Dare I try to Rp a MHA group rp again?
I might.
I need to update this to the new format.
I might.
Character Image:

Character Quote:
Name: Sakimoto, Hiroki
Age: 13
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 149 lbs
Build:Lean and built, like a track or basketball athlete
Rank: 45
Quirk: Turbine
Quirk Details: His forearms from elbow to wrist are bulbous and expanded tube like structures that look and act like miniature jet engines, open at the elbow and the wrist, his hand going through it as if he was wearing big metal gauntlets. The blades inside of his forearms spin extremely fast drawing in air on the front and expelling it through the other side. If the blades spin the other way, air is drawn in through the back and expelled through the front. This allows him to create a cyclone suction effect that draws in a vacuum of wind, or he blows air through the front with a powerful air blast whatever he's pointing his arm at.
Description: He has a blue skin tone with red strips across random parts of his body. His turbine wrists appear to be metallic in nature. Hiroki grew up in a competitive family that had deep ties with a hero agency that oversaw Saitama's safety and for that, he has grown up believing that he was going to be a hero. Because of that, he is proud to the point of arrogance. Hiroki's been described as a bit of a hot shot, and a show off. His family didn't discipline him enough even if he did screw up, praising and supporting his ability to jump into action, and this has also given him a bit of a trouble making streak. He believes that he can get away with things that others can't due to his skill and brashness. He's an over achiever when it comes to school, sports, or acts of heroism, and he gets bitter if he's not recognized for his feats. The superiority complex makes him come across as a jerk, a loner, and generally unpleasant.
He's currently in a transition. He recently screwed up. He screwed up so bad that he got others hurt. He realized he can't do this alone, not until he's strong enough to. Despite his propensity to show off and leap before he looks, he's trying to actively take a step back. Become more considerate, tactful. Its a slow going process.
Miscellaneous: Praising his abilities is a great way to get on his good side. His lackeys until now has been more or less his best friends. The opposite is true. Calling him out earns his ire and he constantly believe people are trying to show him up, whether it was their intention or not. He lives in a world of followers and rivals. He needs time to see that sometimes people can just be friends. Music, particularly fast beats and heavy bass get his blood pumping, as is racing. Track is one of his pass times.

Character Quote:
"If you losers can't keep up with me, you deserve to be left in the dust."
Name: Sakimoto, Hiroki
Age: 13
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 149 lbs
Build:Lean and built, like a track or basketball athlete
Rank: 45
Quirk: Turbine
Quirk Details: His forearms from elbow to wrist are bulbous and expanded tube like structures that look and act like miniature jet engines, open at the elbow and the wrist, his hand going through it as if he was wearing big metal gauntlets. The blades inside of his forearms spin extremely fast drawing in air on the front and expelling it through the other side. If the blades spin the other way, air is drawn in through the back and expelled through the front. This allows him to create a cyclone suction effect that draws in a vacuum of wind, or he blows air through the front with a powerful air blast whatever he's pointing his arm at.
Description: He has a blue skin tone with red strips across random parts of his body. His turbine wrists appear to be metallic in nature. Hiroki grew up in a competitive family that had deep ties with a hero agency that oversaw Saitama's safety and for that, he has grown up believing that he was going to be a hero. Because of that, he is proud to the point of arrogance. Hiroki's been described as a bit of a hot shot, and a show off. His family didn't discipline him enough even if he did screw up, praising and supporting his ability to jump into action, and this has also given him a bit of a trouble making streak. He believes that he can get away with things that others can't due to his skill and brashness. He's an over achiever when it comes to school, sports, or acts of heroism, and he gets bitter if he's not recognized for his feats. The superiority complex makes him come across as a jerk, a loner, and generally unpleasant.
He's currently in a transition. He recently screwed up. He screwed up so bad that he got others hurt. He realized he can't do this alone, not until he's strong enough to. Despite his propensity to show off and leap before he looks, he's trying to actively take a step back. Become more considerate, tactful. Its a slow going process.
Miscellaneous: Praising his abilities is a great way to get on his good side. His lackeys until now has been more or less his best friends. The opposite is true. Calling him out earns his ire and he constantly believe people are trying to show him up, whether it was their intention or not. He lives in a world of followers and rivals. He needs time to see that sometimes people can just be friends. Music, particularly fast beats and heavy bass get his blood pumping, as is racing. Track is one of his pass times.
I need to update this to the new format.