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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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At first, everything is calm. Good, even. Going unexpectedly smooth, in Hildegunde's eyes. She gives a curt nod to the Headmaster when addressed, falling silent.

Then, the tone in the room shifts. Hildegunde isn't even the one being interrogated, and she can feel her stomach tie itself in knots. She watches Ciara, biting her lip.

Well. That was not what Hildegunde was expecting. But then again, what was to be expected today?

"I don't think you're doing yourself a favour. Don't know what's making your flip out, and I don't like how invasive this has been, but I'd take some deep breaths before picking a fight you don't need to have."

She gestures to Iraleth, as if to silently convey that she is not fit to fight, and that if Ciara does choose not to listen, that she can count her out. Then, Hildegunde makes a casual gesture and takes several steps back, making space between herself, Ciara, and Nicole - expressing that she herself will have no part in this. Whether Iraleth followed her lead or tried to intervene made little difference to her.

Her hand has gone back to her gun. She hasn't aimed or pointed it, but curiously, her hand is near the trigger - as if she's ready to shoot.

Perhaps she is.
"Likewise, you may call me Hilde instead of Hildegunde, if that so suits you," Hildegunde says, "But I have no qualms with using your full name, either."

The hunter keeps her eye on the scroll, trying to tie which words belonged to who. It was needless focus on her end, however; not only were the other two candid about it, but her own emotions appearing quickly broke said focus.

Admiration. Aggravation. Anxiety.

Hildegunde bites the inside of her cheek. She does not like that being laid bare. Admiration was fine; she had expressed as much towards Iraleth, and to a lesser degree, Ciara. Aggravation was tolerable; it had been a long day, and it was an easy emotion to brush off with such an excuse. But anxiety...the girl masked that part of her hard, and it might very well come as a shock given her composed demeanour. That she feels as much prey as she does predator. It's a wonderful thing, that this scroll did not go into the minutia of her mental real estate. It would be, frankly, quite upsetting for Ciara and Iraleth to know how much of her mind was occupied with fixing out escape routes.

After a moment, another word appears on the scroll.


Hildegunde's cheeks burn.

"That one is there 'cause I don't like my anxiety being made public," she mutters quickly. "Nothing to do with these two."

She sighs, leaning back a bit. The other two had spoken frankly, from the looks of it, but how frankly? And moreover - how honest should she herself be? Her fingernails on her left hand drum against her right. She decides to address what the others have said before opening up on her own.

"Call it a hunter's hunch, but I think your hopes have a very good chance of coming through. There's little use in playing the long game in a situation like ours, where entry was never guaranteed. Especially when other students were gleefully and openly at each other's throats. This ain't to discredit your intuition or de-legitimize your suspicion, as nothing says it can't be true. Perhaps it's because I'm too trusting or dim witted, but it all seems to be a very elaborate plan for reasons I cannot begin to fathom, especially from someone who took a metaphorical bullet for you."

Then, more quietly; "For all you know, I am a much bigger danger to both of you than Ciara is to us. Who's to say my eyes are on your side? I certainly took no such risks for either of you."

More drumming. Hildegunde sighs, her fingers going still.

"My admiration for these two in the brief time I have known them is not to be understated. And in my admiration, there is a sense of safety. While I don't necessarily trust them as people, I do as fellow warriors. And as your scroll so frankly made clear, I am not nearly as collected and calm as I appear."

There's a small pause as Hildegunde struggles to decide how much to spill.

"My ethos is not something I always have full control over, and it is the main reason I wished to enroll here. I do not use it lightly; I learned that lesson the hard way. And yet, it is hard not to feel its urge when you are a hunter with the mind of prey, especially when today has been been, to put it lightly, just a tad bothersome. I am on edge and I am annoyed. I think it would be safer for everyone if I were in the company of people whom I felt I could rely on. Iraleth has already stopped me from feeling the urge to use my ethos once today. Were it not for her interfering, who knows what would've happened with Chloe on the bridge? I didn't know her ethos to be reversible; I may have very well maimed or even killed her in self defense, and this conversation wouldn't be happening."

That was mortifying to disclose, but given the chaos of today, it doesn't feel nearly as heavy a confession as it should. She gives a small cough, unused to saying so much at once.

"We may not be close friends by any stretch of the word, or teammates with long-honed skills, but after the headache of today and our honest reasoning, I hope we have convinced you to let us stay together all the same."
@Estylwen Give me a bit! Sorry, things been a bit busy on my end, but you should get a post today ^ ^"

Edit: got a post up! Apologies in advance if there's anything funky in it BC I found out we're having visitors today and I had to rush it a bit.
@NanayaThat's probably the sort of thing Hildegunde would notice then. Thanks!
Question @Nanaya, are the emotions all listed in general? Or does it specify which belongs to who?

Sorry if that doesn't make sense, I just woke up but coincidentally you posted the minute I did LOL
"Oh, that bitch? Yeah, her victims recovered right away. Can't say I know what her malfunction was in the first place, but at least it got sorted. Heard she was extra crispy after that, and that's exactly what I wanna hear. Didn't bother to look at her once she fell, was just really glad she was out of the way. Who gave such egotistical brats such power, anyway? If Astra's real, she's lost her gods-forsaken mind."

There's a pang of guilt in Hildegunde. Not that the woman cared at all for Chloe, quite the opposite; she wouldn't be here in line otherwise. But she had been fully on board with killing her if she had gotten too close. A thought built on ignorance and self defense it might've been, but the idea of needlessly taking a life didn't sit well with the hunter. She gives the slightest of sighs of relief; if there is denial, at least she knew the woman's Ethos wasn't fatal.

The hunter watches the girls silently, but with curiousity piqued - particularly when they came out of the room, fight gone from their eyes. What was waiting for them? Hildegunde didn't recognize the significance of the woman's cape, nor why Ciara seemed so impressed. Hildegunde speaks to her in the same tone as her two allies.

"Nyxhoilv'phvamineknmos, was it? Just wanna add that if you do decline, it's understood. I'm trying to make your job easier, not harder." She means what she says, but she's admittedly not happy about it. As for how Hildegunde got the name right on her first try? Perhaps it's the German.

"We'd all appreciate it if you would let us bend the school's room plans." All including Nyxhoilv'phyamineknmos as well - she can see future disputes with Chloe if the request wasn't granted.
Hey! Just as a heads up I'm just busy today, so a reply will likely have to wait for tomorrow. Apologies.
There's a slight smile on Hildegunde's as her stuff is moved into Room 7. It disappears quickly once Iraleth suggests asking for permission. Hildegunde wants to protest. In all honesty, her ideal solution would've been to not ask at all; what people don't know won't hurt them. Why waste time trying to find someone and ask for permission? This damn school nearly got them killed, they shouldn't need to ask for permission, especially for something so deeply harmless. It was downright stupid, in her eyes.

And yet, before she could, Ciara had already begun to move. She probably would've argued the decision if it weren't for what she said next.

"You know... you're a good shot. You strike me as more of a... Sword of Wund."

Sword of Wund. Somehow, having Ciara reiterate what Freischütz had told her makes her feel uneasy. She squirms uncomfortably. More smiles.
But the discussion that Ciara had brought up might make the time move by faster, so Hildegunde won't complain, joining her in line. Besides, she was thankful for her ripping that bandage instead of doing it herself. Even if she suspects it might be a charged topic, particularly for the half-elf.

"Is that the only reason? A gun is as much a deterrent as it is a weapon. And I don't wish to point it indiscriminately." And yet...how much easier would her life be if she could? The limitations of her ethos would no longer matter. The thought disturbs her, and she shakes it off, briefly wondering if the Adapa is messing with her brain.

"I'll be frank, I don't get these faction things, nor do I care for false binaries" she mutters, leaning against a wall as they wait. She briefly gives Iraleth a glance, feeling a bit bad for her standing up in her condition. But she was the one who suggested standing in line, so surely she could handle it.

"It don't help that I grew up in the Western Neutral Territories. Nearly isolated. Little stakes in this question. Bet I don't know the history half as well as either of ya." She messes idly with her sleeves.

"You were quick to choose. May I ask why? And while not as quick, I'd like to know your reasoning as well, Ciara."

@Estylwen@Nanaya@Psyker Landshark
@Estylwen Extremely minor thing, but Hildegunde did introduce herself to Ciara. I think only to Ciara, actually, although the others should've been able to overhear her.
@Psyker Landshark No healers unless this operates on video game logic. Hildegunde's got food on her :P

Although I'm sure she could do a simple healing spell. She does know magic and all. Wouldn't be as effective as Chunji but, it's Something.
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