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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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"two bullets" y eah, about that, Otis...
@Nanaya For the record, I have imagined it as the bullet teleporting to its target as it does in Hildegunde's old storybooks. Whether it reacts to a PB in an unnatural way or if it'd bypass it (or any other form of shenanigans) is up to you. So long as the mark eventually hits Professor Alto - even if it's after class and the PB goes down or something evil like that.
The initial shock almost makes Hildegunde break her PB. Her instincts, of course, tell her to run. But she steels herself. Inhales. Allows the arrow to harmlessly bounces off of herself. That moment of self-restraint was probably the only thing keeping her from doing something truly stupid afterwards, when Otis commanded the two boys to back her up.

It's funny. How deeply petty emotions can sway you towards the path of destruction.

I don't need his help!

Hildegunde almost shouts it out loud. Almost wastes her precious first bullet out of a sense of hurt pride. The archer isn't a issue - not a grievous one, anyways. The one hurtling towards her, on the other hand...she hoped Rio could handle. At the first sign that he couldn't, she'd switch her focus from the archer towards it. While by no means skilled in hand-to-hand combat, she'd still do her best.

Chunji's questions remind her of one of her own. After the injuries Davil sustained, the disregard towards student safety...she feels less anxiety considering the option.

She narrows her eyes and takes aim at the archer. Inhales, disregards the conflict between Iraleth and Ciara.

The laws of her ethos say that each bullet must meet its mark - whether determined by Hildegunde, or some other force. Against a PB...what would happen? It's hard for Hildegunde to tell exactly what happens when she shoots with her ethos - the bullet doesn't seem to follow a logical path, and Hildegunde has no way of knowing if the bullet simply travels on a non-linear path and somehow retains its speed - (how else would it have killed him?), or if the bullet teleports from the muzzle to its mark - as it were often illustrated in her stories, glowing arcane circles marking the gun and its target. No such tell-tale signs followed her own usage.

Would the bullet simply bypass the barrier without breaking it, like a semi-permeable membrane? Would it stay in a state of statis against it, never falling, until the barrier dropped, and the bullet could finally meet its mark? Would it break it, but slow in the process? So many possibilities.

Worse case scenario, would it bounce off harmlessly, as would the arrow that rushed towards her?

Alto? You sure you wanna test us? Hildegunde almost shouts it aloud. Why is she here, if not to learn?

Instead, she lifts her gun, muzzle aimed at the mannequin still. The first shot or two is truly aimed at the mannequin. The third, however, is said after the whisper of a certain magic word. Hildegunde doesn't turn to aim.

She doesn't have to.

Alto. knee.

@Nanaya If this massive headache spares me I'll have a post up tonight. If not I'll try for tomorrow.
Is there anything special about the arrow flying towards Hildegunde beyond it being faster than the others? EG; would it be able to bypass a PB?

I'd also love to hear about Kiimos Trelie :3c

"Damn shame. I skipped breakfast today, you know." She cracks a smile, one lacking malice. If she wasn't joking before, she is, at the very least, joking now.

The smile only fades once she registers Chloe's glare. That was...also unexpected. She locks eyes and blinks twice - once quickly, as if in shock, and then once more, slowly, as if calming a territorial cat. Her gaze then darts her gaze back towards Professor Alto. She full on grimaces now, but dares say nothing. If this would be her new normal, so be it. She would adapt and she would learn - that was the whole reason she was here, after all. If she were able to surpass her brother in marksmanship, she can - no, must - surpass him as a healer.

But that didn't mean she had to pretend to like it. She would give a small nod and a grumble, still grimacing. Her expression doesn't soften much when she turns to Davil.

"Worry less 'bout waste and more about improvement, Davil. If your classmates thought this a waste, they wouldn't have hel-"

She cuts off abruptly. Her eyes widen, ears picking up something else among the chatter.


Her hands were on her rifle before Otis even spoke. The sound of gunfire - her rifle had not been silenced - her only response to the Strigidae, her aim focused on the bows rather than the mannequins. It was a slim target, but she's had to aim for worse.
Sorry for the delay on my end, had some sudden health stuff to deal with. If a post isn't up in a few, it'll be up by morning.
Everyone is fine thankfully. I can't make a post today but I'll try to have one tomorrow.
Sorry for the scare.
@Estylwen Probably the wrong situation on mind (I'm Kurdish, not Palestinian), but I appreciate it nonetheless.

@Nanaya Thank you. It'll probably be fine. I'm hoping it's fine. Shit like this just kinda happens and sometimes it's fine and sometimes it's not and there's not much you can do about it.
Hey heads up, if I get bad news tomorrow y'all might have to skip me Again. A city I've got a sizeable amount of family in has been bombed and I can't call my family on account of it is 2 AM there right now, so I need to check in for tomorrow. It wasn't huge casualty wise afaik but I know someone who lost everyone but the baby boy in one family so I'm on edge.

Sorry for being middle eastern on main but I figured in the worst case scenario better to warn now rather than after I'm done mourning.
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