Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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What do you mean can't edit?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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> What do you mean can't edit? You can't edit posts made before the update.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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> > What do you mean can't edit? > > You can't edit posts made before the update. Oh wow, that is weird. I never knew that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

> > > What do you mean can't edit? > > > > You can't edit posts made before the update. > > Oh wow, that is weird. I never knew that. It's because of the BBCode/QQCode not being used for the site at the moment. Mahz explains it in his Dev Journal Thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

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@SirBeowulf ULTRA GREATSWORD?! ULTRA GREATSWORD?! That's fine, just sounds like an extra-skill. Endurance isn't really a skill but, it's fine if your character invests in related stats, so you need not change it. Maybe add 'Battle Healing' to the list? You don't really need to change anything if you don't wish to - accepted :) --- ### STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY WIZARD POWERS. --- @HounderHowl You did, although I would have preferred it if you'd posted it here. No matter. Only two points to make in regards to your character: 1. The CS is a little bare. Are you planning to reveal things at a later date? If not, it would be nice to flesh it out slightly more. 2. The special skill is alright but I'd like it scaled down slightly. Loose the defense increase and add a limitation. AgentFallenSoul's character has a similar ability but included "It last for thirty seconds, after which he is rendered useless and must either pull out of battle or die". Could you also say how you acquired it (weapon, quest, bug, etc.) please. --- @AgentFallenSoul Speaking of the devil! AoT reference was not subtle! In regards to Aren: 1. Your special skill sounds interesting, however it reads as though to re-use she needs only to sheath her blade. I'd rather there be a cool-down time or a limit to the amount uses per fight. 2. Unless your character has an equipment skill (leather, light metal or heavy metal) they cannot use armour. Please could everyone remember this. In regards to Jaegar: 1. Could I be a pain and ask you to rename the set/skill from 'Thingy's Berserker' to 'Thingy's Somethingelse'? Just to avoid confusion with Hawke's Beserker Spear and Beserker Skill. Otherwise the skill is fine, just be cautious not to make it OP during the rp. --- @LokiLeo Ah, bummer! I normally save my CS on a Word Document in case of situations like this. --- ### First post is written, albeit poorly. I'm not sure whether I should post it with the current formatting or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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> @AgentFallenSoul > Speaking of the devil! AoT reference was not subtle! In regards to Aren: > 1. Your special skill sounds interesting, however it reads as though to re-use she needs only to sheath her blade. I'd rather there be a cool-down time or a limit to the amount uses per fight. > 2. Unless your character has an equipment skill (leather, light metal or heavy metal) they cannot use armour. Please could everyone remember this. > > In regards to Jaegar: > 1. Could I be a pain and ask you to rename the set/skill from 'Thingy's Berserker' to 'Thingy's Somethingelse'? Just to avoid confusion with Hawke's Beserker Spear and Beserker Skill. Otherwise the skill is fine, just be cautious not to make it OP during the rp. > PSHHHHHHH I have no idea what reference you're talking about (<.<) (>.>), Also i changed everything you asked, is there anything else you want me to change that you forgot to say earlier?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HounderHowl
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**Real Name (Optional):**Chuck Lorens **Character Name:** HounderHowl **Age:** 27 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** ![enter image description here](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/339/2/5/untitle_by_achillesliu-d5n4s4a.jpg "enter image title here") **Beta-Tester?:** No. **Personality: **Serious **Brief Real Life Background:** In real life chuck worked a job which requires a lot of labor. He'd always been a very frugal man, and usually kept to himself except for a small group of friends. In the real world he'd been the jokester always having something to say and generally the life of the party. Though not very tech savvy a close friend of his managed to snag the pirated version of SOA, after chuck spent an afternoon bribing him. They were both logged on when they became trapped and after losing his friend Chuck slowly lost the humor in his life. **3 Main Skills:** Long Sword, Medium Armor, Speed **Special Skill?:** **Final Wind:** This skill is initiated after a two minutes of combat, doubles speed for thirty seconds. minute cool down. **Other Skills:** Fishing, Tactics, Tracking **Current Weapon:** ![enter image description here](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/db/00/ab/db00ab1e20ac1707bb184658a644ad52.jpg "enter image title here") **Current Armour:** Same as Appearance. **Play Style (Optional):** For now Lone wolf/Aggressive. I love milkshakes Also, I don't know the code for hiders yet. Also,Also Im posting here and my one in char sheets is a place holder now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

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> ### STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY WIZARD POWERS. But... muh wizurdry! Ah must mejik missel! And thanks for accepting me, I tossed my sheet into the linked character database. As for all the other stuff, I know I'm really going away from the pure aspect of SOA with my homebrewing, but sue me. Wes likes big swards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

### First post is up. Sorry if it's not that neat! We are currently in the prologue that takes place on Day 1. After everyone has posted once or twice I will initiate the time-skip (TS) and start Chapter 1. You can post more if you are conversing with other characters, but I recommend saving meetings and the like until after the TS; given that there's 14.5k players, it's unlikely you'd all happen to stumble across each other. --- @HounderHowl Why did you change the skill so drastically? --- @All accepted players Please ensure you've posted your characters in the bin. We'll eventually move the list to the new tab, but only after the formatting kinks are worked out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And, introductory post from Wes! Don't worry, he's not into that kind of fetish. That'd just be really weird.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hoosier1124


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Yay! Let's get this started, I'm pumped! ^_^ @SirBeowulf Hahaha! I just like how you said boobs are pretty much a hassle to have. It's pretty accurate sometimes. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

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> Yay! Let's get this started, I'm pumped! ^_^ > > @SirBeowulf > Hahaha! I just like how you said boobs are pretty much a hassle to have. It's pretty accurate sometimes. XD I hear that sisters!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Please do not take my knowledge of breasts to be serious. I know nothing of them except that they are round and generally attractive. I have my sources, though. Also, a quick question. Since the pirated version of the game is more difficult, will the pain system be turned up as well?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HounderHowl
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@Fat boy kyle Haha I'm not sure trying to be more original : )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I'll get a post up sometime today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Peace Keeper

Peace Keeper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I thank the maker for blessing me with this RP, it looks quite interesting and I will hopefully make a capable CS upon my return, until then!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

> @All accepted players > > Please ensure you've posted your characters in the bin. We'll eventually move the list to the new tab, but only after the formatting kinks are worked out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll have a post up today! Also, Kyle, do you mind if I incorporate Alex into the nightshades' background? If you have no plans for this Shade fellow as well, then I'd like to maybe do something with him? My initial idea was that Alex and him met at the start and became friends before setting up the Nightshades. After a while, they began doing some dirty business and maybe Shade backstabbed her when she intended to right it? If you are keeping that guild for another plot then that's fine!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Peace Keeper

Peace Keeper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

> >[Appearance](http://th09.deviantart.net/fs32/PRE/f/2008/193/c/0/Anima__Arkaid_the_Arbiter_by_Wen_M.jpg) > >**Real Name:** >The Guardian, being whom he is, he has never found the need to enlighten others as to whom he actually is, even if it's something mundane like a simple name. Of course, things change with the seasons, but once again, that requires quite the considerable effort. > >**Character Name:** >*The Guardian* > >**Age:** >Whilst he doesn't speak of his own age, he does look like he's in his very early twenties, maybe even late teens. Although his age doesn't really fit the persona which he emits, he has always been an outsider to society because of this. > >**Gender:** >Male. > >**Appearance:** >What lies beneath the mysteriously righteous armor of which the Guardian carries is unknown to all people whom currently walk the world of Aincrad. No one has come across a time, nor situation where the fact had arisen, and the chances of ever seeing him outside of his armor are remarkably slim, but certain things are quite clear. The tall figure of the Guardian indicates that its bearers is also quite tall, around the 6'4 area, bigger or smaller. The armour itself is also quite slim, even for being such a heavy and powerful armour set, it doesn't fulfill the form of a person who'd be adequetly muscular for the armour itself. > >Whilst these are simple facts, facts of the most basic kind, the only other thing to be known is that the mans eye color is a dominating red. > >**Beta-Tester?:** >Surprisingly, no. > >**Personality:** >The Guardian is as many describe him, mysterious, and silent. The mans personality never really got further than the robes which cover him. Whilst beneath the heavy plate armour whom some simply yearn to hold in their own hands, there lies a cold persona, one which has stained itself with countless lives and countless misdeeds. But for people to realize the purpose of these deeds is quite questionable. > >The Guardian has become more of a myth, a legend spoken from people whom have witnessed him, and no one else. He is no one you could truly walk up to and greet, he is no individual whom you'd be able to have a calm conversation with, for the fact that he is a red player, although purpose unknown, this simple fact is fundamental. > >Many have thought that the Guardian was simply a myth within the game, however, that would be until they'd either come in contact directly, or someone trustworthy tells them otherwise. The dark robe which plagues the holy armor of which he carries, just as holy as his word, if he'd speak them. > >Therefore, easily enough, the Guardian is a man of few words, but takes even more action. He feels himself responsible for guarding the secret exploits within the game, and through this, he desires to keep secrets, which should not be kept in 'mortal' hands, safe. Therefore he roams, is hunted, and kills those whom are unworthy of the lost knowledge. > >The fact that he's well known has made him into the centermost target for countless anti-red player groups and the central figure in this pursuit are the Grey where the Guardian has become a very important target. > >**Brief Real Life Background:** >Whilst he doesn't speak much himself, nor does he engage in unnecessary conversation with anyone, should the moment arise however, for someone to somehow manage to get on the favorable side of this pseudo-mythical player, they'd learn of a life which wasn't worth much to anyone. The Guardian, always reluctant to speak his name, lived a life of a normal man at birth. Born to a family of four, two sisters, a father, and a mother. It was an ideal family, he would help his sisters, and they'd always marvel at how their younger brother would be capable of such hard equations, or capable of solving such complex situations. > >He felt at home during his life, 16 years and of his life had passed and no noticable flaw or problem had arisen in the family he held, or in the love he felt for his family. Unafraid of consequences, whenever a person in his class would occasionally bully him for doing ''too well'' in his tests, or when he spent too much time with the teachers. Whenever such actions took place he held no reluctance to run for a more authoritarian figure within his vicinity, so that the quarrels would be solved quickly and with ease. > >This was an easy life of an ordinary teenager, nothing changed until he turned 19, that was when his world collapsed. Whilst details will not be drawn, he fell into deep depression, he did this, and that, and ultimately ended up locked up in his room. After a week had gone past, and his guiltful starvation had reached its prime, he came across SAO. He read and he read, being unlucky as he was, he was completely unable to recieve a BETA invite, but that stopped him in no way, he surfed the web, read, learned, studied, and calculated his way through the information at his hand about this wonderful new world. > >He felt that his ability to start anew would commence, and through the final allowance he'd ever recieve he bought a NERVE Gear, now being beyond the ability to buy the game itself, he went on the other route, through trial and error he had learned the ways of coding and accessing downloads due to his shut-in incident, he was now completely able to pirate the game itself, and through this, his world would change, and his name, role, and purpose would be dramatically altered, for his name is now The Guardian, named after those he couldn't protect. > >**3 Main Skills:** >- Two handed Swords. >- Mythic Heavy Armor Equipment. (An upgrade of Heavy Armor Equipment) >- Increased Strenght. > >**Special Skill?:** > The Capables Punishment: > This skill places an emphasis on power and strenght, if it would be activated then the strenght and endurance would be increased exponentially, however the greatest flaw, aside from its time limit of one minute, is that it consumes health from the player himself, based on how much power or endurance is desired, then a suitable deposite of health will be taken ever two seconds during the abilities activation. Either he ends the battle quickly or he stands helpless against the opponent as he, literally, kills himself. This ability cannot be disengaged personally, either the battle ends, or the activation timer of one minute runs out. > >**Other Skills:** >- Meditation >- Parry. >- Searching. > >**Current Weapon:** > [Emperor's Judgement: Contere](http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/055/1/9/empire_longsword_by_insanitysorrow-d4qv43j.jpg) This blade is iconic to the Guardian mythos, it is commonly called the Judgement Blade. It was the reward of the [>Heroic Advance: Slay the Demon Lord<] quest. > >**Current Armour:** >[The armour in the link at the top of this CS] This armour was the reward of countless hours of effort in the [>Heroic Advance: Slay the Demon Lord<] quest, through the sacrifice of every Keepers of Secrets member, he bears it as obligation. > >**Play Style:** > Guardian, fighting in a protective position. I love all the milkshakes.
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