed by, he would make a wish. To him, to the owners, and to the other children as well. He may haven't been the most talkative ever, but he always wished for the well-being of everyone.
When he was 7 years old, a mysterious man came to the orphanage and looked at the kids. When he saw the young little kid in the corner, he was drawn to him. After completing the process, the mysterious man adopted the young boy and named him "Lambda".
Once he was settled in his new home, in Rhea, Lambda found out that the man who adopted him was Astraeus, the Greek titan god of the stars.
After introducing himself properly, Astraeus told Lambda that, despite having given birth to wonderful children in the past, he wanted to adopt a human who could carry his legacy of stardom in modern times. Lambda asked him why he was chosen, and Astraeus answered that the boy's faith in wishes and the intention of every single one of Lambda's wishes moved him a lot. In fact, being now the adoptive son of a god, Lambda saw that Astraeus was very human-like.
For the next years, Lambda went through a very pampered life, though he was still in training to actually be Astraeus' modern-time heir. While his new father constantly gave him gifts, he also trained Lambda to properly communicate with the stars. His life was now a balance of having something to enjoy every day while training hard enough to make his father proud.
Once Lambda completed 10 years old, he has shown signs of promise, by developing a magical aura around him. He was also fully able to converse with the stars that Astraeus assigned to watch over him. At this age, Lambda also granted his first wish to a small boy that only wanted to have some food to eat. While simple, Lambda was proud of himself and ecstatic to learn more about his powers. He dwelled alongside the stars and studied fervently, with even more vigorous training.
6 years pass in the blink of an eye. Lambda could no longer be called "human" and was now a demigod, albeit weak. Now that he approached the necessary age, Astraeus enrolled Lambda in one of Rhea's grand schools, choosing St. Laurel. Lambda now starts his first year in his new school, ready to train and become the heir Astraeus would be hugely proud.
Powers: Lambda's main power is called Wishes of the Stars, which is a power derived from the Greek titan god Astraeus, who rules over stars, planets, and astrology. His power is to generate and manipulate stars, as well as having a special ability to communicate directly with them. These stars are usually referred to Lambda as his "friends", but since he's the only one who has the ability to communicate with said celestial bodies, no one is able to hear their voices, so it makes it seem that he's a lunatic that mostly speaks with himself.
Sub-Power #1 - Wish Granting: Lambda's first sub-power with his ability is his special ability to grant wishes. Because of Lambda's own wish and the faith that people have in the idea that stars are able to grant wishes, he's able to grant wishes so long as the request contains "I wish...", being the primordial rule of the wishing basis.
However, Lambda can't outright grant every single wish because this demands a consensus between him and the stars. If the stars deny the wish, he cannot grant it and vice-versa. Both parties must be in full accordance, or else the wish won't be granted, so long as either the stars or Lambda refuse to do such a granting.
Also, Lambda cannot grant more than 3 wishes per day. This is a limit that Astraeus has placed upon him so that people won't abuse his ability to have everything in life.
Sub-Power #2 - Stardust Flight: Lambda's second sub-power with his ability is his special ability to fly, though it's more accurate to say that Lambda lost some of his own gravity. After being long exposed to stardust, his body started to lose some of the gravitational force that he used to have as a simple human being, meaning that he can now float around and even fly some distances he wishes to.
But it's not like Lambda can suddenly go to space or something. He didn't lose all of his gravitational force, so his height is still very restricted. Technically speaking, he can't go more than 500m from the ground. Once he reaches this limit, his body will stop ascending and will only be able to move horizontally.
Sub-Power #3 - Starlight Healing: Lambda's third sub-power with his ability is his special ability to heal injuries, both physical and spiritual. Because of Lambda's own benevolence and desire to see people happy, Astraeus granted him the ability to heal others, as a way of keeping his powers' usage towards the good of others, and not to drive him into becoming a battle maniac who uses his power to dominate people.
Still, Lambda's healing powers aren't supreme, so he cannot do miraculous feats like bringing the dead back. This is left to whoever possesses the power coming from Asclepius. He can only do so much with the power he has, such as healing a headache, or some scrapes, but not the power to cure everything.
Weapon: Knowing how the world works, despite not wanting him to ever join combat, Astraeus gifted Lambda with a special object called the Astral Bearer. This orb is filled with the energy coming from outer space, mainly stardust. The orb's purpose, other than Lambda's magical catalyst, is to allow him to communicate with the stars even during the daytime, which is the period when stars would be hidden.
Relationships: Right now, Lambda has no relationships within his school, whether friendly or inimical.
Main Theme: Lotus Love
Battle Theme: Forceful Step