Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
7 yrs ago
Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.
The sun peaked through the low hanging clouds that floated like cotton balls through the air, illuminating the hillside farmland below. A small town, perched within the valley hills of the Austrian Alps, quietly tucked away from the world. It was a place seemingly frozen in time, with only old telephone poles dotting a dirt road to give any indication of the modern world that lay just outside these lands. This place had been mostly left alone by the world, isolated thanks to the fact that no major paved road even came close to the place. Good thing too, as there are some things in this world that are not meant to be seen by it. On of these things now lazily glided over the farms, parallel to the dirt road.
One might be somewhat awestruck by the sight, but to the people of this town, it was no more extraordinary that seeing the cattle grazing in the fields. A young girl, with large wings and a bird like tail glided over the countryside. She carried with her a mail bag, as this certainly unusual girl was merely an underling for the local post office. Much like a paper boy, she delivered the newspapers to the residents, somewhat specializing in reaching the more remote farmers thanks to her... "unique" abilities.
Despite the wonderful day, this girl seemed somewhat sad, bored even. Perhaps it had to do with that fact that she has been flying this route, doing this job, for the past three years. Perhaps it's because she longed to see what the real world was like out there. But, at least to this girl, it felt like she was forever trapped here.
As she approached her destination, a farm hand spotted her and waved. "Ava! Making the morning rounds I see, well my wife is waiting for ya at the house with some milk if yer interested. Fresh from the utter!" The farmer said with a smile.
"Thanks Mr. Müller!" Ava said, returning the wave. In truth though, it only made her sigh heavier. Yes, every day around this time of year, the same thing happened. Fly to the Müllers, get a free glass of milk. Fly to the Wagners, play with the daughter and gossip. Fly here, fly there, deliver this package, deliver this mail. Day. In. Day. Out. That's how exactly her day was going to go. Just thinking about it made her shiver.
"I never would have thought you could get cabin fever in a whole village...." she wondered to herself, only half jokingly. Ava then and there resolved today was going to be a little different. After she did her rounds, instead of just going home or heading into town for the market, she flew off, higher into the mountains. Today was going to be the day she continued her experiments with her new found control ove wind....
Stand's at around 5 feet, 2 inches. She has a medium, modestly thin build. Of course, most the notable features are the wings on her body. two large, brown white tipped wings sprout from her lower back, near her center of mass as well as a feathered tail. She uses her wings to fly and her tail to steer in the air, acting as a rudder of sorts. She also has two head wings, appearing just a little ways above the ears. These are fairly sensitive, allowing her to pick up the most minor changes in wind speed, direction, and air pressure. The most consistent pieces of her outfit is the red scarf and wing shrouds she wears. The scarf was a gift from her grandfather, who had received it from the farming family that had sheltered him. The shrouds for her wings were a gift from her mother.
Child of the Storm Ava can manipulate the air currents around her, being able to create powerful gusts of wind. This can be used in a variety of different ways, whether it be giving her an extra boost in flight, or sending a potential foe hurdling into a wall. However, due to Ava's very isolated upbringing and current life, she has had little chance to truly explore and train her powerful magic. Anything more advanced she has yet to learn, but this mastery over the air could prove incredibly destructive and powerful, if given the right teacher.
For Ava could, in theory, do far more crueler, deadlier things to a man with this magic. This could range from sucking the air out of a man's lungs, chocking him to death. A ball of condensed, highly pressurized atmosphere that could explode with the force of a bomb. Generate deadly pressure waves that could burst organs, no matter their protection. The possibilities and versatility of this power is incredible.
But, as said before, Ava lacks any sort of training, knowledge, or discipline in the arcane arts. Her abilities are only the results of her own personal training and experimentation, in secret.
It was a cold night in the Austro-Hungarian Empire on October 26th, 1856, a man named David Kurier awoke with a start. He was suddenly possessed with inspiration by vision he had witness in his dreams. David had been given a message from God, asking him to use his Talent to ascend the human race into the heavens to be one with God, reaching a true state of nirvana. He saw winged angels, all flying up towards Heaven and God, all seemingly forever content with life. This dream, this vision inspired... no... drove the man to a near maddening obsession of realizing the true potential of humanity.
David began to poor endlessly over magic text and research. He began to experiment, first with animals, on manipulating the physical attributes of living beings. It had always been known, at the time, that magic could have an affect on one's physical self. Curses could degrade the health of a man, magical attacks could destroy the biology of a creature, however, not a whole lot had been research on reconstructing and modifying a living being's physical form with the use of magic. You see, David decided the best way to realize his vision... was to take it very, very literally. He wanted to change the very appearance and abilities of the human race to be more... angelic. Thus he began his quest to refine his skills as a Talent and experiment endlessly on animals to see if what he wanted was even achievable.
At first, his work was promising. He became very familiar with the arts of Transmutation and studied some the minor, ancient pagan beliefs of animal spirit worship and familiars. These seem to always have a physical affect on the worshipers, gradually manipulating their bodies to be more beastly. However, David soon learned that changing a human to be more angelic was not the biggest hurdle. No, he understood that it was only the first third of the puzzle. The second third was arguably much more important to realizing his dream. None of these transformations were permanent throughout generations.
In order for the human race, as a whole, to evolve into a more angelic species, needed to be bread into the race itself. All of David's initial research only proved that humans could be physically shaped into angelic looking beings, yet very little showed any evidence that these new traits could be passed down for generations. Sure the methods could be, but not the blood. No, it had to be by blood, David could not trust that his decedents will continue his practice. Night after night, David pondered this dilemma, this curse of a problem that....
"That's it..." David thought. A curse! There were well known curses that were very much inherited by the new generation. The term "Sins of our Fathers" isn't just simply there for a metaphor. Blessings and curses were known to be passed down through families by blood, not by ritual or methods. If he could create a curse.. no.. a blessing of his own, then all of his decedents and there after could inherit the wonderful physical and magical traits of angelic beings!
This is when David Kurier began to warrant the attention of the Catholic Church. Catholicism had always had a major presence in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but had little care for a strange Talent's odd obsessions. But they did begin to care at this point, as this was the point when David began his first human experiments.
He had met and married a woman by the name of Katherine. She was won over, practically enchanted by David's vision for the future human race, and began to aid him in his en devours, acting as a willing test subject. Her father, however, was a devout man of the faith, so when he soon realized what was really going on between David and his daughter, Katherine, he began to investigate further. In some sense, by the time the Catholic Arcanocracy fully intervened, they were too late.
After years upon years and a full generation of children, David had perfected his so called "Blessing" and traits. Katherine had been manipulated by David's magic and had given birth to the first generation of what David called the "Avian Race". That child had grown up to marry his own wife, and have two sons, who also had the traits of the Avian race. The vision that had happened so long ago, the dream that one day, humanity may ascend into the heavens to live among angels and God seemed start to finally come to fruition.
However, the Catholics had not been idle, and after many years of their own investigation into the magic used by David Kurier, they deemed him and his entire bloodline an affront to their religion, decrying him as a heretic and an inhumane monster who experimented on his own family. History has left few details as to what the investigative report said, but Ava could never truly know if the church was right in their claims of inhumanity against her great, great grandfather.
By now, David was an old man, and was easily taken into custody, however his son, and his grandchildren did not go so quietly. They had tried to fight back, first through the courts, but they were swiftly booted out. The Catholics demanded that they surrender themselves and their children to the church custody, were they were to be immediately sterilized and contained. They tried to flee, but only one of the Kuriers were able to slip through the church's hands, the youngest of the two brothers. This young boy, Jakob Kurier, was Ava's grandfather.
He escaped southward, often taking the rougher paths and unused roads, as it was nearly impossible to hide his avian like features. As he traveled, he grew more and more hateful of his grandfather's curse. It was the reason why he was homeless, without family nor food. He continued to wander the countryside, stealing when he could, just barely surviving. He reached the Alps, where he finally collapsed in exhaustion.
There, a farming family had found him and taken the young man in. Jakob was a mess of young boy, but stuck to what few principles he still believed in from his family and decided to help this farming family in return for their kindness. He worked on this farm, soon living in the nearby village of Walde, high in the mountains and far from the Catholic's gaze. Little did he know that thanks to his mother and father's resolve, they were able to convince the authorities that they only had one son. So, Jakob began to build a new life.
In the beginning, he wanted revenge against the church, but as he lived in this peaceful village, he realized that he was getting revenge right now. Just by the mere act of existing on his own free will, by continuing his family's line, he was defying the church, proving that they had ultimately failed in their goal. Thus, Jakob began to make himself as useful as he could in this small community, earning respect and love of its residents. He fell in love with the farm girl of the family that had saved him and they married. He had one child, a son, who he named David after his grandfather, and lived the rest of his life in peace.
Now this is when Ava finally entered the picture. She was born in January on a cold day in winter. By then, the village had come to love the Kuriers, and quietly protected them through mostly passive means. Her family had gained much respect, thanks to her father and her grandfather's good nature determination and hard work. Now most of her ancestors, like her Grandfather, were not actually Talented. In fact, the final, third piece to David Kurier's ultimate goal, was to modify the very mana power of humanity, so that all could be that of Talent. The Catholic Arcanocracy had put a stop to him from ever even coming close to that goal, thus when he died, so did his Talent. However Ava was the first in her family after three generations, to inherit this aptitude for powerful magic.
When it was discovered that Ava possessed Talent, it was kept underwraps. Ava's father forbid her from experimenting with her magic or using it for anything other than aiding her ability to fly. But that never really stopped Ava from secretly testing her powers. Even to this day, she has a secret spot in the mountains were she try out new spells and abilities whenever she can learn them.
When Ava became older, she took up an apprenticeship with the local postman, working essentially as a paperboy, but with more than just the daily news. She would be commonly scene flying from home to home in the countryside, delivering mail with a smile. Though, Ava has grown more and more anxious over the years. She doesn't want to stay coupe up in this small village. There was a vast, unexplored world out there, and Ava knew it.
Ava is a strong willed, friendly individual who has one hell of a backbone. Despite her humble upbringings, Ava is particularly quick witted and smart, being able to learn things at an astounding rate. Generally speaking, she will be kind and polite to those she initially meets, however to her closer friends, she can be shockingly foul mouthed, sarcastic, and even somewhat rude. She seems almost frustrated, angered that she has yet to meet anyone who truly functions at her level. To put it simply, in such a small, isolated mountain village, Ava lacks any sort of equal peer to confide in. Her lust for knowledge and adventure is not shared with many of the townspeople whether it be those of her age or older, so while she gets along with everyone, Ava still feels so... alone.
Alright, well I need to go to bed, but here she is! Expect some small edits here and there tomorrow, but its pretty much done.
Ava Kurier
Sex Female
Age 17
Stand's at around 5 feet, 2 inches. She has a medium, modestly thin build. Of course, most the notable features are the wings on her body. two large, brown white tipped wings sprout from her lower back, near her center of mass as well as a feathered tail. She uses her wings to fly and her tail to steer in the air, acting as a rudder of sorts. She also has two head wings, appearing just a little ways above the ears. These are fairly sensitive, allowing her to pick up the most minor changes in wind speed, direction, and air pressure. The most consistent pieces of her outfit is the red scarf and wing shrouds she wears. The scarf was a gift from her grandfather, who had received it from the farming family that had sheltered him. The shrouds for her wings were a gift from her mother.
Child of the Storm Ava can manipulate the air currents around her, being able to create powerful gusts of wind. This can be used in a variety of different ways, whether it be giving her an extra boost in flight, or sending a potential foe hurdling into a wall. However, due to Ava's very isolated upbringing and current life, she has had little chance to truly explore and train her powerful magic. Anything more advanced she has yet to learn, but this mastery over the air could prove incredibly destructive and powerful, if given the right teacher.
For Ava could, in theory, do far more crueler, deadlier things to a man with this magic. This could range from sucking the air out of a man's lungs, chocking him to death. A ball of condensed, highly pressurized atmosphere that could explode with the force of a bomb. Generate deadly pressure waves that could burst organs, no matter their protection. The possibilities and versatility of this power is incredible.
But, as said before, Ava lacks any sort of training, knowledge, or discipline in the arcane arts. Her abilities are only the results of her own personal training and experimentation, in secret.
It was a cold night in the Austro-Hungarian Empire on October 26th, 1856, a man named David Kurier awoke with a start. He was suddenly possessed with inspiration by vision he had witness in his dreams. David had been given a message from God, asking him to use his Talent to ascend the human race into the heavens to be one with God, reaching a true state of nirvana. He saw winged angels, all flying up towards Heaven and God, all seemingly forever content with life. This dream, this vision inspired... no... drove the man to a near maddening obsession of realizing the true potential of humanity.
David began to poor endlessly over magic text and research. He began to experiment, first with animals, on manipulating the physical attributes of living beings. It had always been known, at the time, that magic could have an affect on one's physical self. Curses could degrade the health of a man, magical attacks could destroy the biology of a creature, however, not a whole lot had been research on reconstructing and modifying a living being's physical form with the use of magic. You see, David decided the best way to realize his vision... was to take it very, very literally. He wanted to change the very appearance and abilities of the human race to be more... angelic. Thus he began his quest to refine his skills as a Talent and experiment endlessly on animals to see if what he wanted was even achievable.
At first, his work was promising. He became very familiar with the arts of Transmutation and studied some the minor, ancient pagan beliefs of animal spirit worship and familiars. These seem to always have a physical affect on the worshipers, gradually manipulating their bodies to be more beastly. However, David soon learned that changing a human to be more angelic was not the biggest hurdle. No, he understood that it was only the first third of the puzzle. The second third was arguably much more important to realizing his dream. None of these transformations were permanent throughout generations.
In order for the human race, as a whole, to evolve into a more angelic species, needed to be bread into the race itself. All of David's initial research only proved that humans could be physically shaped into angelic looking beings, yet very little showed any evidence that these new traits could be passed down for generations. Sure the methods could be, but not the blood. No, it had to be by blood, David could not trust that his decedents will continue his practice. Night after night, David pondered this dilemma, this curse of a problem that....
"That's it..." David thought. A curse! There were well known curses that were very much inherited by the new generation. The term "Sins of our Fathers" isn't just simply there for a metaphor. Blessings and curses were known to be passed down through families by blood, not by ritual or methods. If he could create a curse.. no.. a blessing of his own, then all of his decedents and there after could inherit the wonderful physical and magical traits of angelic beings!
This is when David Kurier began to warrant the attention of the Catholic Church. Catholicism had always had a major presence in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but had little care for a strange Talent's odd obsessions. But they did begin to care at this point, as this was the point when David began his first human experiments.
He had met and married a woman by the name of Katherine. She was won over, practically enchanted by David's vision for the future human race, and began to aid him in his en devours, acting as a willing test subject. Her father, however, was a devout man of the faith, so when he soon realized what was really going on between David and his daughter, Katherine, he began to investigate further. In some sense, by the time the Catholic Arcanocracy fully intervened, they were too late.
After years upon years and a full generation of children, David had perfected his so called "Blessing" and traits. Katherine had been manipulated by David's magic and had given birth to the first generation of what David called the "Avian Race". That child had grown up to marry his own wife, and have two sons, who also had the traits of the Avian race. The vision that had happened so long ago, the dream that one day, humanity may ascend into the heavens to live among angels and God seemed start to finally come to fruition.
However, the Catholics had not been idle, and after many years of their own investigation into the magic used by David Kurier, they deemed him and his entire bloodline an affront to their religion, decrying him as a heretic and an inhumane monster who experimented on his own family. History has left few details as to what the investigative report said, but Ava could never truly know if the church was right in their claims of inhumanity against her great, great grandfather.
By now, David was an old man, and was easily taken into custody, however his son, and his grandchildren did not go so quietly. They had tried to fight back, first through the courts, but they were swiftly booted out. The Catholics demanded that they surrender themselves and their children to the church custody, were they were to be immediately sterilized and contained. They tried to flee, but only one of the Kuriers were able to slip through the church's hands, the youngest of the two brothers. This young boy, Jakob Kurier, was Ava's grandfather.
He escaped southward, often taking the rougher paths and unused roads, as it was nearly impossible to hide his avian like features. As he traveled, he grew more and more hateful of his grandfather's curse. It was the reason why he was homeless, without family nor food. He continued to wander the countryside, stealing when he could, just barely surviving. He reached the Alps, where he finally collapsed in exhaustion.
There, a farming family had found him and taken the young man in. Jakob was a mess of young boy, but stuck to what few principles he still believed in from his family and decided to help this farming family in return for their kindness. He worked on this farm, soon living in the nearby village of Walde, high in the mountains and far from the Catholic's gaze. Little did he know that thanks to his mother and father's resolve, they were able to convince the authorities that they only had one son. So, Jakob began to build a new life.
In the beginning, he wanted revenge against the church, but as he lived in this peaceful village, he realized that he was getting revenge right now. Just by the mere act of existing on his own free will, by continuing his family's line, he was defying the church, proving that they had ultimately failed in their goal. Thus, Jakob began to make himself as useful as he could in this small community, earning respect and love of its residents. He fell in love with the farm girl of the family that had saved him and they married. He had one child, a son, who he named David after his grandfather, and lived the rest of his life in peace.
Now this is when Ava finally entered the picture. She was born in January on a cold day in winter. By then, the village had come to love the Kuriers, and quietly protected them through mostly passive means. Her family had gained much respect, thanks to her father and her grandfather's good nature determination and hard work. Now most of her ancestors, like her Grandfather, were not actually Talented. In fact, the final, third piece to David Kurier's ultimate goal, was to modify the very mana power of humanity, so that all could be that of Talent. The Catholic Arcanocracy had put a stop to him from ever even coming close to that goal, thus when he died, so did his Talent. However Ava was the first in her family after three generations, to inherit this aptitude for powerful magic.
When it was discovered that Ava possessed Talent, it was kept underwraps. Ava's father forbid her from experimenting with her magic or using it for anything other than aiding her ability to fly. But that never really stopped Ava from secretly testing her powers. Even to this day, she has a secret spot in the mountains were she try out new spells and abilities whenever she can learn them.
When Ava became older, she took up an apprenticeship with the local postman, working essentially as a paperboy, but with more than just the daily news. She would be commonly scene flying from home to home in the countryside, delivering mail with a smile. Though, Ava has grown more and more anxious over the years. She doesn't want to stay coupe up in this small village. There was a vast, unexplored world out there, and Ava knew it.
Ava is a strong willed, friendly individual who has one hell of a backbone. Despite her humble upbringings, Ava is particularly quick witted and smart, being able to learn things at an astounding rate. Generally speaking, she will be kind and polite to those she initially meets, however to her closer friends, she can be shockingly foul mouthed, sarcastic, and even somewhat rude. She seems almost frustrated, angered that she has yet to meet anyone who truly functions at her level. To put it simply, in such a small, isolated mountain village, Ava lacks any sort of equal peer to confide in. Her lust for knowledge and adventure is not shared with many of the townspeople whether it be those of her age or older, so while she gets along with everyone, Ava still feels so... alone.
Alright then, with that out the way, the CS may now be officially under construction. Please maintain a safe distance as the builders begin their work. Always were a high visibility vest and safety helmet when entering the construction zone. Thank you.
So, I am to gather that she has a human body for the most part, but wings and a tail attached? So more like an angel than, say, Papi from Monster Monsume? If that's the case, then that's absolutely fine. Not that I have a problem with anthro birds, it's just, I am much more comfortable if they have, for the most part, a human body,(hands legs head) or at least a human form, it's just easier to wrap my brain around.
Yeah! She's pretty human, she's just the failed result of her ancestor trying to reshape humans into the image of Valkyrie.
Also, I legitimately did not know what the hell "Monster Monsume" was.... then I googled.... watched Gigguk's "Anime in 2015" review and promtely deleted my search history as those google image results realllllly was not what I wanted to see today...
*sigh* man... sometimes... well, to quote Gigguk: "Monster Monsume wins the "The Show I really Don't Want to Explain to My Mom" award.
You can PM me if you'd rather it be private, I don't mind.
Please, like I would hide my GENIUS from the world!
Joking aside, here is just a brief summary:
This is Ava Kurier
In what was once known as the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ava's ancestor had a dream... no, more like a vision that came to him on that fateful night of October 26th, 1856. A dream that humans would break the shackles of their earth bound selves and ascend into the heavens, becoming one with the gods and living for eternity in nirvana. Her grandfather made it his life goal to use his Talent powers to research and study how to change the bodies of humans, how to mutate them. He took the vision, perhaps, a bit too literally, but he was able to create a spell that was satisfactory in his eyes. He decided to bless his bloodline, to be the first of this new "Avian Race" as he called it, blessing himself and his decedents with this magic that manipulated their bodies to allow them the ability to fly. This so called "blessing became more a curse, as the Catholics labeled this magic heretical or even inhumane, and began to go after the Kurier bloodline. Ava's great, great grandfather and her great grandfather were captured by church authorities, while her grandfather was able to escape them as a boy. He fled to the Alps where he hid in a small, isolated village in the mountains.
Anyway, she's the decent of that bloodline, the last of this strange experiment. The isolated village her grandfather lived is where she lives now and is protected by its residents, or at least, as much as they can. She specializes in controlling the wind (shocker) and is a Talent herself, but doesn't really know it, as she's lived her whole life in a small mountain village in the middle of nowhere. Not much magic to compare too. As seen in the picture, her most notable traits are her wings and feathers, allowing her to fly much like a bird.
Well, that's the abridged, gist of it. There's a lot more fun details and story I want to flush out, especially about how the bloodline was cursed exactly, the experimentation, ect, but I figured that I'd just give the core of the idea here in its place.
-A Character outline based on the skeleton provided in the original post (post it here in the OOC first and when I approve it, post it in the character section.) -You to read and adhere to the rules that have been included in the original post -You to post at least once a day. (Exceptions can be made, but keeping this RP waiting a week without explanation will result in a warning. Two warnings and you are out.)
And that's it.
Sounds reasonable enough to me! Thanks, I shall have a CS up momentarily, though I would like to run a few things by you for the character I have in mind. It's nothing too radical or anything, just some things I want to make sure you're fine with before I really dive into it. Want me to PM you the CS idea or just talk about them here? I don't mind either way, its just in my experience, sometimes that's just how GMs want to do things.
Hello! I would be interested in joining this fine RP. Seems like a lot of effort was put into world building and I appreciate that sort of thing. Please let me know if there is a slot available, or, if I may be on a waiting list of some sort.
The ship lurched and and the very terrifying sound of bending metal echoed through the bridge. Krauss couldn't help but be struck by both awe and nostalgia by the power of the ring terror. Truly the Ring of Thunder defied all knowledge of how lightning and electricity worked. It was, as many have said before, like the storm itself was alive, and not pleased at the Garrloch's attempt to leave its influence. With the storm roaring above them, Krauss watched as the captain began to bark orders both at bridge crew and through the intercom.
This was most definitely not the time to give the report.
"Come wit' me, ace. There's real work ta be done." Captain Conway said, brushing past Krauss without even checking to see if Krauss followed. The pilot took one last look at the chaotic bridge, the helmsman fighting the waves as the ship bobbed over them. Sighing, Krauss followed the captain below decks.
"Aye sir, let's keep your baby afloat." Krauss said when he caught up to the captain. They made their way to the scene of the damage, a nasty fire was burning its way through the hall, but had thankfully not started in a particularly dangerous place. Krauss silently thanked whatever god, spirit, or his healthy sense of luck that the fire hadn't started near the fuel storage. The Garrloch was unique thanks to its on board aircraft, so it had to carry the airplane's fuel, of course. Had the fire started there, and well... Krauss would be dead in the water in more ways than one. He saw Captain Conway bark something at man who most definitely did not look like a sailor, then shove a fire hose into his hands. Quickly, Krauss ran up behind the man and grabbed a part of the hose. Smiling he yelled over teh chaos to the civilian with a grin.
"It's real simple to use, just point the nozzle and pull that lever! The water pressure is gonna give you a kick, so I'll brace ya from behind and help you get it under control!" Krauss braced against the back of the man while getting a good grip on the hose. "Whenever you're ready sir."