"I am the Sun! I will always rise! And darkness always falls!"
Name: Ricado Fenix
Phoenix DawnAge: 19
Gender: Male
215 lbs of Raw Muscles
Bombastic, larger than life, and fully believing he is doing the right thing. Dawn is stubborn, self-sure, and given to the idea of the superhero style and disposition. He is often times to loudest in the room, and fully taken to being in to spotlight and the attention he gets. In the field, he is direct, hard hitting, and prone to being the front line powerhouse. He will most assuredly go out of his way to save civilians and bring swift justice to the villainous. He is a team player, but often views others as liabilities. They are not as strong, or as tough, but he doesn't openly complain, saving them brings him glory and reaffirms his already massive ego. He isn't a hero. He is THE HERO! The one that everyone should strive to be. His obnoxious, holier than though, goody goody boy scout antics no doubt gets on others nerves, but Dawn always means well, encouraging others to reach to be better... while he remains the best (in his own head).
On the flip side, Dawn is naive, ignorant, and gullible. His own ego makes him a brick wall to his own ideals and faults and hes a crap liar. He can be easily manipulated and predictable. He'll follow directions but only to the point that it doesn't out right keep people from getting hurt or villains escaping. He will also be a reason for alot of collateral damage, and can be prone to giving into potentially apocalyptic rages. Hiding, stealth, cleverness, they are not his strong suites, as he'd rather be out of the open, showing his fearlessness when sublty would be better. So sure of his own self righteousness, he is also prone to indulging in food, drink, vices, and women. He will try to charm anything remotely female, with variable degrees of success. Being given an unheroic choice, Dawn will shut down, trying to really think what is right, but he can be convinced one way or the other.
He has a body builders physique with short white hair. His skin is run along with odd looking marks like tattoos. These glow when his power grows. They always glow slightly, making stealth pretty useless. His eyes lack pupils and are a shining white.
Casual Wear: Doesn't really have any, he's always wearing his heroic wear even when relaxing. He can sometimes be seen wearing sweatpants, sneakers, and t shirts. He'll throw on practical clothing as required but generally likes to show as much skin as possible.
Heroic Wear: He usually wears a gi, but the top is always off, showing off his torso as much as possible.
Another common Appearance:
Phoenix Dawn In BattleQuirk:
DAWN LIGHTThis emitter quirk is a type of permanent hard light construct directly tied to the user's body and ego. Visually it looks like a giant golden phatasm that matches the user's mood and need and moves to highlight their actions and requirements. The light can manifest into tools, symbols, animals, weapons, and shields and is physically very real. The user can fashion additional limbs, cover themselves in a protective exoskeleton of light, and increase range of melee attacks up to the mass of the hard light. Right now, fully stretched, the hard light can fill a sphere of about 3 meters. This three meter mass can be utilized in whatever way the user needs. The light adds additional strength to the user depending on how much light is used in the task. Phoenix Dawn commonly coats the light to his arms and legs, not only providing armor, but increased from those limbs.
The limitations are tied to the mass of Dawn Light. If the user decides to lash out with the light as a spear, that is less light utilized for something like protection. The larger the area a shield tries to cover, the weaker the shield. Its not an invisible forcefield, and an onlooker can determine which part of his body is covered and which isn't. He's merely a powerful human under the Dawn Light and no more resistant to damage then usual. Using Dawn Light also produces alot of heat, and under certain circumstances, can be quite dangerous for the wielder (heat exhaustion and stroke). The power is also tied to the user's ego. If they should ever waver in their convictions, the amount of mass and its sheen and brightness weakens. Daily Exposure to light sources is also required, but its difficult to say whether the power comes from the light itself or Phoenix's own self aggrandizing connection to the sun. The shine of the light makes stealth impossible and gives a clear indication of his own power level.
Ricardo was a boy essentially sold into child labor, and his brutal lot in life was the fighting pits of the crime rings of Peru, Brazil, and other places of South America. Abused, kept in dreadful conditions, bloodied by conflict, Ricardo was considered more of an animal to be put down when other children were playing in the streets less than a block away. Then the reports came in of the child that was unbeatable. Breaking backs with single kicks, and crushing skulls with but single strikes. It attracted attention of a potential Super, and though Ricardo fought bravely, he was taken along with his keepers and the thugs of the fighting pit. Unlike them, destined for prison, the child was set to a foster home. Ricardo never knowing compassion or love, so imagine his surprise when the state put the child into a family of constant affermations and compliments. Having suffered, then given to a life without need, he learned that he had earned his survival and thus had a unique insight to the pains of the world. He was given the power to do something about it. To be strong enough to destroy the men who ruined his childhood and make sure that no one else suffered. His outlook was encouraged and cultivated by his foster parents and sponsors for up and coming heroes. By his teen years, he was already an applicant and shoe in for a hero academy.
He saw the academy as little more than his birthright. The challenges were met egerly. The trials relished. When he was found wanting, he redoubled his efforts, training his body as well as his powers. His studies were carefully manipulated, the risk mitigated as they taught him how best to fight with his unique quirk. The techniques he created for himself were considered the only down side to his training, having an element of randomness to his carefully planned life up to that point. Still, they served him well in the problems ahead. His success grew within him a sense of entitlement and a world view that he could do no wrong. That is he that others should look up to, and this his persona became himself. No longer was he Ricardo, but Phoenix Dawn, the greatest of all Heroes.