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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Soragoku
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Soragoku the kame style is with you

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



Daisuke's face filled with blush and surprise when the fox girl jumped onto him. She gave him a soft look and tried to be as attractively cute as she could, insisting that she was more adorable than Aya in her maid's outfit. She also implied that she didn't know what his name was. Guess she wasn't paying attention when he introduced himself.

"Eh... My names Daisuke." he let out a nervous chuckle.

"I think you're cute too, but in a seductive way, which I have no doubt is your goal. But she looks more... 'datable' cute, you know?" he said honestly.

He thought about what the others would think about that sentence, it probably wasn't the greatest choice of words. He made it sound like he thought Tsuiho was some sort of prostitute, and he also made it obvious he found Aya attractive. He always finds a way to quickly become interested in girls he meets, even so soon as it is. Instead of attempting to fix his words and possibly digging a bigger hole for himself, he decided to put on a confident face, as if he was doing nothing but speaking his mind.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours, or anyone else's."

Conversing with people he didn't know the name of was a little awkward, he thought now was as good a time as any to ask. Aya asked if Daisuke had any way to get back home, he thought about it briefly, but nothing came to mind.

"I honestly have absolutely no idea how I got here, or how to get home. I've kind of just accepted that I'm probably going to be here for a long while. I've only just gotten here today."

He heard the giant speak of getting Aya to the castle, Aya sounded like she thought the authorities might know whats going on.

"I'll come along too, I don't know how I got here either, and I don't even have a place to stay."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A sad expression came upon her as Vesta stated. She would touch the base of her hood back on and pull it over her head to cover her ears. She looked away in shame given the tone that Vesta was using in her little explanation. Her eyes were getting teary-eyed not because she had nowhere to go, but fearing that she had made an enemy in this town on her first day. She would nod and wipe them away discreetly. "I'm sorry for wasting your time... I'll be sleeping outside of the Capital then. Thank you for your ti- Something stopped her from talking as her ears twitched. Were those footsteps?

"Um, if it is all the same I would also like to know where sleeping arrangements could be made. I promise I would die for you if you allowed me this small mercy." This voice... Blanc had heard it before. It came from the teenage boy, Kyle!

She turned around with both a surprised and horrified expression. Didn't this boy just die in front of her? How was it he was alive again? Did he have some sort of metia on him that revives people? Was he a Grand Wizard in disguise? A demon? Perhaps another being? It didn't matter... this gave her the payback she was looking for.

Blanc looked down on the bloody cobblestone trail trying to set up an intimidating atmosphere, but the way she looked up at Kyle wasn't so threatening at all. Her look just gave a pretty charm to it. Her icy blue had some beauty residing within as she held him by the collar. She was surprisingly a bit strong for an elf.

"Y-you!" She stuttered a bit before leaning in closer with squinted eyes full of anger. "You got me into this mess, you have to pay for it by becoming a full-time meat shield!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle scoffed at both reactions. One was nervous and suprised to see him, the others first thought was she could use him.

"Well.....I mean I guess sure. Why not I do owe you for dragging you into this but I can be your meat shield on only one condition..."

Kyle looked at Vesta.

"Suprised to see me? I dont see why. Not like anything traumatic just happened. Oh um...you have a little...,"Kyle reached up and wiped a little blood of Vesta's face for dramatic effect,"Me on your face."

Kyle grinned at his joke.

"But no like I was saying my condition is this. I am not from this......place. I am a foreigner and most foreign in most aspects. I would like you to join me, join me in my travels. I plan on exploring this place as much as possible. Eating new foods and meeting new people and things. I will need a travel buddy."

Kyle looked back at Vesta.

"Listen I would also ask you to join. I can tell you might be a little suprised and can tell you're curious. Why not join me in my travels and unlock the mysteries of me?"

@seirei no hai@lunarlors34
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago


“Alright, cool. So…now where am I?” the traveling Kitsune asked herself as she entered the marketplace for the first time. Not that she didn’t know her way around the Kingdom of Lugnica, but she had been too busy not paying attention to anyone but herself that…well, quite frankly, she didn’t know what was going on. Knowing the rumors spreading about, it was doubtful she was going to get involved in those side-stories anyway unless approached or needed.

Something, something, new humans. Something, something, someone got killed. Something, something, people getting arrested or something. Something, something. That was pretty much the gist of what Faline got from the bustle about in the marketplace. The most interesting snippet she had picked up on so far was talk of the new humans roaming about but that wasn’t really her concern.

Hands in her skirt pockets, she looked about for something to do, something to eat, maybe someone to fight. She actually had to remind herself why she was here in the first place; after all, she was still searching for someone who had the answer to her questions. And it wasn’t like they were very important questions anyway, just mild curiosities. For now.

“I didn’t forget to bring money, did I? I guess I still have some saved from that arm wrestling competition the other day,” she muttered to herself, wincing as her stomach made a low growl. “Yeah, yeah, I get it. Food first, questions next, kick asses later.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyojin listened to Aya list off what a otaku was, and yet for some reason he still did not see anything wrong with this word, was that really it? "Shouldn't people dress as they like?" He commented, kind of oblivious to the fact that she did not seem to want to be in the outfit, but she looked good in it right? So it only makes sense that she should like it, but it seems this word was holding back this. Still he seemed to be out of danger as long as he did not speak about the outfit or this word anymore so at the very least he was just fine with this!

"Well I am glad you find my plan reasonable Aya. Oh and also Daisuke? My name is Kyojin, nice to meet you. The offer also stands to you, the castle and all."

Offering out his hand to the boy, his hand at least five times bigger than the boys own, he planned on shaking it with a smile. "As for a place to stay, I am sure if you work here for a little bit before we go to the castle, you can earn room and board. Right Kondo?" He asked his freind and turned around, waiting for him to answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago




Addison let go of her head, her ears slowly perked back up again just like her head did. Hamaguchi displayed a small smile at Addison seeming not really all that bothered by it. She was happy for someone to be so close to her like this. She didn't know any strangers that would get so close to her in this time span.

"I'm gratefull for you getting so close to me like this. Feel free to ask if you can't withstand the pleasure of petting me. It isn't a real bother, really."

Hamaguchi gave the girl a bit of a shy smile and then took Addison's hand in hers to make sure they wouldn't get separated as easily. It was a big city after all. Hamaguchi lead the way, she could definitly have been faster by ducking in between people but she decided to keep Addison close since she invited the green girl after all.

The green girl was excited to meet her family? She had never heard anyone say that, well this was the first time someone was willing to join her to the slums after all. Addison was probably going to be a little disappointed by it though. Her family wasn't all to big after all, she still cared for them though but she didn't think Addison would really find it intresting.

They had entered the slums, you could tell by the worn out buildings and the people that looked disappointed by what they got and some of their filthy looks. Most people didn't look all to pleased seeing the two enter but it wasn't a real bother either. They had lost the look of life in their eyes, bored by what there was to do in the slums. There were still good people between the other sitting there. Mostly woman smiled at the small cat girl that still had some life in her eyes. She didn't give up in this harsh environment they lived in after all and always looked quite cheerful walking around the slums even though she had nothing like the rest.

"Almost there Addiwson."

Hamaguchi pulled a bit harder on Addison her hand and almost started running. She seemed... excited, excited about something, no it wasn't that, her face showed off definite concern, but she didn't want to scare Addison with it so she simply didn't look her way for now, she just dragged the girl along for now.

"It is doable, the people here are mostly nice to each other so it isn't the worst."

It took them only a short two minutes before Hamaguchi came to a stop and gazed around the vicinity. Her gaze focused on three children playing. Her expression immediately brightened seeing the three. Two of them had white hair covered in mud stains, they both had the exact same tail and ears as Hamaguchi showing that they were definitly family. They looked just like Hamaguchi but younger. Not only that but they both looked exactly the same indicating they were also twins. The other child had short wavy hair and was a guy opposite of the two kitties. They all wore rags and were running after a ball. Hamaguchi dashed at them letting go of Addison and grabbed the boy and one of her sister hugging their tiny heads.

"Owwwww I missed you guys so muwch nyaaa~."

The children looked petrified at first but they hugged the older girl back, the other twin joined in two as Hamaguchi rubbed her head against the three. The three of them simultaneously yelped at her in greeting manner.

"Nee-chan is bawck!"

"Nee-chan is bawck!"

"Nee-chan is back!"

Hamaguchi silently snuggled the three as three purrs could be heard coming from the four of them. Hamaguchi sat right up her knees now still looking larger than the rest of them and grabbed the bag that she had tossed down besides her as the other three continued hugging her. The three immediately knew that there was food in the bag and took a short distance away from her. Hamaguchi took the fruits out of the bag and shared it with them. She herself took a simple apple while the others selected two pieces of food that they wanted. The two cats both a fish and a fruit and the boy two fruits.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Before you start to eat please say hello to a quest that I meeted at the market. Her name is Addison!"

The three heads jumped up at the rather authentic woman standing behind Hamaguchi. They looked a little weirded out by her looks but all gave a sweet look at her.


"Nice to meet you."

One of the twins stood up and had gotten over to her and looked up at the large girl.

"Nice to meet you Addiwson. My nawme iws Eli. Want a bite?"

Eli raised one of her fruits up at the sky for Addison to take a bite. It was a simple peach that definitly looked well ripped. Hamaguchi looked back at Addison again and gave her a happy smile while she talked.

"Well this is my family."

So his name was Daisuke, easy to remember from a different line so Aya wouldn't forget it hopefully. Aya looked up at him a little bit and just like him said her name to the others too, she hadn't told anyone yet so that sounded like a pretty handy thing to do if she was gonna stay here for a bit.

"Aya... My name is Aya"

The giant commented with a very reasonable and logical answer, Aya gave a quick nod at the giant and looked away from him again as her mouth opened again.

"You're totally right, people should but where I live they are all stupid and don't accept it. They are shown off as stupid and retarded which is stupid in itself!"

This giant should come to her world. He was a lot more reasonable than the ones on her world itself. Perhaps it would even get them all in a revolution of reasonable people! Aya accepted the giant his request of going to the castle just like Daisuke. He thought the same about it it seemed so that was a good thing at least. Aya somewhat smiled at him but not too much or it would ruin her image.


What was this! Aya let out a bedazzled shout. Aya didn't want to work for this creep, well thinking about it at least. This world has done well to her for now but it wouldn't continue to be like that. She was lucky to get free things for now so perhaps she should indeed find a job if she was going to be stuck here for a time.

"Okay, I guess."

Aya turned quiet again. She was following the conversation between Daisuke and the fox, it wasn't getting any better between them though. Daisuke literally told everyone his thoughts about the fox being a whore and Aya... AGAIN! Didn't she tell everyone to shut their traps about her being cute! Aya turned beet red again holding both fists down as steam was smoking out of her ears. It looked like she was gonna kill him though.


Aya stomped her way down to the door again and tried janking it open but to no avail, brick stuck. She kicked against it and forced her fists against it but nothing happened. Aya raised both hands to her head wanting to pull her hair out but decided not to do such a thing. She continuously walked from one side of the terrace to the other waiting for a solution as she looked quite pissed off now.

A light breeze passed her legs making her skirt flutter a little, it made Aya realise how short this stupid thing was and use both hands to covered both sides as she squated down with her knees a little. A short yelp could heard coming from the girl but she forced her mouth shut not wanting anyone to notice.

"We'll head out to the castle tomorrow if you all don't mind. It is getting late already and I doubt they will want any visitors this late. Plus it is getting dangerous and I have a tavern to tend."

Kondo got the new mug from Aya her plate and chugged the mug lightly till about halfway. He had turned somewhat quite enjoying the conversations going on between them all. The giant looked pretty lively just like Tsuiho. He knew Tsuiho wasn't going to do anything bad to the boy so he just let her off the hook for now. She deserved some pleasure from time to time and perhaps she could get some riches from him if he indeed turned out to be someone royal. He didn't suspect Daisuke to be more attracted to Aya though, just like the giant. They both had something for small girls it seemed. Kondo was more into Tsuiho if he was to say himself but he was already bound by someone. Plus he knew Yoshinobu was still behind that door after all.

The terrace door flung open again with Yoshinobu stepping out on the terrace. She gave them all a pleased smile and waited a moment for attention from everyone.

"I made some dinner so feel free to join, one silver coin for one bowl."

Aya could be seen slipping past Yoshinobu while she was talking. She ran down the stairs to get her own clothes again. Her voice could still be heard from downstairs at the bar.


Pots and pans were heard clashing and falling downstairs in attempt to find her clothes. Yoshinobu turned her head towards the stairs and gave a somewhat awkward giggle. Aya wasn't gonna find any of those any time soon. Yoshinobu walked down the stairs as Aya yelled at her a few more times. She had placed some plates and the likes at one of the bigger tables of the bar. The big pot of stew was still behind the bar but didn't look carriable.

Once downstairs she told the others to take a seat and wait if they wanted and stew.

Masuo Ogai

Image is broken

Masuo was patiently wandering through the street with both his hands behind his back, his back curved slightly towards the front from over the years of all that back breaking work. He was heading home from a day of working, he only worked till the afternoon so he could enjoy his free time a little at the bar. He always had a kind expression on his face as he walked through this street. He was an old loveable man liked by all the customers and people of this street, but after having worked here all these years he noticed a somewhat new face to the street. Just like always he slowly made his way over to her. She appeared to be in thought letting out an occasional mumble so he could understand the situation she was in a little. With a kind expression he stood in front of her and began to talk.

"Hello young lady, what does such a pretty girl like you ponder about. If my old ears were still right you were looking for food. Would you perhaps care to accompany a lonely old man for some food and perhaps a pleasing drink with it."

Masuo's cheeks had gotten a tad of color to it as he eyed the fox girl over once. He could say that he was still pretty much interested in pretty girls, before and after that his wife had died. Even after his death his wife continued to torture him from hooking up on any pretty girls. Yet he was still trying his hardest untill the day he died.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica
Iron Bell Knights HQ


Maria looked out at the carnage that had been caused by the usage of a single spell. If she had not been both prepared and had a blessing nullifying mental interferences like most Yin magic happens to be, she most likely would be like little Eris Reinhardt or Ryan Dreane or perhaps even Cheika [maybe].

That being said, as one of the few knights able to survive the ability without injure, she should have likely chased the thief. She would have started to chase the thief given that she had the ability to. However, the usage of the Shamak definitely constricted her time to assisting those who had been affected more than chasing against someone who had broken the law. The Iron Bell Knights never got many members because it was not a popular knight house. And with Maria in command and less of a focus on outward appearance and more of a focus on the people, while this did make the Iron Bell Knights popular with the common man, it didn’t help for their prestige to have failed to catch a spy.

But what was Maria to do?

They were rather underfunded and understaffed. With the addition of a few new bloods, Maria believed it completely possible to revitalize the Iron Bell Knights to their former glory, of which the stained glass window within Maria’s room showcases.

At the very least, Maria tried to attend to the people whom were affected by the Shamak. Thankfully the standard shamak tended not to harm individuals to the level of some more powerful shamaks are able to. The ability was like a light curse and nothing more. However, the effects dissipated shortly after the fog disappears.

But that wasn’t to say that Maria wasn’t grossed out by people throwing up in her Knight headquarters. Maria tended not to get disturbed but such things, but anyone would not enjoy to see individuals throwing up like that. After all, Maria was not affected by the Shamak in the same way that the other knights and guests were it might have blinded her before she activated own magic to air out the area around her, but she could not feel the effect of “losing ones place in the world”.

“Take any affected by the smog to the medical bay. I don’t need people throwing up here, and I don’t need anyone dying if they have any bad symptoms.”

After shaking a few knights who were not as affected by the ability, she ordered them to bring the heavily affected to the medical area to prevent any unwanted casualties. It appeared that even though Ryan was less affected by the ability as compared to his other guest, Ms. Eris, it was not as if he was not harmed by the ability. Of course, Maria herself would also assist with the transfer of personnel to be treated by someone who could remove the effects, like the Iron Bell's magical doctor. She chose to carry Eris personally due to the fact that she didn't think she could completely carry the larger-in-stature Ryan on her back where as Eris was also closer to her due to recently speaking with her and being in the hallway when everything happened to occur as they did.

"I really hope you don't throw up again. I just got this armor waxed."

And as much as Maria wanted to chase the thief, he was long gone by her understanding. Maria was physically fit and could run faster than most others, but with her armor and with the shamak, she likely was not going to be able to catch up to any of them. By the time she did either the wolf man would have caught the thief, or the thief would be long gone.

Therefore she would either hope one of her knights would be able to control the situation or that the rather, well, in Maria’s mind, dumb Grian, would be able to reach the little devil before he had left the building. At the very least if he caught the thief or lead to the capture of the thief, she could forgive him for using such a stupid spell. She could probably still forgive him for his actions, but it might take time.

Of course, at the current time Maria did think of him as nothing more than a criminal. Even if he really wanted to catch the thief, for whatever reason it might be, it would be a start to rectifying this issue. From Maria's perspective, Grian had just prevented her from accomplishing her job with his Shamak.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

Vesta slapped away Kyle's hand in anger. How dare this worthless cur think he could just touch her like that! Did he even know who she was?! Her initial shock over his sudden appearance fading as her eyes narrowed into dagger-like slits at Kyle.
"Don't casually touch those of higher standings than you, you disrespectful little brat. Next time I'll break your hand." Vesta spat out. It was pretty obvious from the way she spoke she didn't find his actions too admirable at the least. However she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his request. Where on earth had such a request come from?
"Travel with you? Don't be stupid. Unlike someone as worthless as you, I actually have important matters I have to eventually deal with. I'm the heir to the Celestia family, I can't just drop that to do something so pointless." Vesta crossed her arms over her chest as a heavy frown settled upon her face. Although despite how much she wanted to completely reject this offer....he wasn't wrong.
She was curious as to how he had bought himself back to life. Maybe she could spare some time....she would have to convince her father first of course. But first things first, she had a much more pressing matter to attend to.

"However I am looking for my attendant Avery. If you can help me locate that annoyance I may consider it. I can even give the both of you a place to stay for the night, it would be better than any inn or sleeping outside for the night. Well I was just going to give this offer to Ms Elf here, but well...you sorta came back to life." Vesta ran her hand through her silverly platnium hair as she spoke, her tone losing it's usual harshness and coming off more casual-like.
"But first things first. I believe some formalities are needed here. I am Vesta Celestial, heir to the Celestial family. I'm sure if either of you know anything about this kingdom you would know the Celestia name. We're considered the most powerful bloodline of magic users, and I am no exception. May I inquire as to what I may call you two? Also where do the two of you hail from?"

Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery clasped his hand over his heart in a mocking, shocked reaction to Dante's little outburst.
"That's so harsh Mr Dante! I meant no harm....t'was just playing." Avery's wide grin gave away his actual reaction. He seemed to be enjoying being the subject of Dante's anger, really he liked any attention being put on him. Whether it be positive or negative attention. It didn't bother Avery too much.
Avery knew the entire time why he was looking at the shackles afterall. He was in the 'independent law enforcement' business, so shackles were pretty standard tools for him to be looking at. He just couldn't help himself but tease the inu. He did it to anyone given the chance after all.
"The lyrics aren't that difficult to learn. It involves repeating the word twinkle a lot through." Avery commented as he skipped happily over to the next stall, only to find the merchant packing up for the day.
It had gotten that late already? Maybe Avery should head back soon...then again Vesta might still be angry. The sun was setting however, and both Avery and Vesta had their own set curfews put in place by Vesta's father. Unless of course they went on a training camp in the forest but that was a different case altogether.
"Well I guess the day is coming to an end already...come on out Shiro." Avery whispered softly before a furry white head poked out from under the hood next to Avery's left ear. The white snow fox had been hiding in Avery cloak the entire day as she usually did, it was quite warm and comfy actually.
"Aahh is it that time of day already? You don't want me to stay a little longer?" Shiro let out a loud yawn before coming out fully and stretching on Avery's shoulder.
"Nah it's alright Shiro. No need to stay till 7 today, I might have need of your strength tomorrow so rest up. Oh and by the way this is Mr Dante. Mr Dante this is my spirit friend Shiro." Avery spoke in a happy tone as Shiro leapt off of his shoulder and sniffed Dante's foot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle laughed at the slight outburst of emotion and gave a slight bow.

"My name is Kyle Hishamie, heir to the Hishamie family bloodline. I come from a family of who knows what, exceptional in nothing but having an exceptional honeyed tongue. Please to meet you."

Kyle stood up straight and chuckled again.

"Where I am from though you have probably never heard of it so its not worth mentioning really. But where I am from, even the highest class of people have time to dabble with the common folk. Surely whatever top priority missions you have could be put of just a little while so you can go adventuring with me, but I will say I appreciate the offer. I accept your offer personally but I am the meat shield for our young miss elf friend here. So im going to let her decide."

Kyle grew slightly serious.

"As to the coming back to life bit I have no idea how or why that happened. I was just gonna start killing myself to test it out but I had a sudden "No wait thats a bad idea" thought. So hopefully I wont have to test it out again."

Kyle looked at the young elf

"But where are my manors, your turn for introductions beautiful."

@lunarlors34@seirei no hai
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Daisuke! So that was his name. Well, she had heard him earlier, but details details. What he said next though...cute as in a 'seductive' way? And she looked more cute as in a 'datable' way? Tsuiho was visibly shocked by this statement, falling to her hands and knees slightly wearing a look of utter defeat and disappointment.

"Auu...I am totally datable...no one likes the fox...I've still never done anything lewd with someone..." Well, whatever. Not like she actually cared. She wasn't truly interested in such things anyways. The Kitsune stood back up, giving Daisuke a bright grin. "Hehe, well, that's kinda true. Still kinda hurt though coming from a cute guy like you." She gave him a playful swat in the face with her tail.

Tsuiho looked up at the sky, noticing the sun setting on the day. Dusk was upon them, then? Which meant she actually had some business to take care of. Night was always the perfect time for a fun little party involving murder and mayhem!~ Paint the night in such splendid colors of red, ehehe. She still needed to be paid for her recent job as well, which meant she was gonna need to go to the dead drop where the money was located. After that, she had to change and meet her contact for something about murdering some brat from a noble family dealing with taxes.

"Ehe, anyways! It was nice meeting you Daisuke. I have some stuff I've gotta go do now though so I probably won't be back until morning." With that, the Kitsune walked through the door after Aya, easily getting a glimpse again thanks to the breeze but said nothing. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!~ Thanks for the drink KonnyKon~"



Chieko, was in fact affected by the Yin magic just like the others were, but it was difficult for her to really show it. After all, outward appearances had to be kept and she was nothing if calm and level headed most of the time. Not even some fancy sort of magic could make her lose her cool that easily, even if it messed with her senses and made her nauseous she was quick to mostly adapt to situations like that. After it had been dispelled, her eyes shifted to each person in the room, from the newcomer Eris, to Ryan, and to the Knight, Maria, frowning slightly as she observed her.

Honestly, so far Chieko had been less than impressed with these Knights. Letting a thief escape, and not being able to tell Grian was a common thug at first glance. What sort of knights were these? They needed some more discipline and training in her opinion. Something like this was dishonorable behavoir for knights, and should be rectified almost immediately. Oddly enough though, it made her want to join the Knights even more now. After all, it didn't look like they were doing so well in any department, and if what Maria said was true...who was going to make the knights shape up?

Well, maybe it was a fanciful thought and it would take a long time to accomplish such a thing but it sounded like a good idea in her head. She had nothing else to do here, and she doubted getting home would be easy at all. Still, she said nothing for now and instead kept quiet, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone. Thinking briefly about home made her think about her sister. She looked at the screen, frowning at it as she turned it on.

...it was a fleeting hope that there would be even the slightest signal, but she had to at least look. Her sister was hopeless without her, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 17 days ago


Royal Capital Lugnica

Climbing the wall should have been child's play. In fact, Jiru had climbed this section once or twice before. Unfortunately, this time he was having to take it slightly slower than he would have liked. The commotion from before had alerted just about everyone around, and there was still Grian to watch out for. Had he not taken such a head start, that chase could have gone much worse for him.

Eventually getting over the wall, Jiru looked around the city before climbing down. Looking up at the sky, he noticed that it was a bit later than he had originally thought. At this rate, he'd have to go explain the situation to his fence and hurry to meet up with a contact for another job.

While he wouldn't normally even look at any assassination contracts, he was assured this time that he wouldn't be killing anyone. A little odd for an assassination, but at the very least I'll hear them out. He thought to himself as he took to the street and got lost in a crowd. With any luck, he would have lost any attention before he scaled the wall...even if that wasn't true, blending in with a large group of people would probably throw anyone else off of his tail.

Now that he thought about it, such a contract would be impossible to complete without killing anyone. Maybe they meant somebody else would do the killing? Even if that were the case, why hire him? He wasn't complaining of course, a job was a job. Plus this would probably be the one opportunity to be involved with a contracted killing without violating his code, an opportunity he wouldn't mind getting out of the way.

Ryan Dreane

While it seemed as though Ryan wasn't so affected by the magic fog that he couldn't function, albeit not very well, it still wasn't a pleasant experience. He opted to follow Maria as best he could given his disoriented and nauseous state. Thankfully she didn't seem to be moving too quickly while carrying Eris. Bracing himself on the wall, he looked to Chieko. He hadn't exactly heard anything from her aside from a light mutter moments ago. She was looking at her phone for whatever reason, maybe holding out hope that a signal could magically appear? As unlikely as it was, it would be amazing to have some kind of contact with home.

"So, how are you holding up?" He asked uneasily. Until seconds ago, the only thing he had even heard about the magic supposedly in this world was an offhand comment from Maria when he first spoke to her now, he was struggling to recover from something that Maria seemed to simply shrug off. Was she that strong? Or maybe the magic was weak? It didn't really matter, but he'd still like to know how to deal with it in the future. Ryan knew he'd have to ask Maria about it later.

Another human from earth though, that much was interesting. He was starting to question just how many had been brought from their world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

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Choosing to ignore the most recent conversation and Vesta's own bragging rights, Blanc would bow to Vesta out of respect that was what she learned back in her little village.

"Respect your elders and those of higher status than you and you might be respected back."

It was a motto that Blanc had followed for her lengthy life while she was schooled in the village. Education was quite limited at home to defense, basic knowledge of elven society and their knowledge of smithing, tailoring and hunting. While Blanc couldn't do any of those, she, at least, took care of animals that were sufficient enough for their food.

"But where are my manors, your turn for introductions beautiful."

Disgusted by Kyle's actions. Blanc frowned and turned her head away almost as quickly her irises fixated on the red-eyed silver-haired Celestial heiress with the same level of respect as her bow.

"I am Blanc Neige. I may not have the status of nobility or brag about what alien knowledge this "boy" here says..." She paused to glare at him for a few seconds before turning back to Vesta. "...I am just a simple wanderer who is born to a family of smiths, tailors and hunters... you could say we were a makeshift hunting group but that's really all we are, nothing special whatsoever. She would clear her throat once more before sighing. Hopefully Vesta and Kyle wouldn't call her out on the ice shards that she attempted to cast upon the raging crowd that appeared earlier.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Vesta Celestia

Vesta decided to ignore most of what Kyle said. She couldn't help but feel he was mocking her here. She had never heard of his family, and they were only exceptional at making sweet talk? How utterly useless. She was a little curious about the boy though, not that she would admit it due to how annoying his very presence was.
A place where the nobility and peasants interacted with each other normally? Such a thought made her laugh outloud.
"Then obviously they have nothing better to do." Vesta commented harshly before turning his gaze to Blanc. At least one of these two had manners and respect. Well if the elf was going to show Vesta respect, then the least Vesta could do was show some respect back.
"I see Ms Neige. Sounds like an honourable enough background. Better than Mr Honey-tongue here." Vesta relaxed her stance as she spoke. She had been pretty tensed up which had contributed to a little but of her harshness before, but with the mob taken out of the equation then Vesta could finally loosen up.
"As it seems that you're the master out of you two allow me to rephrase my offer to one of a more suitable manner. I request your assistance to locate my attendant Avery. In return I can give you lodging until you need to resume your journey. Of course I also make this offer because one doesn't simply get a chance to talk to an elf too often due to the tense relations between our kind. Honestly I could care less about the whole ordeal, to me one's actions show their true worth not their appearance." Vesta would've probably brought up the ice shards if she wasn't from such a magical orientated background. To her, someone not using or being able to use magic was a much more unknown event. That and she was under the impression most, if not all, elves had magic.
Of course like humans their prowess varied but that was besides the point.
"Of course you're free to bring your new....'meat shield' was it? Anyway you're free to bring 'it' along with you. But it must refrain from touching me, or I will break it." Vesta was talking about Kyle like he was some form of wild animal, possibly a pet or just a simple object rather than a living, breathing human being. He had done nothing to earn her respect, in fact all he had managed to do was earn her contempt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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It wasn’t like she couldn’t sense the old man watching her. Kitsune ears had a better sense of direction and compass than regular humans, so she knew she was being observed. But she had thought the old man would just go on his merry way and ignore her. So when that obviously didn’t happen and she was confronted by the old guy, she had to hold in a sigh.

“Wait, seriously? You’ll buy me food?” she asked excitedly before halting herself and coughing into her fist. Like hell she would just trust some random stranger, especially a creepy old man. “And how do I know you’re not some kind of pervert looking to win the heart of a pretty face?” she said right back, frowning and crossing her arms.

Her tail flicked to and fro behind her; while he might have thought it was a sign of intimidation, it was, in truth, just a reminder that she was hungry. She winced every time her stomach growled but refused to budge until she knew more about this elderly saint. After all, she was new around here and she didn’t think the locals were that nice. Right?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"That's so harsh Mr Dante! I meant no harm....t'was just playing."

Dante place one hand in his pocket, looked down, sighed in grief , drooped his dog ears. "Sorry." he simply told her. "Perhaps i overreacted a little bit. Maybe i should learn how to take a joke" He told her calmly. Dante then looked up at her."Also, can you make sure you don't embarrass me in public." He asked both calmly and nicely. Once Dante paid for his new handcuffs he was ready to continue moving before noticing that the stalls were packing up.

Avery whispered softly before a furry white head poked out from under the hood next to Avery's left ear.

Dante's eye widen a bit and yet didn't seem to surprise, he simply started sniffing as he remembers something. "I wondering what i was smell was" He told them. Through Inumimi probably didn't have a powerful sense of smell like their canine counterpart their sense of smell was still better than a normal human. Also As a former city guarded Dante was trained to observe and probably notice clues That Snowy was there. "So that a spirit? that mean you're a spirit art user am i correct?" He asked her curiosity.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

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Avery Ackbar Celestia

Avery blinked a couple times with a blank facial expression. He seemed to be in disbelief about something.
"Mr Dante...I introduced her as a spirit. That and she's a talking fox." Avery gave him a brief, pitiful shake of his head before reaching down and picking up the small white furball.
"But in response to your other question....yes and no I suppose. I mean I DO use Spiritual arts so it's correct...but I suppose it's my secondary focus so it's not exactly correct in that aspect." Avery responded in a cryptic tone as he reached up slowly towards his staff. Shiro ran up his arm and leapt onto the staff, curling up around the crystal before yawning again.
"Don't get into too much trouble Ave. You wouldn't want to bother the young man here too much. Oh and Mr Dante make sure my troublemaking weirdo master gets home in one piece. I'll be on standby till 7 so if you desperately need my help don't be afraid to call me." Shiro seemed to melt into the crystal as she half yawned, half talk to the two boys before disappearing soon after. Of course unbeknownst to Dante, Shiro's comment of 'weirdo' was referring to Avery's habit of talking and dressing like a girl.
Puffing out his cheeks in an overly adorable, sulky manner, Avery quickly skipped ahead a few steps.
"Wanna go grab a bite to eat before we separate? I don't feel like going home just yet."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Masuo Ogai


The Kitsune was surprised by the old man offering her food at least. He was happy for the girl to be excited about him buying food for her. The old man chuckled softly with the kind smile on his face in enjoyment. You could really read off of her face that she was hungry in the first place and would take anything for food at the moment.

She tried to undo her previous line by covering it with a slight cough as if she had never meant to say that. What hunger wouldn't do to a person. The man patiently watched the girl letting herself regain her posture again and suddenly looked bedazzled at the young lady. Did she just completely read him? He couldn't think of any other younger girl taking him like that. It was pretty rude to say at least.

The man laughed at her comment. He had to cover it up at least. No one would suspect him if he didn't mess up now.

"Ha, ha, ha, I didn't think anyone in those seventy two years would make me out for someone like that!"

The man continued the laugh definitly pulling some attention towards the two but once they saw it was the old man continued to walk on.

"No young lady, I just seek enjoyment in conversing with others. Young people look onto the world a lot more vividly than olders do. They see every adventure they take as something amazing and have rich stories about the smallest things."

The old man turned silent for a while watching how the fox would react to his words. He didn't think she was likely to refuse and after all, it wasn't like he was gonna do anything bad to her.

"Dare to go with the 'scary' old man already. My stomach is rumbling."

Just another hot day for the kingdom knights. Luckily the sun was already setting a little making the temperature a little more comfortable. Tani poured water over her face as the other kingdom knights around her cooled down from the suits on a nice shadowy break spot. Tani was already ready to go again even though there was still some sweat spread across her face but she had to wait. They deserved a break after today after all. Tani always looked somewhat serious, emotionless and uncaring of others but deep inside she could muster a smile for her hard working comrades and the others knew it.

With water still dripping from under her armor she patiently waited with her arms crossed looking up at the sky from the corner of her eye. The others slowly started gearing up again and were ready to go on again mostly. Tani took another cup of water and glanced over the others if they were ready. With confidence they all showed their captain that they were ready. Tani gave a quick nod mustering a brave smile as they headed back into the sun again for patrolling.

It was pretty peaceful today apart from some stealing and the likes. No criminals detected from the posters so today wasn't all that bad. In silence they all walked. People in the streets looking at them as they walked by. They looked proud of the knights but there were definitly some glares of disgust. The authorities weren't loved by all after all but there was nothing to do about that.

Only when they walked close by the Iron bell HQ it really started going down. Black smoke was coming from the windows and roof indicating that someone used magic. It could be training but Tani didn't believe so. Their pace quickened as they approached. Someone grazed past Tani her shoulder almost knocking her over. She shortly stopped to look back at the person but she could only make out of it that he had ears and usual clothing. Tani decided not to dwell on it and headed towards the Iron bell HQ again.

Once inside the smoke had completely faded into the atmosphere. Tani gazed around and was to notice that multiple people had extreme nausea and were disorientated. The look on her face sharpened. She didn't look all to pleased. Tani ordered the knights of her to assist the iron bell knights and walked further into the building herself wondering if she was here.

Tani got track of her objective and walked towards her. She was easy to notice so that was a positive to the situation. Tani looked up at the girl with a somewhat serious deadpan face as good as she could muster.

"We meet once more Maria. Doesn't look like it is going all to well here. Was there an attack on the Iron Bell just now? Me and my knights have shot to aid as quickly as possible. Can you please inform me on the situation."

Tani glanced around at the quite unique faces. They didn't look from here but she had nothing to do with that. They looked a little bit shocked by what just had happened though just like the Iron Bell knights near the event.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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After much time adventuring, getting caught up in local troubles, outfitting, and finally looting various hordes and treasure troves, Malakaus and his squire Atisha had finally managed to get to the capital of Lugnica. Still as glorious as ever, though Malakaus didn't intend to stay here for long. Since he had come back to the kingdom from the countryside, he had seem some of the troubles the people outside the city walls were having, and he wanted to get ready to head back out. But first, he'd need to gather some supplies and report to his lords. He was somewhat certain that a few might be curious about where he had been this past month, not to mention he needed to formally bring in Atisha as his new squire. Though Malakaus did have some concerns that the lords would command him to do some other tasks aside from that which he wanted to do now. Boring things like patrolling the city, or acting as an honor guard for one of the noble families. Such positions were ill-suited for someone like Malakaus; he wasn't an ornament to decorate a party. He was a tool meant to kill enemies. Malakaus never spoke out against his lords, but there are times he wished he could remind him that Malakaus is a warrior first, and a noble second.

The two's trip to the castle was largely uneventful, both keeping quiet and no one getting their attention. A few of the peasants bid them good morning, to which Malakaus responded with a good morning himself, but otherwise nothing to distract them. At least not until they arrived to the gate and noticed someone scaling the castle walls. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that he didn't belong. Malakaus was about to give chase when Atisha stopped him, explaining that he couldn't possibly chase after a thief in his armor. "You do not know this city well." But Atisha was certain she could take care of herself. Malakaus thought about it and simply allowed her to go. She wasn't wrong, though this would mean he'd need to find her later. As she ran off, Malakaus proceeded towards the castle and to the Iron Bell HQ. While he was not a part of their order, they were the only order here that Malakaus knew he could reliably report in with. They usually never left their HQ.

Of course that didn't mean they didn't have trouble from time-to-time. Black smoke was coming from their HQ, which could be anything from a new chef burning a meal to an attack. Malakaus quicken his pace and got inside the building, only to see many knights fallen ill, aside from Maria herself, as well as Tani, another fellow knight. It seemed that her people had tings under control here, but Malakaus figured that something had just happened. Something that probably involved the thief who just ran away.

"Malakaus Firebelly, reporting in. I apologize for my recent disappearance. What happened here?"



It has been a month since Atisha had partnered with Malakaus. During that month the elf had considered abandoning him to pursue her own interest, though often when she tried, they'd run into each other again. Perhaps because their interest often collided with each other; once Atisha was in a village and heard that it was being attacked by mabeasts. She had gone to defend the village when Malakaus himself was already there to do the same. Another incident had Atisha hearing the cries of a wounded traveler, only to find Malakaus fighting off the bandits who attacked the traveler. Incident after incident the two crossed paths, before eventually Atisha simply chose to allow Malakaus to accompany her. She's quite adamant that she is the one allowing him to travel with her; she has no interest in being his subordinate. Even her titles as his "Squire" is simply a cover to justify their purpose together and her equipment. Though she was at least thankful that Malakaus was willing to foot the bill to get her some weapons and armor after the two managed to deal with a bandit gang. While she was still getting used to wearing her Rogue Leathers, it was better than her dress and stockings. If only she didn't have to wear the boots.

Once the two reached the capital of Lugnica Kingdom, she couldn't help but gasp. She had never seen a city this huge before, and couldn't imagine how it was ran. There were so many buildings and people that Atisha couldn't help but stay close to Malakaus, otherwise she would get lost. Yet despite it's splendor, between the alleyways and grand buildings there were still a gritty darkness that reminded her that no where was safe. Especially not among all these humans. It was jarring for Atisha to see so many humans in one area. She rarely liked even going into human villages, and yet here she was at their capital city. She tolerated it of course, knowing that despite her dislike for the short-lived mortals, if she acted out of turn they could easily end her life as well.

Atisha and Malakaus proceeded towards one of the largest, most grandest buildings in the city, the royal castle. It was both majestic and pretentious, at least in Atisha's eyes. While it certainly suited someone with a royal title, Atisha couldn't help but wonder if the stone and labor put into making this castle could have been better served protecting the outlaying villages around the city. The whole reason Atisha and Malakaus took so long to get here was because of all the troubles they ran into involving bandits and mabeasts. While they did run into patrols keeping the peace, they seemed too far and in-between for her liking. As they got closer, they both spotted and odd sight; a demi-human escaping the castle by climbing over the walls. Obviously a thief, otherwise why else would be need to use an exit? Malakaus looked like he was about to give chase by Atisha stopped him. "You can't hope to catch him with your armor weighing you down." Malakaus retorted that Atisha did not know the city, but it's not as if she needed to. "Don't underestimate me. I can take care of myself no matter where I happen to be." Malakaus didn't argue any further as Atisha ran off to pursue the thief.

While she might not be able to catch him immediately, the thief made the mistake of pausing while he was on the castle wall. Atisha's eyesight was good enough that she saw his face, and knew what he looked like. If he was a thief, then surely he would head to the shadier parts of town to pawn off his goods to fences, though Atisha herself had no clue where such people would be. She just needed to keep a sharp eye out and stay out of sight. That part would be easy; she didn't torment human armies for years if she couldn't hide in plain sight. Sinking into a crowd, Atisha kept her eyes out on the thief, curious about what he had stolen.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"Mr Dante...I introduced her as a spirit. That and she's a talking fox." Avery gave him a brief, pitiful shake of his head before reaching down and picking up the small white furball.

Dante couldn't help but glare calmly at her for her comment, his ear stood up. He outright told her."You're a little smart ass aren't you." He told her calmly.

Come on,let it go.

Dante then sighed,folded his arms, and dropped his ears. "But still, I guess i walked into that one. and one needs their pride broken every once in a while." he commented sounding quite wise. He then patted her on the shoulder "Thanks" he weirdly told her before looking at Shiro. "I attend to, through i hope the young mistress would avoid pissing off armed individuals there i kind of want to try and date her." He told her kind of jokingly with a smile. "It's nice to meet you Shiro" He told her kindly before she melted. "It kind of late, what do you want to do Avery" HE asked ehr calmly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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"...Fine." Chieko simply replied to Ryan, though her voice wavered a bit more than she would have like when she spoke indicating she was likely a bit less than fine. Her eyes quickly turned to a new knight that had entered the room, and judging from their armor they weren't part of the Iron Knights. Perhaps they were though and this was a different commander of knights or something? It looked like Maria and her knew each other at least. A few moments later, she turned back to Ryan.

"Tired. You?" She probably looked a tired, too. It seemed she didn't have much else in the way of conversation unless Ryan tried to start something himself though.


A few minutes later, Tsu had left the bar and already had changed her clothes to her usual work attire. Several weapons donned her attire, two short swords were strapped to her sides and she had more than a few throwing weapons hidden on her body that weren't so visible. It really was late in the day wasn't it? Thankfully she wasn't going to be late, but after drinking a bit and meeting Aya and that other oddly dressed human, she wanted to hang out with them a bit more if only to mess with them. Sticking around them would definitely be fun in some manner, even if she got put at risk in the process.

Well, whatever. Wasn't like she particularly cared in the end. She couldn't let herself get distracted by such things. She had a job to do.

It was simple enough, though not her usual line of work. It involved assassination and thievery. While within her normal scope of jobs, it was different. She preferred working alone, less chance of failure that way but apparently this was a two man job. She was supposed to kill the target...and an acquaintance of hers was supposed to steal something. Likely so their current employer could plant it on someone else to incriminate them. Two birds with one stone and such. Kill the guy, and pin the blame on someone else entirely.

Racing across the rooftops, Tsu made her way to their destination. The spot the agreed to meet in to meet in after getting the details of the job was a relatively public place. After all, getting lost in a crowd was the easiest way to lose a pursuer. At least, that was the plan before she spotted her ally running through the crowd.

He better hope he was just exercising and hadn't gotten caught doing something else. She'd follow him until he reached a relatively secluded place before making her presence known.

"I hope you're running because you realized you were going to be late." She glared at him from under her mask. Unlike earlier, her voice was serious and no nonsense, almost lacking any emotion other than slight irritation.
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