Addison watched on with a little bit of longing in her eyes as Hamaguchi entertained her siblings. When would she be able to see her own family again? This question kept forcing its way into her mind, causing her to become slightly detached from the moment. Was there even a way? Sure, magic exists in this world, but to what extent? And what of her friends, her comrades, those wounded crying out to be res-
"Did you think of anything to do in the capital? Any plans?"
Hamaguchi's question yanked Addison back to reality. Yes, she needed to prioritize. Figure out how to survive, then figure out how to get home. As for the question at hand, Addison had been thinking on that during their walk here. If Hamaguchi was correct about healers and herbalists, then with Addison's very modern understanding of medicine, she might be able to make some serious money. Maybe...
"Well, I'm not entirely sure. Despite having no knowledge of healing... magic (Addison still couldn't believe she meant that literally), I'm actually very knowledgeable in healing. So I might do something along those lines... But I'm not really certain how to exactly go about that..." She said with a sigh and a tired grin. Addison still only had a rudimentary grasp on how things worked around here. "For starters though, I would like to know how the money works around here. From currency to the structure of the economy. Since, as I'm sure you can tell, I'm not from anywhere like this place, this all very new to me. So I guess I need information first and foremost."
Addison watched on with a little bit of longing in her eyes as Hamaguchi entertained her siblings. When would she be able to see her own family again? This question kept forcing its way into her mind, causing her to become slightly detached from the moment. Was there even a way? Sure, magic exists in this world, but to what extent? And what of her friends, her comrades, those wounded crying out to be res-
"Did you think of anything to do in the capital? Any plans?"
Hamaguchi's question yanked Addison back to reality. Yes, she needed to prioritize. Figure out how to survive, then figure out how to get home. As for the question at hand, Addison had been thinking on that during their walk here. If Hamaguchi was correct about healers and herbalists, then with Addison's very modern understanding of medicine, she might be able to make some serious money. Maybe...
"Well, I'm not entirely sure. Despite having no knowledge of healing... magic (Addison still couldn't believe she meant that literally), I'm actually very knowledgeable in healing. So I might do something along those lines... But I'm not really certain how to exactly go about that..." She said with a sigh and a tired grin. Addison still only had a rudimentary grasp on how things worked around here. "For starters though, I would like to know how the money works around here. From currency to the structure of the economy. Since, as I'm sure you can tell, I'm not from anywhere like this place, this all very new to me. So I guess I need information first and foremost."