"SQWWWAAAKK!!!"Ozzy sometimes squawked when he was surprised. And having the coffin suddenly fly open, its contents already beginning to fall out, gave the harpy a shock which caused his wings to flare out and he swung his wings up to propel him from the shallow hole, even as the girl looked upon with cold dead, hungry eyes.
"AHH! They've become monster zombies!" He warned. Not only power necromancy can do this but demonic mana! Maybe they buried monsters here too, or the land had been tainted by the sorrow of monster who despaired or died here! This was bad for all of them, especially bad for the males. Even Ditzy and Ozzy, both monsters, would register as male to these simple creatures.
Neil shouted something, get to to the church before there was a sign of a struggle. He flew over to Neil-
"Ditzy get the twins!" He shouted suddenly taking command in a spur of the moment.
"Ada, get that church door open!" Forde had hopefully made it away safely.
Ozzy dropped down into the hole and his odd boots unfurled into large gripping talons. He had to grab Neil and he had to make sure not to hurt him but with enough strength to get him out of the hole and away from his attacker. He pounced in, trying to get a grip on his shoulders before flying out- the woman on his back made things a bit more difficult but Ozzy tried. If he could break him out of the zombies clutches, he should get Neil to the church.
"Sorry mame! But he has a girlfriend!" He just wanted to sound cool while helping someone... for once.
Ozzy didn't look it but he was still a harpy, and capturing human men and whisking them away was part of their wing physiologies, so those wings had alot of upward force despite their relatively small size.