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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle looked around, admiring himself for his performance, and seeing the watchful eyes of every man and women in the crowds around them. Kyle looked at the female he was interacting with, and he nearly laughed out loud when he saw how red she had become. Kyle decided this was his chance to escape. This may be a dream but he certainly did not want to fake die yet. Kyle turned and started to make a fast and flashy exit, filled with lots of hand motions and mediocre one liners, when he bumped into elf that was next to them. Kyle stumbled a bit and tried to catch himself, landing on one knee and putting his hand to his head.

Kyle sighed and stood up slowly, trying to think of a line he did not just recently use. But this was just about the time it seemed like the slightly bleeding female had had quite enough of him and wanted him gone. She had taken out her weapon, which prompted others to do the same.

Kyle thought to himself"What the shit?"

Kyle realized he inadvertentley involved the young female elf in his own scuffle. Kyle dramatically took the womens hand and whispered to her,"Run."

Kyle ran with the elf down two blocks, dodging walking pedestrians and home made stalls. Kyle had nearly thought he would never lose them, when he found a small alley way and ducked in there with the elf, weaving through a crowd of people to dissapear from the angry mobs sight.

@seirei no hai@liferusher
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica
Iron Bell Knights HQ
Maria’s Room


“That is what Ryan over here had stated only moments prior to our meeting. Which leads me to believe that there is the possibility a trafficking ring had been set up to take people from across the maps of the world. It is my belief that someone had cast some sort of spell on the both of you in order to disorient you, however, for whatever reason, the spell seems to have worn off.”

Maria was still under the impression that these two individuals had been taken by some sort of nefarious organization. And though merely a rumor, people have been said to simply disappear, and their disappearance can sometimes by rumor be to the Cult of the Witch.

However, baseless rumors were not something Maria took stock within, but even so, if there was a chance the Witch’s Cult could be involved, as a Knight and protector of the land, Maria felt obligated to protect the two potential targets. This was Maria’s primary concern from the beginning. Which is why she felt obligated to assist these two poor, unfortunate souls.

Grian, on the other hand, was merely here as a precaution to protect the integrity of the land. If he was involved, especially with the Cult of the Witches, Maria would have to take action to the fullest extent of the law she could muster against such a foe. But his positioned seemed one of misunderstanding. Perhaps he was a victim of circumstance. He, from his appearance, was most likely a freelance swordsman. Or at the very least an adventurer. Or perhaps some sort of guard himself. Either way, from his imposing size to his swords, Maria could at the very least recognize the sort of effect training one’s blade would impose on the body, as from a very young age she had begun training to be a Knight and the successor to the Hohenzollern family.
Perhaps that made Grian a tad bit more dangerous than either Ryan or Cheika, but Maria seemed to be sure that the other would not cause a ruckus. After all, such actions would likely be put down quickly from her fellow Knights of the Bell and herself. After all, Maria’s sword style was more about stalling for possible openings, and Maria was sure that she could match about anyone with her blade.

“But I would have to agree with Mr. Grian over here about not referring to him as a “mutt”. Though you might have your civil disputes, I would rather not create this as a race issue, as sensitive as those topics might be. Though your views are your own, I cannot say that judging someone based on traits they cannot control is righteous.”

Though Maria didn’t understand the dispute the two were having, Maria was more of an individual to judge based off of the actions rather than appearance. Though she cannot be completely guilty of not doing this, she at the very least strived to act in a just manner as humanly possible. However, even justice with her blindness holds the sword in protest.

“Back to topic. I have never heard of this place called ‘Japan’ before. It doesn’t seem like a place that would be within the surrounding area. Unfortunately my geographic skills would not be the best. I merely know the surrounding nations and city states from trading and immigrants. I cannot say it is something I am well versed on. But if I do not know it, it is likely very far away. And for that, I am truly sorry.”

Maria did genuinely feel bad for the two. Displaced from their home, and likely to never see their families or friends again. However, Maria could not understand the depth of the situation they were in from her perspective. After all, Maria was, for the most part, someone who was grounded in reality. She was not aware that these individuals had come from another world entirely.

“However, I will find anyone related to this incident and try to bring them in line with the law. Until then though, you and Ryan are both persons of interests whom I would wish to use in this investigation. Though you both seem to know little about how you got here, I am sure eventually it shall enter your recollecti-,”

That was about when some knight Maria did not recognize entered the room and began to ask of the Atrius family seal. Of course, Maria had heard there was an incident involving one of the sons of the Atrius family. He was found dead and there is strong evidence to presume fowl play. In fact, Maria would likely have undertaken this task in the event she wasn’t currently in the middle of resolving a civil dispute.

“I would not know the location of the seal. I had yet to look into that case yet. I would presume it is in the evidence room,” Maria plainly told the presumed knight.

“But,” she continued, “I cannot say I recognize you. Are you one of the reinforcement Knights? I was unsure if my request was even making it to the central office, but we are currently understaffed, as you know. I could use any able bodies I could get. Less and less people have considered joining the knights, and even the youths of the knights are saying that chivalry is dead. Tragic, but there is not much I can do besides attempt to change their views on the matter.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


OOC: Oh though the most logical thing is to hide Avery in his house, I don't believe it wouldn't be the funest thing to roleplay with just the two of them to be in Dante house the whole day.

Dante plan wasn't perfect but for him to hide her in a cloak rather than risk Avery mistress finding them by asking around for a girl with pink hair, he just didn't plan for her staff to be so hard to hide. "I got an idea, let me hold her staff. it mayhelp throw her off if she decides to ask around for you." Dante asked her taking her staff in hand. Again it may, but Dante believe it was then nothing. Now it's time to find something to do with her so she wouldn't be bored, otherwise, there will probably be hell to play. He then signed and said. "Want to do some window shopping in the market street?" He asked her calmly hoping she will be on her best behavior while she was there. He then led her to the street with a lot of merchant booths.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The guy she had hit with her nose had stumbled onto something and fell over to his butt landing against the feet of someone else. It didn't look all to serious but the man behind him seemed a little irritated when he accidently hurt him and sweared at the same time. Takagi looked a little confused at the situation but had a natural expression on her face when the boy apologised?

Yep yep a pervert. Definitely a pervert no doubt about it. Takagi's eye twitched for a moment out of cringe. What was this guy thinking saying stuff like that to others in public. The pervert even held her hands, he needed a lesson to respect others and especially the ones older than him.

"I believe we should have a pri-"

Did he just kiss her on the cheek. Takagi started out in front of her while he retreated back from her face. Her eye twitched once more as her hands pulled together in choking manner. She wanted to raise her hands to his face but he started backing off already. Her expression angered because he didn't even try to make it okay again. He made it worse and worse for himself by provoking her over and over again.

"Boooooyy, we need to have a little chat about your manners."

For some reason people thought it was fun to raise their weapons out of nowhere. Takagi backed off from a nearby citizen that raised their sword and duck down to avoid the hit. Takagi took out her own sword too and tried swinging only at the ones with weapons while some of the other citizen ran away from the ruckus. This boy had blown her cover by making an upheave. Now he seriously was gonna pay once she had him in her arms. Being a bandit had it's positives and negatives.

"Come back here you twat! God damnit!"

Kyojin and Kondo were having their own private conversation in between hoping that the others didn't notice all too much. If the fox would help out a hand she might earn something for it too even if she didn't knew directly what the plan was from the two. She only had to distract them just a bit. Kondo gave her a somewhat serious look hoping she would get it but didn't expect too much. Tantrum was downstairs getting the drinks so she wouldn't cause much trouble for now.

"He looks pretty important too yea, I'm fine with it. It's not really like they have a use here after all and it isn't like we really used them by selling them out."

Kondo was trying to talk as soft as possible. He never had done such sinister plans before. Or was it just the booze talking. Well this girl was annoying anyway so it wasn't a big deal that she would end up as some slave or maiden of the castle. Kondo gave a soft chuckle.

"Hey Tsuiho, how much did those bandits give you last month. That you handed in. Must have been enough, seeing you a drinking all these fancy drinks."



Hamaguchi waited a moment for Addison to catch up to her and slowly started walking again along sides Addison with a satisfied smile on her face. It made her happy that Addison was happy too. She seemed to appreciate that Hamaguchi had given her a new world starter pack, I mean food, yea food yea. The girl asked Hamaguchi if she was paid today. Hamaguchi let out a proud laugh.

"Nyha, nyha, nyha, of course of course lady Addison. I just had about enough to live through today if it wasn't for the payment. Happens every week though but see how many shiny coins, Nyha, nyha."

Hamaguchi poked out her hand at Addison displaying 5 silver coins and a few copper ones with a proud catish smile on her face. Addison must have been jealous seeing that much coins in one hand. Hamaguchi made sure that Addison was able to see them for as long as she liked and poked them back in her pocket again. She guessed that she might as well ask soon, about if she wanted to come. Addison took the mic and spoke.

"Me? I make flowers look pretty! I arrange them to be pretty so people can place them somewhere in house. I don't really do much else though. It is hard to find more work."

Hamaguchi kept smiling as she talked to keep Addison happy too. She didn't want to make this girl sad or the likes after she got such a great gift. Wait did she got called cute. A slight blush formed on her face as her ears jumped up with the same expression staying on her face.

"Hey hey Addison-chan, where I'm going next it pretty dangerous and I don't know if you are really here to visit such a place but feel free to decline."

Hamaguchi spoke to the Addison with a bit of a sadder tone. She was really worried they already had to part ways. She liked the green girl after all. Still she wasn't unreasonable to keep Addison to herself the whole time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Addison put her hand to her mouth and tried to hide her face. A stifled laugh only just barely came out as Hamaguchi laughed proudly and presented her pay. It was nearly too much between the face of the girl and her hilarious laugh for poor Addison. Nevertheless, Addison collected herself and nodded. It seemed like a pretty fair pay to her, especially when she learned of Hamaguchi's job.

"Arranging flowers, huh? Yeah, I can see you doing something like that. Suits your look." she said smiling. When the cat girl blushed, a similar feeling from before welled up inside Addison...

"Must.... not... cuddle... to death...." She thought with a struggle, however, what Hamaguchi said next shook her out of her cuddling intentions.

"Hey hey Addison-chan, where I'm going next it pretty dangerous and I don't know if you are really here to visit such a place but feel free to decline." Hamaguchi said with a noticeably sadder tone. Interesting, however Addison quickly came to the conclusion Hamaguchi did not want to part ways. Smiling, Addison placed a hand on Hamaguchi's head.

"Hey, don't worry about me. I appreciate the warning, but I can handle myself." She posed comically, as if to prove her strength. Turning back to Hamaguchi with a small laugh, Addison continued. "I can keep hanging out with you if ya want, even if your heading to a more dangerous part of town. But, if you don't mind me asking, why would you be heading to a bad part of town or something?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery seemed quite reluctant at Dante's request to give him the staff. Avery couldn't quite argue with the reasoning behind of it, nor the reasoning behind wearing the cloak, but it still didn't make him too happy with handing over his staff to him.
Vesta went to a bit of trouble to get him this...
"I guess you're right...just don't break it 'kay? It's a lot more valuable then you may think." Avery handed the staff over a little nervously before fiddling around the trims of the cloak for a moment. It felt weird not to be holding the staff, Avery always carried it wherever he went since he had been given it to him by Vesta 7 years ago.
"I suppose having a looksie around the marketplace sounds like fun Dante~ Anything's fine with me really!" Avery had flicked the switch once more to become his more 'cutesy' persona as he covered his mouth partly with his hand before allowing a little giggle to escape.
He fell into place behind Dante to move in time with Dantes walking pace with his own skippy, overly happy way of walking while letting out a soft hum of 'twinkle twinkle little star'. Not that Dante would be familiar with it, it was something from Earth after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"O-oi. W-wait!" Too late, the foreign teenage boy had already grabbed her hand and made a run for a random street path passing every stall in a hurry and pushing aside any citizen carrying stuff over to their own respective stalls, mothers holding hands with their children evaded the human-elf pair as they ran through. Blanc took one look back at the frenzied townsfolk holding various weapons as they chased them to no end, even one look at a pissed off Takagi, the white-haired bandit and to make things worse... she could "somehow" feel the rushing wind blowing through her snow-white hair which gave bewildered impressions from several people as they passed.

"...oh no..." Oh no is right. Her free hand would touch her flowing hair and long ears, eyes widened at this realization she attempted to put a stop to Kyle's running and make them stand their ground, she had this idea in mind that would help stop the raging townsfolk from stabbing them alive. She grits her teeth and squints her eyes, forming an icy blue glare towards the teenage boy.

"Hanase! (Let me go!) Stop right now! I mean it!" She raised her voice sounding quite audibly hoping it could stop him in his tracks for her to do her thing.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

When Kyle and his new elf companion entered the alley, Kyle had planned to take them further along. Kyle was not sure if he was still dreaming, or if somehow everything around him was real, but either way this all excited him. He had not truly meant to drag anyone else into his mess but he was slightly excited that he had someone to share in his adventure. Kyle prepared himself to run even further when the voice of his companion made him stop in his tracks.

Kyle thought the voice was precious. Not in a, bow down before me as I cast you under my spell precious, but in a "I cant believe someone so small could sound so adorable by trying to take command" precious. Kyle realized he had been holding on to her hand this entire time, in which he immediately dropped it. Kyle was suddenly slightly embaressed but tried to cover it. Kyle flung his hands in the air, then gave a small bow to his new friend.

"Please forgive me, it was just I feel like if I had not brought you along that angry crowd would have surely come after you to, guilty for no other reason than of association. I apologize that I have brought such troubles upon your pretty head but I really feel like we should move. I believe we lost the worst of the crowd for now but they could find us at anytime."

@seirei no hai@liferusher
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Not call him a mutt? Well, maybe if he didn't behave like one, she wouldn't call him one. Chieko said nothing more, however, as she was not asked further questions. Instead, she mostly remained silent and observed the people around her, mostly looking at the various books in the room. That said, the conversation Maria was having with that obviously suspicious looking knight guy reached her ears.

An idea struck her. She was all about law and justice, and would be the perfect person to bring law somewhere. If they needed recruits...it would solve any money and housing problems she would have. It may have been a bit sudden for someone in her position to even think about or suggest doing such a thing...but it was the best course of action, wouldn't it? She could help find out how she got here, learn to defend herself, and not only that help bring sweet glorious justice to those who needed it! Completely ignoring Grian now, she fixed Maria with a cool stare.

"Can I join the knights?" She rather suddenly asked in her usual way.



Well, she had not expected Aya to do just that. A shock of pain went through Tsuiho, body tensing as her tail was stomped on. A small growl escaped her lips as the mug in her hands was tossed up into the air, the alcohol unfortunately spilling over the railing below them. With a small whimper, she picked her tail up from the ground, nestling the abused appendage in her arms, ears laying flat against her head.

"Awah...Kon-Kon," She said, fake tears showing in her eyes. "Someone should pet my fluffy tail and make it feel better." Upon being addressed though, her ears perked up just ever so slightly, intrigued. Though...she wasn't about to say anything that might give away her actual identity so easily, especially if others were around. She released the hold on her tail, suddenly seeming not entirely in pain and paying little attention to others. Instead, she tilted her head slightly to the side.

"Ah...I have no idea what you're talking about?" Either she legitimately didn't, or she was just being coy. Judging from the way her tail was swishing back and forth in amusement it may have likely been the latter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 18 days ago

Ryan Dreane

“I cannot say I recognize you. Are you one of the reinforcement Knights? I was unsure if my request was even making it to the central office, but we are currently understaffed, as you know. I could use any able bodies I could get. Less and less people have considered joining the knights, and even the youths of the knights are saying that chivalry is dead. Tragic, but there is not much I can do besides attempt to change their views on the matter.”

Hearing this, Ryan began to ponder joining up with the Knights of the Iron Bell. This place seemed to be pretty secure and relatively comfortable. Besides, it'd definitely be wise to stick close to Maria give her willingness to help. Before he could voice his own idea, Chieko seemed to beat him to it. If she was going to join, then he really didn't have much choice. People from earth would definitely have to stick together if they were going to figure this mess out.

"If it's an option..I'm willing to sign up as well." He said glancing between Chieko and Maria. He wouldn't say he had some kind of serious sense of justice, but he also wasn't fond of criminals. "It'd be a good way for me to make good on the promise I made to you to help others. I've never used a sword before, but I've practiced archery for most of my life." He mentioned without admitting how mediocre he was at said skill. He could reliably hit a target, sure, but he had no experience when it came to moving objects or people.


Royal Capital Lugnica

"Err, yeah that's me. I'm the first knight they sent. Apparently there will be others coming though."
Jiru lied, smiling behind his helmet. Opportunities that convenient didn't come often. "I hate to hear what those recruits are saying, it's shameful really. Upstanding knights are pretty hard to come by."

"So, the evidence room you say. Where would that be? I wasn't exactly given a map when I got here." He continued, not really believing it could be this easy.

While Jiru scanned the room, he took note of the large demi-human. Well that could blow my cover. I'm starting to love this helmet. He thought to himself. If the wolf man noticed him, he'd probably be in hot water as well. Those versed in the underground usually didn't screw each other over without reason, and given their present company, Jiru could easily take Grian down with him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Addison was laughing with her it seemed. The green girl was clearly amused by how much Hamaguchi got payed, yes that was why she was laughing yes! Hamaguchi even stood more proud than before displaying a grinning expression on her face. Addison heard about what job Hamaguchi had and said it fitted the cat girl pretty well. Hamaguchi showed her teeth as she smiled at the girl. She was happy that Addison found it fitting for her because she liked it a lot herself too.

"Thank nyou very much Addison, nyou should come by sometines."

When Hamaguchi told Addison about that it was getting dangerous pretty soon she placed a hand onto the cat girl her head. Hamaguchi's back bend over slightly as her tail jumped straight up. Her ears flat on her head she looked up at Addison with a reddened face. This was making her pretty damn uncomfortable.

"Addiwson, Addiwson, please styop touwching my heawd nya. I do nyot enjowy it."

Hamaguchi had a almost begging look on her face to not touch her so much. It was hugely pleasing to cats to pet their heads or good spots on their bodies. When Addison finally let go of her head she placed both hands shyly together in front of her lap. Her head was pointed at the street with a small pout on it.

"I don't really mind you touching me but please don't do it without permission."

Addison was glad to join Hamaguchi to the darker side of town so that made her a little more relieved to hear that her friend wanted to go too. Her face brightened with a big smile on her face. She would jump around a such but decided not to show her happiness all too much or they might really stand out in the crowd.

"Okay please follow me than. My family is there at the moment so."

And just like that they headed off towards the slums.

The fox was irritated by the small kid that stepped on her tail. He could somewhat understand the kid since Tsuiho could get pretty touchy with her hands and provoking with her manners of talking. Still it was pretty mean to just stomp onto the most delicate part of a fox. It must have hurted a ton to have a tail that was being crushed. Like throwing a rock onto your own arm. But now she was seeking refugee by the tavern owner. Kondo picked up his mug and placed it almost on his mouth while looking the other way from Tsuiho.

"I'm allergic to fluffy tails."

He said in somewhat cold manner while gulping down his drink. Now he noticed that Tsuiho's mug was empty too. Must have spilled somewhere while she was being hurt. He glanced around the ground but could not see any stains. He looked over the railing and saw a white haired girl completely drenched with the alcohol. She looked angry and had a big sword so he didn't intend to give it anymore attention that it happened. He didn't want to get trouble. He didn't look worried that she might wreck the place so it was fine really.

Tsuiho didn't understand what they were gonna do. Well he couldn't blame her. He couldn't tell her outloud either with the boy still here and his hint wasn't the brightest either. He would tell her later.

Terrified screams of agony could be heard from the terrace on the roof. They were all from the black haired twerp that went downstairs just a minute ago. No one had any clue about what was happening, the only one that likely wouldn't have cared about it was Kondo who was just sipping his drink nonchalantly.

After a short two minutes 2 voices and feet could be heard coming from the stairs. One clearly mad and the other trying to brush of the situation lightly.


"Aww, it will be fine, you only have to do it once okay? Then you can come downstairs again. You are a real struggle aren't you hehe."

The steps on the stairs grew louder indicating they were both almost on the upper floor. They stood still for a minute in front of the door, separating the hallway with the terrace.

"1, 2, 3, here you go."

Yoshinobu opened the door for her with herself still standing half on the stairs. She gave Aya a little push on the bumm to make her walk forward onto the terrace and closed the door behind her once she was out...

Aya didn't say anything, clearly embarrassed by the situation. She held a serving plate with both hands in front of her while looking away at the ground. Her face was as red as a tomato with a look of anger on her face. Her clothes had completely changed. She was wearing a maid outfit that had been lying in the tavern for years. It didn't look all to weird and seemed very easy to walk in. She would likely kill the first one to even talk about it.

"H-here are the d-drinks that you ordered..."

Aya placed the serving plate down with 5 drinks on it, one more for everyone. She turned around and with a quick walk walked towards the terrace door again. She wanted to open it but it was locked. A look of irritation entered her face as her mouth flew open.


"Awww come one, just keep them on for a minute."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Perhaps flirting with an elven girl right after causing a small scuffle during your first meet wasn't exactly the best idea. Blanc was angry, disappointed even as she forced her hand off of his, wiping it with her cloak before peeking back out the alleyway for the crowd that was following them.

She took sight of them minutes later, hiding her head back in before lying against the wall sighing and giving herself a hushed pep talk.

"You can do this Blanc... just like what Tundo taught you. This will be the first time in combat with other humans, just don't kill them." Blanc inhaled a few times, maybe two more before walking herself back out in front of the raging crowd.

She had her right arm forward, palms open. Her left leg slanted backwards and her right leg bending slightly as several small shards of sharpened ice appear beside her body on both sides as blue icy fragments form quite slowly; while the open palm in her hand also seemed to be gathering mana, a small whitish-blue light hovering beside it as the same fragments merge into it at the same rate as the small ice crystals beside her. It looks like she was going to stop them in their tracks, maybe form a small wall, perhaps large enough for them not to jump over.

"Here they come."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

"I see. Thank you for your help." Vesta sighed deeply before walking away from the fruit stall whose owner she had been questioning. She had been at this for about an hour now and no one had seen that little bastard anywhere. How the heck did Avery manage to blend in as well as he did for crying out loud?! How difficult was it to find a person with long pink hair tied in a ponytail with a large, key-like staff anyway?!
She stared blankly ahead despite the numerous strange looks she was given. She was completely oblivious to this fact, but she was still covered from head to toe in the flour which Avery had previously dumped on her before quickly fleeing. She hadn't even considered cleaning herself up; her only thought was to hunt him down and punish the little twat. Show her attendant just who was in charge....
A disturbance to her right caught her attention now. Turning in that direction, she saw a glimpse of someone running before a group of some rather angry looking people gave chase....Vesta cringed now.
There was only one person she knew of which could do such a thing. Avery. Just what kind of mess did he get himself into now? Of course Vesta was completely unaware that it was actually two people she had never met before, but she kinda just assumed it was Avery due to his habit of getting angry mobs sicked on him. Especially bandits. Oh boy did bandits hate him....
Deciding to cut them off, Vesta took a shortcut through some alleys before hearing two unfamiliar voices. Was she too late? Stepping out from behind a corner now she gave off a brief look of surprise as she found....a white haired woman and a young man with black hair? It would seem the white haired woman was preparing or had a spell prepared, but what was with the ridiculous stance she took? Vesta couldn't help but internally giggle at the sight of it.
"Oh...you're not who I thought was being chased. My mistake." Vesta commented bluntly before turning when she heard the mob getting closer. She now let out a loud sigh as she stepped out rather boldly in front of both the elf and the mob, not caring about the magic the elf girl was about to use nor the weapons the mob had. It was made to look even more ridiculous due to the fact she was covered in flour.
"I'm going to have to ask you lot to calm down. Mari has a lot on her plate as it is, last thing she needs to do is quell another riot. So either disperse or face me." The earring bearing the Celestia family crest shone brightly in the sunlight, Vesta deliberately angling it so that the mob could see the crest. She thought it would be easier rather than threatening them with her family name if they simply saw the crest, realised who they would be messing with and just calmly leave.
Of course if they wanted to still throw down...Vesta would throw down. She was considered one of the most, if not the most powerful earth magic users in the kingdom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle could not believe his eyes. Here he was trying to protect a young girl, trying to be the slightly weird but attractive knight in shining armor, when all along she could do something amazing like this. She was using magic! Kyle thought to himself,"If this is a dream this is the most vivid amazing dream ever!" Kyle walked to her side, not directly next to but still standing across from her to get a better look, when another women appeared before them.

"Oh...you're not who I thought was being chased. My mistake." Vesta commented bluntly

Kyle was slightly suprised at this unforseen turn of events. He could not believe he was getting rescued by two hot chicks in his own dream! Kyle decided he had enough. He walked in front of the elf and and nodded at her.

"My name is Kyle Hishamie. Seriously...im sorry for causing so much trouble. I didnt mean to be a dick. I hope you can forgive me someday."

Kyle walked over next to the new girl and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry, im not........um whoever you thought I was. I would like to imagine im better looking though so there is a brightside to this."

Kyle laughed at his own joke.

"Seriously though there is no reason for you to go and put any effort into saving me I dug my own grave. My name is Kyle Hishamie. Remember me and always think,"My god he was hot."

Kyle stepped forward with open arms.

"Alright douche nuggets you got me. Leave these people alone. I am the one you want!"

@liferusher@lunarlors34@seirei no hai
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The giant could not help but wince at the sight of the fox's tail being stepped on like it was, he knew that it had to hurt given it was likely sensitive. With a deep chuckle he gave off a shrug at the kitsune's words of wanting someone to pet her tail "I would Tsuiho but my hands are not all that delicate heheh" As if to make a point he held up his giant like hands, though really he had looked after children before so he knew full well how to handle delicate things. "Though I am VERY sure that if you were to ask any man, or women they would jump at the chance. Brwahahahah~" Giving off a booming laugh he teased the fox, after all she was rather lovely and he didn't know many people that would turn down such a chance!

"Huh?... I wasn't thinking the word 'sell out' more 'reward for helping them out'..."

He didn't even know how they would sell these people out, well unless they were criminals but then it would have been in their best interest! Still he also made sure to speak softly since using such words were likely to catch some attention and the like, but he was still as kind and helpful as always so he just wanted to help, along with getting paid! Following his gaze down towards the ground he gave off a soft sigh as he saw a white haired girl drenched in booze...

"I do hope that she doesn't cause any problems in the Inn... Then again if she does I can repair it up, for a price~"

It was then that the voices and screams sounded out, causing him to stand up and ready to move, wondering what it was that happened. Though before he could move down stares the voices were coming closer to where they were, a confused look on the giants face took over while he waited. However by the time that the girl was pushed out Kyojin's face turned from a confused look to beat red as the girl had suddenly changed clothes into a maids outfit! He didn't say a single word, not out of fear of the girl being mad but out of being stunned and shocked by the scene!


He said to the drink being placed down while he towered over the girl, and as she was starting to walk away he looked to Kondo and gestured from him towards the girl! Though he missed the fact the door was locked soon the giant was making his way over to Aya and placed a hand onto her shoulder, trying to turn her around to Kondo! "THIS is the kind of thing your staff need! Look how eye catching and lovely she looks in it!" HE was caught up all in his own world right now! "You had this laying around and don't use it?! If I owned this place all the waitresses and bartenders would look amazing!" It was as if a flame was lit within his eyes, though he did notice he had his hand on the girls shoulder still "Ah, sorry. Though yeah, you do look good though." Looking back to Kondo he pointed with his large finger "Get more!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Screams of agony and pain were heard from downstairs making Kondo not at all weirded out by it. Torture, death, it was all normal in this tavern and Kondo didn't think all too much about it. The giant stood up in reaction to the sounds, at least someone was interested in it. Kondo glanced at the giant but went back to sipping his mug which was almost empty.

The living tantrum walked out of the door she went in just now again but this time looking a little different. Her hair was still the same but her clothing had completely changed. It somewhat fitted her he would say, if he wasn't fighting her all the time. Kondo let out a small grin.

"Ara, ara, ara,(so, so, so,) what do we have here. Did you meet Yoshinobu, she loves small children."

He let out a loud laugh and chugged his mug empty. The booze was getting a little to him, he had been drinking for many hours after all. Aya placed all the drinks on the table and walked off again. She wasn't too happy with her costume after all. He still found it quite funny though. The giant tanked the small girl and walked over towards her to give some ideas to Kondo.

Kondo raised a brow as Kyojin gave the idea to get her as staff to walk around in such costumes. If the giant was even advising it to him it must have been a must. Or he was just fluttered with the costume Aya wore and thought it looked appealing himself. That was stuck as a reminder now.

"I don't think the kid likes it though, to even work at such a place. As far as I know people would look more at Tsuiho than that kid."

He gave a small chuckle towards Tsuiho, it was in a positive manner he spoke after all and he doubt Tsuiho would mind him saying that about her. Probably get it more as a comment anyway.

The giant was suddenly standing next to her when she turned back at all the others again with her hands bundled in front of her mini skirt to hold it down. It was quite breezy on the roof today after all. Aya her face somewhat whitened as she saw how tall this giant actually was. A dark shadow covered her eyes as her head was tilted forwards slightly. Why did she have to be so small, this giant even made her feel worse in some way. If she was at least a little bigger it would have been fine already.

Her thoughts were broken as she gasped with the giant suddenly dropped his heavy hand onto her shoulder. Her body tilted sidewards somewhat with a freaked out look stuck on her face. She didn't say anything for a few moments untill the giant said how good she looked. Her head quickly turned from side to side to catch up what was happening around her while her mind was gone for a moment. She looked back up at the giant again with another weirded out look on her face and noticed his words. Her mouth jumped back open again.


Her arms were flailing around madly at him. How dare he to say that she looked good. The only punishment he and Kondo could get now where death. Yep yep yep, death it was.


For some reason that flopped out of her mouth. The giant calmly let go of her shoulder, in reaction she jumped away from the giant with a mad look on her face, she looked like a dog that was really mad at another dog. Almost growling at the giant she calmed down again. Her arms folded over each other while she turned her head to look away and closed her eyes in annoyance. With a humpf she started her ignoring session towards the others. She probably was gonna be stuck here for a moment after all.

Takagi had finally gotten out of the crowd. She quickly dashed after the boy to get him back for what he had done to her. No man should ever get a woman in such shameful position. They hadn't gotten far luckily. There was still a crowd of people that followed the young man for some reason, she didn't know why that was but that didn't matter for now.

She was never gonna get through there so around was the better option. She stood still for a moment to look at the opportunities. Her eyes focused on the nearby building. It wasn't high and had a few easy potential routes to climb up to the roof. She gave a small nod to herself and dashed up. Without faltering she climbed up quick and easy. Being a bandit had its benefits. She quickly dashed over the roof and took close to no moment to jump off again.

Without a word she jumped onto the boy. The crowd was right behind her so she had to be quick. In the corner of her eye she saw an elf and a woman with short hair. She paid no attention to them, Takagi was on top of the man now still in full focus of what she was doing. Her sword was right above his chest, it would only take a small moment for her to end him. She turned her sword so she could see the man his face now. She gave a small grin which became very serious almost instantly.

"Any reason for you having done that just now. I won't take excuses."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle simply smiled in his situation. He really had no idea what else he could do, but he figured this was pretty much a good thing at this point. He would either wake up or get skewered. Now Kyle did not want to die, but he figured if he was in a super special awesome place, maybe he got accidently teleported here. Dying may be the key to getting home.

"Why my dear have I offended you? I assure you with upmost certainty that it was never my intention. I simply wished to confer with you my feeling of upmost sorrow. Although now that I see your face a bit closer I would like to recall my statement. I mean I am all for apologizing to pretty women, but I do not believe you qualify under either of those categories.

Kyle laughed and tried to wiggle his way out, but to no avail.

"listen if you truly wished to be more women like I can help. You need to maybe not mount men you randomly bump into. Because honestly I'm getting mixed signals here. If you want you can start on yourself and I can do the same with myself and we can get together for the big finish, but I'll be honest my heart won't be in it. I'm not super into have a sword almost piercing my chest. I'm not super kinky."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



"WHAAAAA! You must be from Japan too! I'm very positive about it! I'm right ain't I!"

Daisuke was surprised by how excited the girl was, she must be happy to see there's someone else from Japan here. Daisuke was excited too.

"Yeah, you're right. I can tell you are too, by the clothes you're wearing. I have to say I'm happy to see something familiar."

The long haired guy welcomed Daisuke and asked the girl to retrieve a drink for Daisuke.

"I'd appreciate a drink, thank you." he said with a smile.

He watched as she became flustered at the cat girl's comment. It must have offended her, because she stomped on the cat girl's tail as to hurt her. She was shocked and spilled her mug over the railing, and the liquid drenched a white haired woman below. He watched the dark haired girl as she stomped down the stairs to get the drinks that the long haired guy asked for, even when she's mad she looks cute. He listened to the two men and the cat girl converse for a little while before he heard yells coming from downstairs. He looked over at the door with a confused look.


Yoshinobu and the girl arrived at the top of the stairs, and Yoshinobu pushed her through the doorway. She had changed into a maid's outfit, she looked like an adorable maid straight out of a manga from Japan. It really did look quite nice on her but she didn't seem to enjoy wearing it.

"H-here are the d-drinks that you ordered..."

She looked quite mad about the situation.

"Thank you..." Daisuke said calmly, as to not aggravate her more.

She began yelling and struggling to open the now locked door. The giant walked over to the girl and turned her around to show that she looked eye-catching in the outfit she was wearing, but she got angry at his attempted compliments.


The giant gently took his hand off her shoulder, and she turned away from the crowd. She looked very annoyed.

"He's right, you look very nice in that outfit." Daisuke said with a worried looking smile and blush on his face.

He didn't want to make the girl angry, but he couldn't deny how gorgeous she looked.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chaos all around, and all of a sudden a boyish woman stood in front of the elf, causing her to falter the bright glow of the orb for a second. Blinking in confusion. Just where did she come from?

"W-what? W-who?" Her tone has a slight worry from that monotone expression, still noting the raging crowd she affixed her aim at the ground in a forty five degree angle. She wanted all of this to stop now. But apparently the same bandit woman with white hair appeared from the rooftop of a small building and mounted onto the black-haired teenager. This was getting on her nerves, what high jinx lead to this?!

She closed her eyes and positioned the ice fragments toward Takagi while affixing her palm towards the approaching angry mob.

"Get your hands off the boy, and call off your war dogs. This is getting insane and I want no part of it! She would voice her intentions in a hateful tone, now her icy blue irises glaring upon the boy. "And you! Fix this mess up right now or I will turn you into an iceberg!"

She was really peeved. She didn't really want all this attention, especially after her cover was blown. Her elongated ears perk up as a sign she was currently in a bad mood. Someone has to fix this.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This boy was instantly hitting het nerfs. It didn't look like he was remotly afraid of her on any way. Who did he think he was? He didn't have an army of knights behind him and wasn't some strong fighter either. He even laughed at her, that was it. He just didn't understand his place, she had to draw a line here. Her face reddend in anger as her legs crushed his weak little body together. Her grip tightend around her sword as she gritted her teeth. Even making dirty jokes now? Her voice raised as heavy as could be.

"Now listen up you little twat! You opened your mouth now so feel the anger you have awakend in my blade! People like you don't deserve to live."

Takagi casted her blade down onto the boy piercing his left lung and hearth. She had a beastly look on her face with the moto of survival of the fittest written right onto it. He couldn't be saved any longer. It was done for him. Blood gushed out covering her hair, clothes and body. She lifted herself up with her sword and gave a kick at the legs of elfen woman. Hitting or not she could try to avoid as much damage as she could get. Takagi quickly stood up and jumped to lift herself up on the ledge of the roof she came from. A way in is also a way out. It took her a moment but she at least hadn't got caught yet. After that she tried running off as fast as she could.
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