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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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Thank you for the explanation, and for the approval! I'll post Hildegunde in there for the time being, but I'm still gonna consider throwing someone else in there, especially after looking through the new character added. I'll try to have the other candidate(s?) before Monday rolls around.

Edit: I think there's enough contrasting personalities that I'll stick with Hildegunde. Gonna draw her in a bit.

If anyone wants I can draw their characters too since I'm trying to get back into drawing for fun since animation school's burnt me out a bit. Let me know any details or changes if you do.
Welp, here goes one (1) character. I had three in mind, but one of them I decided against by looking at the group's already existing characters and worrying they'd be too same-y, and the other one I can't finish until my question is answered, since technology is intrinsically linked to her background and such (thank you ERode, what I've written so far is working off of that assumption but I do wanna wait for the GM). Once the question is answered I'll let the group vote on who they want in most I guess, if both are approved by the GM.

Anywhom. Here we go.

Hildegunde Nachtnebel

Hawine Jibari

Alright, reading through the lore, my main question I think pertains to technology. Obviously this is an alternate universe from our own given the, well, everything. But some locations (Eg; Vaalin Union) seem to have some very modern looking areas, whereas other places seem to be more clockpunk in its aesthetics, and transportation is specified to be by carriage in one of the descriptions. In short; where are we at exactly, technologically? What do we have VS what we do not have. Is it one to one with the technology of our universe's year of 1526?

And in the particular case of dwarves, if they exist in this setting, are they mostly metal workers, or do they tend to skew towards technological (mainly clockwork) skills?

Expect a character sheet or two in a bit, and apologies if this was answered and I missed it ^ ^"
Finally got a moment to myself, gonna reread the lore to refresh my brain (I know I had questions but I need to remember what they were), and then fuck around with some sheets ^ v ^
Was a bit busy these past two days and will be today as well. If I don't get a character sheet in quick enough that is chill. I'm still very much interested though, so if I don't I'd still like to be considered for the future :>
I'm out of college for a while now finally and I've also been out for RPS a while. Color me interested.
Interested but my availability will be limited, especially in August as that is finals month for me (where I'll basically be gone). Let me know if that's an issue.
Want to mark my interest here, but I'm unsure of how realistic it'll be for me to join due to college. Definitely keeping an eye out though.
@pyroman MY BELOVED!!! MY BELOVED!!!
Will do!
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