"And why have you been shrunk?”
"That... " Sharon spoke, before hesitating for a moment as he looked at Thea.
" ... is a long story."
Indeed, the older Priestess seemed more than eager to put the attention on someone else after her little incident with the Runeblade, something which was quite understandable.
"So this is the woman Liaena has been complaining about."
"I partook in the raid on Honor's Watch. The capture of your apprentice, Kathlin, was partly the result of a personal feud of mine. I therefore brought together allies, including the Night Elves that you have met already, to create a force that could penetrate the keep and save her."
Sharon explained in his usual calm manner, motioning towards Kathlin as he spoke of the captured apprentice.
"As for my current... stature, it was simply convenient at the time of the infiltration." Sharon reasoned, nodding his head as he left out the bit where Liaena had blown up her potion supply, including the antitode!
"I am not much of a climber. And as you probably know, the keep is located atop of a tall reef. Fortunately, it was no problem for our Kaldorei friends to scale those walls."
Sharon motioned towards Aleena and Lithrielle, as well as Rithrynn.
"Without their help, I doubt we would have been able to save your apprentice before my brother could complete his ritual."
At that time, Sharon felt that any PR capital he could give the Night Elves would be a good thing, as he had a lingering suspicion they would waste it on first occasion! After all, the longer he could keep them from being chased out of the city with torches and pitchforks, the better he would fare against his brother, who after all had his own private army!
They may have succeeded in their raid on Honor's Keep, but it mattered little if they lost the battle for the public opinion!