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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feychild


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"She's wrecking them all!" The shadowy figure next to Sevarian exclaimed as the men looked down into the darkness, where Serphia; supported by Vashi's magic; was making short work of the necromantic creations and skeletal aberrations.

"I am thoroughly disappointed by your handiwork, student! This is a terrible way to impress your teacher!" Sevarian complained, before stepping closer to the edge.

"Yes, Master... " The shadowy figure mumbled as he departed further back into the corridor, only to return shortly after with a black wooden staff adorned with a green gem at the shaft.
" ... and I'm telling you, I would have done better if you had given me proper tools to work with, not just animal bones."

Sevarian ignored the last statement, as the shadow mage was already preoccupied with an inaudible incantation of his own. As he focused on the killing ground below, he suddenly extended his arms to either side; before a piercing shriek penetrated the whole room and the tunnels beyond. All around the two Night Elves, the scattered bones of their undead foes that they had defeated suddenly began to move and float around; until they were reshaped into their previous designs, restored in form and power. For every skeleton that Serphia trashed, two more were conjured from the heaps of bones to take its place.


"Liaena, are you alright?" Sharon asked as he made the last leap onto the platform of Rithrynn and Liaena. The banshee had long since fled the cistern, disappearing into the shadows after its contact with the sanctified dagger. Walking towards Liaena, Sharon knelt down next to her to look over her. The girl herself seemed to be just fine, short of a small cut in the ham and some bruises and pale skin around her neck after the banshee. And, of course; the fact that she was covered in sewer from top to toe.

Turning towards the Night Elf who seemed hardly touched by the experience in the sewer short of a few drops of sweat, Sharon threw Rithrynn a grateful smile.

"Thanks, Rithrynn. You arrived just in time." Sharon said. Right now he was just grateful that Liaena was unharmed and still very much alive. The fact that Rithrynn, and her sisters had mostly abandoned them earlier was a topic for another time; once they were safely on the surface, preferably back at the mansion and sharing a warm cup of tea.

"Speaking of the mansion, I can only pray Serphia's sentinels haven't torn it down by the time of our return... "

Lord Greymoon, who had taken the long trip around as the old man had little desire to attempt to make a leap like the much more fit Sharon, finally arrived at the platform where he approached the trio. Gazing down at Rithrynn and Liaena, he smiled, before focusing on Liaena.

"You may keep the dagger, young Lady Rune." Lord Greymoon said as he motioned towards the truesilver dagger that laid on the floor.
"I think you need it more than I do."

Greymoon turned to Sharon.

"If your brother had wanted it so, I would have been dead by now. I fear that his mercy does not extend to you two."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Where’s Serphia and the other elves? …Don’t tell me you split up with them, too”

"Eehhmmm.... maybe?" Rithrynn mumbled, hesitating slightly as Liaena's look grew both darker and more disappointed by every passing second.
"Orders were orders, you know... the assassins split up. I went afte,-"

"Thanks, Rithrynn. You arrived just in time."

Spinning away from Liaena like a fox attempting to escape a forest fire, Rithrynn turned to face the High Elf and beamed from ear to ear as she accepted his praise. Any second she could delay having to give the bad news to Liaena was worth it!

"No problem, Shaw!"

Slowly turning back to Liaena, Rithrynn peered at the little human for a while. She had an eerie feeling that the human was currently holding a lot of pent up frustration and resentment directed at her, and Rithrynn was not too keen on potentially throwing more fuel on the fire in the case of Liaena by confirming her cynical expectations. But she could not just sit there and smile at her all day either...

"We split up in three groups. I went after the dwarf. He died further up in the cistern. Serphia and Vashi went after the mage, and,-"

"Rithrynn, what are you doing over there?!" Suddenly sounded a new voice as two sentinels came walking out of one of the corridors and into the corridor, dragging with them the rather disheveled assassin, Donald. But as they stepped out into the crossroad, one of the sentinels suddenly became aware of Shani who was sitting against the sewer wall a few meters away from them, looking pale as a ghost.

"Shani!" One of the Sentinels suddenly exclaimed, leaving the assassin with her sister before rushing over to Shani to check her vitals. Shani appeared to be fine, minus the shock that she seemed to have experienced that left the otherwise proud sentinel rather speechless at the moment, simply staring blankly out in the sewer as her mind tried to recollect itself and piece together what had actually happened earlier with the banshee.

"What in Elune's ass happened here?!"

"Ahem, I can explain!" Rithrynn said as the Night Elf walked towards the edge of the platform to face the direction of the crossroad across the murky pond, but was suddenly interrupted by a shrilling shriek that echoed through the many corridors of the sewer, emanating from the tunnel that Serphia and Vashi had entered earlier. It immediately caught the attention of every single sentinel in the vicinity, as they looked frantically around in an attempt to locate the source of the unnatural noise.

"Uhh, I think that might be coming from the way Serphia went... " Rithrynn mumbled as she peered back at Liaena and Sharon.
" :.. and it didn't sound good!"


Meanwhile, back at Serphia and Vashi; the battle was raging for full.

Sevarian's magic had turned what would otherwise have been a relatively even matchup in Serphia's favor completely around, as the two Night Elves found the skeletal minions coming now faster than they could destroy them. The large skeletal beast was still around, though dragging itself by the floor after its legs had been crushed by the Captain earlier.

Vashi flung around; shattering a skeletal minion to splinters. But as she did so, another one charged at her from behind, ripping into her leg with its razor sharp claws and digging a stinging wound down her leg.
The Night Elven sorcerer let out a shriek of pain, before summoning a wave of arcane magic to push the skeletal beings away from her. But they just seemed to recollect themselves, before coming at her yet again.

"We can't kill them all!" She cried out to Serphia. The Captain was holding her ground for the moment, but becoming increasingly strained with the increase in foes. She had already sustained a number of smaller wounds and bruisers throughout the fight from the skeletal horde, but was still fighting at full form.

"Kill the Necromancer! Kill the Horde!" Serphia called out as if it was pure instinct. Slashing a minion in half with her sword, the Captain turned around and suddenly sprinted towards the small alcove above where Sevarian and his apprentice stood and watched.
Vashi struggled to keep up, barely dodging a ravenous fiend as she lounged forward in an attempt to keep up with her Captain.

Casting a brief spell of levitation on her Captain, Serphia suddenly jumped almost a dozen feet up into the air; assisted by the gravitational-cancelling effects of Vashi's magic. Soaring towards the small balcony, she faced her shield forward as she was about to land; her sword forward in a position ready to thrust and butcher the two men as soon as she touched the surface where they stood!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“…No…” Liaena muttered in agreement as she stared down the corridor that Rithrynn had gestured to, and from where the horrible scream had emanated.

Somewhere down there was Serphia, presumably in dreadful danger. Liaena realised that she was failing to care at all about this, a realisation that was immediately followed by guilt for said apathy. Serphia was, in the loosest possible sense of the word, her ally, and a better person than Sherpa.

Not that that was saying much.

Climbing to her feet awkwardly, Liaena managed to find an unsteady footing by steadying herself against the sewer wall, picking up the knife on her way and giving Graymoon a half smile in recognition of the gift. For lack of anything else to use, she wiped her face and hands on Rithrynn’s cloak before the elf had time to object. “We go after her then. All of us”

“Uhm, Li…”

“Shani! Nar’du felore! Snap out of it!”

“Oh” Liaena muttered. Turning around, she looked back over at Shani and the other two sentinels, who were dividing their time between giving the screaming tunnel extremely worried looks and trying to get their fallen friend back onto her feet. Shani for her part was freed from the gunk by the help of her friends, but sunk deep into shock by recent events.

The unfortunate elf was one person that Liaena did feel deep sympathy for as she looked at her. The sympathy was mingled with hopelessness with the situation, and the burden of an incapacitated ally in a hostile situation (a fifteen-stone-plus-armour incapacitated ally, no less), leaving them with the glorious alternatives of abandoning her to their enemies, loosing yet another fighter as her protector or dragging said fifteen-stone-armoured-butt around with them the entire time. No. Whatever Shani’s mental state was, she had to be got back onto her feet, for better or worse.

Stepping up to where Rithrynn was calling to other elves across the watery gulf, Liaena bawled at the shell shocked elf as loudly as she could, which for a rather small human was a fairly small volume. In light of what probably made Elves Tick, Liaena tried to inject as much ‘Vile Drill Sergent’ Serphia style into her tone as possible, although she had to admit she was nothing on the master herself. “SHANI!! YOUR MISTRESS NEEDS YOU TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE HER RIGHT NOW, SO GET MOVING! ARE YOU A SOLDIER OR NOT!?”

Glancing at Sharon and Rithrynn, Liaena gave them a dour half-shrug of resignation “…that’s all I’ve got. I’m a doctor, not a psychiatrist”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sevarian had not expected the leap made by Serphia as the Night Elven Captain suddenly landed mere feet away from them.

"Curse me!" The shadow mage exclaimed as he stumbled backwards while Serphia advanced upon the two men. Sevarian stepped next to his apprentice, before quickly pushing the acolyte in front of him to use as a human shield. The apprentice did not have much time to realize what his master had done before Serphia's sword had already entered his torso in yet another precision strike from the Night Elf, and blood was gushing out from the wound.

Using the precious few seconds he had bought by sacrificing his assistant, Sevarian fumbled with his staff to aim it at Serphia.
A dark, purple lightning shot out from the shaft of the staff and flew into Serphia's shield, where it caved in a small part of the shield, creating a small bulge. The painting and outer layer of metal where it hit began to wither and erode, falling off the shield like leaves in the wind.

"Die you cursed elf, die! DIE!" Sevarian roared out as the shadow mage continued to cast dark lightning after dark lightning at Serphia; all of whom were blocked by the sentinel's large shield. Although he succeeded in pushing her a little back, the Captain was suddenly able to step forward and slash down with her sword, cutting his staff in half.

Realizing what had just happened; Sevarian immediately dropped the remaining half of his staff to dig his hand into his robes. As he stepped back, he pulled out a silver lined flintlock pistol.
Moving it up in a frantic motion to fire it, Sevarian spared not a moment to try to aim as he snapped off a lead ball at Serphia. Before the agile Night Elven warrior could retreat behind her shield, the bullet had already hit her in the lower right part of her ribcage, just beneath her armor where it entered her body.

Reaching his left hand into his robe, Sevarian pulled out a black wood wand; promptly snapping off a shadow bolt that sent the stunned Captain's shield flying away.

"Know pain!" Sevarian hissed before summoning a wave of dark energies that he threw straight into Serphia, throwing her off the balcony and down into the room. For the Captain, as she was hit by the dark sorcery; it could feel as if all her strength was taken for her for a moment, replaced only by a dooming chill and feeling of emptiness, almost as the spell was tugging at her very soul.

Sevarian stepped back from the edge.
Not risking a moment to observe where the Captain had landed, the dark mage turned around and ran down the opposite end of the corridor away from the balcony; and not throwing his fallen student as much as a glance before he disappeared down into the tunnels below.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Shani, get up!" One of her sisters called out to her, but Shani barely seemed to even respond. Her eyes drifted back and forth as she observed her surroundings in a dull, uninterested manner. It was not until she heard Liaena's voice that Shani's ear suddenly twitched.


"What did you just say?! ... "

Shani's eyes suddenly regained their focus and zoomed straight in at the insolent little human across the cistern! Standing up so quickly that she almost knocked her sister over, Shani glared back at Liaena and pointed her finger threateningly at the human girl. The earlier shocked Sentinel's eyes had gone from bleak to now burning like fire, apparently ignited by Liaena's audacious words!

"If you say one more word, your friends are gonna have to dig you out of one of these sewer tubes by the end of the day! So shut it!" Shani said threateningly. Being possessed by a wicked spirit had been a terrible experience, but by Elune she was not going to let it allow herself to be insulted by a mere human!

"She seems fine." Rithrynn smiled to herself as the group made their way over the cistern and back onto the crossroad, before she suddenly began to pick up speed
"We need to check on Serphia. Hurry!"


Serphia slammed on her back down against the cold, hard sewer floor, her fall being followed by a 'crack' of bone breaking!

Fortunately, however, it had not been one of her bones that had broken, but rather just the femur of a skeleton that she had landed on. That being said, landing on a heap of pointy bones had not been a very comfortable experience either!
Serphia quickly rolled forward and sat up, moving one arm behind her back to pull out a broken bone that had plastered itself onto her back. Her body was aching from top to toe after being hit by the dark spell, and she felt a stinging stab of pain in her lower chest where the bullet had entered. Deep, purple blood had left a clear mark on her clothes around the wound.


An explosion could suddenly be heard behind her as the bone wall that had been erected at the entrance to the room was shattered to pieces, and Rithrynn, Sharon, Shani, Liaena and the rest of the sentinels swarmed the room - hacking down whatever skeletal creations that still remained.
Behind them came a last sentinel, dragging Donald who had yet to offer much resistance whatsoever against his capture.

"Cursed ape." Serphia muttered under her breath as she studied her own bullet wound, her hand a little shaken after whatever curse Sevarian had cast at her. This was not one of the Captain's proudest moments as she sat on the floor, not at all.
She had been bested by a degenerated monkey, who had gotten away with his life still intact from this insolence no less! Although Serphia was grateful for the cavalry that had just arrived, no matter how late they had been; it was no less embarrassing to be found wounded and beaten on the floor. At least she was surrounded by enough piles of bone to prove that she had not gone down easily.

"Mistress, are you alright?!" Rithrynn called out, and Serphia turned around, giving her sentinel a rather displeased look in return.

"Better than the idiots who thought they could stop me... " Serphia said as she peered around in the room. Vashi was struggling with a skull and jaw of what seemed like it belonged to a horse that had locked its teeth around her boot, and Vashi was kicking it around in an attempt to get the body-less undead off her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Better than the idiots who thought they could stop me... "

“That sounds about right”

Liaena thought as she studied the mounds of bones that littered the floor. Tracking with her eyes were the piles were thickest up to where a balcony was built out of the wall above them, she eyed the trickles of deep red blood that were running down the side and dripping down onto their level. Stepping back to get a better look, her hopes faded into nothing as she picked out a tuft of brown hair, and clearly humanish features. “Dammit”

“Hey, was there anyone else in here?”

This question was directed at Vashi, who had disentangled herself from the horsehead and was busy bashing it into non-animation with the end of her staff. Glancing at Liaena, her interests in playing up the magnitude of the host they had quelled clearly overwhelmed her sensitivities in talking to a human. “Ohhh, yeah. They ran in fear rather than face the wrath of my Mistress. Human filth, fel na-thar!”


Cupping a hand around a bleeding injury on her chest, Serphia was clearly injured and pretending that she didn’t care. Liaena walked over to the elf to stop in front of her about a meter away, just about out of grabbing range. Looking at Serphia she studied the elf’s body language carefully, ready to beat a rapid retreat backwards if she spontaneously decided to make a lunge for her. “I could take a look at that for you”

Giving the growing spread of blood a pointed look; Liaena looked up to meet Serphia’s eyes and raised an eyebrow at her. From the glare she received in return, it was probably a massive elven faux pas to insinuate that the great and powerful sentinel captain was even capable of shedding blood, much less to a mere human. If that were in fact true, Liaena couldn’t bring herself to care as she spread out her arms in the universal ‘shrug’ motion. “You know. If you want me to.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithy
Avatar of Rithy


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Serphia glared back at Liaena's offer of help with utter suspicion, eyeing her as if the human had just offered her a cup of poison.

"Ehh, I can fix it." Vashi suddenly intruded as she stepped up to the two women, before tilting her head over to Liaena.
"But I would work better with an assistant. And I have no medical supplies."

Vashi explained as she motioned towards her garbs and armor, which consisted little more than enchanted trinkets and the occasional sheet of scribbles.

"I can help too!" Rithrynn exclaimed!


The Sentinel's offer was immediately shot out of the sky by both Vashi and Serphia simultaneously, at which point Rithrynn slowly lowered her hand as she cast a shy look at the group, before stepping back and turning away.

Serphia bit the inside of her cheek as she gazed at the pair. She didn't like mages. She didn't like humans. Yet they were the only ones she had to really help her in the situation. The last thing she wanted to was having to enlist the aid of Rithrynn or any of the other sisters in the room. Honest and loyal as they may be, when it came to first aid or even medicine in general she'd rather rely on a blind ogre! The latter would probably be considerably less painful as well.

"I really can't leave the wound. Not here, in a stinking human sewer."

"Very well." Serphia finally said, a sense of hesitation in her voice before the Captain stood up and walked over to a fallen rock to sit down on it. Vashi quickly stepped over to her Captain, pulling Liaena with her. The Magi placed herself strategically next to the Captain where she was least likely of being hit by any of Serphia's knee jerk reaction when they began. Serphia unbuttoned her silk adorned woolen coat around the wound to give Vashi and Liaena access to the wound.

"What weapon?"

Vashi asked as she peered at the wound, as deep purple blood was still gushing out of it.

"Firearm. The coward's weapon, of course."

"Yes, I know. It's a dishonorable weapon." Vashi said with a sympathetic voice as she brought up a dagger, summoning a small flame under it to heat it up.
"At least they cannot hold more than one bullet, and are slow. Imagine if they could ever hold more than that; it would be the day all skill and dignity disappeared from the world!"

Suddenly pausing, Vashi peered at Liaena.

"I'll cast a magnetic spell to pull the bullet out... "

"If you pull out anything more than that, I WILL kill you, Vashi... "

Vashi's eyes twitched towards her Captain at the sound of her warning, though her head stood facing Liaena nonetheless. It was no secret that Serphia had never been a great fan of magic users in general, and considering that she was about to receive a medical treatment by a mage and a monkey, it was safe to assume that the Captain was anything but thrilled at the situation.
Eventually returning her gaze to Liaena, the Magi continued.

" ... I'll pull it out. Once I do, you help me with the wound. You have some bandages and antiseptics, do you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The fact that Serphia had even let Liaena come close to her without flinging the girl across the room was a miracle by itself. Sharon watched the trio closely, with the same intensity as if Liaena had been in the process of disabling a giant bomb.

“I have some medical supplies, if you need any.” Sharon said as he walked over to the group, offering his medical satchel to Liaena.
There was little denying that Serphia possessed a remarkable toughness. A gunshot wound like that would have left most people lying on the ground and writhing in pain, and possibly a lot of panic as well.

The fact that Serphia was still walking about with nothing less than a slight hindrance certainly helped reinforce the image of Serphia as a nail eating, unstoppable Jaggernaut in Sharon’s eyes.

“After we’re done here, it might be best to return to the Inn. I doubt there is much else that we’ll be able to find in this sewer. Especially without someone who knows the way.”

“There’s a lot of animal bones here, Sharon.” Lord Greymoon commented as he walked around the room, kicking the occasional goat skull around.
“And I highly doubt they were conjured out of thin air. These villains may have bought or stolen them from somewhere. Perhaps a butcher shop in Stormwind.”

“Why do they even need so many bones? Surely there’s easier ways to create a death trap.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“You have some bandages and antiseptics, do you?”


Unrolling a roll of bandages from Sharons supply as she spoke, Liaena was studying the wound closely, looking back at Vashi at her suggestion. Producing a pad of cotton wool, she dripped some liquid from a bottle onto it carefully, which promptly began to smoke. “Fine…just don’t overdo it. Else we’ll be picking the bullet out of you instead”

There was a stifled snort of laughter from an eavesdropping Rithrynn at Liaena telling somebody not to ‘overdo it’. Liaena shot her a half-hearted scowl in response, before returning her attention to Serphia sardonically as Vashi readied her spell: “Just stay still….and this’ll only hurt a lot”


With a ping, a small shard of lethal metal ripped itself way free to shoot off at considerable velocity and embed itself into a wall somewhere. In very much character with her grizzled determinator persona and to her credit, Serphia didn’t make a sound. As blood gushed forth Liaena slapped the cotton pad on and applied pressure, causing it to hiss and smoke even more enthusiastically. Exactly what the ‘antiseptic’ was, few could say. But it certainly hurt….more than a lot.

As the hissing slowly ebbed away, so too did the flow of purple blood now soaking through the pad. Liaena applied another pad of cotton wool on top of the first one, pinning it to a bandage which was then wound around Serphia’s midriff, covering the wound several more times before finally being tied off. Liaena fumbled with the ends of the linen slightly in her grubby fingers before managing to tie a knot as she looked up at Serphia with a smile. “You should probably change these when we get out of here, but the wound’s clean. Not so bad, was it?”

Looking at Serphia’s face, Liaena noted the slightly red glint in her eyes as the elven captain stared balefully down at the tiny human.

“Not sure if going to get punched…or not”

“Nothing a seasoned Veteran like yourself couldn’t handle, I’m sure”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While the main center of attention in the room was centered around Serphia and the healing act, Donald peered carefully around from underneath his hood. He was still being held by one of the large Night Elves, but had chosen to remain weak and not attempt any resistance. There was no reason to give his captor any reason to increase the strength on her grip on him unless he knew he could get away.

The assassin managed to observe that the Night Elf's attention seemed to be mainly focused on her Captain, and not on him.
The door was not too far away either, as the sentinel who was holding him had been last into the room, and only taken a few steps away from the door.

"You won't get any better chances than this to escape, Donald. Who knows what they did to Esmeralda? I can't let them take me back!"

Gently fiddling with his wrist, he managed to conjure a small glass bottle from his sleeve and push it out into his hand.
Making a final, careful observation of the crowd in the room to make sure that no one were suspecting him; he uncorked the bottle and dropped it.

A loud 'hiss' could be heard as the contents of the bottle contacted with the air. Before the Night Elf holding him had time to look down, the glass suddenly exploded in a cloud of thick, orange smoke that made it hard to breathe and caused her eyes to water on contact.
Using the distraction generated by the smoke bomb, Donald suddenly burst into action and tore himself out of the Night Elf's grip. He closed his eyes and mouth as he ran through the dissipating cloud, but he had memorized every step they had taken into the room; and finding the door was easy as the assassin leaped through it and dashed like mad down the stairs.

The sooner he could get to the tunnels below, the sooner he could escape the crazy elves!

"Maybe another time, Sharon! Haha!" Donald called out as he ran down the stairs, exhilarated and chock full on adrenaline after his escape attempt seemed to have worked! Now he just had to disappear!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Serphia had not emitted as much as a slight grimace during the healing process. But when her eyes eventually returned to Liaena after having been gazing past her and Vashi, they looked bloodshot past their silver shimmer.
Although her face was cold and hard as steel, every single muscle of the Captain's body was tense, much to the dismay of Falere who at the moment probably didn't feel much better than Serphia herself. Even though Captain gave no obvious sign of immediate discomfort, it was pretty clear that from the lack of words all her energies were focused on not showing any weakness in the presence of Vashi and Liaena.

"You probably want to take it slow from now on. The wound needs rest, and we need to keep it clean for the regenerative salve to be applied once we get back." Vashi tried to explain to her Captain, but it was all for naught when the assassin in the custody of Sentinel Leila suddenly wrestled himself from her grip and fled. When she saw this, Serphia immediately bounced off the rock to stand up, knocking Vashi over in the process.


Donald's audacious escape attempt had caused an immediate reaction from the other elves in the room; as their necks immediately snapped around as they turned to see Donald escape through the fading gas cloud.
The looks on the elves face carried a strong reminiscent to that of a line of war dogs that had just seen a cat sprint away!

Although Serphia had seemed like she was about to charge after the fleeing assassin herself, she instead leaned back towards the wall; holding a hand over the bandage with a slight grimace on her face.

"Ash fe'Nar belenar, O dei! SHAAAAAAI!" Sounded a combined warcry from Rithrynn, Shani and Leia as all three sentinels immediately charged after the assassin through the cloud that was now almost gone. With weapons drawn, swords glistering with sharpness and cruel arrows at the ready, the sentinels charged full of zeal down through the stairs after Donald, hellbent on capturing him on the Captain's orders.

"Y-you mustn't move about so much, mistress!" Vashi stammered as she scrambled to her feet after having been knocked over, the Night Elven magi throwing her Captain a look of concern.
"Let your warriors do th,-"

"What are you, the master of the obvious?!"

The Captain sneered angrily back at Vashi, clearly unhappy about her current situation. Eventually; after having just barked Vashi down; the Captain's eyes drifted over to Sharon, as she had noticed the gash on the High Elf's hand.

"And shouldn't you be tending to the High Elf's wound now? I said we'd keep him alive, and I don't intend to change that now."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liaena scooted over to plant herself firmly in between Vashi and Sharon, giving the elf a glare cold enough to freeze the sewer as she turned to look at both of them. “No, that’s okay. I’ve got it”

Although no harsh words were being flung as of yet, Liaena was not-so-subtly fuming to herself as she turned to Sharon and unrolled another length of bandage. Instead of using the acidic concoction she had unleashed on Serphia, she smeared a greenish tincture into the underside of the cotton pad after a long, close look at the injury to check for any diseases or poisons that could be taking effect. This felt chilly, and slightly slimy, but no burning pain. “Possibly, a better way of keeping him safe would be to stop sending his bodyguards to chase shadows like crazed lemmings”


“I’m sorry, but you abandoned him earlier? Remember!?” Liaena brushed off Sharon’s beginning attempts at damage control to take a half step towards Serphia as her voice rose in anger. “You let everyone get split up, probably exactly as they had planned. You nearly got killed, and so did he. And now we were finally together, you send them all off AGAIN! FOR ONE HUMAN! One. Normal. Human.”

Liaena’s voice had dropped to an angry hiss as she paused over her final sentence. “One human. Meanwhile we have an undead, a ghast, whatever it was that beat you up and a death knight all gunning for Sharon. You’re injured, so is Sharon, Vashi’s one mage and I don’t know what you expect me to do. I thought you were supposed to be a tactician
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I thought you were supposed to be a tactician!”

"Oh no.... "

Sharon's skin gained a slight pale tint as he followed the heated argument between Serphia and Liaena. Although the High Elf agreed with Liaena's points, the human girl's way of conveying her message was unnecessarily colorful. As much as her emotions may have been justified in the greater scheme of all things, they were not helping the diplomacy one bit.


The High Elf stepped forward, walking up besides Liaena and placing one arm around her shoulder as he gazed up at Serphia. The Captain's gaze was usually not warm or comfortable, but right now; it was utterly chilling, and it felt as if it pierced right through his mortal body and into his soul!

"What she means to say is that she appreciates your work. But, she is still shaken after having almost been carried off by one of the corpseless dead." Sharon explained as he motioned towards Liaena.
"But now we should get out of here. And would it not be better if we stayed together? One assassin isn't truly worth risking the whole group's safety, don't you agree?"

While Sharon and Serphia were talking, Greymoon had walked up to the spectating Vashi. The old man motioned for the elf's attention.

"Greetings, noble Kaldorei. If I may ask for a favor. I am in need of your power." The old man said, before he turned and pointed up towards the balcony that Sevarian and Serphia had fought on earlier.
"Could you help me get up there? I wish to see what is up there. If you would be so kind... "
"Light curse me!" Donald hissed as he glanced behind him, only to see three Night Elves closing in. They were fast, and their long legs were catching up to him rapidly. The assassin was agile, leaping across small rocks and obstacles as he escaped through the tunnels. But the Nigh Elves were not sluggish either, and seemed as unhindered as himself by the environment in the sewer.
He was running through a maze of narrow corridors, barely tall enough for the Night Elves to stand in without crashing their heads into the low corridor roof. The stone walls and floor was slick, filled with various assortments of slug and fungi that decorated the corridors.

Donald took a quick turn to the side when the another tunnel appeared to the right, escaping into, with Shani and Leia hot on his heels.

But as Rithrynn was about to charge in after her sisters, a figure suddenly appeared further up in the corridor where the tunnel split in two. Stepping out from one of the tunnels was a silver haired man wearing a black, silver trimmed shoulder cloak over a black coat. His hair, much like his skin, was pale as snow, and ran down to behind his neck. He appeared to be a High Elf, judging by his pointy ears and slim figure.

As he passed the corridor leading to Rithrynn, Sherpa turned around to see the Nigh Elf. His blue, greyish eyes met with hers, but remained motionless. The High Elf didn't seem to react to her presence at all, as he merely turned his head back to the corridor ahead and walked away, until he disappeared out of sight again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vashi had been watching the conversation when Greymoon suddenly approached her, asking her for a lift. At first, the Night Elven Magi wasn't sure; but as she saw the temper of the debate rising, Vashi realized that the less she had to do with the conversation between Liaena and the Captain, the better!

"Oh, I can!" She quickly said, turning to face the human noble. Pointing her staff at the man, she muttered a short enchantment, and suddenly Lord Greymoon would himself being raised up from the ground as if by invisible hands.
Controlling the spell with her staff, Vashi pulled the human up into the air and moved him carefully over towards the balcony before she cancelled the spell, allowing the old man to land safely on the ledge.

Meanwhile, at the actual conversation; Serphia's face looked nothing but outright offended, as if the intrepid little human had just called her very honor into question. Glaring down at the human with eyes burning with righteous anger, the Captain stepped forward as well. The Captain towered over the short human girl, dwarfing her presence in the room with that of her own.

"Are you calling me reckless?" Serphia asked as she glared down at the human. Any attempt from Sharon to defuse the situation failed as Serphia seemed to ignore his very existence at the moment. It seemed like in Serphia's world, the only two things that existed right now was Liaena, and her divine resentment towards the former.

"I have known war for over a millennium - something your short lived human brain cannot even begin to comprehend. I have fought against degenerated beasts, hellish demons, the undying legions of the scourge and the savage animals of the Horde. And in every single fight, I have endured."

Serphia leaned forward, lowering herself a little as to peer down into Liaena's face.

"I know how to gauge the enemy. We may have suffered injuries, but they have lost scores of their own. I know how you humans think. You like to sit in your stone castles, avoid conflict whenever possible, and avoid the killing ground. Your unwillingness to risk danger is the reason your kingdoms fell. It is the reason why you never managed to exterminate the orcs. You may know the importance of defense, but you have no notion of attack. If you do not finish your enemy, it will run away, lick their wounds, and come again. Again, and again, and again."

Serphia glared at Liaena, before standing back up again.

"I will get out of here. Don't give me any reason to regret that decision."


Rithrynn immediately saw the mysterious man at the end of the corridor and spontaneously raised her bow and arrow at the ready to fire. But that was when she suddenly catched a glimpse of the elf's face, and recognized who it was!

"By Elune?!"

In that moment, every single thought in Rithrynn's head had immediately evaporated when she recognized that it was Sherpa, and her heart skipped a beat.

The Nigh Elf merely stared in surprised as Sherpa for the few seconds he was visible, before he disappeared around the other corner. It was not until he had done so that Rithrynn suddenly let go off her arrow without a thought, letting it fly through the air and pin itself into the bricks of the wall behind where Sherpa just had stood. It took a moment for Rithrynn to realize what had just happened, or that she had even fired off an arrow for that matter.

"Shani! Leia!" Rithrynn called out into the tunnel where her sisters had previously gone in pursuit of the fleeing assassin, but she got no response. They were probably far away already in their hunt for the assassin.

At that moment, the Night Elf felt a strong sense of ambivalence. A part of her itched to pursue Sherpa through the tunnel. But another part of her wanted her to follow her sisters instead, which would probably be a lot safer.
But if she did, she would also lose this potential opportunity. She had not seen Sherpa in ages, and she had so many questions! What was he doing in the sewers? Was he involved with the assassins? Was Liaena right?

RIthrynn wasn't even sure if what she had seen was real, or if she was just imagining things, but she decided against her better instincts to follow.
For all she knew, it might just have been another one of the assassins she had mistaken for Sherpa. In any case, she did not intend to take any unnecessary risks and placed another arrow into her bow before she quickly walked down through the sewer tunnel in the direction that she had last seen Sherpa go. Sherpa had been walking after all, so she should be able to catch up with him shortly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liaena glared stonily up into Serphia’s face. Despite having a very large, angry Night Elf looming over her she did not back down. “That wasn’t the enemy. That was some random, hired, useless mercenary. And even if you kill him, there’s more than enough mercs-for-hire in this city for Sherpa to send after you, ‘again, and again, and again’. We have a guild for it!”

Ticking off the first point angrily on her hand, Liaena’s voice started to rise angrily again. “Secondly, lets assume that he knows anything useful at all and this isn’t a complete waste of time. I’ve seen Rithrynn take down four, five people at once without breaking a sweat, why would you send your entire SQUAD after one man? It makes no sense! And thirdly--”

Turning towards the balcony above them with Lord Graymoon on it, Liaena stabbed a furious finger towards it. “—if there was a dark mage or something up there, they’d be a part of Sherpa’s inner circle, they’re not so replaceable, and they might actually know something about what’s going on! WHY, wouldn’t you chase HIM, instead!?”


A brief silence followed. Serphia looked one step away from ripping off heads, while Liaena glowered silently at her as her rage slowly cooled.

“This is stupid. It’s not as though I can make any difference at this point”

“…Did you find anything at all?” Liaena called up to Graymoon, taking a step away from Serphia as she looked up at the balcony. To Serphia, she spared a brief disparaging glance. “—and fourthly, you should sit down, or you’ll make the wound start bleeding again”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
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Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“…Did you find anything at all?”

"Look at me, I am now a wizard, Sharon!" Lord Greymoon called out. Having disappeared into the small tunnel on the balcony above, the human lord suddenly re emerged and held two pieces of a chopped darkwood staff. He he waved them through the air, before suddenly throwing them down on to the floor where they rolled around at the party's feet.

Sharon seemed to be the only person in the room to react to Greymoon throwing the staff off the balcony, as the High Elf immediately jumped back instinctively as both pieces of the staff clattered against the stone floor.

"Richard, have you lost your mind?! You DO NOT THROW MAGICAL ARTIFACTS AROUND LIKE THAT!" Sharon called back angrily, before staring down at the broken staff lying on the floor.
"You could have cursed us all... "


Thankfully, Lord Greymoon's primitive handling of the magical staff didn't seem to have caused any major catastrophy. Sharon walked over to the broken pieces and picked the piece with the shaft up. He studied the dark wood and shaft, and he saw a purple gem fixed between warped wood at the end of the staff. Peering closely at the jewelry, he noticed a slight, white mist shifting calmly back and forth in the gem. As he held the shaft closer to his face, he could see the white fog inside the gem slowly move towards him as it scraped against the surface of the gem in his direction.

Moving the staff away from him again, Sharon turned back to the group.

"A staff of the unholy. Presumably from the death discipline."

"I found a small room up here as well, Sharon. Books and scrolls. Looks like a storage of some sort." Greymoon called back down to Sharon. The High Elf nodded, before peering around in the dark room they stood in.

"If this is what I think it is... " Sharon muttered, before raising his own silver staff.

Walking towards the center of the room, Sharon muttered an enchantment as he went, before slowly moving his staff through the air around him over the floor.

A low humming noise could suddenly be heard in the room, as glowing, green signs began to appear on the surface of the floor. They seemed washed and spread out, but they roughly represented various patterns of circles, letters and signs written around. They seemed to be all over the room, appearing under their feet and filling the room with a slight, cursed green haze.

"This hall might be a study, if I am not mistaken."
As Rithrynn followed Sherpa, she soon found herself in a long, narrow hallway. The room was barely lit at all, and had multiple supportive columns running along the side. The walls on either side were bent inwards, and pitch dark. The air was humid and wet, the floors and walls slick. This part of the sewer was much darker and colder, making it difficult even for a Night Elf to see.

An ice cold breeze blew through the empty hallway, which sounded like an inaudible whisper.

As Rithrynn walked cautiously through the hallway with her bow, she could suddenly hear a footstep behind her, and a single name uttered.

"Rithrynn?" Sounded Sherpa's voice. Standing five feet behind her was the High Elf, emerging out of the pitch black shadows of the corners. In fact, it almost seemed as if the shadows themselves were fading from him on their own will, and retreating back into the darkness that surrounded them.
Sherpa gazed at Rithrynn with a puzzled expression from where he stood. His left arm was covered by his shoulder cloak, but it seemed as if his hand was resting on something beneath it, possibly the hilt of a blade still in its scabbard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Serphia looked like she was on the brink of exploding in Liaena’s presence. Fuming with rage, she suddenly launched her arm forth like a cannonball, grabbing Liaena by her collar and lifting her up from the ground.

“I have had it with your insolence you little shaine o’ferarn! Dain!” Serphia sneered as she shook Liaena back and forth around in the air.

But the Captain’s attention was suddenly diverted from the helpless human and onto the High Elf as Sharon ignited the unholy ritualistic circles spread out across the room.
This sudden act of magic seemed to shock the Captain as her jaw dropped for a moment.

“What are you doing, Quel’Dorei!?”

Serphia suddenly let go of Liaena, allowing the human to fall down to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Her chainmail may have been a boon against an attack, but it did not help very much against the forces of gravity. Rather, it was perhaps the opposite, as she crashed into the floor.

Walking over to Sharon, Serphia threw him an angry look.

“What is this supposed to mean!” The Captain demanded to know. It was one thing to tolerate magi. It was a completely different thing to tolerate magi who cast dangerous spells around her without as much as giving her a warning!
“This place is cursed! Leave it!”


Rithrynn immediately spun around, but froze in her track when she suddenly recognized Sherpa.

“Sherr?!” She gasped. Accidentally letting go of her arrow, it immediately flew straight past Sherpa’s head, the wind from the arrow gently pulling some of his hair back as it passed no more than a few inches away from him.

“Daaarnnnn it… “

“Uhm… sorry, I shot yo-, no, I mean, sorry. I did not intend to do that!” Rithrynn was quick to explain as Sherpa stared in the space next to his head where the arrow had just passed. Had he merely been standing a few inches to the left, it might very well have traveled through his skull!

Placing her bow around her torso, Rithrynn took two steps forward towards the High Elf, before pausing.

“Sherpa… what are you doing here?” Rithrynn asked with a bewildered look on her face.
“Are you… are you in league with the assassins?!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Feychild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was with a fairly loud, slightly metallic crash that Liaena hammered into the floor, just as the room lit up with the intricate runes and damned inscriptions carved and painted into the stone tiles. The light shone between her fingers and through her palms, lighting up her face in a ghastly green glow.

Liaena froze. A scream that began in her lungs, got caught in her throat and was nothing more than a strangled squeak when it finally left her lips. Sudden, irrational terror was filling her up but she couldn’t seem to find the ability to move as horrified eyes scanned the runes lining the edges of the pentacle she had been unceremoniously dropped into. Some of them meant absolutely nothing to her, others she found that she immediately understood. Those would be the ones that she remembered drawing.

As vague memories flashed through her mind, Liaena was suddenly absolutely convinced that she had died once in a damned ritual circle just like this. More than once. Twice, three times, more times than she count. Every memory was from a different place, with different people and different circumstances, but they all had the same paralysing terror attached to them and ended with a flare of agony –

While her mind was busy getting underway with a massive freak-out, her body had finally managed to receive the order to move and reacted accordingly. Liaena shot to her feet, backpeddling away from the green mist until something behind her got in her way, which in this case happened to be a giant mound of cow bones that she then fell over. Falling backwards into a heap of leg bones and cloven hooves, the green lights vanished at nearly exactly the same time as the result of a much-pissed Serphia and a chastened Sharon, returning the room to its original gloom.

Sitting on a rib cage, Liaena found that she was shaking like a leaf. Her hands were trembling uncontrollably as she reached up to shake knuckle bones and teeth out of her hair, then went down to fumble with her satchel and pull a vial out of it. The memories were much less vivid, but they were still there in the background, like an unpleasant childhood memory that you tried not to think about. Liaena tried not to think about them.

“They’re not mine. Not mine. Not mine.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sinerathin
Avatar of Sinerathin

Sinerathin Purveyor of Terrible Solutions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Do not worry yourself, this is just a simple, harmless survey spell, Captain. Not a,-"

"Turn it off!"

"Alright, alright." Sharon eventually decided, not wanting to get into an argument with Serphia. Ceasing the spell, the runes and circles that had once appeared all around them vanished just as quickly as they had appeared, and the room turned back to its original state.

Looking around at the others in the room, Sharon realized that the spell may not have garnered the best of wishes from the magic phobic Night Elves, all of whom seemed rather upset after his little act. Well, all except Vashi, who almost seemed fascinated, for which she should probably feel lucky that Serphia had her back turned to her.
But the spell had also had another benefit, as Serphia had at least left Liaena alone. Something that made Sharon feel justified in scaring the entire room, at least. It was all for a good goal, which raised it above a childish prank.

"Greymoon, take whatever looks valuable and bring it with us. We will leave as soon as possible." Sharon called out to Greymoon, before the High Elf turned and walked over to the pile of bones where Liaena was lying. It almost looked like a horrific version of a balloon chair where she sat in the pile of bones.

"Liaena, are you alright?" The High Elf asked as he approached the human, as the girl seemed to be fiddling frantically with a potion of some sorts. Leaning forward over the heap of bones, Sharon extended his hand to help her up.
"Let's leave this place, shall we?"
"That was... more exciting than I'd have wanted it to be... "

Sherpa thought as he silently gazed in the direction that RIthrynn's arrow had flown. The only thing worse than a gook with poor trigger discipline was a gook with poor trigger discipline coupled with excellent aim!
But even though Rithrynn had been mere inches from impaling his head with another one of the Night Elves ridiculously oversized arrows, Sherpa shrugged it off. It was not like Rithrynn had loaded another arrow into her bow yet. What more harm could she do?


That might have been a foolishly naive question, Sherpa suddenly realized..

"There are a lot of things going on, Rithrynn... " Sherpa slowly began to talk in a calm voice, despite almost having died a second ago.
"But, here; I lack the time to tell you, I am afraid."

Taking a few more steps forward, Sherpa now stood right in front of Rithrynn. Staring at her for a moment, the High Elf suddenly let forth a smile as he looked up at the tall Night Elf.

"It is good to see you again, Rithrynn."
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