Avatar of Skepic
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
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8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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They can't have it its mine now


90s called, they want their phrase.
@Mercenary Lord
Will probably post tomorrow.

"Addiwson, Addiwson, please styop touwching my heawd nya. I do nyot enjowy it."

"Errm..... s-sorry, I didn't mean for that bothered you." She struggled out. Addison relented, but only just. Once again, her hardened combat experience of discipline and strength was put to the test as Addison painfully pulled her hand away from the adorable cat girl. Hamaguchi would get cuddled to death one day, Addison resolved, but today was not going to be that day. This resolve was further strengthened when Hamaguchi stated she wouldn't mind Addison petting her head, so long as she had permission.

"Okay please follow me than. My family is there at the moment so."

"Oh.. your family? I look forward to meeting them." Addison said with a grin. She couldn't help but feel lucky that the first person she met in this world was so kind. Now Addison was definitely not disillusioned to the fact that most would not be like Hamaguchi, but the fact that Hamaguchi was the first she met, at least gave her hope that there would be more people like her out there.

As they continued, Addison began to understand why Hamaguchi had asked if she would be willing to tag along into a more dangerous place. As she had suspected, they had entered a slum of sorts. Shady individuals eyed them, but hopefully unbeknownst to Hamaguchi, Addison's glare alone made most of the potential trouble makers look away. While Hamaguchi had seen the face of Addisons soft side, these potential thugs saw the eyes of someone who has easily killed and seen the deaths of many. Addison's hand rested cautiously on her combat knife's sheath.

"So.. this is where you live? I got to say, your a lot tougher than you look." Addison said, turning back to Hamaguchi with that familiar smile. "It must be tough." Addison had, admittedly, has never really known the hardship of poverty. Even in her military career, it was rare that she was ever going hungry or worried if she could afford the roof over head.

"There's a lot more to this cute cat girl than I originally thought..." Addison silently noted.

Addison put her hand to her mouth and tried to hide her face. A stifled laugh only just barely came out as Hamaguchi laughed proudly and presented her pay. It was nearly too much between the face of the girl and her hilarious laugh for poor Addison. Nevertheless, Addison collected herself and nodded. It seemed like a pretty fair pay to her, especially when she learned of Hamaguchi's job.

"Arranging flowers, huh? Yeah, I can see you doing something like that. Suits your look." she said smiling. When the cat girl blushed, a similar feeling from before welled up inside Addison...

"Must.... not... cuddle... to death...." She thought with a struggle, however, what Hamaguchi said next shook her out of her cuddling intentions.

"Hey hey Addison-chan, where I'm going next it pretty dangerous and I don't know if you are really here to visit such a place but feel free to decline." Hamaguchi said with a noticeably sadder tone. Interesting, however Addison quickly came to the conclusion Hamaguchi did not want to part ways. Smiling, Addison placed a hand on Hamaguchi's head.

"Hey, don't worry about me. I appreciate the warning, but I can handle myself." She posed comically, as if to prove her strength. Turning back to Hamaguchi with a small laugh, Addison continued. "I can keep hanging out with you if ya want, even if your heading to a more dangerous part of town. But, if you don't mind me asking, why would you be heading to a bad part of town or something?"
<Snipped quote by Skepic>

My favorite girl doesn't win and I dont like it: The Post: The Home Video: Based On a True Story: The Musical: On Ice


BOOOM! Instant millions. I'll call it, "Return to the Best Girl"

Oh and a smile with a nose, now that's something you don't see everyday (no really)

Addison smiled and gave a nod of thanks to the merchant. "Appreciate it." she said before jogging off after Hamaguchi to catch up. Munching on her snack, she looked at all the things the cat girl had bought. "I take it today was payday or something? You look like your enjoying yourself." she said, jokingly.

Addison had continued to think on her current joblessness situation. She could probably fake whatever credentials a healer needed these parts, as they had absolutely no way of figuring out her origins. Perhaps she might even attract more customers by playing the "exotic" card. "Hmmm.... I wouldn't have a store/clinic to operate out of for awhile... That probably takes a lot of money, just like anywhere else, so what could I do...?" she thought to herself as they walked. Then an another thought came to her.

"If ya don't mind me asking, what does a cute little thing like yourself do around here?" she asked Hamaguchi. To a certain extent, she was very curious as to what this little girl before could do for a living. Especially if the time period was anything like the history of her own... However, Addison somewhat doubted that last part. Sure their's no cars or phones, but for god sake their are freaking giant lizards pulling carriages around, so anything could be really possible as far as actual societal norms went.
Got my incredibly lazy ass to fart out a post. XD

But really, I kind of like the idea that Krauss gets Captain Conway to an extent, and respects him for it. Just throwing the idea around. Perhaps he experinced similar personalities while in the AAN or something with airship captains.
The aircraft's engines began to spin down at the Captain's gesture, but they did, Krauss couldn't help but chuckle. As if he was just gonna take off again, right? That aside, he climbed out the cockpit and began working with the deck hands to move the AV-44 into the hangar bay. He began first, with the help of a crew member, unlocking the folding joints of the aircraft manually, before climbing into the cockpit again to turn on the motors to rotate the wings flush with the fuselage. Then he and the rest of the deck crew, rolled the aircraft into the hangar. It was a small space, so it was a snug fit, but they got the airplane in non the less. Thanking the crew, Krauss began to make his way to the bridge.

Krauss had met Captain Conway before, as to arrange plans and discuss the aircraft that would be aboard his new vessel. While gruff and stubborn, the man had garnished Krauss's respect through their dealings. He admired his no nonsense attitude and focus on practicality. Krauss had also become somewhat acquainted with the crew, particularly the deck hands and maintenance staff who would be working on his special baby. However, Krauss hadn't had the chance to meet some of the passengers of the ship.

He had read some of the files of the people he would be fairing, thanks to a friend in UINC, and they seem to have a pretty varied crew on board. However, one thing made him... uneasy. While they could encounter dangers out exploring, most would be of the natural kind, according to Krauss, so why bother with having specially trained mercs with this voyage? What were they really expecting to face out there.

Krauss shook his head, trying to rid them of these thoughts. He needed to keep an open mind about these people and the true intentions of this voyage.

Krauss, was making his way down the hallway when the boat had suddenly lurched. Grabbing the handrail on onside of the corridor, he quickly caught himself and road the surge. "Damn, I guess we've hit the Ring of Thunder now. Probably going to feel a few more of those before the day ends." he mumbled to himself as he now, with a more cautious approach, made his way to the bridge.

Upon entering the bridge, he spotted Captain Conway among his crew. They seem to be focusing intensly on getting their craft through the rough waters in one piece, so Krauss decided to make his visit a short as possible. "Mr. Conway, I hate to bother you at a time like this, but I'm just dropping off the post-flight checklist for you. I know you do not expressly need it, but I figured you would want to know whether this new fangled flying machine will or won't blow up your vessel here." Krauss handed over the folder to the Captain. "Oh, and I can say with 90% certainty it wont. Everything went according to plan, and it seems it will stay that way for the time being." he said with a grin.


Oops, will do!
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