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Today's order: Neotokyo, The Tower, Tower Review
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Feeling so tired that the coffee isn't working anymore e.e
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Posts coming out slower than expected. But they'll be done by tonight e.e


So... I'm a writer... A gamer and an anime nerd... Uh... I love fantasy ans Sci-fi. And I have a weakness for romance. I'm also gay.... My best friend and I joke around and say that I caught the ghey. My best friend is also a trash talking dwarf. No lie. He's 4'9 has longer hair than most women and a beard. Anyways.... I ramble about stuff often... I'm pretty socially awkward but get me on a topic I like and I'll talk for days....


Grizz the Mauler

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Correct! And not all the Vectors were willing to perform these experiments in the first place. Nomad, the brain behind it, didn't wish to see it used as it was. She did not believe it was ready, as it still had a high casualty rate, being spread attached to a flu virus.
Showing interest!

I don't have a character idea yet but I'll start trying to work on one soon.

One thing I might be unclear on, are the Vectors a group of people who had powers already, or are they something nonhuman?

Very nice!

The Vectors are the ones who started the virus, and thus also have powers from the very start. Nomad is one of them. You'll be seeing some of the others around as well. The Subjects, were their test subjects that they experimented on. It didn't go as well for them as it did for everyone else.

art credit

"Welcome, citizen. To Central City. I hope you enjoyed the trip in, wheter you came by car or train, or airplane. This is the year 2217, and we sure do have a vibrant economy, a triving social life and some of the highest tech on the planet of Mars. Take a walk through Centennial Park, seeing all the cool and creative sculptures on display and enjoy the many fountains. Or walk down the beach at Navy Pier. The city is only as exciting as you make it. So come, visit the famed Central City."

You either live here or you traveled here... When your life spun on its head. In the span of 24 hours a bomb went off, the city was put under quarantine and thousands of people died...

The one's responsible for this so called Evo Bomb, the Vectors have assumed control over the city. They use the might of the subjects, twisted amalgamations with insane abilities, who are cruel, vicious and absolutely insane. But not as nearly crazy as the Vectors themselves. All but the one who calls herself the Nomad.

"But worry not, mortal. For as long as there is hope, there is a way. The Evo Bomb set forth a change in all things... Advancing them beyond what one would possibly believe. You who have survived, have gained an amazing gift. The choice is now yours: Survive, or Thrive."

This is a story about change. About a city under development. Taking place in a future era, it has elements of a post-apocalypse world. The bomb only took out a few buildings, but sent out a virus that changed the very DNA of those in the city, giving them powers. There are some, however who have no powers, called Shells.

The story takes place roughly a year after the Evo Bomb was used during New Years, and the city has all but gotten back to a new "normal"

Now... Onto the powers...

The virus changes those with a strong will. And always, gives powers based on your personality. To demonstrate I have The Nine Kings who represent this:


No godmodding. There is always something stronger than you. I'll say it right here: No Meta is stronger than the Two Kings of Creation and Nomad, the last Vector.

Keep it real. You're surviving in the aftermath of a cataclysm, not living in a mansion. There will be some swearing, some mention of gore... But keep your pants on, people. Fade to black or take it to PMs.

Now... For the CS:

The Districts

After the Sickness, chaos reigned throughout the Nine Districts. The City quickly divided into the Districts, laid out as a grid. Like settled with like, and the Center became the home of the Dragon and the Shells he watched over.

weekend bump

new stuff added
Basically, just go with whatever you find interesting. It's based around personality, as that's how it was formed. I'm working on some of the Kings/Queens' stuff but an example would be Sol's fire power comes frm his hot temper, rash nature and it doesn't hurt anyone he considers his friends, and burns extra hot to his enemies and those he's angry at. His fire is emotional and actually dampens when he's sad, turning cold.
Thanks for the interest, still working on some things on my end when I have the time. More lore and world info will come by the weekend. If you have any questions or want to see what powers are available, let me know.

Absolutely! Make a sheet and I'll look it on over, currently working on some stuff on my side, more info on the world is coming tonight, late or tomorrow!

art credit

"Welcome, citizen. To Central City. I hope you enjoyed the trip in, wheter you came by car or train, or airplane. This is the year 2217, and we sure do have a vibrant economy, a triving social life and some of the highest tech on the planet of Mars. Take a walk through Centennial Park, seeing all the cool and creative sculptures on display and enjoy the many fountains. Or walk down the beach at Navy Pier. The city is only as exciting as you make it. So come, visit the famed Central City."

You either live here or you traveled here... When your life spun on its head. In the span of 24 hours a bomb went off, the city was put under quarantine and thousands of people died...

The one's responsible for this so called Evo Bomb, the Vectors have assumed control over the city. They use the might of the subjects, twisted amalgamations with insane abilities, who are cruel, vicious and absolutely insane. But not as nearly crazy as the Vectors themselves. All but the one who calls herself the Nomad.

"But worry not, mortal. For as long as there is hope, there is a way. The Evo Bomb set forth a change in all things... Advancing them beyond what one would possibly believe. You who have survived, have gained an amazing gift. The choice is now yours: Survive, or Thrive."

This is a story about change. About a city under development. Taking place in a future era, it has elements of a post-apocalypse world. The bomb only took out a few buildings, but sent out a virus that changed the very DNA of those in the city, giving them powers. There are some, however who have no powers, called Shells.

The story takes place roughly six months after the Evo Bomb was used during New Years, and the city has all but gotten back to a new "normal"

Now... Onto the powers...

The virus changes those with a strong will. And always, gives powers based on your personality. To demonstrate I have The Nine Kings who represent this:


No godmodding. There is always something stronger than you. I'll say it right here: No Meta is stronger than the Two Kings of Creation and Nomad, the last Vector.

Keep it real. You're surviving, not living in a mansion. There will be some swearing, some mention of gore... But keep your pants on, people. Fade to black or take it to PMs.

Now... For the CS:

The Districts

After the Sickness, chaos reigned throughout the Nine Districts. The City quickly divided into the Districts, laid out as a grid. Like settled with like, and the Center became the home of the Dragon and the Shells he watched over.

The Sky Palace was everything he'd expected and more. "Is that... Genuine Corinithian Brass? Whoa... This place is amazing. I could have totally just flown in." Watching the others, as they travelled to the ledge, Mazorn squatted down and looked over the edge, he was about to offere his skill when Bragi's Communicator performed his runic evocation. He noted the style, the flow of the Wyrd. He scooted over, intrigued, and poked around the object. The guitar, in his sight, echoed as if it was part of the mountain; unmovable.

Spotting the bandages, Mazorn quickly evoked a rune of his own, sending it to combine with the fabric. "Uruz should help keep it's strength. I won't need to use that way, but I'll meet you lot down there. I want to fly around up here for a while and see the whole Palace."

Himinn, which hopped off Sam's shoulder to his master's took to the wind, flying around as Mazorn took to the ledge, entering a free fall as his shape shimmered, beginning to shrink in size until he was a large raven. The communicator took flight, gliding around the area into an updraft before soaring towards the palace.

Sitting on a rock, Nicodemus was resting from a long training session with his bident. He was becoming more familiar with the weapon, something Hades wanted him to learn as quickly as he could. He was quite pleased that here he hadn't seen a single person's demise or have any visions, though there were a few oddities, such as several souls of old Communicators finally having another mortal who could see and speak with them. They were generally helpful, offering advice and even helping with his training, though he'd noticed a few people looking at him strangely as the dead weren't entirely visible to the Living.

"An so, a' punched 'em in tha gut and took him down with me trusty finisher. The ol' lich nevah saw it comin'! Ye should have heard the laugh Big Red gave ah that!" The old Scotsman laughed. He had met his demise in that same battle, though he had won the fight.

"I'm certain you pleased Lord Ares. He's certainly... A personality." Nico shuddered at the memory of the massive man. Hades had all but paraded Nico through the Olympian's Throne Room, allowing him to meet the other gods and a few of the communicators who were there. Having taken a class or two on what the world believed were myths, he was surprised to find that most of it was true.

He was surprised to see how receptive Persephone was of him. The large woman practically coddled him the entire time he was there. He quickly learned why she was called Dread Persephone when Ares made a backhand comment about Hades' new communicator. He shivered at the memory of black roses filling the area with thorns. Definitely not someone you wanted to piss off, that goddess. She had simply causes them to retract and went back to petting Nico's hair and telling him "Not to worry his pretty little head. Which has very soft hair, you absolutely must go see Aphrodite and get a spa day."

His experience of the Olympians went nearly as expected. Out of them, Lady Hestia was quickly becoming a favorite. He didn't think anyone could make such good food that felt like a grandmother's love. He had eaten his full ever since he came, many of the warrior gods commenting that he needed to bulk up, and they would make sure that he did so.

His experience with the other pantheons was in interesting one. he found that Anubis was interesting to talk to and Hades and Osiris were actually on quite good terms, as they both enjoyed similar things. He found that Odin told some good stories and approved of his hellhound, who currently lounged in the shade. Skotadi was growing in size quite quickly, something he was told to expect to happen.

Noticing his pup's ears perk up and jump to his feet, Nico looked around. The hellhound pup shook himself off before bounding into a nearby shadow, vanishing as he used the old ways of transportation, his owner close behind. They exited at the bridge, seeing newcomers taking off heavy winterized gear. The hound ignored Nico's calls as the three foot tall, five foot long beast barreled towards them, barking happily.

"Oh, Tartaros! Skotadi! Heel!" Nico was absolutely mortified, his fear gripping him tight as he noticed the commotion he was making, the hellhound, sensing his master in peril, turned on his heels and bounded back, rubbing his face on the man's waist. "You're supposed to be helping me, you crazy pup..." His face was beet red, flushed from head to chest with embarrassment.

Nodding his head, Mazorn responded. "Aye. I've been doing this... For almost a month. He's generally responsive if I need him to be, otherwise he'll give cryptic clues." The large men kept his eye out, spying the remains of some draugr that had been freshly killed. He tilted his head as he heard the sound of other people. He motioned for the other man to follow as he headed over, noticing the wrapped bundle. He pointed the spear at it and set it alight. "Better to give draugr the rest they deserve. They're all over the mountain."

The raven flitted to his shoulder, preening before cawing once. "Cling to life, the dead do. And no place more full than in a god's demesne."

"Indeed..." Mazorn noted. He led the way, entering a brighter area where the others were a short while later. "Well, then... Looks like we found more Communicators!" He grinned as Himinn left his shoulder and flitted towards the one with the guitar. With his vision, he could feel a sort of musical resonance, which the raven confirmed with two chirps.

"A son, a song."

Laughing, the man shook his head, tapping Gungnir on the ground. "So you're Bragi's. I'm not sure who the rest of you are, but I'm Mazorn, this is Torb. We aren't too far from the barrier and I do suggest we move quickly towards it. There are greater dangers than the undead and some giant animals out here. Otherwise a barrier wouldn't exactly be necessary..."
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