Avatar of Sinerathin
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    1. Sinerathin 11 yrs ago


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The High Elf listened to the distant explosion, before looking down at Liaena.

She may have been the unfortunate master of explosives, and even though things generally tended to blow up around her; she still didn't posess the power to cause things to spontaneously combust on their own, or conjure explosions out of thin air.

Sharon believed her, but the fact that Liaena did not have anything to do with the explosion didn't do much to reassure the High Elf.

"She was chasing a fleeing assassin. She could be anywhere." Sharon pondered thoughtfully as he looked away, before gazing back at Liaena.
"The sewer complex beneath Stormwind is immense. Our odds of actually finding her are slim if she has taken but a few corners."

As much as Sharon wanted to leave the sewer, he knew that they were currently also standing on the path Rithrynn was the most likely to return to after she and her sisters had finished hunting the assassin.

"Rithrynn will most likely return to this point. If we go looking for her, we risk running in circles."
"I'm.... gaahhh *Gasp*! ... glad to heeeaar thaaaat.... !"

Sherpa uttered as he felt the air being squeezed out of his lungs as he was trapped in the steely hug of the Night Elf. Whatever the Night Elf's intentions, the whole situation was a mix between something adorable and something abusive, which his ribs could currently attest to. It was not until his pale face had turned slightly purple that Rithrynn finally let go of him, allowing the High Elf to finally gasp for breath.
Aside from some bent ribs and shortness of breath, Sherpa felt mostly fine. Which was not bad, considering his proximity to the crazed elf.

Taking a moment to regain his breath, he straightened back up before he looked up at Rithrynn.

"It has been so long." Sherpa said, his voice returning to its natural calm. Raising a hand up to Rithrynn's cheek, he gazed up into her eyes.
"But we do not have much time, I fear. I must leave. This is not the best place for us to meet."
Around Night Elves, I fear that you are more likely to fill the role of another Russian; Rasputin :P
Rithy said
And so little Mitonk finally meets the Night Elves! xD

Indeed. It is truly a meeting few tend forget.

They... may be a little heavy handed in their investigations.

At least no one has given them flamethrowers yet.
As Donald was running for his dear life through the tunnels, he could hear the Night Elves coming closer and closer.

Reaching a slightly larger main tunnel, he immediately turned right just as an lethal arrow whizzed past him through the air, missing him only by a couple of inches. Yet as Donald lay onto a full sprint down the larger tunnel, he suddenly saw a smaller figure up ahead.
He did not have much time to contemplate on the nature of the short creature that he had just seen in the tunnel, before an ear-deafening large explosion filled the tunnels, throwing a shockwave straight through the tunnel, followed by a thick cloud of dust!

Donald stumbled as he was hit by the shockwave, but managed to restore his point of balance just in time to avoid falling as he scrambled along the dirty sewer wall.

"What in the light's name was that!?"

The dust that had filled the tunnel made it hard to see more than a few meters ahead of him. As Donald continued forward, he was suddenly able to see Mitonk through the cloud again as the human passed right by the smaller Gnome.
Staring further up ahead, closer to the center of the explosion, Donald spotted a small hole in the wall that had been opened by the explosion, but was slowly collapsing together with bricks and dirt falling out from around it. In that moment, a light appeared in the assassin's head!

"Thank you, Gnome! But you should probably run!" Donald suddenly exclaimed to Mitonk, giving the Gnome a pat on his shoulder just as he passed him. The assassin continued and ran ahead before he leaped through the small hole in the wall, which seconds later finally collapsed and sealed the exit behind the assassin.
Decent backstory, Drew.

I've updated my first OOC post as well to the include the newer version.

I also made a slight modification to it as well though, as Sherraine(Sherpa)'s undercover business name is Valendrei Silverspool, and his company is "The Southsea Mining Company"(though their business includes more than just mining).

Speaking of your father's death, have you decided who the killer was? (who gave the killing blow)

I was thinking about maybe having Arnoff Jarston be the one who killed him. He usually handles most of Sherpa's dirty work.
Innovative Engimas said
Cool, cool. It was just something that had popped in my head watching the history channel earlier about Roman Engineering.

Great ideas usually come without much of a warning.

Speaking of which, feel free to make your starting post whenever you feel ready.
That's pretty close to what I also had in mind. Maintenance is an inevitable part of any functional sewer system after all ;)

I can imagine a scenario where you either bump into the group, or the group bumps into you.

Seeing as Donald the assassin is currently doing a Jason Bourne impersonation through the sewers atm, he might very well run into you on his way.
Rithy said
what sort of evil enterprise is Sherpa involved in then, Shaw?

is he going to take over Stormwind with fast food chains? xD>:D

Sherpa: "I will infect the unsuspecting city with cardiovascular diseases and obesity before my final coming! Weakened in their flabbiness, they will never be able to resist me then, mwua-hahaha!"

A unique idea, Rithrynn, but it's not quite up Sherpa's alley, I'm afraid

drewccapp said
I would be cool with that if you could pm me some info about him. I'm pretty sure I can work something out about having dealings with him in my guy's backstory.

I should be able to. I have a general idea of it already.
"Do not worry yourself, this is just a simple, harmless survey spell, Captain. Not a,-"

"Turn it off!"

"Alright, alright." Sharon eventually decided, not wanting to get into an argument with Serphia. Ceasing the spell, the runes and circles that had once appeared all around them vanished just as quickly as they had appeared, and the room turned back to its original state.

Looking around at the others in the room, Sharon realized that the spell may not have garnered the best of wishes from the magic phobic Night Elves, all of whom seemed rather upset after his little act. Well, all except Vashi, who almost seemed fascinated, for which she should probably feel lucky that Serphia had her back turned to her.
But the spell had also had another benefit, as Serphia had at least left Liaena alone. Something that made Sharon feel justified in scaring the entire room, at least. It was all for a good goal, which raised it above a childish prank.

"Greymoon, take whatever looks valuable and bring it with us. We will leave as soon as possible." Sharon called out to Greymoon, before the High Elf turned and walked over to the pile of bones where Liaena was lying. It almost looked like a horrific version of a balloon chair where she sat in the pile of bones.

"Liaena, are you alright?" The High Elf asked as he approached the human, as the girl seemed to be fiddling frantically with a potion of some sorts. Leaning forward over the heap of bones, Sharon extended his hand to help her up.
"Let's leave this place, shall we?"
"That was... more exciting than I'd have wanted it to be... "

Sherpa thought as he silently gazed in the direction that RIthrynn's arrow had flown. The only thing worse than a gook with poor trigger discipline was a gook with poor trigger discipline coupled with excellent aim!
But even though Rithrynn had been mere inches from impaling his head with another one of the Night Elves ridiculously oversized arrows, Sherpa shrugged it off. It was not like Rithrynn had loaded another arrow into her bow yet. What more harm could she do?


That might have been a foolishly naive question, Sherpa suddenly realized..

"There are a lot of things going on, Rithrynn... " Sherpa slowly began to talk in a calm voice, despite almost having died a second ago.
"But, here; I lack the time to tell you, I am afraid."

Taking a few more steps forward, Sherpa now stood right in front of Rithrynn. Staring at her for a moment, the High Elf suddenly let forth a smile as he looked up at the tall Night Elf.

"It is good to see you again, Rithrynn."
Don't worry, it's no big deal ;)
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