Ozzy had spent part of the trip trying to engage with everyone. To Neil, he asked about the guild, him, and mostly of the previous jobs and adventures of the guild. He was wary to get involved with the sisters Sylvia as one of them appeared to have a bit of a swoon on Neil which more or less just made Ozzy chuckle. ”She’s having fun.” He mentioned to Vivian.
Most of the way was him, Ditzy (even though he was sulking) and Ada talking maybe doing some fun and games when the job was over and when they get back and explaining how to play to Ada. Never once did he talk down to her. He only just assumed everything was new and that she could follow along with what he was saying. It was completely one sided but he hardly seemed to mind. ”Im not going to lie. I think Ada would kick our butt in hide and seek.” He spoke to Ditzy about his training with Yang and how he was supposed to get stronger, and if Ditzy had a couple tips for him as well.
Typical happy harpy.
The mood changed when they saw the stares. The landscape itself seemed to darken, get cold and dark and dreary. Even Ozzy felt it, flying less and walking with the group. ”Don’t worry friends. Its just clouds... nothing to worry about.” Hearing a crow caw didn’t help, and he jumped a little.
They arrived to Forde, and they arrived at the cemetery where they would be ”Disturbing the dead?” He said distastefully, but it was for a worthy cause from the way it was described. ”Make you look like Neil? Is the treasure medicine or some kind of youth potion?” The owl speculated. Now he was intrigued, and a treasure map meant exploration. Why would someone want to hide such a discovery. It gave him determination. He fowled up two missions. Not anymore.
Ditzy made a few comments and Ozzy concluded. ”It is a little mysterious... And a little dirty, but maybe the treasure is somewhere lost. Unexplored. This could lead to a net positive.” Ozzy got a shovel and went to a grave. He passed one over the Ada. ”Okay Ada, we’re going to dig these out. How you do that is you take a shovel and you do this. See, like that.” He began to shovel to show her how he digs in the dirt, not realizing that her claws might be a better option. He kept trying, and on occasion he scratched at the ground with his talons too to break up some of the packed earth.
The twins offered a better solution. He barely got a good hole going when they had two graves already open. He marveled. ”Wow! That’s amazing! Yeah this is going to be a breeze.” Ditzy took care of one hole, Ozzy explained outloud. ”Okay Ada, we’re going to look in these boxes.” He heard Ditzy make sounds of the stench and he realized he would have the same problem. He thankfully had a handkerchef in his pocket and he began to tie it for his face. Then he realized she’d have a worse time then he did. He would put it over her head, and around her face.
”Here Ada, this is going to stink. Fair warning.” He took a deep breath and the with alot of effort pried open the coffin.
The stench was nauseating, awful, the contents were the remains of a woman in a ratty dress. ”Bleh, ugh... sorry mame.” He closed it back up, he was retching, immediately regretting taking this job as he flew out of the hole. He took some deep breaths of fresh air.
”Okay... okay, Ada...” He points to another hole. ”Open up that one... We’re looking for a piece of paper. Like-“ He used his hands to show her a square. ”This big maybe, or rolled up. You know what paper is right?