Avatar of Skepic
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
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8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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Addison watched on with a little bit of longing in her eyes as Hamaguchi entertained her siblings. When would she be able to see her own family again? This question kept forcing its way into her mind, causing her to become slightly detached from the moment. Was there even a way? Sure, magic exists in this world, but to what extent? And what of her friends, her comrades, those wounded crying out to be res-

"Did you think of anything to do in the capital? Any plans?"

Hamaguchi's question yanked Addison back to reality. Yes, she needed to prioritize. Figure out how to survive, then figure out how to get home. As for the question at hand, Addison had been thinking on that during their walk here. If Hamaguchi was correct about healers and herbalists, then with Addison's very modern understanding of medicine, she might be able to make some serious money. Maybe...

"Well, I'm not entirely sure. Despite having no knowledge of healing... magic (Addison still couldn't believe she meant that literally), I'm actually very knowledgeable in healing. So I might do something along those lines... But I'm not really certain how to exactly go about that..." She said with a sigh and a tired grin. Addison still only had a rudimentary grasp on how things worked around here. "For starters though, I would like to know how the money works around here. From currency to the structure of the economy. Since, as I'm sure you can tell, I'm not from anywhere like this place, this all very new to me. So I guess I need information first and foremost."
So I've been playing a lot of dark souls 3 recently.... and, of course, I stumble across this gem:

I can't even....

But hey, at least in the end....

GASP I totally forgot. I can gruesomely kill someone for not having said anything the past month!


Who is the lucky bastard? I DEMAND BLOOOOOOOD

The hose squirmed and tossed in Krauss's grasp as he fought the seemingly living fire hose. He did his best to brace against the man's back as the man fought the fire, providing stability for the both of them. Life saving water furiously battled the raging flames just ahead of them. Krauss watched as others joined in to fight the flames. He allowed himself a small grin as he realized that they too were brave enough to face such challenges such as this.

The fire was fierce, but in the end, their persistence had begun to pay off. The flames slowly died, chocking on the seawater and foam that smothered the fire. Despite a sudden lurch, they maintained their attack on the fire, Captain Conway yelling that they were nearly out of the Ring of Thunder. Finally, as the flames gave their last hiss, they put out the fire. Standing up with a sigh, Krauss shook his head as the man in front of him gave a fist pump of joy. Krauss had seen plenty of hair raising, pissing in your pants, terrifying situations in his life. Funny enough, the scariest of them all was when the airship he was once aboard got caught up in a jet stream that pushed them nearly into the Ring of Thunder.

Krauss placed a friendly hand on the man's shoulder. "Trust me, you'll get used to this sort of stuff." Indeed, nothing short of an Eldritch god rising out the sea itself would terrify poor Krauss. He hit his adrenaline peak years ago. But just then, nature apparently saw that as a challenge.

A voice came on over the PA system. "Head's up, Cap'n. There's a hundred-footer between us and safety. The Garrloch can make it over, but we're going to be tossed around a fair bit. We'll be hitting in fifteen seconds, tops. Everyone brace for impact." Suddenly the ship began to lurch and Krauss immediately dropped to his feet and with surprising grace and control, swiftly slid over to the wall, grabbing hold of a pipeline. However, his instincts might have nearly costed a life, as he watched the man he had just help tumble backwards towards the end the hall.

Much to his relief, however, two others reacted quickly and grabbed him before he could fall into the man made pool below. Krauss was no stranger to a change in gravity, but this was ridiculous as he felt the ship nearly go vertical. "So this is what a hundred foot swell feels like? Gotta say, I would take some bad turbulence over this ride any day." he thought to himself as he struggled to maintain his grip on the wet pipes. The gaping whole to the sky left by the lightning strike revealed the turbulent ocean behind them.

Then suddenly sky.

Then water again.


The ship had just crested the swell and was now barreling down the wave. The familiar feeling of having your stomach in your throat took Krauss all his willpower and strength to keep his breakfast. "Damn you... Damn you mother for making me such a wonderful goodbye breakfast..."
@Mercenary Lord


Will be posting shortly.....
Dating things like this is always a bitch, so props for trying to give an actual date instead of just making shit up. LIKE SOME OTHER BOOKS

Yeah, looking at you "Powder Mage" series!

Anywho, I'm still here, incase you're wondering, Waiting for my que

They hurriedly made there way though the slums, Addison being tugged along by Hamaguchi. The medic wondered why she was suddenly in a hurry, but decided to not think on it too much.

"It is doable, the people here are mostly nice to each other so it isn't the worst." Hamaguchi responded as they went. This was both surprisingly and yet oddly not for Addison. While it always seem typical of areas like this to be pits of infighting and crime, it made more sense, logically speaking, if they worked together more often and looked out for each other, because in the end, who would? Well, people did things that don't make sense, so for Addison hearing this, it was somewhat of a relief. She didn't feel like stabbing anybody in front of her new, adorable friend.

The pair arrived soon in a clearing, the cat girl slowing to stop and glancing around. Just across from them was three children playing. Two of them were definitely twins, who looked very much like Hamaguchi. The third was a young boy, who didn't share as many features as the twins, but was nonetheless a definite sibling. Addison watched with a warm smile as Hamaguchi ran up to them and hugged them. She felt a small pang of homesickness, remembering her own little sister back in the States, but she quickly repressed it. No use being sad in front of these adorable little things.

Once Hamaguchi was done snuggling with her siblings, she passed out the food she had bought at the market and introduced Addison. Suddenly, Addison felt somewhat guilty for taking Hamaguchi up on her snack offer. Now Addison was even more resolute in repaying that small kindness. Addison gave a small wave and a smile, and the kids reacted appropriately shy, with the exception of one of the twins who approached her.

"Nice to meet you Addiwson. My nawme iws Eli. Want a bite?" the child said, raising a ripe peach up to Addison. Addison crouched down to the girl's level and shook her head with a smile.

"Nah, you need to eat all you get so you can get big and strong like me. But thank you Eli." Addison said, flexing her right arm to show. She stood back up and faced Hamaguchi.

"I swear your entire family is trying to kill me with cuteness and kindness!" Addison said with a laugh.
@Skepic Friend?

Ugh... apologies. It's been nice and busy these past few days, but I will be posting fairly soon. Especially after watching that season conclusion.

/got nothing
//Betelgeuse Best Girl 2016

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