The day had being a normal one for Eris, she went through all of her activities at the elite boarding school where she was quite literally grounded at and now that the time for their enforced curfew was just about to hit, Eris was sitting at her desk, doing some drawings, right after finishing her homework. Eris was used to the slow and strict way of the life at the school, after a couple years away from home. At least, it was good to take her away from her jerk of a father but obviously, everything had its disadvantages, like Eris not being able to do what she wants when she wants to.
Anyway, the activities of the day (especially her fencing training) had taken a toll on Eris and she ended dozing off on her desk, probably drooling over whatever she was doing. When Eris' senses began to come back to her, she was met with a bright light. Immediately she wondered if she had overslept and it was morning already, but the sound of voices and others characteristic of a city, instead got Eris thinking that one of her roommate must have been watching TV, or using their computers past the curfew time, again. "Thanks for waking me up before I got a stiff neck but, could you turn that off? You'll get us into trouble, a... gain?" That last sentence came out more like a question born out of sheer surprise than as a snappy remark, after all, what Eris saw when she finally opened her eyes wasn't something she expected to see, unless she was dreaming.
However, "This is too lucid to be a dream. So, either I have gone insane, or I was somehow transported to another world." Eris believed in her own sanity, so it only left the second option as a valid one. "Dillydallying wouldn't help me at all, I'd better try and find some information before it gets dark." Looking around, Eris tried to locate someone that seemed to be a representative of the local authorities, until she found what looked like a knight, wearing armor and all. Resisting the impulse to just stand there staring in awe, Eris walked to the knight and asked, "Pardon me for the interruption, sir. I seem to be lost, could you please take me to some place where I can get some information?" While she waited for the knight's reply, Eris did a quick check of what she had with her. A set of drawing apparel, a sketch book, her wristwatch and a silver bracelet that's matched with her sister's, no money or any form of identification other than the engraving on the bracelet, bearing her family's coat of arms as well as Eris' name and date of birth. If it to the worst case, Eris would have to find a way to sell or pawn the watch, a silver casing, genuine Swiss mechanical watch would be valuable, especially on a medieval would such as this looked to be, at least this was something Eris had to her advantage. Not all was looking so dire, after all.

A few minutes later, after Eris talked to the guard, he brought her to the only place he could think of, the HQ on the Iron Bell Knights. Needless to say, Eris was marveled by the grandeur of the place that she almost didn't even noticed when the knight said. "Stay here at the hall, girl. I'll report this to the Captain, she will know what to do. Try to not touch anything, by the way." The knight left, shoot a long glare at Eris who was avidly trying to find someone to ask about the portraits hung on a nearby wall. It served a double purpose of getting her to know the history of this realm as well as trying to learn their written language, of course it would not work so fast, but if Eris wanted to survive here, those were two things she needed to do.