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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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I'm heeeeere just mobile bound. I try checking in fairly often but don't always have the best opportunity to write.

That said I can access a computer so I am doing that now

EDIT: lied about the now bc something came up but I am actually on a computer as I type this so expect a post soon
Short reply on my end, apologies. I have a massive fucking headache and have been out of it since losing my job, but! That does mean I should be quicker to response

Hildegunde wouldn't be opposed either. But I think she'd rather just kill him at this point. @AThousandCurses
"Hildegunde, and likewise," she greets back simply, giving a brief smile to the shadow witch before going back to quietly observing.

There was much to behold.

Chunji's approach and aid of the half-elf.

The various tall tales of desperate students.

Fingers dancing in the air idly.

Trigger met index as soon as Hildegunde noticed the the hand motions. She wanted to give no warning. The others had done that enough. If he dies shocked to his core by a sudden bullet to the brainstem, all the more fitting for this pompous prick. All she would have to do was pull.

But blessed be her comrades, for she makes one for Ciara. She hardly knows the girl, but there's something uniquely irritating about this man that makes her quick to defend. Even if he had stopped the spell momentarily, Hildegunde doesn't trust him not to try anything else.

"Umbralist or not, fuck around and you will find out." Hildegunde's voice has a rare intensity to it, matching her piercing gaze and scowl. Her gun isn't pointed, but of course, it doesn't have to be if the situation calls for it. She seemed beyond caring herself what Valen thought; this was a warning first and foremost.
There's a darkening of Hildegunde's eyes. Disappointment, perhaps, that the only overt protest to Otis was some pompous asshole whom others seemed to recognize - Iraleth with particular contempt, but whom to her was a mystery. Such is life when you are raised in the middle of nowhere. For a moment, she feels the temptation to challenge the man for carrying himself in such a manner, but she decides to follow the crowd, stay quiet, and observe.

A chill runs through her at Chunji's tone. She has still not yet let go of her reservations around the analyst, and his actions right now only serve as a reminder. She takes silent note of Ciara's protectiveness over Davil, and after some debate, gives Chunji a mental message.

I don't think you're in a position to make enemies, guy. I'd back off if I were you, she communicates.

Especially since we're not even sure what their parameters of heroism even are here. For all you know, your bullying of a comrade is squandering the spot you worked so hard for. Was she the only one who considered whether or not the chair bit was a facade for a test of character? She's been having those doubts for a while, but with all the chaos of the day, she had almost forgotten her own anxieties. Maybe it was already blown. The thought troubles her, but it doesn't show on her face.

With that, she returns her attention towards the students. Her position makes her uneasy. She is visible, out in the open, on display. All paradoxical to her instincts as a hunter. And if a fight erupts here, she doesn't know if she'll be able to aim. And even if she were to use her ethos, she only had one bullet left. Her other allies are injured and unfit for a fight as well.

She inhales and exhales deeply, keeping herself calm. Otis better know what he's doing, 'cause if worst comes to worst, she can't guarantee he won't be hit.
Let's see if I don't pass out, haha.

EDIT: I did it. Insert yippee autism creature gif here.
No worries Nanaya!

Also finally posting an image for Hildegunde. It's a WIP but I figure smth is better than nothing. Hope it's anime-y enough. Otherwise I might just use a picrew :P

The group doodle is in thumbnailing phase rn.
@ERodeTrue true! But I'd still like people to not be like, oh god you assassinated my vision, y'know? :P
Aighty! Expect some stylistic choices (I wanted to give him a small hooked owl like nose just to be On Brand and such, lemme know if you don't want that but I thought it'd be cute), both because my style is a lot more cartoony + I feel a little uncomfy going 1-1 as an artist, but >:3c
Hell yeah!

Also, I'm so mad bc I suddenly have artistic inspiration now when I need to sleep soon. If anyone wants to give like, small pointers of how their peeps look like addition or contrast to their images let me know, otherwise I'm going ham <3
Iraleth has full permission to punch Hildegunde in the face for that. But she did mean it as a compliment, there's just something wrong with her <3
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