Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


The day had being a normal one for Eris, she went through all of her activities at the elite boarding school where she was quite literally grounded at and now that the time for their enforced curfew was just about to hit, Eris was sitting at her desk, doing some drawings, right after finishing her homework. Eris was used to the slow and strict way of the life at the school, after a couple years away from home. At least, it was good to take her away from her jerk of a father but obviously, everything had its disadvantages, like Eris not being able to do what she wants when she wants to.

Anyway, the activities of the day (especially her fencing training) had taken a toll on Eris and she ended dozing off on her desk, probably drooling over whatever she was doing. When Eris' senses began to come back to her, she was met with a bright light. Immediately she wondered if she had overslept and it was morning already, but the sound of voices and others characteristic of a city, instead got Eris thinking that one of her roommate must have been watching TV, or using their computers past the curfew time, again. "Thanks for waking me up before I got a stiff neck but, could you turn that off? You'll get us into trouble, a... gain?" That last sentence came out more like a question born out of sheer surprise than as a snappy remark, after all, what Eris saw when she finally opened her eyes wasn't something she expected to see, unless she was dreaming.

However, "This is too lucid to be a dream. So, either I have gone insane, or I was somehow transported to another world." Eris believed in her own sanity, so it only left the second option as a valid one. "Dillydallying wouldn't help me at all, I'd better try and find some information before it gets dark." Looking around, Eris tried to locate someone that seemed to be a representative of the local authorities, until she found what looked like a knight, wearing armor and all. Resisting the impulse to just stand there staring in awe, Eris walked to the knight and asked, "Pardon me for the interruption, sir. I seem to be lost, could you please take me to some place where I can get some information?" While she waited for the knight's reply, Eris did a quick check of what she had with her. A set of drawing apparel, a sketch book, her wristwatch and a silver bracelet that's matched with her sister's, no money or any form of identification other than the engraving on the bracelet, bearing her family's coat of arms as well as Eris' name and date of birth. If it to the worst case, Eris would have to find a way to sell or pawn the watch, a silver casing, genuine Swiss mechanical watch would be valuable, especially on a medieval would such as this looked to be, at least this was something Eris had to her advantage. Not all was looking so dire, after all.

A few minutes later, after Eris talked to the guard, he brought her to the only place he could think of, the HQ on the Iron Bell Knights. Needless to say, Eris was marveled by the grandeur of the place that she almost didn't even noticed when the knight said. "Stay here at the hall, girl. I'll report this to the Captain, she will know what to do. Try to not touch anything, by the way." The knight left, shoot a long glare at Eris who was avidly trying to find someone to ask about the portraits hung on a nearby wall. It served a double purpose of getting her to know the history of this realm as well as trying to learn their written language, of course it would not work so fast, but if Eris wanted to survive here, those were two things she needed to do.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica
Iron Bell Knights HQ
Maria’s Room


Maria was a bit surprised at the statements from both Cheiko and Ryan. Itr seemed to come out of left field.

“Joining the Knights is a commitment. To protect the people against both civil and outside disputes. To give yourself to fighting against the cult of the witch and to protect the internal sovereignty of the people. And the only way to join a Knightly order is through recommendation or through having noble blood. It just so happens that I am one of those nobles”

Knights were born, not raised, for the most part. Although all military capable nobles were Knights, there were other such ways to join such as proving one's martial ability. And even so, there were hierarchies within the knights less akin to modern military ranks and more akin to given role based on the influence of a family. Though any peasant can be drafted to be a “soldier”, the position of the Knight was a more permanent military organization.

“However, there are exceptions for those who are skilled. After all, the Knights have been looking for talent. As a family of the sword, I have the ability to teach the Hohenzollern style to those wishing to better themselves. The sword is not something to hurt someone, but to protect those you wish to protect,” Maria said, taking out her sword and holding it as if a delicate thing within her hand. Maria seemed to have an attraction with the sword, but rather as a weapon, it seemed to be something akin to a child holding a stuffed animal than a knight brandishing a weapon.

Maria was someone trained with the sword from a young age. Her father, though not her biological father, had high expectations of his adopted daughter to take the reigns as the master of the Hohenzollern household after he stepped down. The pressure of becoming the leader of a Knightly house was something that Maria had always understood was her goal. To eventually surpass her father’s swordsmanship would be that goal.

She was also no slacker with the sword, her father’s skill surpassed her own. But even so, Maria knew that one day, with the luck of her birth’s blessings, she would eventually surpass this man whose skill comes solely from the blade and his combat understanding.

“If you wish to become an understudy under me, then I shall consider you potential knights until you either reach a level I could consider you as knights, or if you do not believe you are up to the challenge, drop from the apprenticeship. Even if the sword is not your discipline, there exists basic ideals and strengths that a knight must possess”

To become a knight was to give your all to your liege, something that many individuals didn’t understand during the current era of knights. Respect to those who have given you your position was something lost. However, even so, Maria would try her best to reform the system to ensure everyone was happy, as idealistic as that might sound.

“I believe I have sorted out any issues. One of my knights also found your bag and coin purse, I believe, so they shall be giving you your belongings back as well Mr. Grian. Hopefully you can make peace with Cheika over here. I do not believe either of you intended for the current situation to end up this way.”

Maria seemed to recognize the man’s voice at the very least, but could not for4 the life of her place it on any knight she knew. Perhaps it was just a coincidence that the man had a voice she seemed to remember. It could have just been her imagination or perhaps the fact he sounded similar to someone she had heard before.

“Now, as for the evidence room, I can take you there personally. You seem familiar. Perhaps he had met sometime prior?”

Perhaps Maria would have given the “Knight?” a view of the evidence room. Perhaps something like this were to have happened. However, the unfortunate event that a certain “other” individual was waiting in the lobby, and that a knight on patrol was to give notice of this to Maria, happened to occur.

“Who is this?” The member of the Iron Bell Knights asked the helmeted “knight?”, wondering his identity.

“He is a reinforcement sent from the capital. We needed new blood in our ranks, remember? He claims that there are more to be sent.”

“But we were denied our request yet again for any new members.”

“Is that so? Then who might you be? I ask of you as your commander, remove your helmet so I may see your face.”

Perhaps this wasn’t going to be as easy for Jiru as he had first expected.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 18 days ago

Ryan Dreane

"I'm willing to give it a shot." Ryan said, slightly scared by just how rigorous the whole process sounded. "So long as it isn't too much of a burden on you, I'm sure we've been more than a little inconvenient so far."

The ideal thing sounded a bit dramatic and all, but it certainly wouldn't turn him back. He wasn't exactly the bravest or the strongest, but he always thought those were traits one could achieve through training.

The knight that had stuck his head in earlier was relatively suspicious from the get-go, but he simply assumed that it was some kind of cultural thing to simply stick one's head in without actually opening the door. The ensuing conversation only compounded on Ryan's suspicion before finally, another knight basically exposed that this man wasn't supposed to be there. Whatever was going on couldn't be good, and he knew better than to even think about interfering here.


Royal Capital Lugnica

"Oh." Jiru said simply evading the request for his helmet's removal. While he thought it had been a bit too easy up to this point, he certainly didn't think that anything this unfortunate would happen. "Well, that's nyot right..." He said silently cursing his mouth for letting that slight meow out, probably the closest thing he truly had to a nervous tick. unable to formulate a good response to Maria's question. Perhaps he could play it off as some kind of error in paperwork? Yes, that would be perfect.

"They must have mixed up your request with another, I was very explicitly told to go to the Iron Bell Knights. Like I said, there are others-" Jiru's helmet clattered to the floor and rolled for a few moments before clattering unceremoniously in the center of the room. His ears twitched in relief as they were freed while he nervously chuckled at the situation. "Oh. Well, it's been nice seeing everyone but I know when my welcome is up." Clearly his cover was blown, no excuse he could make would make this better. "Good luck to you strangers if you really want to join the knights, I know they could use any help they can get." He said earnestly as he smiled at the two humans that had declared their want for joining.

Oh, but that didn't mean he was through, no way no how. There was one strategy that had seen him through many a capture attempt. While he spoke he Slowly moved his hand to his pocket, he managed to grip a handful of powder and threw it in the air between himself and everyone else. Turning to run and closing his eyes tightly, he stretched his other hand towards the powder. "Goa." He muttered as he took off at full sprinting speed down the hall while shouting apologies to everyone affected.

Even with his eyes closed he could see the blinding light of the now ignited flash powder. It may have been more powder than he intended, but oh well. It would probably buy him a few seconds to escape. Though leaving without that seal wasn't exactly ideal, but he was given a few days to make the thing disappear. One failed attempt wouldn't be too damning.

Honestly, if anything it was probably a blessing. If the Iron Bell Knights tighten their security around it after this he might not even need to take it. His whole objective was to keep one of the other Atrius brothers from getting the thing, and (at least originally) he was going to do that by stealing the thing and hiding it somewhere else. He didn't exactly inquire as to why it was so important, family matters and all that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle felt the blade pierce him, and struggled in vain. He felt the sharp pain, the lack of breath, the hopelessness that came with dying. Kyle looked at the elf with pleading eyes, and the other women who tried to save him. Why did he have to try and be stupid? Dumb question he didnt have to try. Kyle closed his eyes and let the darkness take him away.

Kyle opened his eyes and blinked, slowly at first. Then Kyle drew a shortness of breath and started to look around frantic. He was in the same spot as he was when he first appeared in this strange place. Kyle raced his hands to his neck, and he felt no wounds. Kyle could not believe what just happened.

"D-d-did-did I just....what the Goddamn shit,"Kyle said to himself,"I felt my death, and now im....not dead anymore?"

Kyle stood there in place for a few seconds, then began walking forward. Kyle realized with a start that he did in fact die, and somehow now he wasnt. Unless heaven was meant to look like real life. Or hell. But Kyle realized that the only proof he was going to get any answers he should go back to the scene of his death. Kyle headed back to the spot he died.

@liferusher@seirei no hai@lunarlors34
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Grian Rothfell_

Ah yes, teh feeling when things go out of your hand. When the situation is so dire you cannot act, your muscles tensen, and your brain goes numb. Your sense fail you and you begin to sweat. A feeling so unfamiliar to Grian, but one that is easely recognizable. And the situation he was in, was exactly that: dire. Though the knught entering saved his fur from certain questioning, his plans for getting rich looked like they were about to get thrown out the window. First Cheiko and then this Ryan boy proposed to join the knights. He would have laughed, not the head knight start a monolouge.

She seemed to be really considering picking these two up as Knight candidates. Under the head of the Iron bell knights no more! This cannot go. He needs that money. He needs that info. He was ready to make any move necessary to extract the info, but the current situation was too early for that, and didn't allow him to make a proper move. It was saddening. Grian thought that this mess could ahve been avoided if he didn't lsoe his purse. He was truly sad and disappointed. It seems like his identity is safe, but his puurse is empty. Well, time to get a new job.

Or so he thought. The sound of the "recruit" seemed very familiar right from the start. At first he didn't really know. How could he. The guy was msot likely a recruit as he said, witha voice similar to that of a hitaman or trader he knows. But the stature and the way he speaked was just too familiar. He tried to make it look like he wasn't listening, but his ears turned towards the recruit as he speaked. And then, right after Maria asked a question, the man amde a mistake. The well recognizable voice of the nekos with all the -nya soudns they make. Now he realized who this guy was for good. One of the no good thiefs he met back at the Inn. One of few people who would steal from the thiefs. For fun none the less. He heard him many, many times at the inn whilst the guy was eating massive chickens.

He was ready to jump. He slowly moved his hand towards his sword as the guy was thinknig up an answer, and took up a position that could allow him to launch at the enemy as quickly as possible.

The guy's helmet fell down and cleared any doubts about his identity. It was the thief who once stole money from him. Not that much, but Grian was sensitive about money. As Jiru reached for his pockets Grian jumped out the chair, and drew his sword. He saw the black powder, and knew it was not to be messed with. Some things are jsut too familair to a person who lives in the underworld of Lugnicia. "Get on the ground, all of you!" He shouted as he ran towards the escapade. He passed by yet another girl who wore the same clothes as the other two, one he didn't notice before. He was thinking way too ahrd about teh identoty of the thief before, it seemed like time stopped and space stopped existing. neverthlesess he had one thing on his minds right now. He dashed towards the guy, closing his eyes as he ran through the thick cloud of dust. His excellent hearing guided him, following the thief. When the powder blew up he opened up his eyes, and saw Jiru slowly getting further and further away.

He followed the guy out to the barracks entrance, and cursed as he ran. Whoever this was, he was really fast, and knew his way in and out. So he did the only thing he could come up with. "Shamak!" Grian shouted, as the thief was making his way towards the gate.

A thick black fog quickly floods the area, dampening the senses of thos caugh within. Various swears coming from both the guards indicate that it was a success. Grian murmured a quick prayer under his nose that he began learning Yin magic in addition to his swords skilss. His ears trained at the darkness, hoping to hear the location of the thief.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


"I apologize for any disturbance I may be causing, Ma'am. I'm Eris Reinhardt, I'm lost, or so I believe, thus I asked one of your knights to help me find a place where I could figure out some information and it seem to have lead me to Your Honor." Eris said to Maria, after bowing as courteously as she could, given that Eris was wearing shorts. To say the truth, Eris was impressed that the captain of the knights was a woman, merely because she thought that this kind of situation only happened in novels. Then again, she was in a fantasy world, of course events such as this could happen.

Eris chose to remain quiet, waiting until she was further addressed, taking in everything that was going by around her, specially the other boy that was talking to the knight captain about joining her order. It was not the talk of such a matter that interested Eris, but rather that the boy was definitely wearing modern Earth's clothing, just like she. Obviously he came from Earth as well, but Eris didn't touched on this subject yet, waiting to see if it would come up as topic.

"Ma'am, could I perchance ask for some wate- What!?" Eris exclaimed as the former knight revealed to be wearing a disguise, before beating a hasty retreat, "Wa-was that magic!? Real Magic?" Eris asked without addressing anyone in particular, just plainly shocked that the world she arrived in had people capable of using real magic.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



It sounded...difficult, but not something undoable. She had never done any major physical activity before to be sure, but she was fairly certain she could pull off being a knight easily. With a little determination anything was possible as long as one kept at it. It'd be a major change, but well, being a knight was just...really, really, cool sounding. And she really, really, wanted to go around giving justice to people like this mutt here who thought bullying people was a good idea.

"I'll do it." Chieko replied simply. It was easy enough to see she believed that that wasn't an idle thing statement either. She was Chieko Okawa, she didn't fail. She was the best, after all, and she wasn't about to let that go so easily. That said, it seemed her and the knight had some rather differing views on how one should used the sword. Certainly, it was used to protect...but the law was the law, and in the end the Law was absolute. At least, it should have been. She had her utmost faith that the Law could never have been wrong.

She couldn't ponder it long though.

Suddenly there was a bright flash of light from the suspicious recruit before, practically blinding everyone in the room temporarily. Of course, as usual Chieko didn't seem entirely fazed by the events. Except for the fact her arms were now protectively wrapped around the bag she was holding. Otherwise, nothing to get entirely worked up about, at least perhaps some singed clothes but for the most part she remained silent. They weren't in any real danger if that was just something similar to a flash bang. That said, that thief had quite the audacity to sneak into a place like this.

...maybe these knights weren't as good at their job as they seemed?

"Security seems lax." Chieko said once the flash powder wore off, though in the likely ensuing chaos she didn't know if anyone had heard her.



"Awah, of course they'd look at me. I'm adorable!~" Tusiho replied to Kondo. That said, Aya looked adorable in that maid outfit. That was something she couldn't deny. It seemed like she wasn't having any of it though, or at least was against the entire thing. "And I have a fluffy tail that needs petting." She took one of the drinks on the serving tray, and began chugging it regardless of whether it was actually meant for her or not.

"Hehe, I agree Kyojin!~" Tsuiho replied. There were so many fun things that could be done in a maid uniform. You could be pet in one, you could flirt with one, you could have a fairly easy time stealing undergarments. You could also have a much easier time sneaking into somewhere and stabbing someone!~ No one ever questioned an extra servant or maid, even if it wouldn't be her usual disguise, it could work, eheh~

...maybe she'd use it in the future. She just didn't want an excuse to wear one at all.

"I dunno what an Otaku is," Tsuiho continued with a grin. "But you do really look cute in that." If anything at least it seemed she was being honest about it. More importantly...she had just eyed someone else that she hadn't said hi to yet.

Putting the now empty mug back on the serving tray, she bounced over to Daisuke. She was gonna prove, that she was more adorable, yep!~

"Awah? Hey hey, she looks cute and all, but I'm more adorable right, human I don't know the name of?" Her tail was swishing back and forth excitedly, eyes looking at Daisuke, face pouting just slightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

"....What?" Vesta gave him a blank look as Kyle spoke to her. Help him? Didn't she just say she was doing this for Mari? To prevent any extra work for her and her knights. Why on earth would she help this nobody, who she had never met before? What would she gain from doing so? She also didn't like the way he was talking...he sounded like he was giving himself up to the crowd. She also noted the insult he made for later usage. She also couldn't argue that she found him more attractive than Avery...mainly cause Avery passed himself off as a girl.
However she didn't like it when people gave up on anything, giving up was the nemesis of hard-wait who the hell was this white haired chick who dropped down on the boy? It would seem the white haired woman was quite irritated by this whole mess.
Vesta couldn't blame her for how she felt, although Vesta herself wasn't sure what happened. But it would seem this boy was the cause of this all. A wall of earth now erupted between Vesta and the incoming crowd, cutting off the angry mob from the small group.
"Look here someone explain-" Vesta began before some of the blood sprayed onto her face. Wiping it from her eyes, she now found that Takagi was gone. But not before Vesta had gotten enough of a look to have finally remembered her....she would remember this when giving her report to Mari.
But first things first....
"....You wouldn't happen to understand what just happened would you? I would like to know everything which happened before getting the knights involved."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyojin gave off a shrug as Kondo addressed the fact that the girl did not seem to like the fact that she was in the outfit at all! Well that made sense, it normally took people time to adapt and all to new things, personally he liked the look for the new waitresses. "Well she may not but what about the rest of your staff?" He asked but then looked towards Tsuiho where he had to agree she would also look good within one of these outfits, though he did still think a lot more would go a long way... "I think you are right, youy should start working here in one. I bet we would get many more people in from that little show you would put on..." Still that was for later, as for now as he had a small girl that was more than a little angry at him apparently!

"W-whoa! Calm down, I didn't mean anything by it or any... Wait... What is an otaku?"

He asked, really wondering what the heck a otaku even looked like because if it looked like her then he was pretty sure that he liked whatever this otaku word was. Putting up his hands in a sort of half defense against the tiny fists and the like, he knew she could not hurt him in such a manner but he still did not want her attacking him! "Wait... Small? Did I do something?" He asked before making sure to keep his hands off the girl for now, but still there was another issue that had yet to be called into question. "Uh, anyway. What will you do now? Maybe we could take you to the castle for help? Or you could rent a room here... I mean you would have to work here in order to earn rent, or somewhere else like me, but otherwise you dont have a place to stay right?" Looking back to Kondo he gestured him to speak on the matter "That would be alright?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


As Dante looked behind him he catches wind of her "over happy walking" and couldn't help but think. Does she have to do that? it sorts of defeats the whole point of blending in. However, he could help but be interest in that unfamiliar song she was humming, Not being from earth he thought the song was original and interesting "Excuse me, what is that song your humming who came up with it?" He asked her sound quite curious to get info on the song in question. Meanwhile, he could help but eye the blacksmith's wares he had on his booth and remembered he use a new pair of shackles for his job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Addiwson, Addiwson, please styop touwching my heawd nya. I do nyot enjowy it."

"Errm..... s-sorry, I didn't mean for that bothered you." She struggled out. Addison relented, but only just. Once again, her hardened combat experience of discipline and strength was put to the test as Addison painfully pulled her hand away from the adorable cat girl. Hamaguchi would get cuddled to death one day, Addison resolved, but today was not going to be that day. This resolve was further strengthened when Hamaguchi stated she wouldn't mind Addison petting her head, so long as she had permission.

"Okay please follow me than. My family is there at the moment so."

"Oh.. your family? I look forward to meeting them." Addison said with a grin. She couldn't help but feel lucky that the first person she met in this world was so kind. Now Addison was definitely not disillusioned to the fact that most would not be like Hamaguchi, but the fact that Hamaguchi was the first she met, at least gave her hope that there would be more people like her out there.

As they continued, Addison began to understand why Hamaguchi had asked if she would be willing to tag along into a more dangerous place. As she had suspected, they had entered a slum of sorts. Shady individuals eyed them, but hopefully unbeknownst to Hamaguchi, Addison's glare alone made most of the potential trouble makers look away. While Hamaguchi had seen the face of Addisons soft side, these potential thugs saw the eyes of someone who has easily killed and seen the deaths of many. Addison's hand rested cautiously on her combat knife's sheath.

"So.. this is where you live? I got to say, your a lot tougher than you look." Addison said, turning back to Hamaguchi with that familiar smile. "It must be tough." Addison had, admittedly, has never really known the hardship of poverty. Even in her military career, it was rare that she was ever going hungry or worried if she could afford the roof over head.

"There's a lot more to this cute cat girl than I originally thought..." Addison silently noted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria von Hohenzollern

Royal Capital Lugnica
Iron Bell Knights HQ
Maria’s Room


It appeared that the current situation was escalating past what Maria thought was acceptable for a minor instance. Of course, to break into the Knights HQ was a rather significant offense, there were currently individuals not affiliated with the Knights within the HQ, or rather individuals who have the potential to join the knights given time, Ryan and Cheika, the duo from another realm.

There was also someone who Maria had just met, one Eris Reinhardt, as she had kindly introduced herself as, but knew little about her besides her asking if what had just occurred was magic, like one would ask a street performer pretending to be a magician to gain a bit of cash with his sleight of hand.

There was the random soldier who had brought the knowledge to Maria that the individual in question was not a member of the knights, nor a transfer member, and had found the aforementioned Eris Reinhardt during his patroling of the streets.

There was the unknown "knight?" who had appeared to have been nothing more than an impostor trying to steal something from the evidence department.

And last but not least, there was Grian, whom of which had the brilliant idea to use an area of effect magic debuff within the confines of the headquarters, which unfortunately extended to those in the area of the blast. Though due to her own ability, Maria had barely any sense of debuff due to a rejection of interference-based magics of such a calibre. However, those caught within the area of effect would feel their senses erode.

Quickly thinking to remove the shamak from the building, Maria began to charge a simple wind spell, a simple Fura, in order to disperse the spell's miasma-cum-hallucinogenic or perhaps preemptively prevent the spell from occurring on her guests in the first place, as though the spell of Shamuk at such a level should not be fatal, the disorientation definitely leaves much to be desired.

"Are you all alright!?" Maria asked her guests, coughing a bit and hoping they had not been harmed by the spell too much after it's dissipation in the area imminent to themselves. Those affected would have their senses inverted and other such oddities which one would find completely disorienting, though Maria herself had great affinity against those using Yin-based magic due to the majority of the spells being that of "interfering" rather than something physical.

Of course, there was the matter of the thief and the swordsman Grian, but that would have to wait until after she had confirmed that those around her were alright. After all, what was the point of preventing crime when you cannot event protect the ones you had sworn to protect? That was something that Maria believed in in all regards. Protection of the people over accusation of criminals. Maria was the sort to minimize casualties as much as possible before taking action. Perhaps that could be a weakness of Maria, but she genuinely cared for all people, whether they be travelers from another land or the vendor she buys her groceries from or even a certain noble magician friend she had from a young age.

Maria, perhaps at a subconscious level, wanted to go running after them, but if anyone was hurt she would instead chose to protect her fellow party rather than try for any sort of revenge. Perhaps this choice to protect her allies might cost her the bounty, but what sort of Knight abandons their comrades in their time of need? A proper knight would try for the best possible outcome of both situations.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avery Ackbar Celestia

"Hmm?" Avery turned his head slightly when he heard Dante talking to him. The song he was humming? Oh....how could he explain this without sounding like a total nutjob? No one had ever believed him he had come from another world, well no one but Vesta. That and he actually didn't know much about the song itself; so time for improvising!
"Well it's what was known in my home country as a 'nursery rhyme', meaning you learnt it as a child. You know like a sing along between you and the other kids." Avery looked away slightly, a hint of sadness in his eyes as he thought back to his original home....wait that wasn't important anymore. He was Lady Vesta's attendant now, his old life was no longer important. Though he still did feel home sick from time to time.
"It's called 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. It's my favourite one, there are others as well of course. To be honest they don't really teach you who made it, a child probably wouldn't understand and I haven't been back home for 8 years. So never got the chance to learn too much about it. I can teach you later if you want to." Avery put on a bright smile as he made what he thought was a pretty generous offer. Vesta hadn't really been one for songs. She was way too serious for that kind of stuff. So finding that someone found it interesting was new.
Following Dante's line of sight to the blacksmith stall, Avery too had a quick glance over the wares. He mightn't look like it, but he was competent with a few of the weapons here. While he was no master by any stretch of the imagination, he knew his way around a sword, and a mace to him was basically just a heavier and smaller staff. Just that such weapons were more often than not crude and ugly looking, he much prefered his staff and magic. It made him seem a lot more cuter!
Although one thing caught his eye, which he noticed Dante looking at all. The shackles.
"Now, now Mr Dante we've only just met. No need to get too kinky." He teased softly before giggling into his hand once more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Seirei No Hai
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Seirei No Hai

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Blanc never felt anything from the man dying. Some whackjob who thinks he's a god got what he deserves is what clicked in her mindset. The white haired bandit would attempt to kick the elven woman who leaps back and fires her ice shards directly toward Takagi. Because of the chaos happening around her, the shots would miss completely, maybe several centimeters away from her intended target before getting away completely out of sight. The elven woman grits her teeth, clenching her fist in the process which cancelled her previous glowing orb spell.

"Ugh. Why did I have to get myself in trouble of all times? I just want a place to sleep tonight!" She yelled in a hushed, adorable, quiet tone before looking to Vesta with a teary-eyed expression, as if she was going to cry on the spot but she didn't.

Blanc quickly wiped her tears away before standing firm in front of Vesta.

"I... don't know anything. I was dragged in this whole mess... I'm sorry if I or that dead kid got bothered you. Perhaps I should leave before I waste more of your time." The elven woman was about to turn away on her heel, slowly walking a few steps before stopping, realizing she's completely lost she sighed and walked back to Vesta. She was trembling, blushing slightly, her lips squiggled in the shape of a crudely drawn squiggly line.

"D-do you know where I can sleep tonight?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 18 days ago

Ryan Dreane

A flash of blinding light left Ryan reeling as the guy with cat ears dashed from the room. It wasn't as though he would have chased the guy in the first place, a sentiment clearly not shared by the demihuman that chased after him. As soon as he recovered from the flash powder, Ryan immediately lost his sight again as a dark fog overtook him.

"Why!?" He shouted as the disorienting darkness overtook him. While it didn't take long for Maria to dispel the magic that had affected everyone in the vicinity, it felt like ages.

"What...the hell...was that?" Ryan asked as he managed to pick himself up. "I think I'm fine. I just need a moment." He said keeping the contents of his stomach down. Why the heck would someone do that just to catch one thief? Was that wolf guy insane?


Royal Capital Lugnica

"Woah woah woah!" Jiru shouted as he heard Grian shout 'shamac'. Quickly diving into the barracks and vaulting through the window and hitting the ground outside just in time to evade the blinding fog. "That's a bad dog!" Jiru shouted back angrily. A dirty trick, trying to use magic to blind- oh...right. Well, it was different for him since he was the one running away.

Dashing back around the back of the HQ he found an easy part of the wall to scale. 'None of this went the way it should have.' He thought. Now he'd have to send a letter to the knights apologizing for the whole catastrophe...Well he wouldn't have to, nor would he actually do it, but it's the thought that counts.

"Why the hell did that mutt have to be there?" He asked himself. Of all the people that could have been talking with Maria, it just had to be that lunatic. He wondered if those foreigners were alright, they seemed nice enough. Maybe the whole experience didn't run them away from the Iron Bell. They're probably fine, but I'm sure that dog'll regret firing that off in the HQ like that.

Jiru's next course of action? Probably hit up an inn and celebrate another day of freedom. As much as he'd love to hang around and tease the Knights a bit, he'd probably end up skewered by that wolf. The Crescent Moon Tavern would probably be a good place to lay low for a bit, any distance he could put between himself and that fort would certainly be welcome about now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kyle Hishamie

Kyle arrived at the location of his previous death, standing a good bit behind the two females who he had dragged into his mess. On one hand, Kyle was tempted to walk. He had no right bringing people into his shenanigans, and with him coming back alive it will only cause more drama. On the other hand, this could be a whole lot of fun......

Kyle took a few deep breaths, did a few good stretches, and walked over to the two females. Kyle tapped them both on the shoulder.

"Um, if it is all the same I would also like to know where sleeping arrangements could be made. I promise I would die for you if you allowed me this small mercy."

Kyle laughed at his own little joke.

@seirei no hai@lunarlors34@liferusher
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Vesta Celestia

While her overly adorable tone would've had some affect on most people, it didn't even register to Vesta. Due to Avery she was more or less immune to cuteness in general, whether it be animals or actions or something else entirely.
"I'm going to kill Avery when I get my hands on them. Why must they cause me so much hassle?" Vesta grumbled into her hand as she rubbed her temples. Great it would seem that the white haired woman here not only had no idea what was going on, meaning Vesta was no further in her attempts to understand what just happened, but she also seemed to have no idea what it was she wanted. First it was leave before wasting Vesta's time, now it was stand here...talking with Vesta, and wasting her time.
Although now that Vesta had a closer look at the woman....she was an elf? How the hell hadn't Vesta noticed the ears earlier? They were kinda...well obvious.
"A place to sleep? Not too sure many places around here take too kindly to your kind I'm afraid. Simple-minded idiots tend to think alike and all that. The only places which will probably take you would be places I recommend avoiding, since they're just as likely to slit your throat in your sleep and take your belongings. Not just because you're an elf, but because that's just the pathetic non-trying trash they are." Vesta responded breezily, despite the particularly harsh tone her voice carried. Vesta was generally a rather harsh person, so insulting people like this came pretty naturally to her. Especially if she had no respect for them, like she seemed to have no respect for innkeepers it would seem. Or most anyway.
However Vesta had never met an elf before. She was never one to put too much thought in rumours and the like, but she was surprised to find that Blanc was this short. She at expected elves to be taller, whether it be a case of Blanc just being short, Vesta being tall or some combination of the tall didn't really come to mind at this stage.
She opened her mouth to speak again when she felt a hand tap her shoulder. Kyle was lucky not to die a second time in about five minutes here as Vesta held back the instinctive urge to attack this foreign presence. It was never a good idea to sneak up on the earth user.
"Y-y-you're....what....how? You're..." Vesta couldn't string together a single comprehensible sentence now as she blinked several times in disbelief. Well not that one could blame her...she still had the boys blood which had sprayed onto her, mixed with the flour which covered her body to created a bloody paste, so she was obviously quite shocked to find that the boy was...well alive.
Looking down quickly she found the body was gone, and so was the entire pool of blood. She looked up at Kyle, before turning a confused gaze on Blanc before looking back down at where the body was back to Kyle.
....This had certainly taken a turn for the interesting hadn't it?

1x Like Like 1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everyone sounded a little bit bazzled by the situation, she couldn't have known any other way. It was a freakish move of that woman downstairs to suddenly get her into that maid costume out of nowhere. Everyone would have thought it was strange. They were atleast thankfull of their drinks, that made it kind of less awkward for her. Even the japanese boy was freaked out by it, that made her really uncomfortable. He could give this information of her being dressed like a maid out to anyone when he was back on earth again. Hopefully he didn't have his phone with him. Daisuke could find him being glared at by Aya. A dark aura could be felt comming from Aya, the look in her eyes resembled that of death and her face the darkness of that death.

Him and Tsuiho both called her cute which made her face stiffen in almost an instant. Her eyes widend a little as she turned her head away from the two of them with a red blush on it. She wasn't even gonna comment on it, that would only aggrivate her more. Aya made a quite annoyed sound when she turned her back to the others and just let them talk untill she could get out of this mess again.

The ones from here didn't seem to know what an otaku is. She could have guessed that, it was after all something that was thought up in the modern ages. Aya somewhat turned back to them again and let out a soft voice with her arms still folded over each other.

"Where I live it is a name for someone that is into this kind of clothing. With this clothing I mean a f*cking maid outift or frilly dresses that don't look the part with everyone else. You also call people who sit inside all day the same mostly."

Kyojin was scared that he provoked Aya by accident but it was really something she had worked herself into. Aya made an uncomfortable whine that she blamed the giant. She wasn't gonna give in to the fact that she had done herself wrong though. Aya glanced away from the giant at the boy now. She was pretty intrested on him since he came from the same world. The fox girl was before her though. Trying to trick the boy into having sex or something with her. Aya her face became a little red thinking about that.

"Hey you, do you have any way back to you know where..."

She said quite irritated to the boy, the booming voice of the giant sounded once more asking if it was a good idea to get her to the castle. He was right. If people were behind it it must have been the authorities here.

"Perhaps they know, yea lets do that later."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago


"G-gunpowder? And bad quality one, by the smell." Eris thought as the pungent smell of sulfur she had felt so many times before while at home, hit her nose. The presence of it meant that this world had some measure os scientific advancement as well, even if through alchemy. Though Eris would have to verify it later, right now her mind wasn't in a state were she could think anything coherent, the spell that the wolfman casted hit Eris like a hammer blow to the temples, disorienting her gravely as was expected of what ultimately was a high school girl used to a life of quite steep luxury. Despite being fit and that, this kind of thing still hurt. As a matter of fact, even a flashbang grenade can gravely injure, or even kill people if handled in the wrong way, which is why it's called a less-than-lethal armament, instead of non-lethal armament.

Anyway, as soon as Eris' senses got back to her --at a snail's pace-- she couldn't avoid throwing up a good portion of her dinner, bending down to all fours, gasping for air. Eris couldn't ever bear to speak, just coughing hard. Sure, Eris wasn't going to die, but she wasn't forgetting this first encounter with magic anytime soon,or so she thought, just before almost passing out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Dante couldn't help but notice Vesta was a bit sadly when she answered his question. Which made his dog ears droop as he felt the guilt for bringing up bitter memories. And then Vesta seemly hide her sadness behind a cheerful smile.

"It's called 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'. It's my favourite one, there are others as well of course. To be honest they don't really teach you who made it, a child probably wouldn't understand and I haven't been back home for 8 years. So never got the chance to learn too much about it. I can teach you later if you want to."

You mess up,take up her offer

"Sure i would love to hear it." Dante told her calmly through his ear still down indicating that he felt a little guilty, and through he thought it was a bit childish he felt that doing so would help atone for his sins. It ashamed too, Dante was a little curious about her home country but he didn't even want to go into his own past on a count of his own(in his eyes)fall from grace.

"Now, now Mr Dante we've only just met. No need to get too kinky." He teased softly before giggling into his hand once more.

Dante's Ears and tail then raised right up. "Wait what?" He asked before turning into her. His eye was wide open as he could help but stare at her like she was weird. He then coughed, clear his throat before speaking. "Idiot...i getting them for my job." He told her sounding a bit more angry than usual. "I need so i can restrain wanted suspects and keep them for hurting someone or themselves, and unlike rope, shackles can not escape from so easily." Dante informed her. He then calmed down before sighing "Plus tying to tied down an uncooperative suspect is a pain enough as it is." He told her while scratching behind his neck.
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