Avatar of ShwiggityShwah
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1378 (0.54 / day)
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    1. ShwiggityShwah 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Done with this site for now. Take care.
6 yrs ago
Except for 1 or 2 rps and some partners, I'm essentially done with the site. Can only sit down for posts once a week. Hate to make others wait.
6 yrs ago
Im cutting down on my writing time. Other projects to focus on.
6 yrs ago
Pointless and garbage respectively.
6 yrs ago
Want to do a slice of life romance, in the MHA universe. SoL is good with an interesting backdrop.


I don't know how to make this all stylish yet. I'll figure it out eventually.

In the mean time ahem:

Hello! I am currently writing a script for a fantasy story I plan on animating (Using the program Poser) Rping really helps get my creative muscles flexing and I'm going to be incorporating some character ideas into the RPs I produce with other people. This could include Male or Female. I really try to challenge myself.

I am a huuuuuuuge fan of epic scale narrative, and breathing life into a story is a great passion of mine. Seriously I watch trope talk pod casts and how to write, just to make my script as effective as possible.

I am versatile. I love things with emotion, whether Romance, Grim, Adventure Thriller, or even Comedy. Above all else, I love to entertain. I hope to do so with you.

Discord Shwiggityshwah#6420

I also have a 1X1 interest check.

Most Recent Posts

Ozzy had spent part of the trip trying to engage with everyone. To Neil, he asked about the guild, him, and mostly of the previous jobs and adventures of the guild. He was wary to get involved with the sisters Sylvia as one of them appeared to have a bit of a swoon on Neil which more or less just made Ozzy chuckle. ”She’s having fun.” He mentioned to Vivian.

Most of the way was him, Ditzy (even though he was sulking) and Ada talking maybe doing some fun and games when the job was over and when they get back and explaining how to play to Ada. Never once did he talk down to her. He only just assumed everything was new and that she could follow along with what he was saying. It was completely one sided but he hardly seemed to mind. ”Im not going to lie. I think Ada would kick our butt in hide and seek.” He spoke to Ditzy about his training with Yang and how he was supposed to get stronger, and if Ditzy had a couple tips for him as well.

Typical happy harpy.

The mood changed when they saw the stares. The landscape itself seemed to darken, get cold and dark and dreary. Even Ozzy felt it, flying less and walking with the group. ”Don’t worry friends. Its just clouds... nothing to worry about.” Hearing a crow caw didn’t help, and he jumped a little.

They arrived to Forde, and they arrived at the cemetery where they would be ”Disturbing the dead?” He said distastefully, but it was for a worthy cause from the way it was described. ”Make you look like Neil? Is the treasure medicine or some kind of youth potion?” The owl speculated. Now he was intrigued, and a treasure map meant exploration. Why would someone want to hide such a discovery. It gave him determination. He fowled up two missions. Not anymore.

Ditzy made a few comments and Ozzy concluded. ”It is a little mysterious... And a little dirty, but maybe the treasure is somewhere lost. Unexplored. This could lead to a net positive.” Ozzy got a shovel and went to a grave. He passed one over the Ada. ”Okay Ada, we’re going to dig these out. How you do that is you take a shovel and you do this. See, like that.” He began to shovel to show her how he digs in the dirt, not realizing that her claws might be a better option. He kept trying, and on occasion he scratched at the ground with his talons too to break up some of the packed earth.

The twins offered a better solution. He barely got a good hole going when they had two graves already open. He marveled. ”Wow! That’s amazing! Yeah this is going to be a breeze.” Ditzy took care of one hole, Ozzy explained outloud. ”Okay Ada, we’re going to look in these boxes.” He heard Ditzy make sounds of the stench and he realized he would have the same problem. He thankfully had a handkerchef in his pocket and he began to tie it for his face. Then he realized she’d have a worse time then he did. He would put it over her head, and around her face.

”Here Ada, this is going to stink. Fair warning.” He took a deep breath and the with alot of effort pried open the coffin.

The stench was nauseating, awful, the contents were the remains of a woman in a ratty dress. ”Bleh, ugh... sorry mame.” He closed it back up, he was retching, immediately regretting taking this job as he flew out of the hole. He took some deep breaths of fresh air.

”Okay... okay, Ada...” He points to another hole. ”Open up that one... We’re looking for a piece of paper. Like-“ He used his hands to show her a square. ”This big maybe, or rolled up. You know what paper is right?
This week was the worst.

Im going to try to get my response in. Im sorry if ozzy the chatter box just seems to keep trying to talk to people.
Ill get my post in today or tomorrow.

@Restalaan@Stern Algorithm@13org

Ditzy made a good point, Ozzy scratching his cheek as he thought it over. "Oh yeah... but- I mean, it's better then risking an opportunity to get into a fight. Maybe it wont be so bad."

Then much to Ozzy's delight, Neil approached, and the sisters. The owl's eyes lit up, his smile big and broad. "Yeah I know. Its a dang shame we fix today! I was hoping to have an adventure with everyone eventually." He offers Neil a hand shake. And then looks to the twins who seemed eager. He noticed Neil was going to be doing the work. "Let me know if you need a switch. I'd like to talk to Sylvia about the herbs she planted yesterday." Talking shop always made the road go quicker.

He looked to Ada who seemed to be coming too. "Okay Ada, we're going to go on an adventure. And we might need your help." Ozzy announced to the group. "Ada doesn't talk much, but shes smart, knows the terrain and is wicked fast."

Ditzy made pulling the cart into a breeze. Which made him laugh. "We're like the perfect party. So we have the voice, brains, brawn, speed, and last but not least, a bird. Bwrap!" He said pluming out his wings.

丂刀のW 丂アム尺尺のW

Not much happened that night. Merely a time to rest. A time to reflect. A time to pray. Even at the ends of the world, the monk still felt he had to pray. There still had to be something worth giving thanks. Praying towards. He knew the gods got stronger through prayer, and there weren't many left who prayed. His faith was but a drop in a dry sea, but a mountain can be built by pebbles. He accepted Fergus' candles and he big his companions a good night. He slept unsoundly, but he slept.

The next morning, he was happy with his oat gruel, strawberries, his tea. The simple things. He woke up with the pain at his shoulder and his hip. Its been bothering him every day, particularly when he gets up at dawn. He rubs his shoulder, rotates it to work the kinks out before getting his hair tied in a pin. He took advantage of the water bath, merely dumping the water on his head and then giving himself the merest sponge bath to himself merely to feel fresh. When he was ready he came down stairs and settled in, strumming his Sanxian to pass the time until his companions awoke.

Fergus was first, followed later by Cillia. Regardless, he'd gave each a proper. "Good morning. Hope you slept as well as I did. Been forever since I dreamed of music like that." He lied, but he wanted to encourage them.

Master Hsu was apparently there and when it was called, the monk stood. "The name sounds familiar..." Possibly another immaculate from back in the day, possibly. He got up following Fergus out. "I just hope we have enough time." He implored before stepping out with the patrician out into the street to meet the Master.

"Won't let you down sensai, I'll break those walnuts." He had no idea what that meant.


Ozzy would spend the night getting Ada some blankets and trying to explain things like sleeping and clothes, but would leave her on the couch as her own bed. Probably better than sharing a room. "Night night Ada. Hope you like the Guild." He said to her before conking out himself.

The next day, he realized the moment he was wakened that the hell was to repeat and reoccur. He yawned and looked awful as per usual by the time the harpy came down stairs in his shorts and T shirt. He stood up straight when he heard the crack of her foot. "Y-Yes sensei Yang!" He shouted, noticeably worried.

And rightfully so. Several times, she heard bones crack, his body forced into splits and holding positions that would cause him to be stiff and fall over. He would try not to yell... but that was impossible. "Gah! I feel like I'm being torn in half! AAAooowww!" He would flap his wings just to make sure he didn't topple over. By the end of it, he was flat on the ground, his arms and legs at odd angles merely because it was the least painful place to set his joints.

He very shakily held up a thumbs up to her when their training was done...


"We solved the job but forgot to collect!" Ozzy concluded with Haley. He would speak about her maybe going to go collect today if she was available.

Though the topic of Ravager's Nest was brought up which tailored Ozzy's decision. "I get it. Refugees are forced into crime for survival, but if we remove that as a choice, there might be more positive options. If thats the case, I'll take That's what friends do!." He announced. "I'm hoping theres no fighting the time. But it might be a chance for us to do alot of good. That might help Ditzy get out of his funk." He called over to the guildmate who seemed to be really down. "How about it Ditzy, want to come with me! Might be fun!?"

He wondered if Ada would still be following him. It would be tough if things end up becoming more difficult or complicated with those two, but atleast their intentions would be quite clear.

I was thinking of doing 'Thats what friends are for'

To be honest, with Ditzy state of mind and perhaps Ada coming along I didn't want to get either of them into a fight but not exactly many options this time around.
丂刀のW 丂アム尺尺のW

The need for speaking to someone tonight was resolved. It would be until tomorrow. Tomorrow. He hoped they had that long. Snow sighed, he ate his greasy unhealthy food and supped at his tea. He was preparing to settle himself. Stabilize himself. Go back into the calm of his scripture and the texts. Axley had an idea and he was happy to ask her, share the idea. "Well, I do owe you a little play session. Hopefully my pretty face makes up for the lack of practice." He says, rubbing his cheek with a warm grin. All was going to be settled and Snow decided for a moment that he might have deserved a moments peace.

He was going to suggest perhaps they all speak of happier times whilst they have music to reminisce on. They all had hard lives, all dealt with tribulations, but what were their thoughts of gateway. Favorite foods. What would do with a talent of jade and weren't running for their lives. It was pointless and wonderful. Maybe they could sing together whilst the more robust among them got plastered.

But one by one they all went off to conduct their own buisness. Ferguson was kind enough to offer them a night of leisure but then didn't stick around to enjoy it himself. Sasuke seemed interested in the weapons that Ferguson was provisioning. Snow made sure to add. "I need tools more then weapons." He had his walking stick and that served him well enough the past years. He was sure he'd have to defend his opinion.

Then he saw something strike Cilia who had become pouty ever since she was shut down in her attempts. Snow turned his eye and saw that Cilia was going over. He sipped his tea. "They aren't worth your time or your energy. You know what your goals are, as do we. Suffer not the ignorant, though if they are going to be throwing things all night, I might just help you teach them a bit of common decency." He had to deal with thugs before. Talk first, but most of them didnt.
Sorry for the delays guys, ill try to post tomorrow.
Should I make a big strong idiot...?
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