Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
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    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

Dare I try to Rp a MHA group rp again?

I might.

I need to update this to the new format.
Best laid plans right? ^^'

Ozzy eyes lit up as the news was shared by Vivian. Ozzy took flight, hovering in the window and pressing his face to it. ”Yeah! There it is! Told you she was smart! Great job Ada!” He said beaming, proud of her. ”That solves that problem. But raises another... Yeah we’re going to need that tunnel anyway Sylvia thanks.” He He tried to look around the cemetery, anything they could use. All the gravestones and uneven ground was going to make moving around in the front of the church difficult. Vivian and Sylvia would still need to be carried. Neil and Ditzy should take care of her no problem. But the big zombie, its in her fist... and she was probably a stronger specimen. He didn’t want Ada to deal with her, and the other zombies. She might get in trouble.

Ozzy landed and crossed his wings over his chest, closing his eyes. He tried to think of a change to his plan. A strategy. ”Alright guys here me out. Let’s go with my original plan, but with a few changes. Ada, you’re still going to be our hero for this” He pointed to her, full of determination. He wanted to keep this simple, so that everyone could understand. He took a moment looking around, when Sylvia moved the floor, Ozzy took a bit of granite and rubbed it on the ground, it made a white scratch, perfect. He’d use it like chalk.

Ozzy went back to the group and then began to draw on the floor with the rock, scraping it. When he created was a bunch of crude drawings, very cute little stick figure representations of the group and the zombies. The zombies were girls wearing dresses with their arms out and make ‘uuuurgh’ faces with a big one to represent the big one. Ditzys figure had his tusks. Neil had his hair. Ozzy had wings. Sylvia and Vivian looked like they were sunflowers in a pot, one was wearing glasses. And Ada’s had a long tail. He made a kind of step 1, step 2, step 3, with arrows and lines showing where everyone goes.

“Okay, phase one. Sylvia and Vivian tunnel out of here, and are carried by Neil and Ditzy. I’ll fly out with Ada, drop her down and then ill try to lure the zombies away from the door to buy some time. Phase two. Once you guys get to the woods, make a whole lot of noise, that should distract some of the zombies towards you. You should be able to out run them, you can take them in a big circle through the woods and we’ll meet back up on the road we took to get here. Meanwhile, Ada and I will try to isolate the big one. Phase 3, once the big one is isolated from the rest, we’ll trip her into one of the open graves, Ada grabs the map, and we run away. If we get into trouble, I’ll screech. Ditzy if you hear that, come a running cause we’ll need your help, but make sure Neil, Sylvia, and Vivian are safe first. You guys clear?” He asked making sure everyone understood it.
Once they were agreed, Ozzy looked to Ada. He put a hand on her shoulder. ”We’re counting on you okay?” He said happily. ”Ill drop you outside, get somewhere safe until I say or until you hear everyone else make noise. Right here we go.” He would position himself behind her, flap a few times and his boots would open into his talons. He’d seize her gently by the shoulders and fly her out a window they opened previously.

Outside he could see just how big the problem was. Dozens of them all pounding on the door or the wall. He made sure Ada was clear of the swarm before he dropped her and double backed towards the front of the church, he stayed aloft, flying and hovering. ”Hey uh... mames! Can you look over here!?” He made sure to stay safely out of reach.
I have my reply ready will respond in an hour or two

Ozzy was lucky to have Ada there. He flapped his wings, pulled, hoping he didn’t need to squeeze any harder in order to free Neil from their undead clutches. He plucked Neil up when she let go and he immediately flew towards the church. Ozzy soared through the front door and then needed to flap a bunch to slow himself down. Once that happened he let Neil go. He turned his head and gave a quick little head count. Everyone was safe for now.
Neil shouted about the pews and Ozzy did his part, he gripped a Pew and remembered how he gripped a log of wood with Sensei Yang. It helped, definitely. He grabbed some of the far pieces and plucked them close for the others with arms hands to pile it up.

A few frantic minutes later, checking the front, the back, he sides, Ozzy landed and gave himself a breather with the rest of his friends. ”That was close.” He said before looking back up to Neil’s words. Ozzy got up. ”Well... I’m the least likely to get caught by them, unless zombies fly now. Which they shouldnt.” he concurred. ”I could- I could try to lead some away. Sylvia and Vivian could try to dig out the back. That gives Ditzy, Ada, and Neil a chance to defend them while we get away. I’d say Ada could distract them, but she’s a girl so that won’t work.“ He thought a moment... ”Then there is still that map... I wonder if one of them has it.”

For some strange reason, clicking the link makes me a new discord account. Please send it to ShwiggityShwah#6420.
How wonderful!

Okay, my plan is Ozzy can lead some away, since hes the least likely to get caught. But I'm happy to work with everyone to get a great plan going. Ada could snatch the paper. The sisters could make a pit, Ditzy and Neil providing some muscle.
I feel like condiment islanders would either like or hate hieros

Hes a raider but his time on the islands changed him so he would have a positive relationship with atleast one community.

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