Personal Information
Name: Minoo Jones
Alias/ Nickname (If Any):
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Cabin: Iris
Godly Parent: Iris, the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.
Human Parent: Dan Jones
Legacy: Hermes
General Information
Personality: Minoo is a happy and energetic young lady. She loves meeting new people and is very outgoing, and even though she usually comes off as a little bit crude because of that, she is quite kind. She is very stubborn and childish at times which makes having a civilized discussion with her quite the task and changing her mind almost impossible. She has a love for gossip and constantly tries to find out peoples secrets, most times successfully.
Likes: Rainbows, rumors and gossip
Dislikes: Coffee,
Talents: Manipulation
Biography: Minoo had lived most of her life in belief that her mother had died giving birth. Raised alone by her father, she had always tried to be as good as possible and stay out of trouble. As a child she was friendly and managed to get a lot of friend. But as she grew up, the friends started to disappear thanks to her love for knowledge about people’s secrets and rumors. As she began to know people, she also started spreading and leaking the information and starting new rumors. This gave her a horrible reputation and often landed in the principal’s office since someone usually reported her for slander and bullying. As a result of this happening one to many times, she was expelled from the school. That’s when her dad told her the truth about her mother and decided to send her off to the camp.
Theme Song:
Weapon Information
Weapon Name:
Weapon Type: Whip
Weapon Appearance:

Attributes: It’s very easily handled