Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 9 days ago

**Real Name:** Rin Kanesaka **Character Name:** Mez **Age:** 24 **Gender:** Male ![](http://i.imgur.com/dxhiLnq.png) **Beta-Tester:** Yes **Personality:** Mez is a staunch leader and devoted warrior. He fights for every good cause but holds no time for trivial matters. Although he may come across to others as extremely serious, he does have a softer side. Sharing a joke within a group or attempting to console close friends is generally proof of this. He is extremely courageous but doesn't allow his pride to get in the way when it comes to fighting. He knows when to retreat and when to press the attack. When it is time to rally together, Mez's voice can usually be heard above most of the others, leading a charge towards his enemies. **Brief Real Life Background:** Not much is known about Rin Kanesaka. He tends to keep his focus on clearing the game, rather than talking about the real world. As such, he hasn't told many people about who he is, or was, in the outside world. **3 Main Skills:** - Two-Handed Greatsword - Leather Equipment - Agility **_Ghoul's Grin:_** This Unique Skill affects all weapons held by Mez. This skill allows him to instantly equip any weapon within his inventory immediately during battle, even mid-swing. He uses this predominantly in conjunction with his Greatsword; Judgement and his Shortsword; Retribution. Switching between these two weapons grants him a temporary boost for a maximum of 15 seconds during battle. _(1 post)_ - Judgement to Retribution grants a 20% speed boost. - Retribution to Judgement grants a 20% strength boost. _Note: Mez can only use this skill once per battle._ **Other Skills:** - One-Handed Shortsword - Battle Healing - Parrying **Current Weapons:** - [Judgement](http://i.imgur.com/ZNXGYt6.png) - [Retribution](http://i.imgur.com/aiC09Zs.png?1) **Current Armour:** Same as image above with a black cloak. **Play Style:** Leader **Guild:** Lords of the Asylum **Guild Info:** _Lords of the Asylum_ is a guild made up of five high-level players, each of whom specialize in combat. They are an exclusively Green Guild that take on dangerous missions for a reasonable price. Their Guild Hall is called _The Spire of Othe_ and is located on the 32nd floor. It remains inaccessible to non-members due to the Spire being situated in the middle of a extremely large lake that is filled with high-level monsters. It also requires a specific teleportation crystal to enter. Entry requirements for the Guild are unknown, however, it is widely speculated that only Mez decides who is eligible to enter. The current five members are as follows: - Mez - Venerable Lord of the Asylum - Rhan - Dread Lord of the Asylum - Syn - Lich Lord of the Asylum - Razgrid - Dark Lord of the Asylum - Azhriel - Flame Lord of the Asylum It is particularly rare to ever see more than two Lord members in one place, as they are always out completing jobs. The only time someone would see them all together would be during their monthly meetings at the Spire, except no one outside of the guild can access it. If more than two Lords are ever seen in the same place, it generally means that something strong needs to be killed, usually a boss but even this circumstance has only ever occurred once previously. Their presence within the game is one that can lift the spirits and morale of even the most exhausted of warriors. Even despite the high levels of its members and their vast battle capabilities, the guild is not listed within the Top 5. However, this does not stop at least one Lord being hired to help fight against floor bosses or to lead clearing expeditions by the front line guilds. _Please Note: If you are interested in your character joining the guild or already being a member, I am happy to discuss your entry to the guild that we can roleplay in game or, alternatively, I can replace Syn, Razgrid or Azhriel with your character instead._
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

**Real Name (Optional): **Alexander Lee **Character Name: **Mythrilite **Age: **20 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** [So mysterious.](http://img2.iina.tv/m/imagebbs/_nosync/109/546/255784/900.jpeg) **Beta-Tester?:** Nope. **Personality:** On the outside, he's dark and mysterious. His eyes show a steel determination, never giving up until the end. On the inside, he's a kind soul, always willing to do what he believes is right. Now that he's been trapped within SAO, that is even more true, especially about the news of PK'ers. **Brief Real Life Background:** A fairly normal guy. Goes to school, studies, does homework, etc, etc. He graduated high school and got the perfect attendance award, yada yada. Bit of an introvert in real life, but he changes when he plays video games, including even VRMMORPGS. They made him feel... powerful. More in command of life. Naturally, when he heard of Sword Art Online, he was ecstatic, and a bit sad when he didn't get the Beta version, but he quickly got over that. **3 Main Skills:**-One Handed Curved Sword. -Leather Equipment. -Martial Arts. **Special Skill?: **After Image: constantly creates clones of Mythrilite that disappear a second after they are created. The clones cannot cause any damage, but Mythrilite can swap positions between clones. The skill lasts for 8 seconds and has a 2 minute cool down. **Other Skills:** -Battle Healing: passively regenerates small amounts of HP every few seconds. -Searching: passive skill that can detect hidden mobs and players. -(Tracking): modification to the Searching skill that allows a player to follow the path of a mob or player. -Acrobatics: passive skill that increases ones capability for aerial maneuvers. **Current Weapon: **Silver Fang: A rare Kodachi short sword obtained by killing a certain monster after receiving a certain quest. **Current Armour:** Obtained by killing a boss. Offers better protection than even a few of the weakest light metal armors, but not by much. **Guild:** None. **Play Style (Optional):** He prefers to go solo, killing the mobs in his path. He also exercises caution, staying out of an area if he believes it to be too dangerous or if his HP is too low. By combining both martial arts and sword skills, he becomes a formidable foe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**Real Name (Optional):** Alex Taylor **Character Name:** Nightblade **Age:** 19 **Gender:** Female **Appearance:** ![](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f1/ae/f0/f1aef0c11318018d1a335c0ed275db26.jpg) Naturally brunette with dyed blue hair, Alex stands around five foot, six inches and weighs about 110 lbs. Outside of the game, she was lithe and this actually aided her in-game, allowing her to dodge attacks that would normally kill her. **Beta-Tester?:** Yes **Personality:** Alex is one of the few people who's personalities in SAO are exactly the same outside the game. Mostly, she's quiet and sticks to herself, taking on the dangerous role of soloing the game and attempting to finish before her party-counterparts can catch up. Just like in the game, she's cold and calculating with little desire to press someone for personal details. Efficiency is what she rates conversations by, and that works for her. It's not that she dislikes talking to others, she does think a certain level of social interaction is necessary to retain sanity, but she just never finds any point in engaging in meaningful conversation with another being. Within SAO, her cold nature has been weaponised and generally, she's not the type of person you want on your bad-side. Although she's no where near the level of others who would prefer to follow a life of crime in the game, she isn't exactly an angel who you would rush to for aid in a quest or whatnot. For her, the sins she commits are necessary to ensure that people get out of the game. She knows if she ever gets out, she'll be judged by just how harshly she dealt with those who would seek to kill others in the game, but she also knows that her role is a key one. The Grey are efficient but their prison-system doesn't inspire much fear in the criminal underworld. A rogue figure who punishes the guilty, represents fear for those who kill and makes sure that other killers keep living in fear seems to be much more effective. Some would question how she can kill so easily and the simple answer is that she doesn't feel anything when she kills someone. It can sometimes be terrifying, a very lack of emotions when you should be your most emotional, but she gets through it alright. After a while, killing becomes as natural as riding a bike, only more bloody. **Brief Real Life Background:** Alex's story isn't tragic, nor is it in anyway spellbinding. She was just a girl, with three older brothers, who grew up being the centre of attention but lacking any desire to be anywhere remotely close to that centre. She was shy but not in an awkward way were you can see she wants someone; no, Alex was the curious child who preferred to sit and play in the corner which would preferably be devoid of other people. Her family loved her though, despite her shortcomings and regularly they would spoil her (they were quite rich). Gaming was the life she grew up with because by the very nature of it, it offered somewhere where she didn't have to deal with pesky complex beings. No, all she had to deal with were AI who were predictable, which was precisely what she wanted. Why she even approached Sword Art Online to be a beta-tester, she still ponders, but once she got into the game and began using Nervegear, everything changed. In SAO, she could be whoever she wanted to be, she could live her life in the real world then log on and lead a completely different life that pitted her against monsters and relied on her ability to succeed. When the game launched, she wasn't quick enough to snatch a copy and by then, she was left desiring for more adventure. The only other option was, of course, to pirate a copy and get into the game. **Game Background:** When it first emerged that they were stuck in the game, she was [i]nearly[/i] as distraught as all the other players. The very real possibility of death scared her, even if she was hesitant to admit that. She desired to have a life in the real word, to get a job and make a load of money. She did not intend to die in a game and that was her mentality from the first day. Being a beta-tester, she went on ahead and used her knowledge to get some better gear quickly. Alex knew that it wouldn't be too long until pure panic set in and people began attacking each other. She was right, of course, it was barely even a few days before the killings began and they've never really stopped. After a few months, she discovered herself to have a bloodlust that demanded to be sated. She wasn't a bad person so she initially felt disgusted even at the thought of permanently ending someone's life. Instead, she turned this new feeling towards the criminal scum of SAO. Her first player-kill was on a guy who hung around the eight level, waiting for weak players with crafting specialisations to wander out into the field before he subsequently murdered them, possibly even making their last few moments a brutal time indeed. The feeling of having someone die by your blade is quite indescribable. First, it was disgust, then it quickly changed to a contempt approval. It was probably there that started the whole mess with The Grey. **3 Main Skills:** - Katana (Upgraded version of the One-handed Curve Blade skill) - Sprint - Acrobatics **Special Skill?:** Fall from Grace: For a short period of time, Alex gains a large jump-boost that allows her to leap high above a target if she can use her surrounding environment appropriately. If she chooses to, she can concentrate the energy of her fall into her blade, doing a high amount of damage. **Other Skills:** - Parry - Sewing - Cloth Equipment **Current Weapon:** Phantom's Edge: ![](http://www.nihonzashi.com/tonbo/SH2469.jpg) **Current Armour:** Tainted Rose: The above picture, without the tie. If she's out hunting, she'll typically cover her face and wear a cloak to hide her identity. **Play Style (Optional):** Alex is a quick, high burst-damage character that is fairly weak. Her attacks aren't typically sustained and would only occur on a Boss when another person has its attention. I love your milkshakes, they bring a fair majority of the boys to the yard!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Peace Keeper

Peace Keeper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

>**Real Name:** >The Guardian, being whom he is, he has never found the need to enlighten others as to whom he actually is, even if it's something mundane like a simple name. Of course, things change with the seasons, but once again, that requires quite the considerable effort. > >**Character Name:** >*The Guardian* > >**Age:** >Whilst he doesn't speak of his own age, he does look like he's in his very early twenties, maybe even late teens. Although his age doesn't really fit the persona which he emits, he has always been an outsider to society because of this. > >**Gender:** >Male. > >**Appearance:** >What lies beneath the mysteriously righteous armor of which the Guardian carries is unknown to all people whom currently walk the world of Aincrad. No one has come across a time, nor situation where the fact had arisen, and the chances of ever seeing him outside of his armor are remarkably slim, but certain things are quite clear. The tall figure of the Guardian indicates that its bearers is also quite tall, around the 6'4 area, bigger or smaller. The armour itself is also quite slim, even for being such a heavy and powerful armour set, it doesn't fulfill the form of a person who'd be adequetly muscular for the armour itself. > >Whilst these are simple facts, facts of the most basic kind, the only other thing to be known is that the mans eye color is a dominating red. > >**Beta-Tester?:** >Surprisingly, no. > >**Personality:** >The Guardian is as many describe him, mysterious, and silent. The mans personality never really got further than the robes which cover him. Whilst beneath the heavy plate armour whom some simply yearn to hold in their own hands, there lies a cold persona, one which has stained itself with countless lives and countless misdeeds. But for people to realize the purpose of these deeds is quite questionable. > >The Guardian has become more of a myth, a legend spoken from people whom have witnessed him, and no one else. He is no one you could truly walk up to and greet, he is no individual whom you'd be able to have a calm conversation with, for the fact that he is a red player, although purpose unknown, this simple fact is fundamental. > >Many have thought that the Guardian was simply a myth within the game, however, that would be until they'd either come in contact directly, or someone trustworthy tells them otherwise. The dark robe which plagues the holy armor of which he carries, just as holy as his word, if he'd speak them. > >Therefore, easily enough, the Guardian is a man of few words, but takes even more action. He feels himself responsible for guarding the secret exploits within the game, and through this, he desires to keep secrets, which should not be kept in 'mortal' hands, safe. Therefore he roams, is hunted, and kills those whom are unworthy of the lost knowledge. > >The fact that he's well known has made him into the centermost target for countless anti-red player groups and the central figure in this pursuit are the Grey where the Guardian has become a very important target. > >**Brief Real Life Background:** >Whilst he doesn't speak much himself, nor does he engage in unnecessary conversation with anyone, should the moment arise however, for someone to somehow manage to get on the favorable side of this pseudo-mythical player, they'd learn of a life which wasn't worth much to anyone. The Guardian, always reluctant to speak his name, lived a life of a normal man at birth. Born to a family of four, two sisters, a father, and a mother. It was an ideal family, he would help his sisters, and they'd always marvel at how their younger brother would be capable of such hard equations, or capable of solving such complex situations. > >He felt at home during his life, 16 years and of his life had passed and no noticable flaw or problem had arisen in the family he held, or in the love he felt for his family. Unafraid of consequences, whenever a person in his class would occasionally bully him for doing ''too well'' in his tests, or when he spent too much time with the teachers. Whenever such actions took place he held no reluctance to run for a more authoritarian figure within his vicinity, so that the quarrels would be solved quickly and with ease. > >This was an easy life of an ordinary teenager, nothing changed until he turned 19, that was when his world collapsed. Whilst details will not be drawn, he fell into deep depression, he did this, and that, and ultimately ended up locked up in his room. After a week had gone past, and his guiltful starvation had reached its prime, he came across SAO. He read and he read, being unlucky as he was, he was completely unable to recieve a BETA invite, but that stopped him in no way, he surfed the web, read, learned, studied, and calculated his way through the information at his hand about this wonderful new world. > >He felt that his ability to start anew would commence, and through the final allowance he'd ever recieve he bought a NERVE Gear, now being beyond the ability to buy the game itself, he went on the other route, through trial and error he had learned the ways of coding and accessing downloads due to his shut-in incident, he was now completely able to pirate the game itself, and through this, his world would change, and his name, role, and purpose would be dramatically altered, for his name is now The Guardian, named after those he couldn't protect. > >**3 Main Skills:** > > > > - Two handed Swords. > - Mythic Heavy Armor Equipment. (An upgrade of Heavy Armor Equipment) > - Increased Strenght. > >**Special Skill?:** > The Capables Punishment: > This skill places an emphasis on power and strenght, if it would be activated then the strenght and endurance would be increased exponentially, however the greatest flaw, aside from its time limit of one minute, is that it consumes health from the player himself, based on how much power or endurance is desired, then a suitable deposite of health will be taken ever two seconds during the abilities activation. Either he ends the battle quickly or he stands helpless against the opponent as he, literally, kills himself. This ability cannot be disengaged personally, either the battle ends, or the activation timer of one minute runs out. > >**Other Skills:** > > > > - Meditation > - Parry. > - Searching. > >**Current Weapon:** > > > > - [Emperor's Judgement: Contere](http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/055/1/9/empire_longsword_by_insanitysorrow-d4qv43j.jpg). This blade is iconic to the Guardian mythos, it is commonly called the Judgement Blade. It was the reward of the [>Heroic Advance: Slay the Demon Lord<] quest. > >**Current Armour:** > > > > - [The Arbiters Final Decree: Justice set](http://th09.deviantart.net/fs32/PRE/f/2008/193/c/0/Anima__Arkaid_the_Arbiter_by_Wen_M.jpg). This armour was the reward of countless hours of effort in the [>Heroic Advance: Slay the Demon Lord<] quest, through the sacrifice of every Keepers of Secrets member, he bears it as obligation. > >**Play Style:** > Guardian, fighting in a protective position. Give me all the milkshakes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Silver Paladin

The Silver Paladin

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

> [b]Real Name (Optional):[/b] Riley Peterson > > [b]Character Name:[/b] Romulus Aquilus > > [b]Age:[/b] Born in 1994, so 27? > > [b]Gender:[/b] Male > > [b]Appearance:[/b] My profile Picture. > > [b]Beta-Tester?:[/b] Yes, but pirated it so he could be with his brother. > > [b]Personality:[/b] You know that really intelligent guy at school? The good looking one who seems to do multiple things at once? That was Riley. He wasn't the strongest, but he was the smartest, and could get out of almost any situation. He is brave and intelligent, but not all that strong, which is why he wears heavy armor in SAO, to loook stronger than he actually is. But he is also Loyal, and a touch of OCD. > > [b]Brief Real Life Background:[/b] A promising young American Doctor, Riley had his life ahead of him. He had a Girlfriend, a residency at a large Hospital, and His dreams were coming true. He was also a huge gamer. He Beta tested most games. When SAO finally came out while they were on a trip to Japan, he got a copy, but gave it to his girlfriend, so Riley could play with his brother who had gotten a pirated copy. He and his twin brother went on at the same time, not knowing what lay ahead. > > [b]3 Main Skills:[/b] > - Heavy Armor > -One handed swords > -Medicine > > [b]Special Skill?:[/b] Speed and attack are raised by 20% using the Legionary's sword against a human foe dressed in animal skins, or light armor > > [b]Other Skills:[/b] > > -Shields > -battlefield medicine > - one handed Spears > [b]Current Weapon:[/b] Legionary's Shortsword, Roman Scutum Shield > > [b]Current Armour:[/b] The armor of the Blood Dragons. When not with the Blood Dragons he wears this: ![enter image description here](http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/541800134299766518/DC5E68B5C7AC8026276C9E63FAEB7FA5BDEC7C0A/268x268.resizedimage "enter image title here")] (Look up Skyrim vanguard Armor to see it unopened.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Real Name (Optional): Isabella Vongeif Character Name: Aren Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/p1wGt5p.jpg "enter image title here") Beta-Tester?: Yes Personality: Isabella is...cold when around people she doesn't know, she doesn't mean to be cold or anything like that, it just out of habit and safety for herself. When in the presence of others she is in particular quiet and keeps to herself unless spoken to, it's just been one of things that she developed from being bullied as a kid. If she happens to smile at you with in a day of meeting you, that means she has taken quite the liking as she doesn't do that quite often, if ever. When around strangers and friends it gets awkward for her, because one moment she is nice and the next she could be quiet and to the point. She is what anime people call a Kuudere, someone who is extremely cold to others until opening up to them. She has a very very bright side when she talks with Tanner, one that she shows almost little to no one. She almost acts like a little kid when around him, showing her loyalty to the man. To anyone smart, they could see that she has a huge connection with him, one of those kinds that seems like she thinks of him as a brother. She acts extremely protective towards him, of course party because he saved her when she was a kid, but mostly because she has enormous respect for him. She also acts like a mother around him, making sure he has everything and is in top shape. or is on time. it's not that she does it on purpose, but she wants him to succeed. This can apply to friends as well, but she is very untrusting of others. Brief Real Life Background: At a young age, Isabella was a troubled kid. She wasn't able to make friends with many for some reason, and this made her an outcast. Not many, even her own brothers and sisters liked to be around her. She found at a young age, that people were cruel, and she struggled with dealing with it. She came from a rich family that gave her everything she wanted, but they weren't able to give her friends. Being both rich and an outcast, she was bullied intensely. It caused a number of mental issues but the biggest one being trust and faith. Around her eighth year of schooling, she almost gave up, girls beat her up, boys spreaded rumors. She almost stopped going to school entirely. That was until she met a boy, named Tanner Strongsmith. He was a transfer student and was completely new to the place. At this point and time the whole school, including teachers, shunned and outcasted Isabella. On the first day, Tanner witnessed Isabella getting bullied, and pushed around and he fought an entire group of boys. Effectively getting sent to the office on the first day and then shunned as well. It took Isabella a long time to friend him, fearful it was just a trick the others had thrown at her. A twisted one at that, but slowly they became friends. it was solidified after Tanner promised to teach Isabella how to fight. After that nothing could stop the two from haing out every day and night. That was eight years ago, now Isabella has moved in with Tanner in an apartment and they're room mates. Tanner was the first to introduce her to VRMMORPGS and together they played the beta of a game called Sword Art Online. When it was released, they went out and bought the game together, not knowing about the truth of what SAO really was until it was to late. 3 Main Skills: -Katana (Upgraded from One-handed Curved Blade) -Acrobatics -Sprint Special Skill?: Lilith's Blade- Aren must be in movement in order to use this move, this move can only be used once, before having to wait a cooldown of a minute. Lilith's blade allows for a quick and rapid slash, when drawn. It increases Aren's speed dramatically and causes a vertical slash attack to the enemy it is used on. It targets only one enemy at a time. It does a substantial amount of damage if it hits. Other Skills: -Meditation -Parry -Leather Equipment Current Weapon: ![enter image description here](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/221/6/4/futuristic_katana_by_ranisdeguery-d7uesv0.png "enter image title here") Lilith's Demise Obtained after killing a Dungeon along with Tanner, they two maned in attempts to get strong and she earned this blade. Current Armour: ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/BDK1B6h.jpg "enter image title here") Everything Excluding the Sword, it's extremely light, causing a lower defense stat, but allows her to move faster Guild Status: She only parties with Jaegar, but if he asks her to help out another guild, then she will do it. Jaegar and her were at one point part of a friend guild, but somethings went south and unfortunately, they ended up either killing each other or killing themselves, leaving Aren and Jaegar alone in the guild. This is what really caused her to not actively seek out parties or groups without Jaegar asking her to. Play Style (Optional): Lone-Wolf (Scared of Losing others)/Duelist I love your milkshakes --- Real Name (Optional): Tanner Strongsmith Character Name: Jaeger Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/avl4OtE.jpg "enter image title here") Beta-Tester?: Yes Personality: Honestly, it is a bold claim he makes, that he can make a friend out of anyone. It is true, Tanner is quick to consider most individuals friends, but this is a error of his judgment. When he meets someone, he quickly learns the greatest portion of who they are. Before introductions have concluded, he can understand a person as if they had been his dearest friend for their whole life. Better still, he becomes as listener, a friend, a helper. This level of intimacy often plays to the advantage, allowing him to discuss with his audience, the intricacies of who they are. The challenge being, who Tanner has had to deal with a majority of the time. Since he became an outcast , there is a gap in how he acts and talks. Unfortunately, he experienced things because of this fact and it skewed how he is towards others. In the complex workings of his mind, he finds that now he is more willing to make friends then before. He also has a bit of a protector complex, a big fault in him actually. It's led to some pretty bad situations, but that's who he is. He tries his best to help everything and one. He will come to the aid of almost anyone and help them with the situation if it comes to that, a complete opposite of his best friend, and partner stuck in SAO with him. You can truly rely on Tanner to help you with almost anything and rely on him to hold on to his promises. Brief Real Life Background: Tanner was a pretty simply boy in his child hood, his father was a well known mixed martial artist from his home town. He was taught at a young age to stick up for people who couldn't do that themselves, and then teach them how to protect themselves in hope that they would no longer need to be protected and become the pretector. He made friends and was your average joe, until his father died and he was forced to move in with his mother. There he came in to contact with a girl that changed his life. Watching her get bullied and pushed around, he fought and protected her, however this marked him for some reason that he was not aware of as an outcast and a trouble maker. He wasn't even able to be friends with the girl who kept pushing him away, or ignoring him. Though slowly a friendship molded and they soon became inseparable. In high school everyone assumed the two were dating, but in truth they were the best of friends no one could mess with. After teaching Isabella to fight, they soon began stepping up to the bullies in high school and fought together to help out others. Though Isabella only jumped in when Tanner asked, she was a lot less trusting. Scared of getting hurt and only really stuck to keeping Tanners back. After Tanner and Isabella graduated, they moved in together into an apartment and started the next phase of their lives with their arms open. Tanner soon began to find joy in VMMORPGs and slowly got Isabella invested into it. And together they played the beta of a ground breaking game called Sword Art Online. Then when it was released, they bought the game, but they had no idea what they set themselves up for, no one did really. 3 Main Skills: -Two-handed Battle Axe -Heavy Metal Equipment -Extended Weight Limit Special Skill?: Lilith's Titan- This ability is activated when Tanner dips into the red zone of his health. When activated his strength and defense is greatly increased, making him become a hulk effectively. It last for thirty seconds, after which he is rendered useless and must either pull out of battle or die. Other Skills: -Sprint -Howl -Meditation Current Weapon/Armor: ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/X3e6Q22.jpg "enter image title here") Lilith's Titan Set Obtained in a dungeon with Aren, it greatly increases Tanners health and defense, however it lowers his speed and mobility greatly. Guild Status: Jaeger really will help almost everyone, wether it be a big guild or a small guild. He actively goes out his way to help others and that was what the guild him and Aren run called, **_ Lilith's Disciples_**, is made for, helping others survive and provide a safe place for them. He is the nicer of the two that run the guild, but Aren will help you convince her. Play Style (Optional): Tank/Frontal Assault I love your milkshakes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Account Retired
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Member Seen 20 days ago

**Real Name (Optional):** Yuji Tenma **Character Name:** Mr. Black Hell **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** ![](http://i1323.photobucket.com/albums/u597/Jaytr56/animedudemanokgod_zpsdeb45ee2.jpg) **Beta-Tester?:** No **Personality:** A smartass with a joking personality. It is not easy to get him down, but he usually resorts to cracking jokes as a coping mechanism. Though he isn't a cynic, he has a habit of pointing out the bad parts of any situation before the good. He is an obsessive power gamer completionist when it comes to MMOs and takes time delicately memorizing every detail about the game, fighting in every area, and trying to get the best gear and weapons as well as coming up with the best character builds he can. **Brief Real Life Background:** An average teen, who spends all of his free time playing MMOs as he is infatuated with them. He managed to get a Nervegear after saving in advance, but Sword Art Online was sold out when he finally had the chance to get it, so he pirated it with some regret on his part. He was probably one of the few people unfazed by the dying in real life part of SAO, and took SAO's real life perma-death as a challenge. **3 Main Skills:** One-handed Straight Sword Light Metal Equipment Battle Healing **Special Skill?:** Straight Sword Tracing: This skill allows Yuji to quickly spawn into the game an imperfect copy of any Straight Sword he knows the name of and has seen. He may keep this copy for as long as he does not have any other weapon in the inventory. Furthermore, all the sword's stats and information are automatically generated based on his level. If he traces a level 50 sword and he is level 20, he will spawn a level twenty sword with appropriate level 20 stats. However, since it is imperfect it will generate a -6 debuff on all the sword's stats. An imperfect sword always has a set 65% chance to break. So, when the sword breaks it must be retraced. Tracing back together a broken sword is a one minute and forty five second timer. Not only that, but because the weapons are just instances created by the skill itself, they are untradeable, not even with any special items. **Other Skills:** Meditation Sprint Acrobatics **Current Weapon:** Yuji does not possess a permanent weapon, however he does have four straight swords he currently knows, he usually traces on rotation. Anneal Blade +4: A +4 version of the Anneal Blade he traced from a friend. Death Count +3: A Black straight sword with a white skull design on the grip. Traced from a person's random monster drop. Money Swinger: A golden bladed straight sword with a dull grip. Traced from a person's random monster drop. Flame Dance: A red and black straight sword with a flame design to it. Traced from a person's random monster drop. **Current Armour:** A fairly decent set of black light metal armor with a white skull and cross-bones design on the chest. **Play Style (Optional):** Violent and suicidal. Nuff' said. I love your milkshakes, Mcdonalds. I'm lovin' it.
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