The razed village further cemented Snow's resolve. It was a full on attack. A full on invasion. How could they even warn anyone? How could anyone even miss the army and plumes of smoke? Would they even make it? Would anyone even listen? He looked at the ruins... then remembered that they were dealing with the dead. He pushed to move them forward. Any time wasted was another village destroyed. He almost felt bad that they had to stop. Fergus brought up not being used to roughing it, and made a point about his feet. Blisters would slow them down, and the last thing they needed was time to recuperate.
A stopped night. Snow thought back to some days on the Threshold. How they had to go hunting sometimes for dinner cause there was no supplies. He was surprised he still remembered how to snare. He wasn't a fan, going without meat for so long and then having to rely on it. He felt bad for the rabbit. Just cause the squirrel was small, it lives. This was before Cilia and Axley brought the mushrooms. It was a bit of good luck. The Dragons watching over them. He checked everyones feet and conferred the road ahead. They were close.
At the village, the fishing town. Life. Precious beautiful life. Happy and ignorant. They were less than a day from the village. It was only a matter of time. Snow was about to speak before Fergus promoted something to raise their spirits.
"Fried in-" the former monk made a face, hand covering his mouth.
"Sounds vile." But the decision was made. Sasuke offered to front the money, and he felt his meager pouch.
"And don't forget about dried fruits. Much cheaper." He added before looking to them. Beside himself, he smiled. Things were high, and maybe it was worth a celebration.
But there was priorities... Namely to make sure this town didn't follow the same fate.
"It is important to treat yourself from time to time. Enjoy friends, we are alive. I should be just a moment." He turned his head.
"I need to find the princi-" He watched Cillia transform herself into a lady. As per typical, her pragmatic determined nature shows forth again. She was willing to do whatever it took to survive, and even more so to safeguard what was close to her. The two day trek had shown a side of tireless selflessness. She walked into the pub with the an ere of purpose, and for a moment Snow seemed quite dumbfounded.
"What is she-"He folded his hands into his sleeves and followed after her. She leaned on the counter, sticking her hips out and seemed to get the tender's attention... as well as a few others. Snow understood quite quickly.
Redheads do get alot of attention, that and with Axley, their attention was not ignored. Even the two half drunk patrons elbowed each other and looked at the exchange that Cilia managed to put on with the barkeep. One took a drink and leaned over, trying himself to get a peek at her shirt, maybe get her attention with a hand on her back, on her hip. See how much it would take to get her for a night. His hand raised and placed it down-
Snow felt a man's hand on his thigh as he suddenly interjected himself between her and the patron.
"Cil-" He stopped as he felt the hand, then turned, locked eyes with the man, they stared eachother down for a moment, before Snow smiled and the man quickly withdrew his hand, looking weirded out. Snow finally was able to address.
"Cilia? What are you doing?" He said, trying not to sound accusatory.
"We have enough for a meal, and enough to get to the Crossing." He smiled softly then when his initial thought was she was doing this for them.
"You should save that look for someone you love. For tonight, relax with us. You earned it."