Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Vilkas caught the subtext Volaire was putting out. He shrugged at it, not too concerned. If the man wanted to talk, he would. "We all have our secrets." He took a seat for himself and began to eat, noticing Stephanie had entered. He gave a short wave, grunted at Voltaire's harsh words and then his eyes were drawn to the young woman's sword. From his perspective, it was much too large for her. She was not built like a warrior, so why wield such a hefty blade. He would have pictured her with a refined weapon, one of grace like a rapier or that takes advantage of her size, like a dagger. He himself wore a saxe knife forged from dark steel. It was heavily enchanted to return to him if he lost it and held an air enchantment that could summon a whirlwind. His own blade, Ascension was in his room, as he didn't generally like wearing it all the time.

Glancing at the weapon, Vilkas sensed fire enchants, which further confused him. "For one so... Open, I would have pictured you with water or air as your element of choice.. Fire is much more... Brash than you seem to be. Would you mind if I take a look at your blade? I'll be gentle with it." The artificer in Vilkas was intrigued by the weapon. It was a strange design and seemed a bit malicious in nature. While the Anubis may know more about enchantments on accessories, Vilkas had years learning the trade of the smith, working with his father and grandfather at the forge, working with metals.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

In the Sanctuary
Interacting With: Vilkas (@GrizzTheMauler), Voltaire (@Ithradine)

Stephanie couldn’t help but hear Voltaire speak a bit rudely to her as if he didn’t want any conversation in the morning. As if he has a specific routine when he first wakes up. All she could do was a bit a gentle smile towards him, but couldn’t help if she poked a bear of a great anger or rage. ”Uhhh.. did I piss him off somehow? I was only trying to be friendly.” Stephanie thought to herself with a bit of a look on her face of sorry towards Voltaire. In terms of her reaction to what he had said, made her a bit worried if she shouldn’t have been too friendly and said hello, unless this is how he usually is. ”Voltaire, thanks for the chat.” Stephanie said, with a gentle smile nonetheless. She was visibly a bit worried in how she was moving, since she always tries to be the friendliest person ever.

In terms of everything, she was really distracted with the choices of her words to Voltaire and hopefully he would be a bit more approachable later. It’s pretty much obvious she didn’t understand why he’s so angry and doesn’t like conversation this early in the morning. She heard Vilkas speak about her weapon’s elemental affinity being brash, which is definitely saying much since her mother forced it upon her. Her mood, however, improved when he said she would be more with water or even air, which made her smile happily at what he said. ”Thank you Vilkas… In terms of saying water first since it is my element of choice… that’s what I primarily use. My mother’s Firebrand Rapier, is a bit unwieldy for me since it has a mind of its own… it seems. Sure you can look at the weapon. My Mother Rita and my father Derrick outright forced me to wield their elemental weapons I didn’t have a choice in what I want at all… Rita kinda told me that Water is too safe or bubbly is what she called it...” Stephanie said, a bit down at saying what her mother exactly said about Water, which is her element of choice to use. She lifted up her mother’s weapon, which started to hum in a slight strange noise since it was alike it was ‘actively’ fighting Stephanie’s grasp or something. The Rapier was definitely a bit more unwieldy than a rapier should be, it was built as if it was for killing and not ‘friendly’ sword play. ”My father’s weapon is called the Icebrand Short sword...” Stephanie said since she outright dislikes the Short sword a bit more since its backfires are the worst to deal with.

Stephanie didn’t really want to hold the Firebrand Rapier any longer since her hand was shaking a bit because of all the bad memories was flowing back to her. It was mostly because of when she was training with it and the Icebrand Short sword. She was utterly not happy right now but she sat down after Vilkas took it off her hands and started to eat her breakfast next to him. ”I… don’t like… how my parents were trying to make me into a killer...” Stephanie said. It’s pretty amazing all the time she was using the weapons she never once killed someone, the nickname she got from the Sword was enough to keep them away from her at least. She’s somewhat grateful she kept her child-like appreciation and being so open with everyone definitely helps. It caused her more pain than anything leaving her hometown but had to do it to completely lose the dread of having something awful to her. It was specifically the reason why she went to the Sanctuary in the first place.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The tree woman shoke her head a little bit when he asked her first question. "Not at will, I need to plant myself first. The rest of my trunk is in that one room with the tree." Maybe she was referring to that monster from yesterday, she was able to become a fairy, at least to speak with them. It was a strange power. Mirithal grabbed her leafy dress as if to curtsy. "If you like, I can go back to the garden and change..." She offered but he said it reminded him of the spirits. She released her dress and tilted her head. "Were they Veidish too?" It was nice to know, she was on a mission after all.

Ar´oa's words were a bit of red and purple, but also glances of yellow underneath. A good feeling. Maybe the dog bark was happy to be discussing with her. It set her more at ease and she let the conversation of morphing to a new form fall by the wayside.

"Culture?" She said, her amber eyes opening a little more as if Ar'oa just offered her a gift of sorts but a gift that she didn't know what to do with. She put a hand on her chest.
"You can just speak to this one as you wish. Miri- I'm trying to figure out how soft barks talk. The forest children only want to play and be safe. We don't have anything like what you have. Cities, or families, or greetings. This one is just a plant allowed to walk. I am strange. I copy and pretend." She knew what monster was, and while her words made her sound sad, she didn't show it in voice or deed. Mostly she was trying to put him at ease. You cant insult someone who knows what an insult is.

A question about herself. She again mimic'd the motion of thought for a maiden, a finger brought to her chin, but nothing else. Though as she spoke she began to grow flower buds on her shoulders and arms and hair, "About myself? I am Mirithal. I have many other names. I was called a Veidish, so maybe that is what this one is. I eat nutrients, the sun, and the green. I like to play games. I like to learn things. I like to make things. I like to grow apples. I like-" she stopped herself going rigid. "Im sorry, I get excited sometimes. What do you want to know?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

So it wasn´t a spirit, didn´t know what a culture was, and struggled to even know the name of her species. Mirithal had once again stumped Ar´oa, leaving him with absolutely no idea how to continue the conversation without taking a large pause to get himself together.

"I thought that you were perhaps a spirit, but I am not sure now, and neither are you." An uncharacteristically direct way of speaking, but it had given him permission to do so. "And because of that, I wanted to know if you had any knowledge that could assist me." R could boast about his libraries all he wanted, but at the end of the day curses were a chiefly spiritual matter. His reluctance to seek out help was also a matter of pride, not wanting others to rob his burden from him.

"You shouldn´t apologize for being excited. There is nothing in this sanctuary that isn´t, on some level, different." Mirithal´s constantly changing form had proved to be a struggle for Ar´oa to ignore while speaking. Even if Mirithal was unsure of what it was, that didn´t mean it couldn´t bear some relation to what he was planning to study.

He repositioned his long legs to face it more directly. "There is a curse that surrounds my clan and I, one that I wish to know if you can detect upon the moment I step outside The Sanctuary." Despite Mirithal being oblivious to many things that other races would take for granted, it was worth an attempt to at least ask.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Her head dips low, the flowers wilting a little. "I'm sorry. This one is trying not to confuse or disappoint anyone. Miri- I am trying. I speak truth." She didn't even really know what a spirit was, she could have been but she honestly wasn't sure. She didn't even name herself, nor the species she represented. It was a truly confusing moment.

She went stock still, her hair curling a bit like flowers in morning. "Assist?" she asks, her interest and body language showing that she was interested in that. "Mirithal can assist."

She didn't know what she was agreeing too even when Aroa had set it. A curse? What a strange word. Sounds icky, and he seemed to flash a little red purple and blue, he thought it was icky too. She didn't quite understand what he was asking, but detect. The tree nodded. "I can see alot of things." She began. "Sickness is in black... health is in green... emotions are a spectrum. I see your colors, but I can look further. Determine the shades, predict the patterns. This one would be yellow to try." Her face expressionless but the little flower petals seemed to be popping off her form and slowly dancing to the ground.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 5 days ago



"I couldn't help but overhear the two of you."

A lush, female voice called out from behind them with belonging to the Wolf-Amali known as Vey. The sounds of her foots tapped lightly against the floor as she moved closer, a smirk laid out across her full lips as if to elude she knew something they didn't. Her attire was rather simple as it consisted of nothing more than a blank, cloth tank-top and dark-brown, leather pair of pants. Vey stopped a few feet from them and crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking upwards at the much taller beings.

"You two haven't been here long I take it?" She asked without expecting an answer "I'm sure this beautiful creature here can help, but I heard you were looking for a spirit?

Vey lets out a long, silent yawn as she stretches her arms upwards into the arm before bringing them back into position. The pair of wolf-like ears on the top of her head move slightly with each passing sound while her black, fluffy tail gently sways behind her. Both her tone of voice and posture seem to suggest she is rather open and confident in herself.

"I've been here long enough that I heard from a couple residents about an ancient spirit that wanders the outer perimeter of the Sanctuary. R won't talk about it though."

Vey shrugged without any real opinion on the matter. Everyone came here for some reason or purpose, that much she understood. At best, R would only offer a guiding hand to those seeking help. The majority of assistance came from other residents or from the Sentinels that roamed the many halls.

@GrizzTheMauler@Landaus Five-One

Voltaire had disappeared into the mess hall barely acknowledging Stephanie's last words. After receiving his food, he went to the table farthest in the corner to eat by himself as he did everyday. Meanwhile, Cisna sat at her usual table awaiting her instructor, Vey, to come and eat breakfast with her. A faint smile and soft eyes did much to conceal the aching pain that her headache was bringing her. She ate slowly taking only small amounts of food in at a time. Her blue eyes that normally shined like brilliant sapphires had a dull quality to them as she stared blankly at the table. The sound of Stephanie and Vilkas's voice stirred her from the idle trance she had been in. Her attention was mostly directed at Stephanie as she listened silently to her. Her pearly white wings drooped a little at the last thing Stephanie said and her eyes looked down at the ground. Her father had tried and succeeded into making her a killer, another piece in his game for political power. Cisna knew just by looking at the look in Stephanie's eyes that they felt the same. That they had both been pushed to become something they were not meant to be. The difference was that it was far too late for Cisna. These small, delicate hands of hers were stained with more than their share of blood.

"E-excuse, d-d-do you m-mind if I...sit here..with y-you?" Her voice was soft, almost quiet.

Cisna stood next to the table Vilkas and Stephanie sat at, using what courage she could muster to approach them holding her plate of food. Her wings formed an almost protective shell around her allowing a small opening in the front. Vey had told her that sometimes you had to be bold and take a chance, whether in battle or in life. Cisna could feel every part of her wanting to pull away and her skin crawl with anxiety as she stood there. However, this Stephanie seemed like she was just like her and the one next to her seemed rather kind.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HokumPocus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ar´oa tensed at Mirithal´s words. He was starting to understand how she saw the world, but found it concerning how easily she was able to detect his emotions, or in her words, his "colors". Someone like her would be a powerful ally against wasteland spirits, no doubt.

Another resident joined their conversation, one Ar´oa had yet to acquaint himself with. The unique combination of features that her physical appearance flaunted seemed odd to him. It was as if his own features were placed on top of a regular human, leaving him with an odd feeling that he couldn't quite describe.

"He won´t talk about it? What do you mean?" Ar´oa asked. He realized he hadn´t introduced himself as soon as the words escaped his mouth, but she hadn´t either, so he didn´t worry about the possibility of disrespecting her. Her body language alone made it clear she wasn´t the strict sort of person who would take offense to that.

If there was a mysterious spirit hidden from even the residents of the Sanctuary, then it was no doubt powerful. Would a being like that be able to help him? For the time being, he´d refrain from speaking about this in front of R and any of his sentinels. It was tempting to bring it up to the owner of the Sanctuary himself, but he'd most likely be brushed off or be seen as someone looking to cause trouble.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

In the Sanctuary
Interacting With: Vilkas (@GrizzTheMauler), Cisna (@Ithradine)

Stephanie was eating her breakfast since it was definitely needed for her, which was the reason she’s happy for the help by Vilkas. It was pretty much obvious, she has always hated the Firebrand Rapier because of what her mother Rita specifically wanted to do to her. The Firebrand rapier in question shimmered and glowed in a small ‘reddish’ aura while Vilkas was holding it. She caught that specific glow and shimmering with her eyes, she only seen that specific glow when her mother Rita was teaching her how to use the weapon. ”I hate that glow the most, it was definitely much brighter when my mother wielded it though.” Stephanie said, with a definite rattle in her voice in terms of hate in seeing it glow like that. It was pretty obvious she was definitely afraid of that weapon since she saw its destructive power first hand when her mother was showing off while teaching her.

She kinda went off in her mind to remember that destructive thing her mother Rita was doing with the brutal Firebrand Rapier. ”The destructive force of fire is terrifying, when in my mother’s hands. The thing I trained on… with her sword was definitely weird and pretty ominous in how it absorbed the Fire alike a well.” Stephanie thought to herself, with look on her face a bit shocked and can’t handle whatever was created to help her mother’s destructive fire be so isolated and not spreading throughout her hometown. This specific thought constantly got to her since it was a bit creepy for whatever her parents were using for her to train on using their enchanted weapons. She stopped thinking about that since she heard a voice asking about to sit down next to her.

Stephanie had a slight shock to her system when she looked at the person who asked to sit besides her and Vilkas. The girl’s white wings were beautiful, which made her remember what her parents talked about the Anserians. However, only one good thing that Rita and Derrick said about the Anserians are about their wings and nothing else. She pretty much ignored their racism after that since she didn’t want to become what her parents wanted her to be. ”I don’t mind if you sit next to me. My name is Stephanie, what’s yours?” Stephanie questioned, curiously. It was the first time seeing an Anserian. She smiled with a gentle smile towards Cisna, since it was common courtesy to do so. She looked towards Vilkas and more or less spoke towards him with a kind demeanor since this girl definitely asked nicely. ”What about you Vilkas?” Stephanie asked to Vilkas. She was definitely interested in meeting the other residents of the Sanctuary since she wasn’t alike her parents at all.

It had always been pretty hard to keep herself on the path of pacifism since she worships the Goddess of Peace and Order, Satelle. Mostly because of her parents kinda hard when they were trying to force her to worship the Goddess of War & Ambition, Nalissa. ”I must stay on the path of what I want guess that’s why my mother’s weapon specifically constantly fights me because of the Goddess I worship… But it could just not like me like my mother since she tried to kill me...” Stephanie thought to herself, with a definite look of fear and a hint of rage towards her mother Rita. She has never wanted to harm another person in her life but she will definitely defend herself if required, however. It's nice when everyone is afraid of her mother's specific nickname, which was passed onto her by wielding the Firebrand rapier. She was somewhat grateful everyone who tried to approach her was definitely taken aback by how she responded to them. It didn't help she only learned while in the Sanctuary her parents were spying on her inner thoughts.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"That would be because her element is Fire. Your father's is obviously ice." Vilkas scowls. "I am starting to understand your relationship with your parents. One can tell a lot about a person from their natural magic. In fact, it is possible that it may change over time. We know this due to Dromon's own magic having shifted from Light magic to Grey, the magic of the Thaumaturge. I myself am one of the Greys. I don't have a specific elemental inclination. I may over time gain one as I am quite young. Only just under two centuries. The dragon took a bit to think a moment while he ate.

"If you would like... I could make you a weapon. Water users tend to be more on the support side of things... It is an element that naturally follows the Flow, the ebb and tide of the world around it. It's best synchronous element is Air followed by Green magic." As he spoke he called up the runic sigils of each element. Water, represented by two waves, air as a closed spiral, and Green as a sapling. "In return.. I would like to study your parent's weapons. I haven't seen many darker enchantments like this. I would very much like to see what I can learn from them as even dark magic can be used in healthy ways."

As Cisna walked up to the table he scanned her. Noting the wings he nods at her. "Good morning. I wouldn't mind if you sat with us. We were discussing enchantments and Natural Magic, if you would like some conversation. I am Vilkas, by the way. Vilkas Excellion."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

In the Sanctuary
Interacting With: Vilkas (@GrizzTheMauler), Cisna (@Ithradine)

Stephanie had a definite look on her face of sincerity mostly at the fact Vilkas was scowling at her parent’s elements in terms of Fire & Ice perspective. It definitely was a bit annoying in having parents like, which didn’t allow her to be herself only a person who allowed her to be alike themselves. However, what he said next kinda made her smile mostly at the fact her relationship with her parents was pretty bad since her own mother tried to kill her. ”Y-Yeah… not that great since I hated them altogether for making me try to change who I am. However, it didn’t help that my own mother Rita tried to kill me when I was ten years old… for the goddess I worshiped compared to them. Stephanie said, still shocked and terrified at that for what Rita wanted to do to her. She was grateful for the protection of her goddess saving her in terms of the Paladin Order of Satelle in Baterol, which was six years ago. It was definitely interesting in hearing Vilkas talk about how someone can tell by their natural magic, and how it may change over time, it was unique to hear that. She was shocked and gasped when he said Dromon’s name again and it shifted from Light to Grey. ”That’s pretty interesting in terms of the Elemental affinities of Grey, and its name too, Thaumaturge. This is the first time I heard of Grey/Thaumaturge.” Stephanie said, with a curious look on her face. It was definitely the first time since Dromon was always a Holy Dragon to the not long lived race of humans and never piss him off since he’s terrifying anyway.

She perked up with what she heard him say next about making her a weapon. ”I would love to have a weapon all my own that isn’t a hand-me down from my parents.” Stephanie said excitedly. The elements that synchronize with water were Air and Green Magic and she saw the runic sigils of each element that he called up. She heard specifically what is in return for crafting her a weapon that’s all her own, however, she didn’t bring her father’s Icebrand Shortsword with her since its still in her bedroom. ”You may study these weapons… even though my father’s hand-me down is in my bedroom. I wanted to bring my mother’s weapon to see if I could train with it but it would probably be better to train with something more my element. That sounds pretty ominous in terms of darker enchantments...” Stephanie said, with a whole heartily sigh of relief at someone else learning every single thing about her parent’s weapons.

However, it did remind her that her parents constantly boasted about getting their target with acceptable causalities of civilians, which were in the way. It was a nightmare to even learn the very first magical sword technique, which is an off-shoot school of Elemental Magic and Magical Engineering. Out of the two swords, she feared the backfiring of the Icebrand Sword more but it backfired less frequently while her mother’s weapon backfired the most and felt like on command by her own mother. ”I outright disliked when they backfired… but my father’s sword I feared more when it backfired… since you can probably tell what that would mean since his element is Ice.” Stephanie additionally said. It took around 11 – 15 years old for her to learn the basic magical sword techniques from both of her parent’s weapons even though it was definitely a trying time for her. Being constantly burnt and dropping the weapon and having her mother laugh at her didn’t help or the fact her father was carefully watching her and not really happy with the results of her heartlessness, which she didn’t have. She knew her mother was still pissed from the time she tried to kill her, however, she made no act towards that for some odd reason. ”I guess that’s because of the necklace I wore… why mother didn’t act on her first instinct to kill me… without question. She was laughing constantly at me for fucking up, however. Derrick on the other hand was cold and calculating as he was always but disliked the killer instinct…” Stephanie thought to herself, with an annoyed look of disdain for her parents in particular. Their attitude towards her didn’t really change throughout training her while she couldn’t really feel any love from them since they are monsters or demons in human skin. It was because of those nightmares that made her feel that way.

Stephanie, however, heard Vilkas’ response to Cisna and just smiled towards her with a friendly smile. It was definitely refreshing at the fact she’s happy right now. ”Please Sit and enjoy chatting with me and Vilkas.” Stephanie said, with a happy smile on her face towards Cisna. However, she came to a realization that her parents were probably hunting for her, which she knew they wanted to kill her. She went a bit pale with that bit of definite fear, which is a great thing she was in Sanctuary away from those awful parents of hers. It took her a bit of a time to get out of the whole thing since she’s safe and why would she leave Sanctuary to go back to that terrible place of reality. She wants to get stronger so her parents aren’t able to use their experiences against her and their power over her. ”S-Sorry… I just remembered my hometown is basically under control of my parents… and the Mercenary Band they co-lead, which are terrible bunch of mercenaries...” Stephanie said, with fear of what happened to all the people in Gondrevil. However, those nightmares made her leave her hometown to join Sanctuary. Because if she stayed a moment longer she would have definitely been killed by her parents.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Interactions with: @Ithradine@HokumPocus

They were joined by another soft bark. Not so dog like as Arioa but she made a very admirable attempt. Could humans and dogs interbreed? Doesn't seem so.

Mirithal's head tilted ever so slightly as the new girl made her presence known and using word and look to get their attention. Mirithal herself unknowingly copied her, a spare leaf of her dress swayed as if she also had a tail to shake. Still regardless, Mirithal did her best to welcome her. "Green morning. My name is Mirithal. I'd like to be your friend." That was all that she wanted for the time being. Just break the ice and make nice with the residents. She then tried to get as much of what Vey was saying as she could. She nodded, nodded again then stared blankly.

"It would be nice if you could introduce us. He is looking for a spirit." She looked to Arioa to make sure this was the right course of action, he himself seemed a little puzzled by it.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 5 days ago



Vey addressed the curious Anubis with a rather direct answer as she walked passed him with a slight sway in her hips "You can't get even a sliver of information from him about it. It's almost like he wishes to pretend it isn't out there." She spoke rather casually, as if the mystery did not intrigue her in the slightest.

She turned deftly on her right heel and faced them once again, only to notice that Mirithal had morphed to copy her form. Admittedly she was rather flattered and at the same time uneasy. It's speech and movements were rather strange but Vey happily smiled "I am called Vey, nice to meet you Miritahl." Her nose wrinkled slightly as the smell of warm food began to drift through the air which coordinating with the small movements of the wolf-like ears on her head. Vey shook her head lightly then turned back to Ar'oa "You can tell me your name on the way." She said strongly, looking up at the tall being. A part of her wanted to meet this spirit to see what can of wisdom it could gift her in her fight against the oppressive Dremorian Empire. A piece of knowledge that could her help her people reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

@GrizzTheMauler@Landaus Five-One

A wave of relief washed over her as the two individuals did not reject her request and she sat next to Stephanie at the table "N-nice to m-m-meet you both. I am C-Cisna." She said meekly, purposefully avoiding meeting either of their gazes. Vilkas had said they were talking about enchantments and natural magic, which she had some knowledge in as her family was very adamant in giving her a well-rounded education. It became even more relevant during her short time in the service of the royal army. Light magic was the primary and most powerful magic that Anserians typically could wield, though they were not limited it strictly.

The small feeling of warmth she felt was diluted by the expression that suddenly overtook Stephanie's face, as if she remembered something rather horrible. Once she spoke up about it, it was something that Cisna could readily sympathize with "That must be pretty awful. I-I had to run away from my home as well. I...I just couldn't be...what they wanted me to be..." It was a topic that she had only discussed in detail with Vey. The truth behind her identity and the reasons why she had to abandon everything. If she hadn't arrived here, she doubt she would be alive.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 1 day ago

In the Sanctuary
Interacting With: Vilkas (@GrizzTheMauler), Cisna (@Ithradine)

Stephanie had a kind smile on her face when Cisna sat down next to her since it was nice to meet more people in her own way. It’s better to have a smile on your face than trying to confront people, how her parents wanted her to be. She heard Cisna’s name when she introduced herself, with a gentle smile on her face and like happy to hear the name. ”Cisna, that’s a wonderful name. Sarah, my adopted mother, she was more of a mother than my own biological mother Rita. I was happy in the presence of Sarah since she taught me many things especially that everyone has their given name for reasons and you shouldn’t hate it. But I hate my last name because it’s literally tied to the Delia-Mira Mercenary Band that are horrible...” Stephanie said. It is definitely hinted in her tone she loved Sarah much more than Rita because Sarah is the reason for her learning in her element magic of water. She deeply sighed and hopefully Sarah is still alright even though she doesn’t want to check on her because of the fact her hometown is under control of those same mercenaries that was to protect the city.

It was definitely a hard thing for her to handle most of all, which is why she had to run away from home. Sarah was there for her through all her nightmares of seeing horribleness and other type of things as if her mother and father were demons. She heard Cisna and felt a bit of a similarity, which they both had horrible parents. It was relaxing to hear someone else also had pretty bad parents. ”It was awful I had constant nightmares of my mother Rita killing me constantly in them as a Demonic entity, a Succubus? I finally stopped having them after I slept in my bedroom in the Sanctuary, I cried happy tears seeing it. I’m grateful to Satelle in having Rita’s older sister right in that town I would’ve been killed in by my own mother. My parents were highly disappointed in how I am, but its better to be yourself than someone else… that’s what Sarah always said.” Stephanie said. Her tone of voice was highly shaking when she more or less revealed she had terrible nightmares about her mother killing her constantly as if she was a demon. She doesn’t want to change in some mass murdering killer like her parents are, since they care not for civilian causalities as long as they get their mark it is all that counts. It was definitely constantly made her feel bad for all the people they killed just to get a contract finished to perfection.

Stephanie was shaking a bit because of that reveal about what she had to go through for six years of her life of those awful nightmares. However, she felt a bit of kinship with Cisna since how the tone in her voice showed she had horrible parents too. ”S-Sorry about that… I had to get that off my chest. It’s been six long years of those nightmares, which didn’t help living in my hometown of Gondrevil. Even with my adopted mother Sarah being Mayor of it. I feel much safer here than I ever did in Sarah’s mansion. She taught me water magic even though my mood when I learned it was sad and depressed...” Stephanie said. She couldn’t help but tear up because of the fact she misses Sarah much, she gave her knowledge that is invaluable, like what she told her of the proud Anserians and their enemies the Dremorians. The two races were very similar but opposite, in terms one primarily uses Light Magic and the other uses Dark Magic. Sarah told her about their magics, which they were great at and told her to specifically stay away form any contact from the Dremorian Empire. She remembered her adopted mother’s voice when talking about the Dremorian Empire, she was afraid of their ambition. It was hardly a thing to remember but she usually does these things since her and Sarah had long conversations about other races that her parents talked about. However, the only race her parents never talked about was the Dremorians. It was an odd thing, alike they were afraid of them as well.

She continued to eat her breakfast, which was definitely good since it reminds her of Sarah’s cooking it was top notch. It was definitely helping her bring back memories of all the things. In terms of it, she looked at Cisna, which she more or less poured out what she had to go through. All because of her parents Rita and Derrick of all people. She slightly smiled, which she sighed a bit. It’s because of the fact her parents would’ve definitely killed her the first chance they gotten and wouldn’t held back on her because she had no idea how to use their weapons. She felt like they forced their weapons on her just so they could replace them with more crueler weapons. ”Out of everything, I hate my parent’s hand-me downs. Because of their backfiring nature they have built in them, if you fuck up a single word in their phrase to use said spell they backfire...” Stephanie said, feeling like she’s repeating herself but its true because the Firebrand Rapier & Icebrand Shortsword don’t fit her at all. She’s grateful that Vilkas is going to make her a weapon that fits her perfectly. ”Vilkas, I am definitely happy that you are going to make me a weapon while learning everything of my parent’s hand-me downs…” Stephanie said, with a feeling of relief.
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