Avatar of SirBeowulf
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    1. SirBeowulf 11 yrs ago


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Current It might be three inches, but it smells like a foot.


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And then, there was silence. A silence unbeknownst to mankind. A pure, deadly silence.
Please do not take my knowledge of breasts to be serious. I know nothing of them except that they are round and generally attractive. I have my sources, though. Also, a quick question. Since the pirated version of the game is more difficult, will the pain system be turned up as well?
And, introductory post from Wes! Don't worry, he's not into that kind of fetish. That'd just be really weird.
A rather lusty and buxom woman stood among various stalls, mostly glancing at the many weapons most them held. Only a few hours in, and the person behind the avatar was extremely bored. As expected, starting over from a fresh character was never any fun. No special weapons, no enhanced armor, just the basic leather armor that newbies received when they started up the game. At least he had a bit of fun, tricking some hound dogs with his choice of character. Tall, blonde, big chest. Sort of an amazonian woman that a lot of hopeless people balked at. It was really just to get an odd laugh out of them. That and to test out the capabilities that the Nerve Gear had and how it all felt so real. His only problem was how heavy the damn things were. He had no idea how women dealt with them all the time. Of course, as of recently he had found he had been unable to change characters, as the log out button was gone. And then the bells began to toll. Soon enough, the entire starting town was filled with the inhabitants of the game so far. Every last one. It was starting to get uncomfortable, seeing as every meter of space was filled with at least one person. It was even worse as panic began to spread as it was soon revealed that something was going down. The red bubble over their heads with the apparition of a giant robed man surely didn't help. Wes had done a tiny bit of reading on the man. And by tiny bit of reading, that would be the back of the case. Kayaba Akihito, developer of SOA. He clenched his feminine hands in anger as he listened intently to the man. He didn't have time for the kind of bullshit being spouted. Only did he stop when he heard of a certain gift. A mirror had found its way into his inventory, and, being like most everyone else, he was gullible enough to pull it out. Flashes broke out through the crowd, and one burst came from himself. A second later, the tall ox of a man stood well over most of the young people in the crowd. Thankfully enough, the leather armor seemed to have fitted to his size. With a sigh, Wes leaned against the stall he was standing next to. Someone was going to pay, but not now. He looked down at his waist to the short sword that looked pitifully small, barely more than a dagger. He was going to need to find a bigger weapon.
> ### STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY WIZARD POWERS. But... muh wizurdry! Ah must mejik missel! And thanks for accepting me, I tossed my sheet into the linked character database. As for all the other stuff, I know I'm really going away from the pure aspect of SOA with my homebrewing, but sue me. Wes likes big swards.
**Real Name:** Wes Shanks. **Character Name:** Also Wes Shanks. He kept his name. It's kind of stupid to go around being called names like WYVERN or ABDULIUS THE THIRD. **Age:** Thirty-two. Yeah, a real old guy. Not like all you youngsters playing yer god dern virdyergerms. **Gender:** Pretty sure he's a guy, but there's always a small chance. **Appearance:** At first glance, you might think you're standing in front of a bear. Standing at roughly six feet five, Wes is an ox of a guy. Years of construction work and going to the gym on a daily basis have honed his body into the pile of muscle that it is. He really does stand out of place among most Japanese people. Of course, also being bald and having rough sideburns usually are enough to do that in the first place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![The Wessinator Himself](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/134/3/8/hammer_by_ashmantle-d4zqjeo.jpg "Wes Shanks") **Beta Tester:** Surprisingly, yes. A construction worker can get fairly addicted to a game like this. **Personality:** He's an asshole. Always has been, always will be. At least he's a decently nice asshole. He won't just go and steal your lunch money, he'll find someway to mess with you. He's the kind of asshole who's enough of an asshole to infuriate some people, but not enough that you'll actually do anything about it. Of course, that doesn't mean he's just an asshole. Wes is generally a brawling drunk, preferring to stick to taverns and the front line. Nothing is better than bashing monsters and downing fake booze. Well, at least it tastes generally good. Its the most life you can get out of a video game, so he sticks to it. **Background:** Being as it is Japan had been rapidly expanding in recent years, it would have been stupid not to make the move over and immigrate. Construction was being hauled over from America to Japan faster than you can say 'LAY-OFFS' and Wes, being the rather smart guy he is, made the trip. It wasn't too hard to get used to the strange and foreign culture that is Japan. It really wasn't too different, at least in terms of building homes and what not. The people were relatively nicer, and it was certainly a breath of fresh air compared to America. Of course, getting with the times, a few coworkers decided to hook him up with a set of VR equipment and a copy of the Beta for SOA. Surprisingly, Wes was hooked within his first few hours. He experimented mostly with different characters, different play styles, but none of them were really all too great. The only one that sparked his interest was being a berserker. Going in guns blazing, wearing little armor and wielding swords, axes, and hammers. Of course, being hooked to the game turned out to be a rather bad thing as soon as he purchased himself a bad copy. It was the cheaper option, and he didn't make much in the first place. It really turned out to be a horrible mistake as he was soon stuck. **Three Main Skills:** - Ultra Greatswords - The ability to wield giant ass swords. Pretty much key in his ability to wield the Dragonslayer. - Light Armor - Pretty much what it says. Wes was never a fan of the heavy armor that most guild leaders wear. It just doesn't fit his style. - Incredible Endurance - The ability to keep fighting, even after you've taken huge hits. **Special Skill:** Wes doesn't have a special skill. Being able to wield his weapon is in itself a special ability. **Other Skills:** Wes really doesn't have any skills other than fighting and drinking. He spent more time increasing his strength than he did pursuing crafting or cooking. Fishing is for losers anyways. **Current Weapon:** [The Dragonslayer.](http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111209210853/berserk/images/thumb/5/5c/Dragonslayer_Coloured.jpg/498px-Dragonslayer_Coloured.jpg) A mass of iron that appears to be so large and heavy it would be unable to be used by a human. Of course, that's what the devs want to you think. Wes found the weapon for extremely cheap while browsing the markets. Nobody would buy the weapon since the stat requirements were so damn high for it. It seems a sword taller than yourself might be a bit hard to use. Of course, if you're Wes, no strength requirement is too high. It took a very long time, but finally Wes was able to wield the weapon. As expected, the weapon is a bit slow. Of course, it easily makes up for this fact by the massive damage it can inflict on an enemy, even without any special enchantments or upgrades. Getting hit by it is like getting hit by a truck. (If you're wondering how it might be used, just search on youtube for Dark Souls 2 Ultra Greatsword Moveset and watch for the second one. ) **Current Armor:** Pfft. Armor is for- well, armor is kind of useful. Wes doesn't really have much, its more or less a metal chest plate with leather for all of the rest. He's already slowed down enough as it is. **Guild Status:** As one might expect of Wes, he doesn't belong to any particular guild. Rather, he extends his services to anyone looking to hire him. Sort of a mercenary, if you will. **Play Style:** Pure berserker. Charge in head first, deal with the consequences later. Serves as a bit of tank, as most enemies will be focused on him instead of anyone else. Wes enjoys the bounty of Kyle's milkshake. It tastes rather delicious.
> .-. You know, Mira would call Wes hot, then say PEDO And this is why Wes stays away from lolis. THEY'RE UP TO NO GOOD I TELL YOU.
Damn you, Kyle. How dare you steal all of the wizard powers without leaving some for the rest of us. ;__; i wanted to be gandalf
Yeah, but will you be up for tonight? Its kind of funny how we can talk with sixteen hours between any messages. Rather neat.
Eh, the list they have up on the wiki isn't really a complete one. At least I'm not throwing in magic fireballs or anything.
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